wpdatatable and Google Cloud SQL connection

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Meryl Ong

May 31, 2022, 1:14:47 PM5/31/22
to Google Cloud SQL discuss

I have using Google Cloud SQL to connect to our wpdatatables. Over the weekend, our website had to change its host provider and now the SQL connection is being refused despite us whitelisting the new IP address + also having the IP address in the white list. 

The issue that appears is basically this: 
wpDataTables could not connect to mysql server. mysql said: There was a problem with your SQL connection - Connection refused

I have entered the correct credentials, etc. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. 

Can anybody help?

Kurtis Van Gent

May 31, 2022, 1:23:28 PM5/31/22
to Google Cloud SQL discuss
Hi Meryl,

Can you provide us with more information on how you are connecting (an example or code snippet might help)?

Are you using public IP? Are you using the Cloud SQL proxy? Are you using SSL/TLS certificates?

Does the IP address of your new host have an IPV4 address? Or is is possibly coming from an IPV6 ip? You should be able to verify the public ip of the host with `curl icanhaszip.com`. 
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