kml overlapping

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cr das

Feb 6, 2015, 12:40:10 PM2/6/15
I have a requirement in which I have multiple kml files having polygons and need to ensure that no polygon comes within the range of 4 km of other. Any pointer on this?


Feb 7, 2015, 6:31:30 PM2/7/15
Remember that kml is merely a geo encoding language, focussed mostly on rendering. It is not a programming language, and not a geo reasoning system. You shouldn't expect it to solve problems (e.g. check arbitrary constraints) for you.

It might be that some implementations of some geo reasoning systems might be able to do this, but I wouldn't depend upon this. (Check geo SPARQL, for example.) Verifying that no points within two given polygons in spherical ordinates are at least a certain distance is an interesting geometric problem. It probably devolves into checking that no pair of edge segments from the two polygond come within that distance. Of course it is also necessary to check that one polygon is not entirely inside the other, which would lead to false negatives if the polygons otherwise satisfied the edge test.



Feb 9, 2015, 2:00:04 AM2/9/15

Try to convert the KML data to coordinates eg with PHP, load the data into a MySQL database then analyze the data with PHP and the library of 3D MySQL geo analysis functions at:
It wasn't trivial for me because I'm not an expert programmer but I made it all work and the functions do work. I'm afraid that I don't have any time to help but the author is kind - and an expert.

If you don't yet use MySQL, consider instead as it has built-in 3D analysis functions.
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