Gun For Hire In The Media2017-11-05T07:31:14-05:00

The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 694

By |September 7th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Train, Train, Train. Director of Training at GunForHire Tony Urena joins us in the studio to discuss carry, classes, and mind set. Please listen, like, share, and follow.

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 693

By |August 31st, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Our heavy hitter series continues with Rennie Jacob (aka Brown Santa) on what it means to grow the community. Also thanks to we name and shame all [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 691

By |August 17th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Hell has frozen over! New York is issuing NON - Resident Carry Permits and of course we are offering the classes and we have the Resident Expert On [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 690

By |August 10th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... we the 3rd Tier need to show unity. Three Dinners to attend, and lots of volunteerism needs filling. If not us, who? If not now, when? Please like, [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 689

By |August 3rd, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Dan Schmutter joins us to discuss the ruling on AWB and Mag Ban cases by the “MAD” Judge Sheridan. Bonus Iachetti’s Kitchen in Glen Rock had John From [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 688

By |July 27th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... will you be at the two Friends of the NRA dinners this fall? Join me and John and JJ as we discuss these awesome events. Support Those [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 687

By |July 20th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Tony Urena and Vlad Vaval join us with valuable training tips because “nobody is interested in how fast you missed!” Please tune in, listen, learn, like, follow, and [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 686

By |July 13th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... ANTI Gun Supreme Court Justice protected by hired guns we pay for! Open borders, illegals roam free and allowed to vote. Are we still a “Country”? Overtaxation with [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 684

By |June 29th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Theresa Inacker and Jack Pyle of CNJFO are in the house and sharing their lawsuit to abolish handgun permits and the one gun a month scheme. Also [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 681

By |June 8th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... 2A Heavy Hitter Rich Ford joins us in the studio and Government Carpetbagger signs the Orwellian anti OPRA request bill, or the Non Freedom of Information Act. Guess [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 680

By |June 1st, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... 2A Supporter Assemblyman Robert Auth joins us in the studio, he is SO Pro 2A that even the NJ “Republicans" are trying to out him! He needs [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 678

By |May 18th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... whether it pork roll or Taylor ham doesn’t matter. What does matter is that the NJ gun permitting system is still racist! Also, 2A heavy hitter Brad Hendricks [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 677

By |May 11th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Blacks are denied 2.5 times more they everyone else in NJ for carry permits! Racist Much? John Petrolino joins us to discuss his monumental work uncovering this injustice. [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 676

By |May 4th, 2024|Radio|

Heavy Hitter Frank Pisano Esq. joins us in the studio. Also, I have the recipe for dispersing street commies. Tune in, like, follow, share.

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 672

By |April 6th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Heavy Hitter Rhi joins us to further the female perspective in the 2A arena. Bonus, this Wednesday starts our oral arguments for the mag ban and AWB case [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 671

By |March 30th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Dr. Gianni Pirelli joins us to discuss red flags, anti gun policy centers, and the government’s concerted efforts to strip our gun rights. Tune in.

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 670

By |March 23rd, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Charlie Cook from join us in the studio as part of our continuing 2A Heavy Hitter Series. Listen, learn, like, follow, and share!

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 669

By |March 16th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... 35k carry permits and crime went down, NJ’s answer? Taxpayer supplied “free” gun free zone (see target rich environment) stickers! You cannot make this up. Also John and [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 668

By |March 9th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... John Valenti from joins us this week to discuss how to practice “each one reach one”.  Tune in.

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 666

By |February 24th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Melissa and Andrew from join us in our continuing 2A Heavy Lifter series. Tune in for an hour of awesome knowledge in all things 2A.

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 665

By |February 17th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... 2A Heavy Lifter John Petrolino joins us in the studio and discusses his journey into the world of 2A Activism and writing “Decoding Firearms". Tune in.

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 664

By |February 10th, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Mark Cheeseman joins us in the studio to discuss his history of 2A activism in NJ as well as the founding of New Jersey Firearms Owners Syndicate on [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 663

By |February 3rd, 2024|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... "Guns and Moses". We have civil, moral, and religious responsibilities to protect ourselves and loved ones. This week we delve deep into this with a special panel [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 655

By |December 9th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Unity and Activism is key. This holiday season support those who support you. Crime is through the roof and our “leaders” are no where to be found. Tune [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 654

By |December 2nd, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Support those who support you! Free 4th Amendment Protection Bag Tags with every purchase! Who else would do this? Also, Toys For Tots has started at the range. [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 653

By |November 25th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Post Thanksgiving list of things to be grateful for as well as shopping safety tips for the entire family. Also, will Tammy Fay Murphy of the Tooth dynasty [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 652

By |November 18th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... get ready for Tammy Fay Murphy and the “Tooth” dynasty in NJ. Nothing worse than rich, repulsive socialists, nothing. Pumpkin Head Menendez is not lying down for this [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 651

By |November 11th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Gianni joins us in the studio to discuss shooting and qualifying with a “disability”. The 2A is for everyone! Also post election strategy. Tune in.

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 650

By |November 4th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! Assemblyman Robert Auth joins us in the studio for more voting motivation. Bonus, the Supremes take two more 2A cases! Good or bad?

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 649

By |October 28th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... nine days until the election and we have a chance to send the Commies packing! Listen and share, you too can send an anti-American, anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom bottom feeder [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 648

By |October 21st, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... Vote early and vote often! This week Assemblyman Robert Auth from district 39 lights the way. Tune in.

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 645

By |September 30th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... looks like the Supreme Court will be having a busy schedule soon. Activist anti 2A Judges across the nation are making their own rules now. We in NJ [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 644

By |September 23rd, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... 2A Lawyer Dan Schmutter joins the show to update us on training requirements, our full carry case status, our 10 round mag case, our evil features AR case! [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 643

By |September 16th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... I sense a disturbance in the 2A force in NJ. All of our righteous cases are coming up (and more). Please support those who support you. Unity is [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 642

By |September 9th, 2023|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... No one is trying to fix our problems. Our “leaders” are just building their reserves so the problems don’t apply to them! The NM Guv’na joins the Horses [...]

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The Gun For Hire Radio Broadcast: Episode 589

By |September 4th, 2022|Radio|

This week on Gun For Hire Radio... 2A Historian, Activist, and, Plaintiff Jay Factor shares his knowledge and these files!

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