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Child Care Program Office (CCPO)

Mission: We support Families in Accessing Quality Child Care

Vision: Safe, healthy child care is available and affordable for all families in Alaska.

CCPO Alaska Logo

The Child Care Program Office (CCPO) is the lead agency for the Federal Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) functions.

The CCPO monitors, regulates, and licenses child care facilities across the state and further promotes child care quality through grants to Child Care Resource & Referral agencies and the direct administration of the Child Care Grant Program.

The CCPO promotes capacity and accessibility in child care with special attention to infants, school age child care, and children with special needs.


Information for Families

  • important notice iconTo file a report of concern regarding an incident involving a child in care or a complaint against a child care provider, click here for email: [email protected] or call the Child Care Program Office at 907-269-4500 or toll free at 888-268-4632.

Current Events

How Can We Help You?

Find a Child Care Provider in Alaska

Search for child care providers currently licensed by the State of Alaska or Municipality of Anchorage or approved for participation in the Child Care Assistance Program.

Contact Information

Regional office locations, phone numbers, and contact information for PASS II and PASS III.

Information for Child Care Providers

Child Care Licensing, Licensed Exempt, Child Care Assistance, and Child Care Grant

Information for Families

Child Care Assistance application, PASS program, Alaska IN!, and resources and referrals

Resources and Reports

Information on regulations, statutes, federal reports, and family and provider resource lists.

Child Care Forms

Child Care Assistance Program, Child Care Grant Program, Licensing, and Accounting forms.

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If language interpretation services are needed,
please contact our main office at 907-269-4500 or 888-268-4632.