Healthy Aging

Promoting health and preventing disease across the lifespan is the key to staying healthy as we age. That’s why healthy aging is a national priority for ODPHP — and why we support initiatives designed to help Americans live longer and stay healthy.

News & Announcements

ODPHP Announces Agenda and Speakers for the 2024 National Healthy Aging Symposium

We’re less than one month away from the 2024 National Healthy Aging Symposium hosted by ODPHP and Trust for America’s Health. During this free, half-day event on September 26, attendees will hear from policymakers, researchers, and professionals from across sectors about successful innovations that improve older adult health and well-being in communities around the country. The full agenda is now available.

Read more about ODPHP Announces Agenda and Speakers for the 2024 National Healthy Aging Symposium

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Featured Initiatives

An older couple embraces at home

Healthy Aging Custom List

Healthy People 2030 features a wide variety of objectives that are directly or indirectly related to helping people stay healthy as they age. We've compiled those objectives into a custom list so they're easy for you to reference and track.

Check out the Healthy People 2030 Healthy Aging Custom List.