Junior Achievement Hong Kong

Junior Achievement Hong Kong

Non-profit Organizations

Inspiring Youth

About us

JA is a charitable organisation dedicated to inspiring and preparing young people to succeed in the global economy. In partnership with the business and education communities, JA encourages young people to participate in a range of activity-based education programs to understand the world of work and develop their entrepreneurship, career readiness and financial health. Since 2001, JA has engaged over 28,000 business volunteers to serve over 420,000 students. The JA worldwide network now serves over 10 million students a year in over 100 countries.

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
Youth Education


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    Unit 102, 1/F Beautiful Group Tower

    74-77 Connaught Road Central

    Central, HK

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Employees at Junior Achievement Hong Kong


  • 【2024 FedEx / JA International Trade Challenge Hong Kong Finals - Three Winning Teams Advance to the APAC Finals🌎】 2024 FedEx / JA International Trade Challenge Hong Kong Finals was held in last Saturday. Ten finalist teams unleashed their creativity to develop a market entry strategy plan for a product that supports water conservation in urban areas targeting the Australian market. The panel of judges were impressed by the students’ global business acumen and innovative ideas. We sincerely thank our honourable judges for their support and all participating teams for their efforts! Congratulations to the three winning teams who will represent Hong Kong and compete at the Asia Pacific Finals in Singapore on 21-23 Aug for the top honours! Three winning teams: ACE Co. – Austin Lau & Charles Fung | Sha Tin Methodist College Questa – Chloe Xu & Gigi Shih | Ying Wa Girls' School The Tangerines – Amy Rahman & Jasmine Yin | Island School 【2024 FedEx / JA香港區國際貿易挑戰賽 - 三強晉身亞太區決賽🌎】 2024 FedEx /JA香港區國際貿易挑戰賽在上星期六進行十強對決,各隊伍發揮創意,為澳洲市場設計有助市區節約用水的產品,打造國際市場拓展策略計劃,同學們的環球商業觸覺及創新方案,獲評審高度讚賞! 衷心感謝評審的支持以及所有參加者的努力,恭喜三隊優勝隊伍將代表香港,到新加坡參加8月18-21日舉行的FedEx /JA亞太區國際貿易挑戰賽,與其他地區勝出隊伍交流砌磋,角逐更高殊榮! 三隊優勝隊伍: ACE Co. – Austin Lau & Charles Fung | 沙田循道衞理中學 Questa – Chloe Xu & Gigi Shih | 英華女學校 The Tangerines – Amy Rahman & Jasmine Yin | 港島中學 #JAHK  #FedEx #ITC2024 #FedExJAITC2024 #InternationalTrade #GlobalEconomy #InspiringYouth #國際貿易比賽 #青年比賽 #啟發年青人 FedEx

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  • 【Lancôme Write Your Future 2024 : Summer Bootcamp & Hackathon✨】 Some 200 girls and volunteer mentors came together at InnoCentre for an intensive weeklong Lancôme Write Your Future 2024 Summer Bootcamp! Excited to have Ms Maggie Ho, Senior Brand Communication Manager, Lancôme & Helena Rubinstein and Ms Christina Wong, Managing Director, Strategy & Consulting, Accenture Greater China to inspire the students with their vision as a woman and the latest technological developments that revolutionise the beauty retail industry, inspiring the creativity of the participating teams. In a week, the 28 teams are tasked to come up with their beauty retail digital innovations for an identified underprivileged group, and pitch to a panel of judges on 24 July – stay tuned! 【Lancôme Write Your Future 2024:夏令營及黑客松✨】 近200位女同學同義工導師全情投入,參與Lancôme Write Your Future 2024一周密集式的夏令營! 很開心能邀請到Lancôme & Helena Rubinstein 品牌傳訊高級經理何頴欣女士,以及埃森哲大中華區戰略與咨詢董事總經理黃雪明女士,分享自己作為女性的願景,以及影響美妝零售行業的最新科技發展,啟發參賽隊伍們的創意小宇宙。 28 組學生隊伍在一個星期內,要構思出能夠協助弱勢社群的創新數碼美妝零售提案,並於 7 月 24 日向評判展示同匯報。真的很期待女同學們的作品啊! #JAHK #Lancôme #WriteYourFuture #TechnologyRevolution #FutureSkills #DigitalInnovation #DareToDream #InspiringYouth

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  • 【Entrepreneurship is not a dream! 🤩】  Do you want to get a taste of entrepreneurship?  Sign up for the " HSBC x JA Company Programme 2024/25 " now! In this 7-month entrepreneurial journey for youth aged 14-18, students will participate in a series workshops, hackathons, seminars, and global networking sessions, as well as the highly anticipated Innovation Pop-up and Company of the Year Competition. They can deepen their understanding of sustainability, fintech, e-commerce, financial management, and innovative technologies, to prepare for the new economy and the future of work and get closer to their dreams. ▶️ https://lnkd.in/gqS4B7cS Grasp the chance and sign up now! Find out more: https://bit.ly/3W16mkG  School-based Track Application: https://lnkd.in/gKnKnx32   Open Track Application: https://lnkd.in/gw7G8zDy  📢 Deadline for Application: 23 August 2024 【創業不是夢! 🤩】  如果想一嘗創業機會!立即報名參加「HSBC x JA青年創業體驗計劃2024/25」!    專為14-18歲青年而設的7個月創業旅程中,同學可參與以「e+ 創夢闖未來」為主題的一系列工作坊、黑客松、研討會、環球交流活動,還有令人期待的Pop-up,及全港學生公司大賽,加深對持續發展、金融科技、電商、理財、創科的認識,為新經濟及未來工作做好準備,實踐夢想。▶️ https://lnkd.in/gqS4B7cS   立即報名參加!  了解更多:https://bit.ly/3W16mkG   校本組報名: https://lnkd.in/gKnKnx32    公開組報名: https://lnkd.in/gw7G8zDy  📢 報名截止日期:2024年8月23日    The Hongkong Bank Foundation HSBC #JAHK #HSBCxJA青年創業體驗計劃 #滙豐銀行慈善基金 #滙豐  #HSBCxJACompanyProgramme #TheHongkongBankFoundation #HSBC #HBF #InspiringYouth    

  • 【💡 The Schools Challenge 2024 – Showcasing Social Innovation Solutions💡】   The 7th edition of The Schools Challenge Hong Kong successfully concluded with the Project Showcase & Final Competition. 45 student teams comprised of over 300 Form 2 and 3 students showcased their innovative solutions to promote sustainability, urban mobility, and health and wellness in the community.   Congratulations to the winners: Champion: “The green light turns to red in the blink of an eye” by Team Tathagata Buddha from PLK Celine Ho Yam Tong College 1st Runner-up: “Waste reduction at source – food waste recycling” by Team BSF Bugs Service from PLK Celine Ho Yam Tong College 2nd Runner-up: “Recycling robot (3rd edition)” by Team Innovation and Recycling from Gertrude Simon Lutheran College   Our heartfelt thanks to J.P. Morgan, partners, volunteers and teachers for working closely with us over the past four months, helping students broaden their career horizons, and developing the skills, experience and networks they need for their education and future careers.   Full list of awardees:  https://lnkd.in/ge8592MB   【💡 香港學生挑戰賽2024 - 展示社創方案💡 】   第七屆香港學生挑戰賽方案展示暨比賽日早前圓滿舉行!由300[TS(H2] 多位中二至中三同學組成的45組學生隊伍齊集科學園,為推動可持續發展、城市交通及身心靈健康出力,設計出不同的社創方案!   恭喜各優勝隊伍: 冠軍:保良局何蔭棠中學 「如來佛組」- 明明綠燈轉眼變成紅燈 亞軍:保良局何蔭棠中學「BSF蟲蟲特工隊」- 黑水虻源頭減廢 – 廚餘回收再利用 季軍:路德會西門英才中學「創新與環保」- 環保機械人(第三代) 衷心感激摩根大通 J.P. Morgan、各伙伴機構、義工及老師四個月以來與我們攜手合作,讓學生拓展職業視野,培育他們未來升學及就業所需的技能,提早規劃人生。   得獎名單:https://lnkd.in/gF9-27bU J.P. Morgan #TheSchoolsChallenge #HongKong #JAHK #JPMorgan #SocialInnovation #DesignThinking #CareerExploration #STEM #KowloonEast #InnovatingForTomorrow #創新未來

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  • 【Real-life Simulation - Personal Finance Management for Success! 😎】 Want to master the knowledge and skills of personal finance management? Join our new JA Finance Park programme sponsored by DBS Foundation! Guided by DBS volunteers, Form 3 to 6 students take on a life scenario: an avatar with a career, salary, credit card, a family, and financial obligations, to learn about all aspects of personal finance including budget planning, saving and expenses, and how education and finance decisions can affect their earning potential and future. All schools are welcome to participate for students to develop their confidence and skills in achieving their life goals!  School Application: https://lnkd.in/g7k8quh9 【模擬現實人生,學習理財之道! 😎】 想好好掌握有關個人財務管理的知識同技巧? 「DBS Foundation X JA 理財展人生計劃」活動! 這個計劃讓中三至中六學生在星展的專才義工的帶領下,透過生活場景虛擬化身一個具有職業、薪水、信用卡、家庭和財務義務的角色,學習個人財務知識,包括預算規劃、儲蓄和支出,了解教育和財務決策如何影響收入潛力和未來規劃。 歡迎全港學校報名參與,讓同學提升他們達成人生目標的信心和能力! 學校報名:https://lnkd.in/g7k8quh9 DBS Bank DBS Foundation #JAHK #DBSFoundation #星展基金會 #JA理財展人生計劃 #JAFinancePark #InspiringYouth #啟發年青人 #FinancialHealth #生涯規劃 #LifePlanning #Financelliteracy #DBSPeopleofPurpose

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  • #DELF2024】 Imaginary Fairground🎡 AI-Powered Entertainment in the Web 3.0 Era DELF 2024 will not only showcase cutting-edge technologies and facilitate discussions but also transform into a dynamic carnival, offering an unparalleled entertainment experience that seamlessly blends virtuality and reality to enhance your enjoyment. Join the 3-day Digital Entertainment Leadership Forum on 16-18 August at Cyberport. Register now to enjoy the EARLY BIRD OFFER: https://lnkd.in/fMxrvNn#2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇】 想像遊樂園🎡人工智能驅動Web 3.0娛樂創新 2024數碼娛樂領袖論壇不僅是展示尖端技術和交流意見的平台,它還將化身成一個充滿活力的嘉年華,帶來無與倫比的娛樂體驗,讓你享受虛實無縫融合的樂趣。 一連三日的數碼娛樂領袖論壇將於 8 月 16 至 18 日舉行,不容錯過的數碼娛樂盛事,立即報名更享早鳥優惠:https://lnkd.in/gDW3EJU Cyberport Hong Kong #數碼港 #數碼娛樂 #藝術 #人工智能 #Web3 #Cyberport #DigitalEntertainment #art #AI #Web3

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  • 【Join the Networking Day by JA Alumni Board!💫】 Are you interested in having your own start-up? Want to hear entrepreneurial stories and gain insights from successful founders? JA Hong Kong Alumni Board hereby presents our first face-to-face event: #WelcomeBack! – Networking Day with Entrepreneurs! Guest Speakers: 💬Mr Arnold Cheung, Co-founder and CEO of Profind 💬Mr Dixon Cheng, Co-founder of Heart to Heart 💬Mr Herman Ko, Head Coach and Chief Program Director of Career Hackers 💬Mr Jackson Yip, Co-founder and CEO of EC Innovation 💬Mr Kelvin Tang, Founder and CEO of Pons.AI 💬Ms Natalie Yuan, Co-founder and COO of Profind 💬Mr Thomas Chan, Co-Founder and CEO of Career Hackers Event Details Date: 14th July 2024 (Sunday) Time: 15:00 – 17:30 (Registration starts from 14:30) Venue: The University of Hong Kong Campus (Exact location will be announced soon) Eligibility: Open to ALL University and Secondary School students (Priority for JA Alumni!) Event Language: Cantonese / English Don’t miss this chance to connect, learn, and grow! 🌟 Register now and secure your spot! https://lnkd.in/gDnAfJts 【報名參加JA舊生董事會舉辦嘅創業交流日!💫】 想聽吓啲創業故事,向創業家學習佢哋嘅成功之道?甚至想創辦自己嘅初創公司?JA香港舊生董事會隆重為你推薦我哋嘅首次線下活動:#WelcomeBack! – 創業交流日! 活動詳情: 日期:2024年7月14日(星期日) 時間:15:00 – 17:30(14:30 開始登記) 地點:香港大學校園內(詳細地點稍後公佈) 參加資格:所有大學生及中學生(JA舊生可優先參加!) 活動語言:廣東話 / 英文 嘉賓名單: 💬Mr Arnold Cheung, Co-founder and CEO of Profind 💬Mr Dixon Cheng, Co-founder of Heart to Heart 💬Mr Herman Ko, Head Coach and Chief Program Director of Career Hackers 💬Mr Jackson Yip, Co-founder and CEO of EC Innovation 💬Mr Kelvin Tang, Founder and CEO of Pons.AI 💬Ms Natalie Yuan, Co-founder and COO of Profind 💬Mr Thomas Chan, Co-Founder and CEO of Career Hackers 唔好錯過呢個交流、學習同成長嘅機會呀!🌟 名額有限,快啲報名啦! https://lnkd.in/gDnAfJts #JAHK #JAHKAlumni #WeAreJA #InspiringYouth

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    【Secondary Schools enrolment now open for JA Programs 2024/25👏🏼】 JA Programs for Secondary Schools in the upcoming academic year continue to bring exciting and enriching activities for students. Joining hands with schools and the business community, JA offers hands-on, experiential learning opportunities that connect the classrooms to the world of work. Through interacting with business volunteers, students develop their entrepreneurship, financial health, and career readiness! We look forward to collaborating with all schools to help young people kickstart their life planning.   All programs are free. School application before 23 Aug 2024/25 JA Program overview: bit.ly/4eB3Wlv   【JA 中學課程2024/25現正接受學校報名👏🏼】 新學年的JA中學課程繼續為學生帶來精彩豐富的活動,我們與學校、商界攜手,提供實踐和體驗式課程,連繫課堂及工作世界。同學可以在活動中和商界義工交流,培養企業家精神,學習健康理財,為未來事業做好準備!JA期待跟全港學校合作,支援年青人啟動精彩的生涯規劃。   全部課程費用全免,學校請於8月23日前報名參加 2024/25 JA課程概覽:bit.ly/4eB3Wlv   #JAHK #JA青年成就 #企業精神 #事業準備 #健康理財 #生涯規劃 #Entrepreneurship #CareerReadiness #FinancialHealth #JA_program_overview #YouthLifePlanning #worldofwork

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  • 【JA Programs 2024/25 for Primary Schools now open for application 👏🏼】   JA dedicates to unleashing primary school students’ potential through fun life-wide learning.   The new Jockey Club Life Adventure Opportunity Hub aims to promote students’ all-around growth through the Community Entrepreneurial Officer (CEO) programme, online global pitching and pop-up event. Primary 4-6 students will design and lead their community service-learning projects to benefit the surrounding community.   JA SparktheDream supports Primary 4-6 students to become financially literate, innovative and socially minded, and empowers them to live their dreams.   Cha-Ching Sing & Learn Workshop instills sounds financial habits and responsibility in children through sing-and-play experience with cartoons and games.   We look forward to collaborating with all schools to enrich students’ learning experiences!   All programs are free. School application before 23 Aug 2024/25 JA Program overview: https://bit.ly/4cqoiMI   【JA 小學課程2024/25正接受學校報名👏🏼 】 新學年JA繼續帶來一系列好玩有趣的全方位學習,幫助小學生啟發潛能。 全新活動「賽馬會成長『機』地 」,高小同學通過體驗式社區創業(CEO)課程、線上環球學生交流及實驗概念市集,設計幫助周邊社區的創新方案,達致全人發展。 「JA小財智.大夢想」培育高小同學成為具備理財素養、創新精神及關懷社會的人,協助他們活出夢想。 「Cha-Ching唱遊學理財」採用互動的唱遊式學習,讓初小同學從小養成正確的金錢態度及責任感。 我們期望與全港學校合作,攜手為新一代打造更豐富的學習體驗! 全部課程費用全免,學校請於8月23日前報名參加 2024/25 JA課程概覽: https://bit.ly/4cqoiMI   #JAHK #JA青年成就 #企業精神 #事業準備 #健康理財 #生涯規劃 #Entrepreneurship #CareerReadiness #FinancialHealth #JA_program_overview #YouthLifePlanning #worldofwork #lifewidelearning

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  • 【🎯JA Plan for Future│Subject Selection and DSE Tips Seminar】    How to choose your university study major? How to prepare for the HKDSE exam? Stay tuned for the Subject Selection and DSE Tips Seminar! Students from different tertiary institutes and majors will share their experiences on how to get prepared for DSE and university application, and make the most of the campus life! Find out more: bit.ly/3xDO15f 【🎯JA 計劃為未來│選科分享及DSE 攻略講座】   大學選科是人生的重要階段,究竟自己最適合讀哪一科?考DSE又需要怎樣準備?留意我哋的選科分享及DSE 攻略講座! 這個活動中來自不同院校、學科的大學生,都會分享他們的經驗和心得、大學校園生活,協助同學選科及迎戰DSE! 了解更多:bit.ly/3xDO15f   #JAHK #InspiringYouth #啟發年青人 #CareerReadiness #JA計劃為未來 #JAPlanForFuture #JA職場體驗 #生涯規劃 #LifePlanning #升學 #青年發展藍圖 #Career #Study #YDC #YDC #青年發展委員會

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