Non-exempt staff employees at the University of Tennessee may participate in the Career Development Fund, a program supported by annual gifts from employees.

The fund provides the opportunity for employees to participate in job- and career-related development activities. A limited number of funds are set aside each fiscal year to reimburse departments and employees with total or partial support for training expenses. Once fund resources are committed in a fiscal year, the fund will no longer approve new applications until the next fiscal year.

The fund will provide up to $150 per recipient during each fiscal year.

Employees are encouraged to apply to the fund for assistance when they believe participation in a program or activity will contribute to their personal and professional career growth. The fund’s committee reviews requests and approves funding based on fund guidelines.

The Career Development Fund is maintained by the gifts and donations of university employees through the University’s Annual Giving Program. The continuation of the fund depends upon the on-going support of employees. Contributions can be made online at the University’s Gifts and Giving website, by clicking on “Designations” and choosing “Other Fund Not Listed” and type “Career Development Fund” in box provided. Donations can also be made by contacting:

The University of Tennessee
Office of Annual Giving
600 Henley Street, Suite B022
Knoxville, TN 37996-4103
Phone: 865-974-0381
Fax: 865-974-4250

For more information about the fund, please contact Bonnie Frank via email–[email protected] or via phone–(865) 974-8170.