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Gambling Laws and Regulations Austria 2024

ICLG - Gambling Laws and Regulations Austria covers common issues in gambling laws and regulations – including relevant authorities and legislation, application for a licence, licence restrictions, digital media, enforcement and liability – in 36 jurisdictions.


Published on 28/11/2023

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1. Relevant Authorities and Legislation

1.1        Which entities regulate what type of gambling and social/skill gaming activity in your jurisdiction?

Relevant Product

Who regulates it in digital form?

Who regulates it in land-based form?


Casino gaming (including slots and casino table games such as roulette & blackjack)

Austrian Ministry of Finance (Bundesministerium für Finanzen, “BMF”) and the Austrian Tax Office (Finanzamt Österreich).

BMF, competent government authorities in the nine Austrian federal states (Bundesländer), and the Austrian Tax Office.


BMF and the Austrian Tax Office.




Competent government authorities in Bundesländer.

Sports/horse race betting (if regulated separately to other forms of betting)

Fantasy betting (payment to back a ‘league’ or ‘portfolio’ selection over a period of time, for example in relation to sport or shares)

Not expressly defined by Austrian law.



BMF and the Austrian Tax Office.

Social/Skill arrangements

“Social” gaming with no prize in money or money’s worth

Not expressly defined by Austrian law.

Skill games and competitions with no element of chance

Not expressly regulated; depending on the product this may be subject to trade law.

1.2        Specify: (i) the law and regulation that applies to the Relevant Products in your jurisdiction; and (ii) – in broad terms – whether it permits or prohibits the offer of Relevant Products to persons located in your jurisdiction.

The most important set of Austrian laws applicable to all types of gaming and betting activities is the Austrian Civil Code (Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch, ABGB”).  The E-Commerce Act (E-Commerce Gesetz) is relevant for the provision of online gambling and betting.

The Unfair Competition Act (Bundesgesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb, “UWG”), which is based on the EU Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, contains a blacklist of trade practices that are prohibited in all circumstances per se, including in the gambling and betting sector.

The federal Gambling Act (Glücksspielgesetz, “GSpG”) regulates games of chance and, in particular, applies to lotteries, land-based casinos, online gambling (“electronic lotteries”) and poker (which, despite the ongoing international debate on whether this is a game of skill or a game of chance, is expressly defined as a game of chance in the GSpG), and sets the framework for the regulation of slot machines at the level of the Bundesländer.

According to Section 1 GSpG, a game of chance is a game “in which the decision on the outcome of the game depends solely or predominantly on chance”.  In order to trigger the licensing requirements under the GSpG, the game must further be played against monetary consideration (pay in) in order to acquire the chance of winning money or money’s worth (pay out) and be organised by an entrepreneur.

Sports betting is regulated at the level of the Bundesländer, whereby each state has its own local betting act and a local competent regulatory authority.  Similarly, slot machines operated outside casinos are regulated at the level of the Bundesländer, under local and competent authorities.  The key difference is that, unlike sports betting, not all Bundesländer allow slot machines outside casinos.  VLTs, on the other hand, fall under the lottery monopoly and are regulated at the federal level.

The Capital Markets Anti-Money Laundering Act (Finanzmarkt-Geldwäschegesetz, “FM-GWG”) was last updated on 29 May 2021.  The application of the FM-GWG to gaming is by virtue of a reference in the GSpG.

The UWG sets certain limitations for operators, such as prohibiting advertising directed at minors and promotional pyramid games where a consumer pays a consideration for the opportunity of receiving compensation that is derived from the introduction of new consumers into the gaming scheme.  In addition to those activities that are considered unfair in all circumstances per se, certain trade practices, such as advertising campaigns, can also be prohibited under the UWG if they are considered unfair due to, for example, their aggressive nature.  It must be noted, though, that Section 56 para 1 GSpG excludes any proceedings under the UWG being initiated against the holders of licences and concessions under the GSpG as regards their compliance with the requirement to advertise their products in a responsible manner.

While the GSpG prohibits minors from entering land-based casinos and slot machine arcades, as well as using slot machines outside arcades, protection of minors is, in principle, regulated by the Bundesländer in local minor-protection laws (Jugendschutzgesetze) and local betting acts.  According to these laws, in general, minors are banned from entering betting premises.  By virtue of a voluntary self-restriction introduced by the lottery monopolist, the legal age for lotteries offered by the lottery monopoly was increased from 16 to 18 years as of 10 July 2023.

Section 168 of the Austrian Criminal Code (Strafgesetzbuch, “StGB”) includes a prohibition on organising and/or promoting gambling without a licence according to the GSpG.  Section 52 GSpG also contains a catalogue of administrative criminal offences subject to fines of up to EUR 22,000 or even EUR 60,000 in case of the provision of illegal gambling.

Skill games: Skill games do not fall under the definition of games of chance and, as such, are not subject to the GSpG.  As noted above, poker is considered a game of chance, not a game of skill.  While there is no sector-specific regulation of skill games, general customer protection laws, e-commerce provisions and the ABGB apply to skill games, social games and e-sports, save for when such games consist of elements subjecting them to the legal regime of the GSpG (an element of chance, an element of consideration and a prize of money or money’s worth).  Traditional games of skill are considered “permitted games” under the federal Austrian Trade Act (Gewerbeordnung).

As regards prize draws/prize competitions, besides the applicable UWG, it must be noted that taxes apply and are regulated within the GSpG.

2. Application for a Licence and Licence Restrictions

2.1        What regulatory licences, permits, authorisations or other official approvals (collectively, “Licences”) are required for the lawful offer of the Relevant Products to persons located in your jurisdiction?

Austrian law requires only the B2C operator to hold a licence.  Advertising is considered a licensee’s accessory right and does not require a separate permit.

In addition to the requirements described in question 2.2 below, the applicant (and/or its directors, if applicable) has to be considered reliable by the authority.

There are no licence requirements for B2B activities in Austria.

As regards betting and slot machines outside land-based casinos, some Bundesländer require premises licences.

2.2        Where Licences are available, please outline the structure of the relevant licensing regime.

Games of chance are subject to a federal gambling monopoly stipulated in Section 3 GSpG.  The operation of (i) lotteries, and (ii) land-based casinos can be licensed according to Sections 14 and 21 GSpG, respectively.

Lottery games, online gambling and VLTs

Lotteries are subject to a single licence pursuant to Section 14 GSpG – de facto constituting a monopoly.  This licence may be granted to corporations established in the EU or EEA with a minimum share capital of EUR 109 million.  A corporate seat in Austria is required unless the company has a comparable lotteries licence in its state of incorporation, is subject to a comparable gambling supervision and such supervisory authority cooperates with the Austrian authorities.  If the applicant provides evidence for these criteria, it is sufficient to have a mere local presence.

In October 2012, the single licence, valid for the maximum statutory duration of 15 years, was again granted to Österreichische Lotterien GmbH, the only lottery company ever to be licensed in Austria.

According to Section 12a GSpG, “electronic lotteries” are covered by the lotteries licence.  Electronic lotteries cover all types of games of chance offered by electronic means, including casino-style online games.  As such, the scope of Section 12a GSpG is considered to cover all types of online gambling save for online betting, and exceeds the scope of lottery-style games the single licensee (monopolist) may operate offline.  The licence also covers the operation of VLT outlets.

Casino games and poker

According to Section 21 GSpG, a casino applicant must be a corporation established within the EU or EEA under the same circumstances and applying the same restrictions applicable to the lottery licence.  The minimum share capital is EUR 22 million.  In 2010, the total amount of land-based casino licences to be granted for a maximum duration of 15 years was increased from 12 licences to 15.  Following the expiry of the 12 “old” licences that had all been held by de facto monopolist Casinos Austria AG, these licences were again granted to the same company in two “packages”, one including the “city” locations and one including the “rural” locations of the existing land-based casinos.

The three new licences were individually granted by the BMF in a separate licence tender in 2014.  The licence decisions were cancelled by the Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht) in 2015, which found the licence tender to be in violation of the principle of transparency under EU law.  The Supreme Administrative Court (Verwaltungsgerichtshof) confirmed this decision in 2016.  It is currently unlikely that the Austrian Tax Office will start a new licensing procedure for these three licences.  The 12 licences that were granted to Casinos Austria AG remain valid.

Section 1 GSpG expressly defines poker as a game of chance.  Poker is generally permitted only in casinos.  Until 31 December 2019, poker casinos operated under licences issued on the basis of the Austrian Trade Act had been allowed.

Betting and slot machines outside land-based casinos

As previously stated, betting and slot machines are regulated at Bundesländer level.  Due to the varying ages (some dating back to as early to 1919, others entering into force in 2019) and the quality of the local laws, licensing requirements as well as the exact product scope and licence term differ significantly.

Betting licences are generally available without quantitative restrictions.  In general, applicants have a right to be granted a betting licence after having fulfilled all legal requirements.  Betting licences may be granted to natural persons as well as to legal entities.

As for slot machines outside casinos, an applicant must be based in the EU or EEA.  Further, the applicant must be a company with a supervisory board and registered office in Austria and fulfil certain stock capital requirements.  While Section 5 GSpG provides a framework regulation for the operation of slot machines outside casinos, it is up to each individual Bundesland to decide whether or not to make licences for single line-up (Einzelaufstellung) and/or gaming halls (Automatensalon) available.

2.3        What is the process of applying for a Licence for a Relevant Product?

As regards lotteries and casinos, the Austrian Tax Office is required to grant licences based on a transparent tender procedure.  Applicants have to prove that they fulfil the licensing criteria mentioned in Sections 14 (for a lottery licence) or 21 GSpG (for casino licences), respectively.  There is an application fee of EUR 10,000 and a fee of EUR 100,000 payable when receiving a licence.

Licensing procedures and requirements for the operation of slot machines outside casinos and betting depend on Bundesländer laws.

2.4        Are any restrictions placed upon licensees in your jurisdiction?

Restrictions are generally product-specific (please refer to question 2.6 below).

2.5        Please give a summary of the following features of any Licences: (i) duration; (ii) vulnerability to review, suspension or revocation.

Lottery games: The lotteries licence was granted in 2012 and is valid until 2027.

Casino games: There are, in principle, up to 15 licences available, each with a maximum duration of 15 years.  Six licences were granted to Casinos Austria AG in December 2012 and another six to the same operator in September 2013.

Slot machines outside casinos: Maximum duration of 15 years.

Betting: Varies according to local laws at Bundesländer level.

A lottery or casino licence can be withdrawn by the authority if the licensee violates provisions of the GSpG or decisions by administrative authorities.  The violation of licensing obligations can be sanctioned with fines of up to EUR 22,000.  Withdrawing the licence is applied only as ultima ratio, if all other means (e.g. administrative penalties) fail.  Essentially, the same applies for sports betting licences under Bundesländer laws.  According to Section 53 GSpG, the authorities have the right to confiscate slot machines operated in violation of applicable legislation.

Decisions of the authority to withdraw a licence can be appealed before the Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht); the withdrawal of a sports betting or slot machine licence can be appealed before the relevant Regional Administrative Court (Landesverwaltungsgericht).

2.6        By Relevant Product, what are the key limits on providing services to customers?  Please include in this answer any material promotion and advertising restrictions.


The product scope varies according to local laws; while some Bundesländer allow only sports betting, others (e.g. Vorarlberg, Salzburg and Tyrol) also allow social bets (e.g. on political or cultural events) and some also mention bets on certain types of e-sports.  Most Bundesländer have introduced restrictions on betting on certain events, including virtual events, restrictions on the maximum stakes (e.g. EUR 500 in Salzburg and Upper Austria) and restrictions on live betting or certain maximum opening hours for betting shops.  A number of Bundesländer have limited anonymous play by introducing a requirement to use personalised customer cards for all bets with stakes that reach certain thresholds (e.g. EUR 70 in Carinthia).  For instance, Vienna allows live betting only on end results and partial results.  Vorarlberg has introduced minimum distance requirements for betting locations.

Slot machines outside casinos

Subject to Section 5 GSpG, the maximum stake per game is EUR 1 (EUR 10 in cases where the operator holds a casino licence).  Winnings per game are limited to EUR 1,000 (EUR 10,000 for casino licensees).  Players must not be able to play games simultaneously.  After two hours of playing, the machine has to shut down automatically.  There are also requirements on minimum distances between gaming halls and provisions on how many machines may be installed in one location (10 to 50 machines in gaming halls, and one to three machines outside gaming halls, e.g. in restaurants).  According to the GSpG, the number of slot machines outside casinos is limited to a maximum of three licences per Bundesland and not all states have made use of their competence to license slot machines outside casinos based on the framework regulation of Section 5 GSpG.  Further, there is a restriction of a maximum of one machine per 1,200 inhabitants.  A number of further restrictions include, e.g., minimum distance requirements between gaming machines.


The operation of VLTs is subject to the lottery monopoly.  The main legal restrictions regarding licensees are stipulated in the GSpG.  According to the GSpG, in municipalities of more than 500,000 inhabitants, there must be at least two kilometres between a VLT outlet with more than 15 machines and a casino.  Otherwise, the distance between venues with more than 15 machines must be 15 kilometres.

Casinos and lotteries

There are no restrictions on maximum stakes or pay-outs.  Section 56 GSpG obliges casino and lotteries licensees (thus including “electronic lotteries”, i.e. online gambling) to restrict their advertising to a “responsible scale” (verantwortungsvoller Maßstab); however, non-compliance with this provision effectively remains unsanctioned, in particular as the UWG does not apply.  Advertising illegal gambling may be subject to an administrative penalty of up to EUR 22,000.

2.7        What are the tax and other compulsory levies?

Gaming and betting taxes are levied at the point of consumption and apply irrespectively of whether or not the operator holds a licence in Austria.  Further, according to Section 6 para 9 of the Austrian VAT Law (Umsatzsteuergesetz), betting and games of chance are exempt from 20% VAT, save for draws placed on slot machines outside casinos and VLTs under the lotteries licence.  Operators have to pay the following taxes:


Tax rate


(offline and online)

2% tax on stakes

Online gambling (“electronic lotteries”)

40% on gross gaming revenue (“GGR”) (stakes minus winnings)

Lottery games

2–27.5% on stakes

Slot machines outside casinos and VLTs under the lotteries licence

10% on net gaming revenue (“NGR”) + municipal fees

Land-based casinos

30% GGR (stakes minus winnings minus bonuses); slot machines in casinos: 30% on NGR (stakes minus winnings minus VAT)

Other slot machines and VLTs

30% on NGR

Other offline games of chance

16% on stakes

2.8        What are the broad social responsibility requirements?

Social responsibility measures mainly include providing staff with responsible gaming training.

The GSpG provides for certain player protection requirements, most of which have to be fulfilled by an operator in order to receive a licence.  The GSpG also contains provisions regarding the protection of minors.  Some of the Bundesländer betting acts provide that players must be able to self-exclude.  Further, operators are obliged to observe anti-money laundering (“AML”) rules (see question 2.9 below).

2.9        How do any AML, financial services regulations or payment restrictions restrict or impact on entities supplying gambling? 

The AML provisions in the GSpG largely refer to the FM-GWG, which was amended in 2021.  The latest amendment included provisions regarding transaction monitoring using artificial intelligence.  According to the AML provisions applicable to gambling operators who are licensed under the GSpG, operators must adhere to enhanced due diligence obligations, e.g. stricter customer identification regarding suspicious financial transactions or customers from high-risk jurisdictions.

In the last year, several Bundesländer amended their local betting acts to reflect the new, stricter AML requirements, and thus fully comply with the EU’s 5th AML Directive.  The amendments brought a significant tightening of requirements towards player verification and betting documentation.  Furthermore, each betting operator is required to perform a risk assessment and produce a report, which in some Bundesländer must be delivered to the local authority.  The amendments also broadened the definition of a betting intermediary, and introduce stricter player protection measures and licensing requirements.  All suspicious activities must be reported to the Financial Intelligence Unit.  Since April 2021, all reports to the Financial Intelligence Unit must be made via the new platform “go-AML”.  Moreover, licensees must nominate an AML officer and train their employees regarding AML risks and AML risk avoidance.  Special provisions apply to accepting PEPs and persons from high-risk countries.  Land-based casinos and slot machine operators are obliged to check the identity documents of all customers.

2.10      Does your jurisdiction permit virtual currencies to be used for gambling and are they separately regulated?

The GspG and the betting laws of the Bundesländer do not contain provisions on virtual currencies.

3. Online/Mobile/Digital/Electronic Media

3.1        How does local law/regulation affect the provision of the Relevant Products in online/mobile/digital/electronic form, both from: (i) operators located inside your jurisdiction; and (ii) operators located outside your jurisdiction?

Online gambling: The GSpG mentions online activity in Section 12a, defining so-called “electronic lotteries” as games “in which the player participates directly using electronic media and the outcome is decided centrally and provided on electronic media”.  The operation of “electronic lotteries” is subject to the single lottery licence, thereby constituting a de facto monopoly for online gambling.  Section 12a GSpG does not further describe the product scope.  The BMF (and the current de facto monopoly holder, Österreichische Lotterien GmbH) consider the licence to cover all games of chance offered online, including online casino games, which are outside the scope of the products that Österreichische Lotterien GmbH may offer offline.  As regards the compliance of the (online) gambling monopoly with EU law, please see question 4.3 below.

In general, Austrian law currently does not contain provisions on the blocking of Internet service providers or payment service providers.  However, according to a paper issued by the BMF in February 2021 (Vortrag an den Ministerrat), the BMF intends to draft an amendment to the GSpG, which shall, inter alia, include DNS blocking of operators that are not licensed in Austria.  While the amendment had initially been announced for April 2021 and thereafter for early 2022, no draft amendments have been published as at 11 August 2023.

With the upcoming tender for casino and lottery (including online casino) licences prior to the new concessions due in 2027, there are certain debates about further reforms to the Gambling Act, including the introduction of new licence categories.

Online betting: Licences for (in general: land-based) sports betting are granted by the Bundesländer, which apply if sports betting is offered in the territory of a certain province (e.g. in a betting shop).  Some Bundesländer have extended the applicability of their legislation to cover also online sports betting.  Betting legislation at Bundesländer level is not considered to apply to operators located outside the respective territory unless they have a local physical establishment or physical equipment located in the respective state; neither do the betting acts subject such operators to a local licensing obligation.

3.2        What other restrictions have an impact on Relevant Products supplied via online/mobile/digital/electronic means?

Sanctions provided for the illegal offer of land-based gambling also apply to online gambling.  This applies, in particular, to the administrative fines described in question 1.2 above.

Blacklisting websites, Internet blocking and financial blocking are currently not part of the sanctioning measures of Austrian law (for details regarding intended changes regarding DNS blocking measures, please refer to question 3.1).  Despite remaining doubts as regards compliance of the (online) gambling monopoly with EU law, the Austrian courts and authorities firmly consider it illegal to offer online gambling without an Austrian licence.

3.3        What terminal/machine-based gaming is permitted and where? 

The GSpG contains basic provisions regarding the operation of slot machines and VLTs.  Further details regarding slot machines are provided in the laws of the Bundesländer.  There are several technical requirements concerning slot machines, including adequate warning and data protection systems in case of technical failures.  Further, there is a minimum duration for certain games and players are only allowed to play for a maximum amount of time, after which the slot machine must automatically switch off for a cool-off period.  Further, certain pay-out ratios must be applied.  The technical requirements must be evidenced by a technical expert opinion.  Slot machines must be connected to the Federal Computing Centre (Bundesrechenzentrum).

Some Bundesländer have added technical requirements for betting terminals to their laws, including that terminals must not enable placement of bets by more than one person (including by connecting terminals with other terminals or gadgets via Bluetooth or WiFi).  Betting terminals must have a serial number that needs to be submitted to the authorities.  In some Bundesländer, betting terminals may only be operated if a specifically trained responsible person is present, and the terminal must be able to store all data on placed bets in a so-called “electronic betting book” or database.  In some Bundesländer, stake limits for betting terminals apply.

The main legal and technical requirements for operating VLTs are stipulated in the GSpG.  VLT outlets require a location permit.  Further, VLTs must be connected to a central server operated by the Federal Computing Centre.

4. Enforcement and Liability

4.1        Who is liable under local law/regulation?

In the first place, operators are held liable for violations of the GSpG.  However, directors and other legal or natural persons supporting illegal activities carried out by the entity in connection with gambling (e.g. advertising illegal gambling) can also be subject to sanctions under the GSpG and/or Section 168 StGB.

Further, participation in illegal gambling as a regular source of income may be sanctioned under Section 168 StGB.  A similar provision is also included in the GSpG, sanctioning the participation in unlicensed “electronic lotteries” by means of administrative fines.

With regard to civil liability, online gambling operators offering their services to Austrian customers based on a licence from another EU Member State and relying on the freedom to provide services are currently facing a high number of civil claims brought by players reclaiming their losses from online casino, including online slots and online poker.  Litigation funding companies have been soliciting players to bring claims against operators or had the players’ claims assigned to them in order to pursue such claims against the operators.  These claims are based on the alleged illegality of such private offers that are claimed to be infringing the de facto monopoly.  Despite remaining doubts as regards compliance of the (online) gambling monopoly with EU law, Austrian courts, including the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof), consider the de facto monopoly to be compatible with EU law and thus grant refund claims brought by customers against operators.  In addition, in a decision of November 2022, the Supreme Court stated that the fact that a player (i) was using the online casino offer with the intention of claiming back potential losses, and (ii) did not inform the operator of such intention at the time of using the offer does not hinder such a player from claiming back losses. As regards the compliance of the (online) gambling monopoly with EU law, please see question 4.3 below.

4.2        What form does enforcement action take in your jurisdiction?

Recently, enforcement measures have been heavily concentrated on the allegedly illegal provision of land-based slot machines.  Besides fines, sanctions include the confiscation of slot machines.

Most local authorities have also consistently taken a strict approach towards the operation of allegedly illegal offers in retail betting shops.  For example, the authority of Vienna has closed licensed betting shops and confiscated betting equipment, arguing that the operators do not observe restrictions on the betting offer, such as certain restrictions on live betting.

Given the remaining doubts on the compliance of the gambling monopoly with EU law (see question 4.3 below), Austrian authorities currently still seem rather reluctant to take enforcement measures against online gambling operators offering their products under the EU market freedoms and paying gambling taxes in Austria.  However, there is an increase in local administrative authorities commencing administrative proceedings against operators for allegedly having offered online gambling into Austria illegally due to the lack of holding an Austrian licence.  Further, the BMF has recently launched a whistleblowing platform regarding gambling and betting activities.  Via such platform anyone can (anonymously) report on money laundering and financing of terrorism as well as prohibited business operations in the field of betting and gambling.  This might be an indication that the BMF intends to increase enforcement measures also against online gaming operators not holding an Austrian licence.  Due to the point of consumption taxation, the tax authorities also enforce tax provisions against operators that do not hold an Austrian licence, with a request for information about revenues generated in Austria often being a step taken prior to actual enforcement activity.  Failure to pay taxes may lead to sanctions under financial criminal law (tax evasion).

In particular, criminal sanctions under Section 168 StGB are being applied only very rarely, which is due to the administrative sanctions stipulated in the GSpG taking precedence over Section 168 StGB in case an offence could be sanctioned under both provisions.

There is currently no case law on authorities applying sanctions against players taking part in unlicensed gambling or betting offers.

4.3        Do other non-national laws impact upon liability and enforcement?

As Austria is a Member State of the EU, Austrian law is heavily influenced by EU law, including case law from the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”).  According to the CJEU, any national measure hindering the exercise of the EU market freedoms or rendering the exercise of these rights less attractive must: be justified by overriding public interest objectives; be suitable for securing the attainment of these objectives; not go beyond what is necessary to achieve these objectives; and be applied in a non-discriminatory manner.

Conformity of Austrian gaming legislation with EU law has often been tested in national court proceedings, with several cases having been referred to the CJEU (in particular, Engelmann, Dickinger and Ömer, HIT and HIT Larix, Pfleger, Admiral Casinos and Online Games, Fluctus and Fluentum).  These decisions have led to various reforms of the GSpG (including the introduction of the requirement for transparent licensing procedures).  The CJEU concluded that the Austrian de facto monopoly “appears to be disproportionate”.  The Austrian case law is currently not consistent as regards the compatibility of the Austrian de facto monopoly with EU law.  In August 2016, the Austrian Constitutional Court was dealing with a request put forward by the Supreme Court (Oberster Gerichtshof) to rule on the compatibility of the Austrian gambling monopoly with the Austrian Constitution, given that the Supreme Court’s 4th Chamber had held the gambling monopoly to be contrary to EU law.  The Constitutional Court (Verfassungsgerichtshof) rejected the Supreme Court’s referral for formal reasons but ruled on a number of administrative complaints filed by slot machine operators, which were based on the same arguments as the referral of the Austrian Supreme Court, confirming the compliance of the GSpG with EU law and the Austrian Constitution.  In November 2016, the Supreme Court issued its final decision on the case it had referred to the Constitutional Court, stating that the questions regarding the monopoly’s compliance with EU law had been sufficiently clarified.  In May 2017, as well as in the course of 2021 and 2022, the Supreme Court again issued decisions reiterating its view that the GSpG is in line with EU law.

Although the three Austrian high courts appear to take a similar approach as regards the compatibility of the GSpG with EU law, this judiciary stance is being criticised by Austrian academics, with certain legal questions regarding the compatibility of the GSpG with EU law still remaining open.  Moreover, the CJEU again mentioned in its reasoned order in the Fluctus and Fluentum case that each national court is obliged to autonomously assess the compatibility of the gambling monopoly with EU law, irrespective of pre-existing case law from national highest courts having confirmed the monopoly’s compliance with EU law.

4.4        Are gambling debts enforceable in your jurisdiction?

Section 1271 of the ABGB provides that, in general, gambling debts are unenforceable.  A gambling debt is considered obligatio naturalis and cannot be enforced before the court.  However, Section 1274 of the ABGB provides an exception for operators licensed in Austria.

See question 4.1 above as regards online casino refund claims initiated by players.

4.5        What appetite for and track record of enforcement does your local regulatory authority have?  Have fines, licence revocations or other sanctions been enforced in your jurisdiction?

Sports betting

As each Bundesland has its own competent regulator, the level of enforcement activity varies from state to state.  For example, the regulator for Vienna is known for its keen enforcement appetite; whereas Styria, to take another example, is known to take a more liberal approach. 

Online casino

While we are seeing an increase in local administrative authorities commencing administrative actions for the alleged illegal operation of online casino games without an Austrian licence, there is no consistent practice of active enforcement against online casino operators.


The Austrian Tax Office actively enforces failure to pay gaming and betting taxes, including against online gambling operators operating from outside of Austria.

5. Anticipated Reforms

5.1        What (if any) intended changes to the gambling law/regulations are being discussed currently?

As noted above in question 2.9, local betting acts were amended, mainly to implement AML provisions as required by the EU’s 5th AML Directive.  On 1 August 2020, a new Lower Austrian Betting Act entered into force.  On 18 February 2022, an amendment of the Upper Austrian Betting Act (Oberösterreichisches Wettengesetz) entered into force.  The amendment mainly concerns the protection of players and minors and almost completely puts to an end anonymous betting.  Last year, an evaluation procedure has been initiated as regards minor changes to the Salzburg Betting Entrepreneurs Act (Salzburger Wettunternehmergesetz).  These amendments shall contain new provisions on the identification of customers, minimum requirements for customer cards and implement a new platform for filing requests to the authority.  The Carinthian government has also announced that it intends to amend the Carinthian Totalizer- and Bookmaker Betting Act (Kärntner Totalisateur- und Buchmacherwetten Gesetz).  These amendments shall include, inter alia, a regulatory regime for online betting as well as additional provisions regarding the prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing.  Moreover, it is likely that Burgenland will also publish a draft for a completely new betting act in the near future, as the current betting act still dates back to 1919.

In February 2021, the BMF issued a paper (Vortrag an den Ministerrat), according to which it intends to amend the GSpG.  The amendment should, inter alia, address the following: (i) establishing a new and independent gambling authority competent for issuing federal gambling licences that are subject to the GSpG; (ii) the implementation of a cross-operator player exclusion database; (iii) DNS blocking measures against online gambling operators that do not hold an Austrian licence; (iv) implementation of a regulatory regime for lootboxes; and (v) amendment of tax provisions.  While the amendment had been initially announced for April 2021 and thereafter for early 2022, no draft amendments have been published as at 11 August 2023.  However, on 15 October 2021, a parliamentary enquiry (Parlamentarische Anfrage) was submitted to the former Minister of Finance, which touched on all aspects mentioned in the initial proposal the Minister of Finance had published in February 2021.  On 15 December 2021, the current Minister of Finance answered the parliamentary enquiry with a very short reply, stating that amendments of the Gambling Act require substantial preparation work, but should make their way into parliament.  However, he did not communicate any specific dates or timelines.

Three further parliamentary enquiries touched upon several aspects mentioned in the proposal of February 2021.  On 27 June 2023, the Minister of Finance answered two of the three parliamentary enquiries, again stating that amendments to the GSpG require substantial preparation work.  Also, the third parliamentary enquiry, which, inter alia, referred to the recent amendments to the Maltese Gaming Act concerning the recognition and/or enforcement of foreign judgments and its impact on the Austrian legal situation, was answered on 8 August 2023 in a very general manner, whereby the answers did not include details on changes to the current gambling regulation.


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