Negeri Rempah Foundation

Negeri Rempah Foundation

Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat

Tangerang Selatan, Banten 117 pengikut


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Yayasan Negeri Rempah adalah organisasi nirlaba dengan lingkup sosial-budaya yang didedikasikan bagi peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat untuk belajar dan memperoleh pengetahuan tentang kebhinnekaan Indonesia melalui kegiatan-kegiatan pendidikan dan kebudayaan. Yayasan Negeri Rempah bermula dari awal yang sederhana. Sebelum didirikan, beberapa sukarelawan dari berbagai latar belakang yang memiliki keprihatinan tentang bagaimana generasi muda Indonesia kurang tertarik dalam mempelajari sejarah dan budayanya, memprakarsai serangkaian program wisata budaya dengan tema beragam sejak 2012. Salah satu tema perjalanan wisatanya adalah mengenal kembali sejarah jalur perdagangan rempah di Nusantara. Seiring dengan pertumbuhan komunitas, pada tahun 2018 yayasan ini dibentuk untuk mempertahankan keberlanjutan program. Yayasan Negeri Rempah mengusung #JalurRempah karena memberikan perspektif kontekstual yang unik sebagai pintu masuk untuk mendorong publik agar memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhadap keragaman yang telah membentuknya. Berkat rempah-rempah, Nusantara menjadi tempat bertemunya manusia dari berbagai belahan bumi yang sebagian besar memiliki semangat bukan semata untuk berdagang, tetapi untuk membangun peradaban. Nusantara menjadi simpul penting pertukaran antarbudaya yang mempertemukan berbagai ide/gagasan, konsep, ilmu pengetahuan, agama, bahasa, estetika, hingga adat kebiasaan. Jalur perdagangan rempah-rempah melalui laut inilah yang menjadi sarana bagi pertukaran antarbudaya yang berkontribusi penting dalam membentuk peradaban dunia. Dengan demikian, hal ini diharapkan dapat menumbuhkan kesadaran belajar dan pemahaman antarbudaya melalui partisipasi kolaboratif lintas-sektoral dalam konteks lokal maupun global.

Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat
Ukuran perusahaan
11-50 karyawan
Kantor Pusat
Tangerang Selatan, Banten
Tahun Pendirian
Sharing Ideas, Knowledge, Learning Experience


Karyawan di Negeri Rempah Foundation


  • Lihat halaman organisasi Negeri Rempah Foundation, grafis

    117 pengikut

    Rempah dan kita sejatinya tidak berjarak. Rempah begitu dekat dengan keseharian kita bahkan senantiasa hadir sebagai ungkapan rasa syukur bahkan penolak bala. Pameran bertajuk “Rempah dan Kita” ini menggali kembali hubungan mendalam antara manusia dan alam, khususnya rempah-rempah. Yuk datang ke Pameran “Rempah & Kita” dan rayakan khazanah kearifan tradisi kita karena rempah bukan sekadar anugerah, rempah adalah berkah menuju masa depan yang cerah! 📍 Hotel Borobudur Jakarta 📆 18-31 Agustus 2024 📝 Daftar melalui [Gratis dan Terbuka untuk Publik] Selain instalasi pameran, Sahabat Rempah juga dapat menemukan berbagai produk olahan rempah ataupun yang berasal dari daerah penghasil rempah di Pasarempah serta mengikuti berbagai aktivasi publik yang seru, menarik, dan menambah wawasan. Sampai jumpa!🤗 #negerirempah #jalurrempah #rempahrempah #rempahnusantara #spiceroute #spicerouteid #pameranjalurrempah #pameranrempahdankita #rempahdankita

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    Lihat profil Nouvna N. Susimah, grafis

    Impacting society through media while giving myself room to learn in a first job I had never thought of before, as Social Media Buying @ GroupM Indonesia | Bridging differences through cultural diplomacy @ Negeri Rempah

    Igniting a passion for diplomacy! Last March, as one of the volunteers of Negeri Rempah, I had the extraordinary privilege of attending a cultural diplomacy coaching session. Under the mentorship of Mr. Dino R. Kusnadi, Deputy Chief Mission Indonesia Embassy in Beijing (2020-2023) and a member of the Board of Advisors of the Negeri Rempah Foundation, ignited my passion for this field even further. The evening concluded with a delightful dinner where Mr. Dino shared captivating stories of his experiences in Beijing. These personal anecdotes provided invaluable context to the diplomatic strategies we discussed earlier. As an international relations alumna with a high passion for cultural diplomacy, this session was a catalyst for new ideas and perspectives. Mr. Dino's captivating stories of his time in Beijing brought diplomacy to life, inspiring me to think beyond borders and embrace the power of culture as a catalyst for change. This experience has fueled my determination to build bridges and foster understanding between nations. I'm excited to apply these learnings to create meaningful connections and foster global understanding. Grateful to Negeri Rempah for this invaluable opportunity! #NegeriRempah #JalurRempah #volunteer #culturaldiplomacy #globalcitizen #internationalrelations #diplomacy #personalgrowth

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Negeri Rempah Foundation, grafis

    117 pengikut

    [Perekrutan Terbuka Volunter Rempah & Kita] Salam #JalurRempah, Panggilan kepada Sahabat Rempah untuk bergabung menjadi volunter dalam pameran yang penuh warna dan aroma rempah-rempah. Bersama-sama, kita rayakan kekayaan rempah Indonesia dan berbagi cerita sekaligus merayakan Hari Kemerdekaan Bangsa Indonesia! 🇮🇩 📅 Agustus 2024 📍 Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta Mari ikut sukseskan Pameran Rempah & Kita! Daftar sekarang melalui #negerirempah #jalurrempah #rempahrempah #rempahnusantara #spiceroute #spicerouteid #pameranjalurrempah #pameranrempahdankita #rempahdankita #perekrutanterbuka

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    Lihat profil Aisyah Abdul Aziz, grafis

    IISMA Awardee 2024 at the Universiti Malaya | General Secretary at Himpunan Mahasiswa Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia | Undergraduate Political Science Student at the University of Indonesia

    Last March, I had the incredible opportunity to participate in a cultural diplomacy coaching session organized by Negeri Rempah. The session was given by Mr. Dino R. Kusnadi, Deputy Chief Mission Indonesia Embassy in Beijing (2020-2023) and a member of the Board of Advisors of the Negeri Rempah Foundation. As a political science student, it was a great privilege to explore areas beyond my field of study. During this session, I gained valuable insights into the workings of diplomacy and the strategies behind public diplomacy, particularly cultural diplomacy. Personally, I find learning about diplomacy fascinating because it is closely related to political science, which focuses on power relations. Diplomacy also involves engaging with constituents and influencing stakeholders. This session provided me with profound insights into cultural diplomacy, which will be extremely beneficial, not only during my time as a volunteer in Negeri Rempah Foundation but also during my student exchange program later this year. #JalurRempah #coachingsession #diplomacy #culturaldiplomacy

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Negeri Rempah Foundation, grafis

    117 pengikut

    Dear Esteemed Colleagues, We are delighted to inform you of the recent publication of the proceedings from the International Forum on Spice Route (IFSR) 2022. This volume presents a collection of scholarly works presented by esteemed researchers, delving into various aspects of the historic Spice Route. We believe these proceedings will offer valuable insights and perspectives on the cultural, economic, and social significance of this fascinating trade route. We encourage you to download your copy at: [] Looking ahead, we are also excited to announce the opening of the Call for Papers for the IFSR 2024. We warmly invite you to submit your abstracts for consideration, sharing your unique scholarly contributions on the broad theme of the Spice Route. For more information and to submit your abstract, please visit: [] We are grateful for your ongoing interest and engagement with the International Forum on Spice Route. Sincerely, Negeri Rempah Foundation

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Negeri Rempah Foundation, grafis

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    ⭐ EXTENDED CALL FOR PAPER! ⭐ INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON SPICE ROUTE (IFSR) 2024  "Spice Routes in Flux: Navigating the Global Transformation and Intercultural Exchange" 🗓 23-26 September 2024 List of Panels: 1. Spice Routes: A Journey through Biodiversity and Commodities 2. Exploring Human Adaptation Expression: When Concept of Aesthetics and Creativity Harmonize through Culture 3. The Geopolitical Implications of Cultural Heritage Management 4. Maritime Societies 5. Fishers and Fisheries 6. Global Encounters and Cultural Exchange For more information: negerirempahfoundation Contact Person: Widya Safitri +62 812 10294804 Uus Faizal +62 858 13472119 Gemala Putri +62 818 809768 Aqshadigrama +62 821 89621134 Email: [email protected] #negerirempah #jalurrempah #rempahrempah #rempahnusantara #spicerouteid #spiceroute #ifsr2024 #ifsr #internationalforumonspiceroute #internationalforum #international #forum #callforpaper #conference #brin #badanrisetdaninovasinasional

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Negeri Rempah Foundation, grafis

    117 pengikut

    Negeri Rempah Foundation Celebrates 6th Anniversary Six years ago today, the Negeri Rempah Foundation embarked on a mission that transcends borders. We set out to illuminate the world's remarkable tapestry of heritage, fostering appreciation not just for Indonesia's rich diversity but also for the common stories that bind us together. As we celebrate our 6th anniversary, we are filled with immense gratitude. We are grateful for the incredible experts, professionals, policymakers, and passionate individuals who have joined us on this journey, for all the collaboration, and for the unwavering support we've had. Together, we've fostered a space for learning and exchange that transcends borders. From captivating exhibitions and international dialogues like the Forum on Spice Route, to impactful initiatives like our virtual museum and Sekolah Rempah programs, our initiatives have spanned the fields of education, culture, arts, and even business empowerment, all with the goal of fostering humanity and sustainability. We are incredibly grateful for the vibrant network of communities we've built with; Pasarempah and Jaringan Masyarakat Negeri Rempah (JMNR). We are deeply humbled by the impact we've been able to make in broadening understanding and appreciation for our common heritage. But this is just the beginning. We have so much more to discover, share, and celebrate together. Here's to many more years of illuminating the connections that weave humanity and pave the way for a sustainable future! We are always looking for passionate individuals, communities, and companies to collaborate with. If you share our vision of celebrating global heritage and fostering a sustainable future, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey! #NegeriRempah #SpiceRoute #JalurRempah #CommonHeritage #Indonesia #Diversity #Education #Culture #Empowerment #Sustainability #Collaboration #UNESCO

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Negeri Rempah Foundation, grafis

    117 pengikut

    Let's continue to revisit the connectivity of global nations through spices👏

    Lihat profil Nouvna N. Susimah, grafis

    Impacting society through media while giving myself room to learn in a first job I had never thought of before, as Social Media Buying @ GroupM Indonesia | Bridging differences through cultural diplomacy @ Negeri Rempah

    Just wrapped my second Spice Route Cultural Diplomacy, to the vibrant flavors of India! 🇮🇳 From meeting industry leaders at K Ahuja Foods (Mr. Gopaal Ahuja) and JABS International (Mr. shailesh shah) to witnessing the organized crowd of the MAPMC market, the journey was a sensory overload in the best way possible. Discussions with the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (Mrs. Pritee Chaudhary) highlighted their commitment to consumer protection. Exploring academic institutions like Symbiosis School of Culinary Arts (Mr. Atul A Gokhale) and the MIT School of Food Technology, Pune (Mrs. Dr. Anjali Bhoite) offered a glimpse into the future of Indian cuisine. At the University Institute of Chemical Technology (formerly UDCT), we discussed the science behind spices with Professor kirti laddha, deepening our appreciation for their medicinal properties. To gain a deeper historical perspective, we visited the University of Mumbai's Department of History (Mrs. Dr Manjiri Kamat) where we engaged in a stimulating discussion with postgraduate students on the enduring impact of the Nalanda-Sriwijaya connectivity to India-Indonesia current relations. We also observed the resourcefulness of Dharavi's residents, further emphasising the resilience of Indian people. We also witnessed the fascinating process of Indian families preparing their staple dish, Dal, using a symphony of aromatic masalas. In Kerala, Mr Emmanuel Nambusseril not only showed us the sophistication of Akay Natural Ingredients Private Limited but also ensured our team had productive and insightful days. We are also able to meet International Spice Conference AISEF's Managing Committee, inspiring figures like Mr. Ramkumar Menon (Chairman of the World Spice Organisation) and Mr. krishna kumar (Deva-Ansh Specialty Foods) who reminds me the outstanding values of spices to our health, our well-being, our lives. Their dedication is commendable. We also witnessed the Kochi port area, which underscored the global reach of the spice trade. A visit to Jew Town, home to one of India's oldest Jewish communities, offered a fascinating glimpse into their history. Their arrival centuries ago as spice traders intertwined their culture with the spice route narrative. Last but not least, our mission culminated in a valuable discussion with the Spices Board India, a government agency at the forefront of promoting the growth and quality of the country's spice industry. Thank you, Negeri Rempah & Direktorat Jendral Kebudayaan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan (Ministry of Education and Culture Republic of Indonesia), for this precious opportunity. This mission has reignited my passion for protecting, preserving, and promoting the rich heritage of the Spice Route. It's a testament to the power of spices to connect cultures and communities, producing knowledge across the globe. #SpiceRoute #CulturalDiplomacy

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  • Lihat halaman organisasi Negeri Rempah Foundation, grafis

    117 pengikut

    At Negeri Rempah, we're committed to fostering the professional development of our volunteers. Jeane's experience is a great example of the opportunities we provide for growth and learning. We wholeheartedly agree with Jeane's sentiments about the Spice Route Cultural Diplomacy program. We're always striving to improve and expand our initiatives. Thank you, Jeane, for sharing your valuable insights! #SpiceRoute #CulturalDiplomacy #UNESCO #VolunteerDevelopment #NegeriRempah

    Lihat profil Jeane Pombaela, grafis

    Partnerships Officer at President University

    Very insightful talk with Pak Dino R. Kusnadi about diplomacy and how diplomacy truly practice in the international relations. Thank you Negeri Rempah for facilitating us, hopefully the Spice Route Cultural Diplomacy program would be better next, also can support the promotion of the Spice Route to be World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO

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  • Negeri Rempah Foundation membagikan ini

    Lihat profil Nouvna N. Susimah, grafis

    Impacting society through media while giving myself room to learn in a first job I had never thought of before, as Social Media Buying @ GroupM Indonesia | Bridging differences through cultural diplomacy @ Negeri Rempah

    [Yuk, Berpetualang Memahami Jalur Rempah Bersama Yayasan Negeri Rempah!] Halo Sahabat Rempah! Alhamdulillah. Pasca diberikan kesempatan untuk menjelajahi jejak Nusantara di Belanda, akhir tahun lalu saya diminta oleh Mas Bram Kushardjanto (Dewan Pembina Yayasan) untuk mengoordinir acara Ekspos Publik Negeri Rempah: Jalur Rempah dalam Misi Persahabatan, Pertukaran Budaya, dan Pemahaman Antarbudaya. Pada Ekspos Publik yang dilangsungkan di Perpustakaan Nasional Republik Indonesia (Perpusnas RI) ini, Jeane Pombaela dan saya berkesempatan merepresentasikan sukarelawan muda Yayasan untuk memaparkan program-program prioritas Yayasan. Senang rasanya bisa berbagi cerita perjalanan kami dalam memahami Jalur Rempah yang telah mengubah dunia secara politik, ekonomi, sosial dan budaya—dari perspektif Indonesia. Beberapa program yang akan kami jalankan di tahun 2024 ini adalah 1️⃣ Komunikasi dan Pembelajaran Publik yang telah diinisiasikan oleh Yayasan sejak awal terbentuk, mencakup Sesi Berbagi, International Forum on Spice Route, dan Pustaka Negeri Rempah. 2️⃣ Pameran Rempah dan Kita yang direncanakan diadakan pada bulan Agusus Pameran seru untuk mewadahi antusiasme masyarakat terhadap rempah-rempah. 3️⃣ Diplomasi Budaya Jalur Rempah, sebagai upaya mengonsolidasi negara-negara yang memiliki kesamaan, keterkaitan, dan keterhubungan secara budaya (common heritage) dengan Jalur Rempah. Selain membuka dialog people to people melalui DBJR, Yayasan juga merencanakan program pasca misi berupa Residensi Penelitian dan Spice Route Ensemble. Sebuah kehormatan untuk dibimbing langsung oleh Mas Bram dan Mba Kumoratih Kushardjanto dalam mewujudkan Ekspos Publik pertama Yayasan. Terima kasih untuk seluruh tim produksi, presenter, dan sukarelawan: Bram Kushardjanto (Produser & Naskah), unggul kardjono (Pengarah Acara), Josh C. Rahadi (Penata Laku), Dian Parmantia (Penata Artistik), Agung Sedayu (Penata Audio Visual), Yong Kushandiono (Desainer Grafis), Mohammad Fathi Royyani, Chaedar Saleh, uus faizal firdaussy, Sari Wulandari, Lila Muliani, Firta Hapsari, Salfia Rahmawati, Claritauli Angeliana, Syifa Fauzia, Elsa Zulaeda, Aisyah Abdul Aziz, Indah Garatu, Irma Zahrotunnisa Wijaya, Serdi, Cahyadi Putra (Pinpin Cahyadi), dan ngga ketinggalan Fahira Shanin Nadifa (volunter dadakan🤗). Praise be to God. Allâhumma bârik. #NegeriRempah #JalurRempah #SpiceRoute #CulturalRoute #CultureDiplomacy #Volunteer #Sukarelawan #Nusantara #Sejarah #Budaya

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