Adrian Li

Adrian Li

Jakarta, Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
26 rb pengikut 500+ koneksi


Adrian is Founder & Managing Partner at AC Ventures, formerly Convergence Ventures. ACV…


Bergabung sekarang untuk melihat semua aktivitas



  • Gambar Stanford University Graduate School of Business

    Stanford University Graduate School of Business


    Aktivitas dan Kegiatan Sosial:Greater China Business Club, Entrepreneur Association, Venture Capital, FOAM Committee, STEP Program Founder/ Leader

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    Aktivitas dan Kegiatan Sosial:Hawks Club, Judo Club, CUIS, Abacus, CNYTrust

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    Curriculum at IRONMAN U is a collaboration between subject matter experts and IRONMAN U Master Coaches with extensive endurance sports background and knowledge, who are regarded as leaders in the triathlon coaching world.

Pengalaman Sukarela


  • The Sleeping Giant

    E-Book Ken McElroy

    Just as it seems that all the media can offer are pronouncements of doom and gloom for the world in general, and business in particular, Ken McElroy provides the work force with a truly inspiring voice of optimism in his fourth book, The Sleeping Giant. McElroy’s, contributors, twenty self-employed entrepreneurs, are well-springs of knowledge, advice, and entrepreneurial inspiration

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  • 31種突破口試高分必背公式

    McGraw Hill

    國內第一本專為華人編寫的雅思口語高分手冊 英國雅思 (IELTS) 考試在台考官專業推薦 在口說考試中,考官雖然明白考生想要表達的意思,卻不能給高分,原因是受限於華人的答題邏輯思維不容易被考官認同。本書獨創的雅思口語高分秘訣: 第一步,瞭解答題思路,教你說什麼。第二步,練習實戰經驗,教你如何說。

    Lihat penerbitan
  • Ironman Blog

    - is my personal training journal detailing my preparation for my 2013 Ironman Western Australia attempt. Visit my blog to learn more about what it takes to attempt the world's toughest one day race - a 3.9KM swim, 180KM bike and 42 KM run - in under the 17 hour timeline to become an Ironman

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Gelar Kehormatan dan Penghargaan

  • Kauffman Fellow Class 21

    Kauffman Fellows

    The Kauffman Fellowship is a highly sought-after two-year program dedicated exclusively to the world of innovation investing. While working full-time at an investment organization, a class of 30-40 Fellows receive a structured curriculum with an individual development plan, facilitated mentoring, and peer learning and networking – all with a focus on giving back and on one’s responsibility as an emerging leader in the industry. Graduating Fellows join a lifelong, global professional network…

    The Kauffman Fellowship is a highly sought-after two-year program dedicated exclusively to the world of innovation investing. While working full-time at an investment organization, a class of 30-40 Fellows receive a structured curriculum with an individual development plan, facilitated mentoring, and peer learning and networking – all with a focus on giving back and on one’s responsibility as an emerging leader in the industry. Graduating Fellows join a lifelong, global professional network. Kauffman Fellows celebrated their 15th anniversary in 2012. As of 2013, Kauffman Fellows have collectively made $6 billion in venture capital investments, sparking growth in hundreds of new enterprises, $15 billion in annually recurring revenues, and the creation of 50,000 jobs.


  • English

    Tingkat fasih atau penutur asli

  • Mandarin

    Tingkat profesional mahir

  • Cantonese

    Terbatas namun fungsional

  • French

    Tingkat dasar

  • Indonesian

    Tingkat dasar

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  • Melihat siapa yang sama-sama Anda kenal
  • Minta diperkenalkan
  • Hubungi langsung Adrian
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