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Dahulu ada seorang bernama HAKA. Seorang saudagar kaya dari negeri Cina.
Pekerjaannya adalah transaksi jual beli hasil bumi berkelana keseluruh penjuru dunia.

Singkat cerita, tibalah HAKA di pulau BORNEO/KALIMANTAN. ditemukannya

sebuah gua untuk dijadikan tempat untuk beristirahat. Namun didalam gua tersebut,
HAKA bertemu seekor naga yang sangat besar sekali. Diatas kepala sang Naga
tampak berkilauan, dan ternyata kilauan cahaya tersebut berupakan pantulan dari
sebuah Batu permata yang berada diatas kepala sang naga.

Haka kemudian berpikir, seandainya batu permata yang berada diatas kepala sang
Naga itu dapat ia peroleh, tentunya ia akan jadi sangat kaya karena sudah barang
tentu Batu Permata itu akan sangat mahal harganya. Dengan segala upaya HAKA
berusaha untuk mengambil Batu Permata yang berada diatas kepala sang Naga,
namun ia tidak berhasil. Karena kekuatan naga sangat luar biasa dengan semburan api
yang sangat panas dari mulut sang Naga. HAKA pun menyerah, ia memutusjan untuk
kembali pulang ke negerinya.

Sesampai di negerinya di Cina, HAKA pun menghadap Raja dan menceritakan

tentang sang NAGA kepada baginda Raja. Mendengar cerita dari HAKA, Raja pun
tertarik dan mengumpulkan seluruh pasukan kerajaan untuk mendiskusikan
bagaimana agar bisa mengalahkan sang Naga dan mengambil Batu Permata yang ada
di atas kepala sang Naga.

Akhirnya disepakati, seluruh pasukan yang akan diberangkatkan melawan sang Naga
dibuatkan pakaian anti api dengan persenjataan yang amat sangatlah lengkap.
Berangkatlah bala pasukan dari negeri Cina berlayar menuju pulau Kalimantan
bersama HAKA untuk membunuh sang Naga berada.
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Pasukan kemudian dibagi menjadi dua bagian. Pasukan pertama naik kedaratan
bersama HAKA menuju gua, dan pasukan kedua menunggu diatas kapal.

Pasukan yang dipimpin HAKA pun berangkat menuju gua dimana sang Naga berada.
Sesampai di Gua, sang Naga sedang tertidur pula. HAKA memerintahkan kepada
pasukannya untuk tenang dan jangan sampai menimbulkan suara. Dengan sangat hati-
hati HAKA beranjak mendekati sang Naga. Alhasil, Batu Permata yang berada diatas
kepala sang Naga pun dapat diperolah HAKA tanpa harus berperang melawan san

Bersukacitalah seluruh pasukan HAKA karena telah berhasil mendapatkan Batu

Permata itu tanpa bersusah payah melawan sang Naga. Batu Permata pun dipegang
secara bergantian oleh para prajurit karena mereka ingin sekali melihat wujud Batu
Permata tersebut. Dan tanpa mereka sadari, suara tawa sukacita mereka membuat
sang Naga terbangun dan mengejar mereka.

HAKA dan seluruh pasukannya kemudian lari tunggang langgang menyelamatkan

diri menuju kapal. Sang parjurit yang pada saat itu tengah memegang Batu Permata
tersebut berhasil masuk ke kapal dan memerintahkan agar kapal segera berlayar.

Nasib tidak diuntung, mujur pun tidaklah didapat. HAKA dan beberapa orang prajurit
tertinggal didaratan, kapal telah berlayar membawa Batu Permata menuju negeri Cina
dan tidak pernah kembali lagi menjemput HAKA dan prajurit lainnya.

Akhirnya, HAKA dan prajurit yang tersisa berjalan menyusuri hutan, rimba dan
sungai untuk mencari makanan. Mereka pun menemukan sebuah perkampungan dan
meminta pertolongan kepada masyarakat setempat. Karena tidak ada lagi pilihan lain
cara untuk kembali ke negeri asalnya, HAKA dan para prajurit pun kemudian
menetap diperkampungan tersebut. Hingga akhirnya mereka pun bisa beradaptasi
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dengan masyarakat tersebut, berkeluarga dan dari situlah asal mula Penduduk Pulau
Kalimantan memiliki Ras dari Negeri Cina.

Setelah sekian tahun, perkembangan penduduk semakin pesat. HAKA membawa

sebagian penduduk untuk pindah ke daerah lain. Tempat tersebut bernama APAU

Di APAU AHE lah masyarakat HAKA terus tumbuh dan berkembang.

Versi file lengkapnya dalam Ms. Wordnya Bisa Di Ambil Di:


There used to be a man named HAKA. A wealthy merchant from China. His job is buying and
selling agricultural products to all corners of the world wanders.
short story, it was HAKA on the island of BORNEO / KALIMANTAN. discovery of a cave to be
a place to rest. But inside the cave, the HAKA met a dragon that is very big. Above the
dragon's head sparkled, and it turns out the glint of light reflected from a berupakan Jewel
located above the head of the dragon.
Haka then thought, if the gemstone located above the head of the dragon that he can get,
surely he would be very rich because surely it Gems could be costly. With every effort HAKA
trying to retrieve Gems located above the head of the dragon, but he did not succeed.
Because most extraordinary power of a dragon with a very hot flame from the mouth of the
dragon. HAKA gave up, he memutusjan to return to his country.
Back in his country in China, HAKA even went to King and told him about the dragon to the
king the king. Hear stories from the HAKA, King was interested in and gather the armies of
the kingdom to discuss how to beat the dragon and take existing Gems above the dragon's
Finally agreed upon, the entire army to be dispatched against the Dragon anti-flame
clothing made with a very very complete weapons. Come out of reinforcements of troops
from China sailed to the island of Borneo with HAKA to kill the dragon is located.
Forces and then divided into two parts. The first troops ride kedaratan with HAKA toward
the cave, and the two armies waited on board.
HAKA-led troops departed for the cave where the dragon is located. Arriving at the cave, the
dragon was asleep again. HAKA ordered the army to calm down and not to make noise. By
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very carefully moved toward the Dragon HAKA. Consequently, Stone is located above the
dragon's head can be obtained even without having to fight against the HAKA san Dragons.
Rejoice all HAKA troops for having managed to get Gems that without any effort against the
Dragons. Gems was held alternately by the soldiers because they were eager to see the
manifestation Gems. And without them knowing it, their laughter and joy to make the
dragon awoke and pursued them.
HAKA and all his troops and then fled helter-skelter to save themselves to the ship. The
parjurit which at that time was holding the Gems made it into the ship and ordered the ship
to set sail.
Fate is not benefited, lucky not to get too. HAKA and few soldiers left behind didaratan ship
has sailed into the country bringing Gems China and never come back again to pick HAKA
and other soldiers.
Finally, the remaining soldiers HAKA and walk through the forest, jungles and rivers to find
food. They also found a village and ask for help to the local community. Because no other
options for the way back to their countries, HAKA, and the soldiers were later settled
diperkampungan it. Until finally they can adapt to society, married and from there the origin
of the population of Borneo island have Ras Chinese Affairs.
After all these years, the rapid population growth. HAKA bring some residents to move to
another area. The place is named Apau Ahe.
Ahe was in Apau HAKA community continues to grow and develop.
Versi file lengkapnya dalam Ms. Wordnya Bisa Di Ambil Di:

Generic Structure

The legend of Dayak Kenyah


There used to be a man named HAKA. A wealthy merchant from China. His job is buying
and selling agricultural products to all corners of the world wanders.


short story, it was HAKA on the island of BORNEO / KALIMANTAN. discovery of a cave to be
a place to rest. But inside the cave, the HAKA met a dragon that is very big. Above the
Versi file lengkapnya dalam Ms. Wordnya Bisa Di Ambil Di:

dragon's head sparkled, and it turns out the glint of light reflected from a Jewel located
above the head of the dragon.
Haka then thought, if the gemstone located above the head of the dragon that he can get,
surely he would be very rich because surely it Gems could be costly. With every effort HAKA
trying to retrieve Gems located above the head of the dragon, but he did not succeed.
Because most extraordinary power of a dragon with a very hot flame from the mouth of the
dragon. HAKA gave up, he decide to return to his country.


Until finally they can adapt to society, married and from there the origin of the population
of Borneo island have Ras Chinese Affairs.


Experience is the best teacher. That right?

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