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Mineral Albit



Mineral albit merupakan salah satu mineral yang masuk di dalam

tektosilikat. Warna dari mineral albit ini biasanya berwarna putih
atau tidak berwarna, dengan kilap mineral menyerupai kaca dan
akan berubah menjadi kilap tanah jika lapuk.
Mineral albit memiliki kekerasan 6 hingga 6,5 dengan berat jenis
mineralsekitar 2,61 dan memiliki belahan sempurna dengan sifat
pecahan konkoidal. Sistem kristal pada mineral albit ini berupa
sistem kristal trikilin dengan bentuk kristal tabular dan mendatar.

Contoh Batuan Mineral Albit

Berikut ini deskripsi dari batuan mineral albit yang plengdut

kumpulkan untuk data perpustakaan online kalin ini.
1. Rumus kimia : Na AlSi3O8
2. Klas : Silikat
3. Sub klas :Tektosilikat
4. Group : Felspar
5. Sifat fisik :

Warna : berasal dari kata albino yang berarti berwarna putih

atau tidak berwarna.

Kilap : kaca, kilap tanah jika lapuk

Transparansi : transulen sampai opak, kadang-kadang


Sistem kristal : tabular dan mendatar

Belahan : sempurna

Pecahan : konkoidal

Kekerasan : 6-6,5

Berat jenis : 2,61

Streak : putih,

Mineral asosiasi : kwarsa, tourmalin, dan muskovit.

Itulah tadi rincian deskripsi dari batuan mineral albit yang kita
bahas pada postingan kali ini, semoga bisa membantu temanteman semua dalam belajar.


Senyawa kimia

: NaAlSi3 O8, Sodium aluminum silicate.


: Silika


: Tektosilika


: Feldspar


: Batu ornamen, keramik, dan spesimen mineral.

: Tergolong kristal-kristal blocky, tabular and platy. Tipikal
kristalnya hampir persegi atau persegi melintang dengan kubah yang sedikit
melenceng dan terdapat pinacoid terminations. Sebuah jenis yang disebut
Cleavelandite membentuk lapisan kristal tipis yang bias berkembang (melewati 15+
cm ) atau menebal beberapa milimeter. Twinning is almost universal in albite. Kristalkristalnya dapat di-twinned menurut hukum Albite, Carlsbad, Manebach and Baveno.
Albite adalah penyusun umum dari batuan granit dan syenite. Juga tergolong masif.

: Labrador, Kanada dan di Scandinavian Peninsula.

Sistem kristal

: Triclinic, bar 1.

Pada mineral alterasi

3. Albite.

Sifat Fisik :Mineral ini mempunyai Kilap kaca, dimana bentuknya transparan (Tembus
cahaya), dengan warna dominan: putih, kebiru-biruan, abu-abu, merah muda, dll. Gores putih.
Skala kekerasan (Mohs): 6 -6, belahan sempurna di [001], baik di [010], tak sempurna di
{110}, pecahan Irregular/Uneven, conchoidal. Densitas (yang di/terukur): 2.6 -2.65 g/cm3,
densitas (yang dihitung): 2615(6) g/cm3.

Sifat Kimia ;Komposisi kimia yang penting Na, Al, O, Si, merupakan salah satu mineral
anggota grup Feldspar, mengandung silika dan aluminum, rumus kimia Na(AlSi3O8).

Sifat Optik ; Sistem kristal triclinic, termasuk dalam kelas pinacoidal, kembaran
polysintethic, optik ( = 1.525, = 1.529, = 1.536).

Lingkungan Pembentukan.
Pada daerah vulkanik, tepatnya pada daerah hidrotermal sebagai urat dan genesanya yaitu
hasil dari metasomatisma sodium.

AlbiteNaAlSi3O8, Mineral ini menunjukkan warna putih, sistem kristal triklin, belahan 3 arah, pecahan tidak rata
konkoidal, kilap kaca, cerat putih. Terbentuk pada suhu 750 8000C, akibat proses hidrotermal dengan suhu
yang rendah dan alterasi dari plagioklas, proses metamorfik dengan temperatur dan tekanan yang rendah,
proses magmatisme dan proses albitisasi.

Albite is a plagioclase feldspar mineral. It is the sodium endmember of the plagioclase solid
solution series. As such it represents a plagioclase with less than 10% anorthite content. The
pure albite endmember has the formula NaAlSi3O8. It is a tectosilicate. Its color is usually pure
white, hence its name from Latin albus. It is a common constituent in felsic rocks.


Albite crystallizes with triclinic pinacoidal forms. Its specific gravity is about 2.62 and it has
a Mohs hardness of 6 - 6.5. Albite almost always exhibits crystal twinning often as minute parallel
striations on the crystal face. Albite often occurs as fine parallel segregations alternating with
pinkmicrocline in perthite as a result of exolution on cooling.
There are two variants of albite, which are referred to aslow albite and high albite; the latter is
also known asanalbite. Although both variants are triclinic, they differ in the volume of their unit
cell, which is slightly larger for thehigh form. The high form can be produced from the lowform by
heating above c. 750 C (1382 F).[4] Upon further heating to more than c. 1050 C the crystal
symmetry changes from triclinic to monoclinic; this variant is also known as monalbite.[5]
It occurs in granitic and pegmatite masses, in some hydrothermal vein deposits and forms part of
the typical greenschist metamorphic facies for rocks of originally basaltic composition.
It was first reported in 1815 for an occurrence in Finnbo, Falun, Dalarna, Sweden.[2]

Albite is a common felspar and is the "pivot" mineral of two

different feldspar series. It is most often associated with the
plagioclase series where it is an end member of this series. The
plagioclase series comprises felspars that range in chemical
composition from pure NaAlSi3 O8 to pure CaAl2 Si2 O8 . The
various plagioclase feldspars are identified from each other by
gradations in index of refraction and density in the absence of
chemical analysis and/or optical measurements. Albite is also an
end member of the alkali or K-feldspars whose series ranges from
pure NaAlSi3 O8 to pure KAlSi3 O8. This series only exists at high
temperatures with the mineral sanidine being the potassium, K,
rich end member. At lower temperatures, the K-feldspars will
seperate from the albite in a process called exsolution. The albite

will form layers inside the k-feldspars crystals. Some times these
layers are discernable to the naked eye and the stone is referred
to as perthite. Albite by definition must contain no less than 90%
sodium and no more than 10% of either potassium and/or
calcium in the cation position in the crystal structure..
Albite is the last of the feldspars to crystallize from molten rock.
The process of crystallization from a molten rock body serves to
isolate rarer elements in the last stages of crystallization and
therefore produces rare mineral species. Thus albite is often
found with some lovely rare and beautiful minerals. Although
usually not an exceptional collection mineral in itself, albite can
be a nice accessory mineral to other mineral species. A variety
associated with tourmaline is called cleavelandite and forms
extremely thin, platy, white and sometimes very transparent
All plagioclase feldspars show a type of twinning that is named
after albite. Albite Law twinning produces stacks of twin layers
that are typically only fractions of millimeters to several
millimeters thick. These twinned layers can be seen as striation
like grooves on the surface of the crystal and unlike true
striations these also appear on the cleavage surfaces. The
Carlsbad Law twin produces what appears to be two intergrown
crystals growing in opposite directions. Two different twin laws,
the Manebach and Baveno laws, produce crystals with one
prominant mirror plane and penetrant angles or notches into the
crystal. Although twinned crystals are common, single crystals
showing a perfect twin are rare and are often collected by twin

Color is usually white (Albite is derived from the same root

word as albino) or colorless but can be shades of blue,
yellow, orange and brown.
Luster is vitreous to dull if weathered..

Transparency crystals are translucent to opaque and only

sometimes transparent.
Crystal System is triclinic; bar 1
Crystal Habits include blocky, tabular and platy crystals.
The typical crystal has a nearly rectangular or square crosssection with slightly slanted dome and pinacoid
terminations. A variety called Cleavelandite forms very thin
platy crystals that can grow rather large (15+ cm across)
but can maintain an even thickness of only a few
millimeters. Twinning is almost universal in albite. Crystals
can be twinned according to the Albite, Carlsbad, Manebach
and Baveno laws. Albite is a common constituent of granitic
and syenite rocks. Can also be massive.
Cleavage is perfect in one and good in another direction
forming nearly right angled prisms.
Fracture is conchoidal.
Hardness is 6 - 6.5.
Specific Gravity is approximately 2.61 (average)
Streak is white.
Minerals are quartz, tourmaline and muscovite.
Other Characteristics: index of refraction is 1.53. Lamellar
twinning may cause a grooved effect on cystal surfaces that
appear as striations. Some albite may show an opalescence
due to twinning and is referred to as moonstone.
Notable Occurrences include Labrador, Canada and the
Scandinavian Peninsula.
Best Field Indicators are occurence, crystal habit,
twinning, striations, density and index of refraction.


Sodium aluminum silicate, often with the sodium
partially replaced by calcium or potassium.


White, colorless, cream, light yellow, light blue, light green, pale
red, light brown, gray. Some Albite is iridescent with schillers.




6 - 6.5

Crystal System


3D Crystal Atlas
(Click for animated model)

Crystal Forms
and Aggregates

Crystals are usually flat and bladed, and often in compact

groupings. Also occurs as tall prismatic and
short, stubby, tabular crystals. These crystals are usually in
groupings, and rarely occur singly on a matrix. Crystal twins are
common. Other forms are grainy, massive, columnar, rosette,
and coxcomb. Crystals are sometimes striated.
Click here for more detailed information on the crystal
structure of the Feldspars.


Transparent to translucent

Specific Gravity

2.6 - 2.63


Vitreous to pearly


2,1 - basal ; 2,1 - prismatic ; 3,1 - pinacoidal. The cleavage

angle is about 90.


Subconchoidal to uneven



Complex Tests

Soluble in hydrofluoric acid

In Group

Silicates; Tectosilicates; Feldspar Group


Crystal habits, cleavage, hardness, and color


Most often in granite pegmatite, also in metamorphic rocks

and sedimentary conglomerates.

Rock Type

Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic

Popularity (1-4) 2
Prevalence (13)

Demand (1-3)

- See more at: http://www.minerals.net/mineral/albite.aspx#sthash.jGRHmmbg.dpuf See more at: http://www.minerals.net/mineral/albite.aspx#sthash.jGRHmmbg.dpuf

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