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Definisi Satuan untuk Massa pengonversi

dalam [Bahasa Sasaran] dan Bahasa Inggris

Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia English
Kilogram (kg) adalah satuan dasar massa dalam
Satuan Sistem Internasional (SI) dan didefinisikan
sama dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram
Internasional, yang hampir setara dengan massa
satu liter air.
Gram (g) adalah satuan massa, salah satu satuan
dasar dalam CGS. Satuan ini juga merupakan
pecahan desimal dari satuan dasar massa dalam
Satuan Sistem Internasional (SI) kilogram, yang
ditetapkan sama dengan massa Purwarupa
Kilogram Internasional, yang hampir setara
dengan massa satu liter air.
Eksagram (Eg) adalah kelipatan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) Kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional,
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1
Eg = 10 g = 10 kg.
Petagram (Pg) adalah kelipatan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) Kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional,
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1
Pg = 10 g = 10 kg.
Teragram (Tg) adalah kelipatan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) Kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama

A kilogram (kg) is the base unit of mass in
the International System of Units (SI) and is
defined as being equal to the mass of the
International Prototype Kilogram, which is
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water.
A gram (g) is a unit of mass, one of the base
units in CGS. It is also a decimal fraction of
the base unit of mass in the International
System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
defined as being equal to the mass of the
International Prototype Kilogram, which is
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water.
An exagram (Eg) is a decimal multiple of
the base unit of mass in the International
System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
defined as being equal to the mass of the
International Prototype Kilogram, which is
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water. 1 Eg = 10 g = 10 kg.
A petagram (Pg) is a decimal multiple of the
base unit of mass in the International System
of Units (SI) kilogram, which is defined as
being equal to the mass of the International
Prototype Kilogram, which is almost exactly
equal to the mass of one liter of water. 1 Pg =
10 g = 10 kg.
A teragram (Tg) is a decimal multiple of the
base unit of mass in the International System
of Units (SI) kilogram, which is defined as

dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional, being equal to the mass of the International
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1 Prototype Kilogram, which is almost exactly
Tg = 10 g = 10 kg.
equal to the mass of one liter of water. 1 Tg =
10 g = 10 kg.
Gigagram (Gg) adalah kelipatan desimal dari
A gigagram (Gg) is a decimal multiple of
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
the base unit of mass in the International
Internasional (SI) Kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional, defined as being equal to the mass of the
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1 International Prototype Kilogram, which is
Gg = 10 g = 10 kg.
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water. 1 Gg = 10 g = 10 kg.
Megagram (Mg) adalah kelipatan desimal dari
A megagram (Mg) is a decimal multiple of
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
the base unit of mass in the International
Internasional (SI) Kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional, defined as being equal to the mass of the
yaitu hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air.
International Prototype Kilogram, which is
Nama lain dari megagram adalah ton (metrik ton almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
atau metrik tonne), yang hampir selalu dipilih
of water. Another name of the megagram is a
untuk megagram. 1 Mg = 10 g = 10 kg = 1 t.
ton (metric ton or metric tonne), which is
almost always preferred to megagram. 1 Mg
= 10 g = 10 kg = 1 t.
Hektogram (hg) adalah kelipatan desimal dari
A hectogram (hg) is a decimal multiple of
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
the base unit of mass in the International
Internasional (SI) Kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional, defined as being equal to the mass of the
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1 International Prototype Kilogram, which is
hg = 100 g = 0,1 kg.
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water. 1 hg = 100 g = 0,1 kg.
Dekagram (dag) adalah kelipatan desimal dari
A dekagram (dag) is a decimal multiple of
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
the base unit of mass in the International
Internasional (SI) Kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional, defined as being equal to the mass of the
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1 International Prototype Kilogram, which is
dag = 10 g = 0,01 kg.
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water. 1 dag = 10 g = 0,01 kg.
Desigram (dg)adalah pecahan desimal dari satuan A decigram (dg) is a decimal fraction of the
dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem Internasional
base unit of mass in the International System
(SI) kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama dengan massa of Units (SI) kilogram, which is defined as
Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional, yang hampir being equal to the mass of the International
setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1 dg = 0,1 g = Prototype Kilogram, which is almost exactly
10 kg.
equal to the mass of one liter of water. 1 dg =

Sentigram (cg) adalah pecahan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional,
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1
cg = 0,01 g = 10 kg.
Miligram (mg) adalah pecahan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional,
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1
mg = 10 g = 10 kg.
Mikrogram (g) adalah pecahan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional,
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1
g = 10 g = 10 kg.
Nanogram (ng) adalah pecahan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional,
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1
ng = 10 g = 10 kg.
Pikogram (pg) adalah pecahan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional,
yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1
pg = 10 g = 10 kg.
Femtogram (fg) adalah pecahan desimal dari
satuan dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem
Internasional (SI) kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama
dengan massa Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional,

0,1 g = 10 kg.
A centigram (cg) is a decimal fraction of the
base unit of mass in the International System
of Units (SI) kilogram, which is defined as
being equal to the mass of the International
Prototype Kilogram, which is almost exactly
equal to the mass of one liter of water. 1 cg =
0,01 g = 10 kg.
A milligram (mg) is a decimal fraction of
the base unit of mass in the International
System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
defined as being equal to the mass of the
International Prototype Kilogram, which is
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water. 1 mg = 10 g = 10 kg.
A microgram (g) is a decimal fraction of
the base unit of mass in the International
System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
defined as being equal to the mass of the
International Prototype Kilogram, which is
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water. 1 g = 10 g = 10 kg.
A nanogram (ng) is a decimal fraction of the
base unit of mass in the International System
of Units (SI) kilogram, which is defined as
being equal to the mass of the International
Prototype Kilogram, which is almost exactly
equal to the mass of one liter of water. 1 ng =
10 g = 10 kg.
A picogram (pg) is a decimal fraction of the
base unit of mass in the International System
of Units (SI) kilogram, which is defined as
being equal to the mass of the International
Prototype Kilogram, which is almost exactly
equal to the mass of one liter of water. 1 pg =
10 g = 10 kg.
A femtogram (fg) is a decimal fraction of
the base unit of mass in the International
System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
defined as being equal to the mass of the

yang hampir setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1 fg International Prototype Kilogram, which is
= 10 g = 10 kg.
almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water. 1 fg = 10 g = 10 kg.
Atogram (ag) adalah pecahan desimal dari satuan An attogram (ag) is a decimal fraction of
dasar massa dalam Satuan Sistem Internasional
the base unit of mass in the International
(SI) kilogram, yang ditetapkan sama dengan massa System of Units (SI) kilogram, which is
Purwarupa Kilogram Internasional, yang hampir defined as being equal to the mass of the
setara dengan massa satu liter air. 1 ag = 10 g = International Prototype Kilogram, which is
10 kg. Contoh: massa virus yang kecil adalah almost exactly equal to the mass of one liter
of water. 1 ag = 10 g = 10 kg.
10 atogram.
Example: the mass of a small virus is 10
Dalton (Da) atau satuan massa atom gabungan A dalton (Da) or unified atomic mass unit
(u) adalah satuan massa non sistem yang
(u) is the non-system unit of mass that is
digunakan untuk menunjukkan massa dalam atom, used for indicating mass in atoms, molecules
molekul dan partikel elementer. Satuan ini
and elementary particles. It is defined as one
ditetapkan sebagai seperduabelas dari massa netral twelfth of the mass of a neutral atom of
atom karbon-12 dalam kondisi dasarnya. 1 Da carbon-12 in its ground state. 1 Da
1,6605310 kg.
1.6605310 kg.
kilogram-force second/meter
kilogram-force second/meter
A kilogram-force-second squared per meter
A kilogram-force-second squared per
(kgfs/m) is a non-system unit of mass equal to
meter (kgfs/m) is a non-system unit of
9.80655 kg. It is a mass of an object that
mass equal to 9.80655 kg. It is a mass of an
accelerates by 1 m/s when a force of one kilogram object that accelerates by 1 m/s when a
(kgf) is exerted on it.
force of one kilogram (kgf) is exerted on it.
A kilopound (kip), which is also called kip, is a A kilopound (kip), which is also called kip,
non-SI unit of force. It is equal to 1,000 pounds- is a non-SI unit of force. It is equal to 1,000
force and used primarily by American architects pounds-force and used primarily by
and engineers to measure engineering loads. It is American architects and engineers to
sometimes considered a unit of mass, equal to
measure engineering loads. It is sometimes
1,000 pounds. The name comes from the words
considered a unit of mass, equal to 1,000
kilo and pound.
pounds. The name comes from the words
kilo and pound.
A kip, which is also called kilopound, is a non-SI A kip, which is also called kilopound, is a
non-metric unit of force. It is equal to 1,000
non-SI non-metric unit of force. It is equal to
pounds-force and used primarily by American
1,000 pounds-force and used primarily by
architects and engineers to measure engineering American architects and engineers to
loads. It is sometimes considered a unit of mass, measure engineering loads. It is sometimes
equal to 1,000 pounds. The name comes from the considered a unit of mass, equal to 1,000
words kilo and pound. 1 kip = 4448.22
pounds. The name comes from the words
newtons (N).
kilo and pound. 1 kip = 4448.22 newtons

A slug is a unit of mass in the US Customary Units A slug is a unit of mass in the US Customary
and British Imperial Units. It is a mass of an object Units and British Imperial Units. It is a mass
that accelerates by 1 ft/s when a force of one
of an object that accelerates by 1 ft/s when a
pound-force (lbf) is exerted on it. 1 slug = 1
force of one pound-force (lbf) is exerted on
lbfs/ft. One slug has a mass of approximately
it. 1 slug = 1 lbfs/ft. One slug has a mass of
14.594 kg.
approximately 14.594 kg.
pound-force second/foot
pound-force second/foot
A pound-force-second squared per foot
A pound-force-second squared per foot
(lbfs/ft) is a unit of force in the US Customary (lbfs/ft) is a unit of force in the US
Units and British Imperial Units. It is a mass of an Customary Units and British Imperial Units.
object that accelerates by 1 ft/s when a force of
It is a mass of an object that accelerates by 1
one pound-force (lbf) is exerted on it. Another
ft/s when a force of one pound-force (lbf) is
name of this unit is a slug. 1 slug = 1 lbfs/ft. One exerted on it. Another name of this unit is a
slug has a mass of approximately 14.594 kg.
slug. 1 slug = 1 lbfs/ft. One slug has a mass
of approximately 14.594 kg.
A pound or pound-mass (lb, lbm, lbm, ) is a A pound or pound-mass (lb, lbm, lbm, )
unit of mass used in the US Customary Units and is a unit of mass used in the US Customary
British Imperial Units and other systems of
Units and British Imperial Units and other
measurement. By the most common definition
systems of measurement. By the most
today, the pound is legally defined as exactly
common definition today, the pound is
0.45359237 kilograms. The pound-mass name of legally defined as exactly 0.45359237
the unit is used to distinguish it from the pound- kilograms. The pound-mass name of the unit
is used to distinguish it from the poundforce.
pound (troy or apothecary)
pound (troy or apothecary)
A troy pound is an obsolete unit of mass used in A troy pound is an obsolete unit of mass
the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units used in the US Customary Units and British
and other systems of measurement. It is equal to Imperial Units and other systems of
12 troy ounces and to 5,760 grains or
measurement. It is equal to 12 troy ounces
approximately 373.2 grams. Troy weights were
and to 5,760 grains or approximately 373.2
used in England by apothecaries and jewellers. The grams. Troy weights were used in England
troy pound is no longer in general use. However, by apothecaries and jewellers. The troy
the troy ounce is still used for measurements of
pound is no longer in general use. However,
gold, silver platinum and other precious metals.
the troy ounce is still used for measurements
of gold, silver platinum and other precious
An international avoirdupois ounce (oz, ) is a An international avoirdupois ounce (oz, )
unit of mass in the US Customary Units and
is a unit of mass in the US Customary Units
British Imperial Units and some other
and British Imperial Units and some other
measurement systems. The international
measurement systems. The international
avoirdupois ounce is equal to approximately 28
avoirdupois ounce is equal to approximately
28 grams.
ounce (troy or apothecary)
ounce (troy or apothecary)

An international troy ounce (t oz) is a unit of

An international troy ounce (t oz) is a unit
mass equal to 480 grains. Consequently, the
of mass equal to 480 grains. Consequently,
international troy ounce is equal to exactly
the international troy ounce is equal to
31.1034768 grams. There are 12 troy ounces in the exactly 31.1034768 grams. There are 12 troy
troy pound, which is now obsolete. The troy ounce ounces in the troy pound, which is now
is used to express the mass gold, silver, platinum obsolete. The troy ounce is used to express
and other precious metals.
the mass gold, silver, platinum and other
precious metals.
metric ounce
metric ounce
A metric ounce is a unit of mass in the metric
A metric ounce is a unit of mass in the
systems of several countries. Their values are
metric systems of several countries. Their
different in different countries. The most common values are different in different countries.
is 25 grams. Another name of the metric ounce is The most common is 25 grams. Another
name of the metric ounce is mounce.
ton (short)
ton (short)
A short ton is a US Customary and British
A short ton is a US Customary and British
Imperial unit of mass equal to 2,000 pounds
Imperial unit of mass equal to 2,000 pounds
(907.18474 kg).
(907.18474 kg).
ton (long)
ton (long)
A long ton is the name for the unit called the ton A long ton is the name for the unit called the
in the British Imperial Units. One long ton is equal ton in the British Imperial Units. One long
to 1,016 kg. In the traditional British measurement ton is equal to 1,016 kg. In the traditional
system a long ton is 20 hundredweight; 1
British measurement system a long ton is 20
hundredweight = 8 stone; 1 stone = 14 pounds.
hundredweight; 1 hundredweight = 8 stone;
Thus a long ton is 20 8 14 lb = 2240 lb.
1 stone = 14 pounds. Thus a long ton is 20
8 14 lb = 2240 lb.
ton (assay) (US)
ton (assay) (US)
A short assay ton (AT) is not a unit of
A short assay ton (AT) is not a unit of
measurement, but a standard quantity used in
measurement, but a standard quantity used in
mining for quantitatively measuring the presence mining for quantitatively measuring the
precious metals in ores of precious metals. It is 29 presence precious metals in ores of precious
16 grams (short assay ton) or 32 23 grams (long metals. It is 29 16 grams (short assay ton) or
assay ton), the amount which bears the same ratio 32 23 grams (long assay ton), the amount
to a milligram as a short or long ton bears to a troy which bears the same ratio to a milligram as
ounce. In other words, the number of milligrams of a short or long ton bears to a troy ounce. In
a particular metal found in a sample of this size
other words, the number of milligrams of a
gives the number of troy ounces contained in a
particular metal found in a sample of this
short (2000 pounds) or long (2240 pounds) ton of size gives the number of troy ounces
contained in a short (2000 pounds) or long
(2240 pounds) ton of ore.
ton (assay) (UK)
ton (assay) (UK)
A long assay ton (AT) is not a unit of
A long assay ton (AT) is not a unit of
measurement, but a standard quantity used in
measurement, but a standard quantity used in
mining for quantitatively measuring the presence mining for quantitatively measuring the
precious metals in ores of precious metals. It is 29 presence precious metals in ores of precious
16 grams (short assay ton) or 32 23 grams (long metals. It is 29 16 grams (short assay ton) or

assay ton), the amount which bears the same ratio 32 23 grams (long assay ton), the amount
to a milligram as a short or long ton bears to a troy which bears the same ratio to a milligram as
ounce. In other words, the number of milligrams of a short or long ton bears to a troy ounce. In
a particular metal found in a sample of this size
other words, the number of milligrams of a
gives the number of troy ounces contained in a
particular metal found in a sample of this
short or long ton of ore.
size gives the number of troy ounces
contained in a short or long ton of ore.
ton (metric)
ton (metric)
A ton or tonne (t, mt or MT) is a metric unit of A ton or tonne (t, mt or MT) is a metric
mass equal to 1,000 kilograms or 2,204.6 pounds. unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms or
It is a non-SI unit accepted for use with SI.
2,204.6 pounds. It is a non-SI unit accepted
for use with SI.
kiloton (metric)
kiloton (metric)
A metric kiloton (kt) is a decimal multiple of the A metric kiloton (kt) is a decimal multiple
metric unit of mass, ton, which is equal to 1,000 of the metric unit of mass, ton, which is
kg. The ton is a non-SI unit accepted for use with equal to 1,000 kg. The ton is a non-SI unit
accepted for use with SI.
The kiloton is also used as a unit of energy. The
The kiloton is also used as a unit of energy.
kiloton of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a decimal
The kiloton of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a
multiple of the ton of TNT, which is a unit of
decimal multiple of the ton of TNT, which is
energy equal to 4.184 gigajoules. This is
a unit of energy equal to 4.184 gigajoules.
approximately the amount of energy released in
This is approximately the amount of energy
the detonation of one ton of TNT. The kiloton of released in the detonation of one ton of TNT.
TNT is a unit of energy equal to 4.184 terajoules. The kiloton of TNT is a unit of energy equal
The kiloton and megaton of TNT have
to 4.184 terajoules. The kiloton and megaton
traditionally been used to rate the destructive
of TNT have traditionally been used to rate
power of nuclear weapons.
the destructive power of nuclear weapons.
quintal (metric)
quintal (metric)
The metric quintal or centner is a unit of mass in The metric quintal or centner is a unit of
several countries which is defined as 100 basic
mass in several countries which is defined as
units of mass (pounds or kilograms). For example, 100 basic units of mass (pounds or
in Russia one centner equals to 100 kg and in
kilograms). For example, in Russia one
Germany it is equal to 100 metric pounds or 50 kg. centner equals to 100 kg and in Germany it is
equal to 100 metric pounds or 50 kg.
hundredweight (US)
hundredweight (US)
A short hundredweight or centum weight (cwt) is A short hundredweight or centum weight
a unit of mass defined in terms of the pound (lb). It (cwt) is a unit of mass defined in terms of the
is defined in the US customary system as 100 lb, pound (lb). It is defined in the US customary
which is equal to 45.359237 kg. This is the
system as 100 lb, which is equal to
definition used in the US customary system and in 45.359237 kg. This is the definition used in
the US customary system and in Canada.
hundredweight (UK)
hundredweight (UK)
A long hundredweight or centum weight (cwt) is A long hundredweight or centum weight
a unit of mass defined in terms of the pound (lb). It (cwt) is a unit of mass defined in terms of the
is defined in the British Imperial System of Units pound (lb). It is defined in the British
as 112 lb (8 stone), which is equal to 50.802345
Imperial System of Units as 112 lb (8 stone),

quarter (US)
A US quarter is a unit of mass in the US
Customary Units equal to one-fourth of a short
(US) hundredweight (100 lb or 45.35 kg).

which is equal to 50.802345 kg.

quarter (US)
A US quarter is a unit of mass in the US
Customary Units equal to one-fourth of a
short (US) hundredweight (100 lb or 45.35
quarter (UK)
quarter (UK)
A UK quarter is a unit of mass in the British
A UK quarter is a unit of mass in the British
Imperial Units equal to one-fourth of a long (UK) Imperial Units equal to one-fourth of a long
hundredweight (112 lb or 50.8 kg).
(UK) hundredweight (112 lb or 50.8 kg).
stone (US)
stone (US)
A US stone (st) is an informal unit of mass equal A US stone (st) is an informal unit of mass
to 12.5 pounds (about 5.67 kg) used in the US.
equal to 12.5 pounds (about 5.67 kg) used in
the US.
stone (UK)
stone (UK)
A British stone (st) is an informal unit of mass
A British stone (st) is an informal unit of
equal to 14 pounds avoirdupois (about 6.35 kg)
mass equal to 14 pounds avoirdupois (about
used in Great Britain and Ireland for measuring
6.35 kg) used in Great Britain and Ireland for
human body weight.
measuring human body weight.
A tonne or ton (t, mt or MT) is a metric unit of A tonne or ton (t, mt or MT) is a metric
mass equal to 1,000 kilograms or 2,204.6 pounds. unit of mass equal to 1,000 kilograms or
It is a non-SI unit accepted for use with SI.
2,204.6 pounds. It is a non-SI unit accepted
for use with SI.
A pennyweight (pwt) is a British Imperial unit of A pennyweight (pwt) is a British Imperial
mass that is equal to 24 grains, 120 of a troy
unit of mass that is equal to 24 grains, 120 of
ounce, 1240 of a troy pound or approximately
a troy ounce, 1240 of a troy pound or
0.054857 avoirdupois ounce and exactly
approximately 0.054857 avoirdupois ounce
1.55517384 grams. The pennyweight is usually
and exactly 1.55517384 grams. The
used for measurement quantities of precious
pennyweight is usually used for
metals and gems.
measurement quantities of precious metals
and gems.
scruple (apothecary)
scruple (apothecary)
An apothecary scruple (s.ap, ) is unit of
An apothecary scruple (s.ap, ) is unit of
apothecary mass. It is a twenty-fourth part of an apothecary mass. It is a twenty-fourth part of
ounce, or 20 grains, or approximately 1.3 grams. an ounce, or 20 grains, or approximately 1.3
More generally, any small quantity might be called grams. More generally, any small quantity
a scruple.
might be called a scruple.
A carat (car, ct) is a unit of mass equal to 200 mg A carat (car, ct) is a unit of mass equal to
(0.007055 oz) and is used for measuring
200 mg (0.007055 oz) and is used for
gemstones and pearls. This definition is also
measuring gemstones and pearls. This
known as the metric carat and was adopted in
definition is also known as the metric carat
and was adopted in 1907.

A grain (gr) is a unit of measurement of mass that A grain (gr) is a unit of measurement of
was based on the weight of a single grain of barley, mass that was based on the weight of a single
considered equivalent to 1 13 grains of wheat. The grain of barley, considered equivalent to 1
grain was the foundation of traditional English
13 grains of wheat. The grain was the
weight systems, and is the only unit that is equal foundation of traditional English weight
throughout the troy, avoirdupois, and apothecaries systems, and is the only unit that is equal
systems of mass.
throughout the troy, avoirdupois, and
apothecaries systems of mass.
A gamma is a currently deprecated non-SI metric A gamma is a currently deprecated non-SI
unit of measure of mass equal to one microgram (1 metric unit of measure of mass equal to one
microgram (1 g).
talent (Biblical Hebrew)
talent (Biblical Hebrew)
A talent (Ancient Greek: , talanton
A talent (Ancient Greek: ,
scale, balance) was one of several ancient units talanton scale, balance) was one of
of mass, as well as corresponding units of value
several ancient units of mass, as well as
equivalent to these masses of a precious metal. It corresponding units of value equivalent to
was approximately the mass of water required to these masses of a precious metal. It was
fill an amphora. A Greek, Roman, and an Egyptian approximately the mass of water required to
talents were slightly different: 26 to 32 kilograms fill an amphora. A Greek, Roman, and an
(5770 lb).
Egyptian talents were slightly different: 26 to
32 kilograms (5770 lb).
mina (Biblical Hebrew)
mina (Biblical Hebrew)
A mina (also mna, Ancient Greek ) is an
A mina (also mna, Ancient Greek ) is an
ancient Greek and Near Eastern unit of weight
ancient Greek and Near Eastern unit of
equivalent to 60 or 50 shekels. It was also a unit of weight equivalent to 60 or 50 shekels. It was
currency equal to 100 drachmae.
also a unit of currency equal to 100
shekel (Biblical Hebrew)
shekel (Biblical Hebrew)
A shekel (Hebrew: ), is any of several ancient A shekel (Hebrew: ), is any of several
units of mass and weight. The earliest shekels were ancient units of mass and weight. The
a unit of weight, used for trading before the advent earliest shekels were a unit of weight, used
of coins. As with many ancient units, the shekel
for trading before the advent of coins. As
had a variety of values depending on era,
with many ancient units, the shekel had a
government and region; weights between 9 and 17 variety of values depending on era,
grams. As many other ancient units of weight, the government and region; weights between 9
shekel was also used as a unit of currency.
and 17 grams. As many other ancient units of
weight, the shekel was also used as a unit of
bekan (Biblical Hebrew)
bekan (Biblical Hebrew)
A bekan, is an ancient units of mass and weight A bekan, is an ancient units of mass and
equal to half a shekel. The earliest shekels were a weight equal to half a shekel. The earliest
unit of weight, used for trading before the advent shekels were a unit of weight, used for
of coins. As with many ancient units, the shekel
trading before the advent of coins. As with
had a variety of values depending on era,
many ancient units, the shekel had a variety

government and region; weights between 9 and 17 of values depending on era, government and
grams. As many other ancient units of weight, the region; weights between 9 and 17 grams. As
bekan was also used as a unit of currency.
many other ancient units of weight, the
bekan was also used as a unit of currency.
gerah (Biblical Hebrew)
gerah (Biblical Hebrew)
A gerah (Hebrew )is an ancient Hebrew unit of A gerah (Hebrew )is an ancient Hebrew
weight and mass, equivalent to one-twentieth of a unit of weight and mass, equivalent to oneshekel, a shekel being 180 barleycorns. This is
twentieth of a shekel, a shekel being 180
0.57 grams. As many other
barleycorns. This is 0.57
ancient units of weight, the gerah was also used as grams. As many other ancient units of
a unit of currency.
weight, the gerah was also used as a unit of
talent (Biblical Greek)
talent (Biblical Greek)
A talent (Ancient Greek: , talanton
A talent (Ancient Greek: ,
scale, balance) was one of several ancient units talanton scale, balance) was one of
of mass, as well as corresponding units of value
several ancient units of mass, as well as
equivalent to these masses of a precious metal. It corresponding units of value equivalent to
was approximately the mass of water required to these masses of a precious metal. It was
fill an amphora. A Greek, Roman, and an Egyptian approximately the mass of water required to
talents were slightly different: 26 to 32 kilograms fill an amphora. A Greek, Roman, and an
(5770 lb).
Egyptian talents were slightly different: 26 to
32 kilograms (5770 lb).
mina (Biblical Greek)
mina (Biblical Greek)
A mina (also mna, Ancient Greek ) is an
A mina (also mna, Ancient Greek ) is an
ancient Greek and Near Eastern unit of weight
ancient Greek and Near Eastern unit of
equivalent to 60 or 50 shekels.
weight equivalent to 60 or 50 shekels.
tetradrachma (Biblical Greek)
tetradrachma (Biblical Greek)
A tetradrachm (Greek: , four
A tetradrachm (Greek: , four
drachmae) is an Ancient Greek unit of weight and drachmae) is an Ancient Greek unit of
currency equivalent to 1517 grams.
weight and currency equivalent to 1517
didrachma (Biblical Greek)
didrachma (Biblical Greek)
A didrachm (Greek: , two drachmae) is A didrachm (Greek: , two
an Ancient Greek unit of weight and currency
drachmae) is an Ancient Greek unit of
equivalent to 79 grams.
weight and currency equivalent to 79
drachma (Biblical Greek)
drachma (Biblical Greek)
A drachma (Greek: ) is an Ancient Greek A drachma (Greek: ) is an Ancient
unit of weight and currency equivalent to
Greek unit of weight and currency equivalent
approximately 4 grams.
to approximately 4 grams.
denarius (Biblical Roman)
denarius (Biblical Roman)
A denarius was a unit of mass and weight and a A denarius was a unit of mass and weight
small silver coin in the Roman currency system. It and a small silver coin in the Roman
was the most common coin produced for
currency system. It was the most common
circulation. It was equivalent to 3.04.5 g
coin produced for circulation. It was
equivalent to 3.04.5 g

assarion (Biblical Roman)

An as (plural asses), also assarius or assarion was
a bronze, and later copper, coin used during the
Roman Republic and Roman Empire. As many
other ancient coins, the asses was also used as a
unit of mass and weight.

assarion (Biblical Roman)

An as (plural asses), also assarius or assarion
was a bronze, and later copper, coin used
during the Roman Republic and Roman
Empire. As many other ancient coins, the
asses was also used as a unit of mass and
quadrans (Biblical Roman)
quadrans (Biblical Roman)
A quadrans (meaning a quarter) was a lowA quadrans (meaning a quarter) was a
value Roman bronze coin worth one quarter of an low-value Roman bronze coin worth one
as. As many other ancient coins, the quadrans was quarter of an as. As many other ancient
also used as a unit of mass and weight.
coins, the quadrans was also used as a unit of
mass and weight.
lepton (Biblical Roman)
lepton (Biblical Roman)
A lepton (Greek: pl. ) is the name of A lepton (Greek: pl. ) is the
various fractional units of currency used in the
name of various fractional units of currency
Greek-speaking world from antiquity until today. used in the Greek-speaking world from
As many other ancient coins, the lepton was also antiquity until today. As many other ancient
used as a unit of mass and weight.
coins, the lepton was also used as a unit of
mass and weight.
Planck mass
Planck mass
A Planck mass (mP) is the unit of mass in the
A Planck mass (mP) is the unit of mass in
system of natural units known as Planck units. It is the system of natural units known as Planck
used in physics. mP = 2.17651(13)10 kg =
units. It is used in physics. mP =
2.17651(13)10 kg = 21.7651 g
21.7651 g
Atomic mass unit
Atomic mass unit
A unified atomic mass unit (u) also known as
A unified atomic mass unit (u) also known
dalton (Da) is the non-system unit of mass that is as dalton (Da) is the non-system unit of mass
used for indicating mass in atoms and molecules. It that is used for indicating mass in atoms and
is defined as one twelfth of the mass of a neutral molecules. It is defined as one twelfth of the
atom of carbon-12 in its ground state. 1 Da
mass of a neutral atom of carbon-12 in its
1.6605310 kg.
ground state. 1 Da 1.6605310 kg.
Electron mass (rest)
Electron mass (rest)
The electron rest mass (me) is the mass of a
The electron rest mass (me) is the mass of a
stationary electron. It is one of the fundamental
stationary electron. It is one of the
constants of physics, and is also very important in fundamental constants of physics, and is also
chemistry because of its relation to the Avogadro very important in chemistry because of its
constant. It has a value of about 9.1110
relation to the Avogadro constant. It has a
kilograms or about 5.48610 atomic mass units. value of about 9.1110 kilograms or about
5.48610 atomic mass units.
Muon mass
Muon mass
The mass of a muon at rest is 1.88353271110 The mass of a muon at rest is
kg. The muon is an unstable elementary particle 1.88353271110 kg. The muon is an
similar to the electron, with negative electric
unstable elementary particle similar to the
charge (1) and a spin of 12.
electron, with negative electric charge (1)
and a spin of 12.

Proton mass
Proton mass
The mass of a proton is 1.672621777(74) 10 The mass of a proton is 1.672621777(74)
10 kg. The proton is a subatomic particle
kg. The proton is a subatomic particle with a
positive unitary electric charge of 1 elementary
with a positive unitary electric charge of 1
charge. One or more protons are present in the
elementary charge. One or more protons are
nucleus of each atom.
present in the nucleus of each atom.
Neutron mass
Neutron mass
The mass of a neutron is 1.674927351(74) 10 The mass of a neutron is 1.674927351(74)
kg. The neutron is a subatomic particle which has 10 kg. The neutron is a subatomic
no electric charge and a mass slightly larger than particle which has no electric charge and a
that of a proton.
mass slightly larger than that of a proton.
Deuteron mass
Deuteron mass
A deuteron is the nucleus of deuterium, also
A deuteron is the nucleus of deuterium, also
known as heavy hydrogen, which is one of two
known as heavy hydrogen, which is one of
stable isotopes of hydrogen. A deuteron contains two stable isotopes of hydrogen. A deuteron
one proton and one neutron. It has a mass of
contains one proton and one neutron. It has a
2.013553212724(78) u.
mass of 2.013553212724(78) u.
Earths mass
Earths mass
An Earth mass (M) is the unit of mass equal to An Earth mass (M) is the unit of mass
that of the Earth. 1 M = 5.9722 10 kg. Earth equal to that of the Earth. 1 M = 5.9722
mass is often used to describe masses of rocky
10 kg. Earth mass is often used to describe
terrestrial planets.
masses of rocky terrestrial planets.
Suns mass
Suns mass
The solar mass () is a standard unit of mass in The solar mass () is a standard unit of
astronomy, used to indicate the masses of other
mass in astronomy, used to indicate the
stars, as well as clusters, nebulae and galaxies. It is masses of other stars, as well as clusters,
equal to the mass of the Sun, which is 1.985510 nebulae and galaxies. It is equal to the mass
of the Sun, which is 1.985510 kg.

Mengonversi satuan menggunakan Massa pengonversi

Definisi Satuan untuk Panjang dan Jarak

pengonversi dalam [Bahasa Sasaran] dan
Bahasa Inggris
Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia English
Meter (m), adalah satuan panjang dasar dalam

A meter (m), is the base unit of length in the

Sistem Satuan Internasional (SI). Satuan ini

International System of Units (SI). It is
ditetapkan sebagai panjang jalur yang dilalui
defined as the length of the path travelled by
cahaya dalam ruang hampa selama interval waktu light in vacuum during a time interval of
1/299.792.458 detik.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
Eksameter (Em) adalah kelipatan desimal satuan An exameter (Em) is a decimal multiple of
panjang SI dasar yaitu meter. Satuan ini ditetapkan the base SI unit of length, the meter. It is
sebagai panjang jalur yang dilalui cahaya dalam defined as the length of the path travelled by
ruang hampa selama interval waktu 1/299.792.458 light in vacuum during a time interval of
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A petameter (Pm) is a decimal multiple of the
A petameter (Pm) is a decimal multiple of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A terameter (Tm) is a decimal multiple of the
A terameter (Tm) is a decimal multiple of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A gigameter (Gm) is a decimal multiple of the
A gigameter (Gm) is a decimal multiple of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A megameter (Mm) is a decimal multiple of the A megameter (Mm) is a decimal multiple of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A kilometer (km) is a decimal multiple of the base A kilometer (km) is a decimal multiple of
SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined as the the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum
defined as the length of the path travelled by
during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a
light in vacuum during a time interval of
second. A kilometer is now used officially for
1/299,792,458 of a second. A kilometer is
expressing distances between geographical places now used officially for expressing distances
on land in most of the world with notable
between geographical places on land in most
exceptions being the United States and the United of the world with notable exceptions being
the United States and the United Kingdom.
A hectometer (hm) is a decimal multiple of the
A hectometer (hm) is a decimal multiple of

base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A decameter (dam) is a decimal multiple of the A decameter (dam) is a decimal multiple of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A decimeter (dm) is a decimal fraction of the base A decimeter (dm) is a decimal fraction of
SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined as the the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum
defined as the length of the path travelled by
during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a
light in vacuum during a time interval of
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A centimeter (cm) is a decimal fraction of the
A centimeter (cm) is a decimal fraction of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A millimeter (mm) is a decimal fraction of the
A millimeter (mm) is a decimal fraction of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A micrometer (m) is a decimal fraction of the
A micrometer (m) is a decimal fraction of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second. The term micron and the symbol ,
1/299,792,458 of a second. The term micron
representing the micrometer, were officially
and the symbol , representing the
revoked by the International System of Units (SI) micrometer, were officially revoked by the
in 1967.
International System of Units (SI) in 1967.
A micron () is an obsolete name of a micrometer, A micron () is an obsolete name of a
which is a decimal fraction of the base SI unit of micrometer, which is a decimal fraction of
length, the meter. The term micron and the symbol the base SI unit of length, the meter. The
, representing the micrometer, were officially
term micron and the symbol , representing
revoked by the International System of Units (SI) the micrometer, were officially revoked by
in 1967. However, in practice, micron remains a the International System of Units (SI) in
widely used term, which is preferred to
1967. However, in practice, micron
micrometer in many English-speaking countries remains a widely used term, which is

because it helps to differentiate between the unit of preferred to micrometer in many Englishlength and the micrometer, a device used for
speaking countries because it helps to
precise measurement of small distances.
differentiate between the unit of length and
the micrometer, a device used for precise
measurement of small distances.
A nanometer (nm) is a decimal fraction of the
A nanometer (nm) is a decimal fraction of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second.
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A picometer (pm) is a decimal fraction of the base A picometer (pm) is a decimal fraction of
SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined as the the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum
defined as the length of the path travelled by
during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a
light in vacuum during a time interval of
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A femtometer (fm) is a decimal fraction of the
A femtometer (fm) is a decimal fraction of
base SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
as the length of the path travelled by light in
defined as the length of the path travelled by
vacuum during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of light in vacuum during a time interval of
a second. This unit can also be called fermi (fm). 1/299,792,458 of a second. This unit can also
be called fermi (fm).
A attometer (am) is a decimal fraction of the base A attometer (am) is a decimal fraction of
SI unit of length, the meter, which is defined as the the base SI unit of length, the meter, which is
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum
defined as the length of the path travelled by
during a time interval of 1/299,792,458 of a
light in vacuum during a time interval of
1/299,792,458 of a second.
A megaparsec (Mpc) is an decimal multiple of the A megaparsec (Mpc) is an decimal multiple
astronomical unit of length parsec, which is equal of the astronomical unit of length parsec,
to about 3.26 light-years, which is about 30.9
which is equal to about 3.26 light-years,
trillion (3.0910) kilometers. A parsec is the
which is about 30.9 trillion (3.0910)
distance from the Sun to an astronomical object
kilometers. A parsec is the distance from the
which has a parallax angle of one arcsecond.
Sun to an astronomical object which has a
parallax angle of one arcsecond.
A kiloparsec (kpc) is an decimal multiple of the A kiloparsec (kpc) is an decimal multiple of
astronomical unit of length parsec, which is equal the astronomical unit of length parsec, which
to about 3.26 light-years, which is about 30.9
is equal to about 3.26 light-years, which is
trillion (3.0910) kilometers. A parsec is the
about 30.9 trillion (3.0910) kilometers. A
distance from the Sun to an astronomical object
parsec is the distance from the Sun to an
which has a parallax angle of one arcsecond.
astronomical object which has a parallax
angle of one arcsecond.

A parsec (pc) is an astronomical unit of length,
A parsec (pc) is an astronomical unit of
which is equal to about 3.26 light-years, which is length, which is equal to about 3.26 lightabout 30.9 trillion (3.0910) kilometers. A parsec years, which is about 30.9 trillion
is the distance from the Sun to an astronomical
(3.0910) kilometers. A parsec is the
object which has a parallax angle of one
distance from the Sun to an astronomical
object which has a parallax angle of one
light year
light year
A light-year (also light year or lightyear, ly), is a A light-year (also light year or lightyear,
non-SI unit of length equal to just under 10 trillion ly), is a non-SI unit of length equal to just
kilometers or about 6 trillion miles or 0.306
under 10 trillion kilometers or about 6
parsec. It is defined as the distance that light
trillion miles or 0.306 parsec. It is defined as
travels in a vacuum in one Julian year.
the distance that light travels in a vacuum in
one Julian year.
astronomical unit
astronomical unit
An astronomical unit (AU, au, a.u., or ua) is a An astronomical unit (AU, au, a.u., or ua)
unit of length equal to approximately the mean
is a unit of length equal to approximately the
EarthSun distance which is equal to
mean EarthSun distance which is equal to
149,597,870,700 meters or 92,955,807.273 miles. 149,597,870,700 meters or 92,955,807.273
A league (lea) is an obsolete unit of length. The
A league (lea) is an obsolete unit of length.
league originally referred to the distance a person The league originally referred to the distance
or a horse could walk in an hour. On land, the
a person or a horse could walk in an hour. On
league was most commonly defined as three miles land, the league was most commonly defined
(about 4.8 km), although the length of a mile
as three miles (about 4.8 km), although the
could vary from place to place and at different
length of a mile could vary from place to
times. At sea, a league was three nautical miles
place and at different times. At sea, a league
(about 5.6 km).
was three nautical miles (about 5.6 km).
nautical league (UK)
nautical league (UK)
A nautical league (UK) is an obsolete unit of
A nautical league (UK) is an obsolete unit
length in the British Imperial Units, which was
of length in the British Imperial Units, which
equal to three nautical miles (about 5.6 km).
was equal to three nautical miles (about 5.6
nautical league (international)
nautical league (international)
An international nautical league is an obsolete An international nautical league is an
unit of length, which was equal to three nautical obsolete unit of length, which was equal to
miles (about 5.6 km).
three nautical miles (about 5.6 km).
league (statute)
league (statute)
A statute league (lea) is an obsolete unit of length. A statute league (lea) is an obsolete unit of
It is usually defined as three miles (about 4.8 km). length. It is usually defined as three miles
(about 4.8 km).
A mile (mi) is a unit of length in US Customary A mile (mi) is a unit of length in US
Units and British Imperial Units. It is most
Customary Units and British Imperial Units.

commonly equal to 5,280 feet (1,760 yards, or

about 1,609 meters).
nautical mile (UK)
A nautical mile (UK) is a unit of length in the
British imperial Units. It is also called the
Admiralty nautical mile and defined as 6,080 feet
or 1,853.184 meters.
nautical mile (international)
An international nautical mile (mi) is a nonmetric unit of length. It is defined as exactly 1,852
mile (statute)
A US statute mile (mi) is a unit of length in US
Customary Units. It is equal to 6,080.2 feet
(1,853.249 meters).
mile (US survey)
A US survey mile (mi) is a unit of length in US
Customary Units. It is equal to 1,609.35 meters.
mile (Roman)
A Roman mile was a unit of length in ancient
Rome. It was equal to a distance of 1,000 paces or
5,000 Roman feet, and now it is estimated to be
about 1,479 meters (1,617 yards).
A kiloyard (kyd) is an unusual unit of length with
a metric prefix in US Customary Units. It is equal
to 1000 yards or 914.4 meters.
A furlong (fur) is a unit of distance in the British
imperial units and U.S. customary units equal to
one-eighth of a mile or 220 yards, 660 feet, 40
rods, or 10 chains. The exact value of the furlong
varies slightly among English-speaking countries.
Five furlongs are approximately 1 kilometer.
furlong (US survey)
A US survey furlong (fur) is a unit of distance in
U.S. customary units equal to 660 US survey feet
or approximately 201.1684 meters.
A chain is an obsolete unit of length or distance in
US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It

It is most commonly equal to 5,280 feet

(1,760 yards, or about 1,609 meters).
nautical mile (UK)
A nautical mile (UK) is a unit of length in
the British imperial Units. It is also called the
Admiralty nautical mile and defined as 6,080
feet or 1,853.184 meters.
nautical mile (international)
An international nautical mile (mi) is a
non-metric unit of length. It is defined as
exactly 1,852 meters.
mile (statute)
A US statute mile (mi) is a unit of length in
US Customary Units. It is equal to 6,080.2
feet (1,853.249 meters).
mile (US survey)
A US survey mile (mi) is a unit of length in
US Customary Units. It is equal to 1,609.35
mile (Roman)
A Roman mile was a unit of length in
ancient Rome. It was equal to a distance of
1,000 paces or 5,000 Roman feet, and now it
is estimated to be about 1,479 meters (1,617
A kiloyard (kyd) is an unusual unit of length
with a metric prefix in US Customary Units.
It is equal to 1000 yards or 914.4 meters.
A furlong (fur) is a unit of distance in the
British imperial units and U.S. customary
units equal to one-eighth of a mile or 220
yards, 660 feet, 40 rods, or 10 chains. The
exact value of the furlong varies slightly
among English-speaking countries. Five
furlongs are approximately 1 kilometer.
furlong (US survey)
A US survey furlong (fur) is a unit of
distance in U.S. customary units equal to 660
US survey feet or approximately 201.1684
A chain is an obsolete unit of length or
distance in US Customary Units and British

has been used for several centuries in Britain and

in some other English-speaking countries. The
chain is equal to 20.1168 m, or 66 feet, or 22
yards, or 100 links, or 4 rods. There are 10 chains
in a furlong, and 80 chains in a statute mile.

Imperial Units. It has been used for several

centuries in Britain and in some other
English-speaking countries. The chain is
equal to 20.1168 m, or 66 feet, or 22 yards,
or 100 links, or 4 rods. There are 10 chains in
a furlong, and 80 chains in a statute mile.
chain (US survey)
chain (US survey)
A US survey chain is a unit of length or distance A US survey chain is a unit of length or
in the US Customary Units. The chain is equal to distance in the US Customary Units. The
20.116840234 m.
chain is equal to 20.116840234 m.
A rope is an obsolete unit of length and area used A rope is an obsolete unit of length and area
in wall building and selling in Somersetshire. As a used in wall building and selling in
linear measure, it is equal to 20 feet, i.e. 6.096 m. Somersetshire. As a linear measure, it is
equal to 20 feet, i.e. 6.096 m.
A rod is a unit of length in the British imperial
A rod is a unit of length in the British
Units equal to 5 yards or 16 feet. Since 1959 it imperial Units equal to 5 yards or 16 feet.
has been equivalent to exactly 5.0292 meters. A
Since 1959 it has been equivalent to exactly
rod is the same length as a perch or a pole. The rod 5.0292 meters. A rod is the same length as a
has also been used as a unit of area.
perch or a pole. The rod has also been used
as a unit of area.
rod (US survey)
rod (US survey)
A US survey rod is a unit of length equal to 5 A US survey rod is a unit of length equal to
yards or 16 feet or 5.029210058 meters. The US 5 yards or 16 feet or 5.029210058
survey rod is based on the pre-1959 values for
meters. The US survey rod is based on the
United States customary units of linear
pre-1959 values for United States customary
units of linear measurement.
A perch is as a unit of measurement used for
A perch is as a unit of measurement used for
length, area, and volume in a number of systems of length, area, and volume in a number of
measurement. Its length varied from 3 to 7 meters systems of measurement. Its length varied
at various times and in various European countries. from 3 to 7 meters at various times and in
various European countries.
A pole is a unit of length or distance in the British A pole is a unit of length or distance in the
imperial Units equal to 5 yards or 16 feet.
British imperial Units equal to 5 yards or
Since 1959 it has been equivalent to exactly
16 feet. Since 1959 it has been equivalent
5.0292 meters. A pole is the same length as a rod to exactly 5.0292 meters. A pole is the same
or a perch. Its length varied from 2 to 5 meters at length as a rod or a perch. Its length varied
various times and in various European countries. from 2 to 5 meters at various times and in
various European countries.
A fathom (ftm) is a unit of length or distance in A fathom (ftm) is a unit of length or
the British imperial and the U.S. customary
distance in the British imperial and the U.S.
systems. It is equal to 2 yards, 6 feet or 1.8288
customary systems. It is equal to 2 yards, 6

meters and used especially for measuring the depth feet or 1.8288 meters and used especially for
of water. Originally, it was based on the distance measuring the depth of water. Originally, it
between the mans outstretched arms
was based on the distance between the mans
outstretched arms
fathom (US survey)
fathom (US survey)
A US survey fathom (ftm) is a unit of length or A US survey fathom (ftm) is a unit of
distance in the U.S. customary system. It is equal length or distance in the U.S. customary
to 2 yards, 6 feet or 1.829 meters.
system. It is equal to 2 yards, 6 feet or 1.829
An ell is an obsolete unit of measurement,
An ell is an obsolete unit of measurement,
originally a cubit, i.e., approximating the length of originally a cubit, i.e., approximating the
a mans arm from the elbow to the tip of the
length of a mans arm from the elbow to the
middle finger, or about 18 inches. Its length varied tip of the middle finger, or about 18 inches.
from 60 cm to slightly more than one meter at
Its length varied from 60 cm to slightly more
various times and in various countries from
than one meter at various times and in
classical antiquity, into early modern times.
various countries from classical antiquity,
into early modern times.
A yard (yd) is a unit of length in several different A yard (yd) is a unit of length in several
systems including United States customary units, different systems including United States
Imperial units and the former English units. It is customary units, Imperial units and the
equal to 3 feet or 36 inches or 0.9144 meters.
former English units. It is equal to 3 feet or
36 inches or 0.9144 meters.
A foot (ft or ) is a unit of length defined as being A foot (ft or ) is a unit of length defined as
0.3048 m exactly and used in the British imperial being 0.3048 m exactly and used in the
system of units and United States customary units. British imperial system of units and United
It is subdivided into 12 inches and is called an
States customary units. It is subdivided into
international foot.
12 inches and is called an international foot.
foot (US survey)
foot (US survey)
A US survey foot (ft or ) is a unit of length or
A US survey foot (ft or ) is a unit of length
distance defined as being 3937 meter exactly. It or distance defined as being 12003937 meter
slightly differs from the international foot.
exactly. It slightly differs from the
international foot.
A link (l., li. or lnk.) is a unit of length or distance A link (l., li. or lnk.) is a unit of length or
in the in the US Customary Units and British
distance in the in the US Customary Units
Imperial Units. Prior to the 20th century, links
and British Imperial Units. Prior to the 20th
were commonly used for in surveying real
century, links were commonly used for in
property. A link is exactly 3350 of a survey foot. surveying real property. A link is exactly
Twenty-five links make a rod. One hundred links 3350 of a survey foot. Twenty-five links
make a chain. One thousand links make a furlong. make a rod. One hundred links make a chain.
Eight thousand links make a statute mile.
One thousand links make a furlong. Eight
thousand links make a statute mile.
link (US survey)
link (US survey)

A US survey link (l., li. or lnk.) is a unit of length

or distance in the US Customary system. Links
were commonly used for in surveying real
property. A link is exactly 3350 of a survey foot.
Twenty-five links make a rod. One hundred links
make a chain. One thousand links make a furlong.
Eight thousand links make a statute mile.

A US survey link (l., li. or lnk.) is a unit of

length or distance in the US Customary
system. Links were commonly used for in
surveying real property. A link is exactly
3350 of a survey foot. Twenty-five links
make a rod. One hundred links make a chain.
One thousand links make a furlong. Eight
thousand links make a statute mile.
cubit (UK)
cubit (UK)
A cubit is a traditional unit of length equal to
A cubit is a traditional unit of length equal to
approximately 50 cm and based on the length of approximately 50 cm and based on the length
the forearm: from the elbow to the tip of the
of the forearm: from the elbow to the tip of
middle finger. Cubits of various lengths were
the middle finger. Cubits of various lengths
employed in many parts of the world from
were employed in many parts of the world
classical antiquity, into early modern times.
from classical antiquity, into early modern
A hand (h) is a non-SI unit of measurement of
A hand (h) is a non-SI unit of measurement
length, now used only for the measurement of the of length, now used only for the
height of horses in some English-speaking
measurement of the height of horses in some
countries. In ancient Egypt, it was originally based English-speaking countries. In ancient Egypt,
on the breadth of a human hand. It is today equal it was originally based on the breadth of a
to four inches or 10.16 centimeters.
human hand. It is today equal to four inches
or 10.16 centimeters.
span (cloth)
span (cloth)
A span is the distance measured by a human hand, A span is the distance measured by a human
from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little
hand, from the tip of the thumb to the tip of
finger. In ancient times, a span was considered to the little finger. In ancient times, a span was
be half a cubit. It is today equal to 9 inches or
considered to be half a cubit. It is today equal
0.2286 m.
to 9 inches or 0.2286 m.
finger (cloth)
finger (cloth)
A finger is any of several units of measurement
A finger is any of several units of
that are approximately the width of an adult human measurement that are approximately the
finger. It is sometimes also called fingerbreadth or width of an adult human finger. It is
fingers breadth. It is used for measuring short
sometimes also called fingerbreadth or
lengths of fabric and in medicine and related
fingers breadth. It is used for measuring
disciplines (anatomy, radiology, etc.) where the
short lengths of fabric and in medicine and
fingerbreadth is often informally used as a unit of related disciplines (anatomy, radiology, etc.)
where the fingerbreadth is often informally
used as a unit of measure.
nail (cloth)
nail (cloth)
A nail is an obsolete unit of cloth measurement
A nail is an obsolete unit of cloth
generally equal to a sixteenth of a yard or 2
measurement generally equal to a sixteenth
inches (5.715 cm). The nail was apparently named of a yard or 2 inches (5.715 cm). The nail
after the practice of hammering brass nails into the was apparently named after the practice of
counter at shops where cloth was sold.
hammering brass nails into the counter at

shops where cloth was sold.

An inch (in or ) is a unit of length or
distance in a number of systems of
measurement, including in the US
Customary Units and British Imperial Units.
One inch is defined as 112 of a foot and is
therefore 136 of a yard. According to the
modern definition, one inch is equal to 25.4
mm exactly.
inch (US survey)
inch (US survey)
An US survey inch (in or ) is a unit of length or An US survey inch (in or ) is a unit of
distance, which is equal to 139.37 of a meter.
length or distance, which is equal to 139.37 of a
A barleycorn is an archaic Anglo-Saxon unit of A barleycorn is an archaic Anglo-Saxon unit
length. In medieval times, 3 barleycorns
of length. In medieval times, 3 barleycorns
comprising 1 inch was the legal definition of the comprising 1 inch was the legal definition of
inch. The barleycorn measure is still the basis for the inch. The barleycorn measure is still the
current UK and U.S. shoe sizes.
basis for current UK and U.S. shoe sizes.
A mil or thousandth of an inch is a derived unit of A mil or thousandth of an inch is a derived
length equal to 0.001 inch. The unit is used in
unit of length equal to 0.001 inch. The unit is
English-speaking countries in engineering and
used in English-speaking countries in
manufacturing for specifying the small thicknesses engineering and manufacturing for
(paper, paint coatings) or tolerances in the
specifying the small thicknesses (paper, paint
automotive and other industries.
coatings) or tolerances in the automotive and
other industries.
A microinch (in) is a non-SI measurement unit A microinch (in) is a non-SI measurement
of length or distance, and equal to one millionth of unit of length or distance, and equal to one
an inch.
millionth of an inch.
The ngstrm (A) is a unit of length equal to
The ngstrm (A) is a unit of length equal to
10 m or 0.1 nm. Its symbol is the Swedish letter 10 m or 0.1 nm. Its symbol is the Swedish
. The ngstrm is used in the natural sciences and letter . The ngstrm is used in the natural
technology to express very small sizes comparing sciences and technology to express very
to that of atoms, and molecules. The ngstrm is small sizes comparing to that of atoms, and
not formally a part of the International System of molecules. The ngstrm is not formally a
Units (SI) and its use is officially discouraged in part of the International System of Units (SI)
SI. The closest SI unit, the nanometer (10 m), is and its use is officially discouraged in SI.
The closest SI unit, the nanometer (10 m),
recommended for use instead of ngstrm.
is recommended for use instead of ngstrm.
a.u. of length
a.u. of length
An atomic unit of length (au or a.u. or a0) is a
An atomic unit of length (au or a.u. or a0)
part of a system of natural units (Hartree atomic is a part of a system of natural units (Hartree
An inch (in or ) is a unit of length or distance in
a number of systems of measurement, including in
the US Customary Units and British Imperial
Units. One inch is defined as 112 of a foot and is
therefore 136 of a yard. According to the modern
definition, one inch is equal to 25.4 mm exactly.

units) which is convenient for atomic physics

atomic units) which is convenient for atomic
calculations. The atomic unit of length is the Bohr physics calculations. The atomic unit of
radius, which is a physical constant, approximately length is the Bohr radius, which is a physical
equal to the most probable distance between the constant, approximately equal to the most
proton and electron in a hydrogen atom in its
probable distance between the proton and
ground state. The Bohr radius has a value of
electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground
5.2917721092(17)10 m or approximately 53 state. The Bohr radius has a value of
5.2917721092(17)10 m or approximately
53 pm.
X unit
X unit
An x copper unit (xu) is a unit of length
An x copper unit (xu) is a unit of length
approximately equal to 0.100207 pm (1.00207 approximately equal to 0.100207 pm
(1.00207 m). It is used to quote the
m). It is used to quote the wavelength of X-rays
and gamma rays. There are two separate and
wavelength of X-rays and gamma rays.
slightly different x units, which are defined in
There are two separate and slightly different
terms of the wavelengths of the two most
x units, which are defined in terms of the
commonly used X-ray lines in X-ray
wavelengths of the two most commonly used
crystallography the copper x unit and the
X-ray lines in X-ray crystallography the
molybdenum x unit. In this converter the copper x copper x unit and the molybdenum x unit. In
unit is used.
this converter the copper x unit is used.
A fermi (fm) is another name of a femtometer,
A fermi (fm) is another name of a
which is a decimal fraction of the base SI unit of femtometer, which is a decimal fraction of
length, the meter. It is used in nuclear physics
the base SI unit of length, the meter. It is
because typical dimensions of a nucleus are in the used in nuclear physics because typical
order of several fermi. For example, the diameter dimensions of a nucleus are in the order of
of a nucleus of uranium-238 is equal to 16 fermi. several fermi. For example, the diameter of a
nucleus of uranium-238 is equal to 16 fermi.
An arpent is a pre-metric French unit of length
An arpent is a pre-metric French unit of
and a unit of area. It is used in Quebec as well as length and a unit of area. It is used in Quebec
in some areas of the United States that were part of as well as in some areas of the United States
French Louisiana. 1 arpent = 180 French feet (of that were part of French Louisiana. 1 arpent
approximately 32 centimeters) = about 192
= 180 French feet (of approximately 32
English feet = about 58.47 meters.
centimeters) = about 192 English feet =
about 58.47 meters.
A pica is a typographic unit of measure
A pica is a typographic unit of measure
corresponding to 1/72 of a foot, and therefore to corresponding to 1/72 of a foot, and therefore
1/6 of an inch. The pica contains 12 point units of to 1/6 of an inch. The pica contains 12 point
measure. The computer pica is equal to 4.233mm units of measure. The computer pica is equal
or 0.166 in.
to 4.233mm or 0.166 in.
A point (pt) is the smallest unit of measure in
A point (pt) is the smallest unit of measure
typography. It is a subdivision of the larger pica. in typography. It is a subdivision of the larger
The contemporary desktop publishing point (also pica. The contemporary desktop publishing

called the PostScript point) was defined as 72

point (also called the PostScript point) was
points to the inch (1 point = 172 inches = 25.472 defined as 72 points to the inch (1 point =
mm = 0.3527 mm). There are 12 points to the pica. 172 inches = 25.472 mm = 0.3527 mm).
There are 12 points to the pica.
A twip (abbreviated from twentieth of a point) is A twip (abbreviated from twentieth of a
a typographical unit of measurement, defined as point) is a typographical unit of
1/20 of a typographical point. One twip is 1/1440 measurement, defined as 1/20 of a
inch or 17.639 m when derived from the
typographical point. One twip is 1/1440 inch
PostScript point at 72 to the inch (used in this
or 17.639 m when derived from the
converter), and 1/1445.4 inch or 17.573 m based PostScript point at 72 to the inch (used in
on the printers point at 72.27 to the inch.
this converter), and 1/1445.4 inch or 17.573
m based on the printers point at 72.27 to
the inch.
An aln is a Swedish commercial unit of length
An aln is a Swedish commercial unit of
used for cloth and equal to approximately 69.44 length used for cloth and equal to
approximately 69.44 cm.
A famn is a Swedish unit of length equal to
A famn is a Swedish unit of length equal to
fathom or 3 alnar (pl. of aln, see the unit above). fathom or 3 alnar (pl. of aln, see the unit
A caliber (cl) is a non-SI unit of length used in the A caliber (cl) is a non-SI unit of length used
USA and UK. It is equal to 1/100 of inch or 0.0254 in the USA and UK. It is equal to 1/100 of
inch or 0.0254 cm.
A centiinch is a non-SI unit of length used in the A centiinch is a non-SI unit of length used in
USA and UK. It is equal to 1/100 of inch or 0.0254 the USA and UK. It is equal to 1/100 of inch
or 0.0254 cm.
A ken () is a unit of length in Japanese
A ken () is a unit of length in Japanese
architecture. A ken is a part of the Shakkan-h ( architecture. A ken is a part of the Shakkan) traditional system of measurement, whose h () traditional system of
value varied in history but was always around just measurement, whose value varied in history
under 2 m (6.6 ft).
but was always around just under 2 m (6.6
Russian arshin
Russian arshin
An arshin (Russian: ) is an obsolete
An arshin (Russian: ) is an obsolete
Russian unit of length used since the 16th century. Russian unit of length used since the 16th
It was standardized by Peter the Great in the 18th century. It was standardized by Peter the
century to measure exactly twenty-eight English Great in the 18th century to measure exactly
inches (71.1 cm). 1 arshin = 16 vershoks.
twenty-eight English inches (71.1 cm). 1
arshin = 16 vershoks.
Roman actus
Roman actus

An Roman actus is an ancient Roman unit of

length and is equal to 35.48 m.
vara de tarea
A vara de tarea is an obsolete Spanish unit of
length used in various Spanish-speaking countries.

An Roman actus is an ancient Roman unit

of length and is equal to 35.48 m.
vara de tarea
A vara de tarea is an obsolete Spanish unit
of length used in various Spanish-speaking
vara conuquera
vara conuquera
A vara conuquera is an obsolete Spanish unit of A vara conuquera is an obsolete Spanish
length used in various Spanish-speaking countries. unit of length used in various Spanishspeaking countries.
vara castellana
vara castellana
A vara castellana is an obsolete Spanish unit of A vara castellana is an obsolete Spanish
length used in various Spanish-speaking countries. unit of length used in various Spanishspeaking countries.
cubit (Greek)
cubit (Greek)
A Greek cubit is a traditional unit of length, based A Greek cubit is a traditional unit of length,
on the length of the forearm: from the elbow to the based on the length of the forearm: from the
tip of the middle finger. It is equal to 46 cm.
elbow to the tip of the middle finger. It is
equal to 46 cm.
long reed
long reed
A long reed is a traditional unit of length equal to A long reed is a traditional unit of length
6 long cubits or approximately 3.2 m.
equal to 6 long cubits or approximately 3.2
A reed is a traditional unit of length equal to 6
A reed is a traditional unit of length equal to
cubits or approximately 2.7 m.
6 cubits or approximately 2.7 m.
long cubit
long cubit
A long cubit is a traditional unit of length equal to A long cubit is a traditional unit of length
approximately 53.3 cm and based on the length of equal to approximately 53.3 cm and based on
the forearm: from the elbow to the tip of the
the length of the forearm: from the elbow to
middle finger. Cubits of various lengths from 60 the tip of the middle finger. Cubits of various
cm to slightly over one meter were employed in
lengths from 60 cm to slightly over one
many parts of the world from classical antiquity, meter were employed in many parts of the
into early modern times.
world from classical antiquity, into early
modern times.
The handbreadth or handbreadth, also called a
The handbreadth or handbreadth, also
palm, is an obsolete non-SI unit of length. In
called a palm, is an obsolete non-SI unit of
English usage the handbreadth was originally
length. In English usage the handbreadth was
based on the breadth of a human hand without the originally based on the breadth of a human
thumb, and has origins in ancient Egypt. It is
hand without the thumb, and has origins in
distinct from the hand, the breadth of the hand
ancient Egypt. It is distinct from the hand,
with the thumb. It is usually taken to be equal to the breadth of the hand with the thumb. It is
four digits or fingers, or to three inches (7.62 cm). usually taken to be equal to four digits or
fingers, or to three inches (7.62 cm).

A fingerbreadth is any of several units of
measurement that are approximately the width of
an adult human finger. It is also called a finger or
fingers breadth. In medicine and related
disciplines (anatomy, radiology, etc.) the
fingerbreadth is often informally used as a unit of
measure. It is sometimes used in the measurement
of distilled spirits where two fingers of whisky
refer to the amount of whiskey that would fill a
glass to the level of two fingers from its bottom.

A fingerbreadth is any of several units of
measurement that are approximately the
width of an adult human finger. It is also
called a finger or fingers breadth. In
medicine and related disciplines (anatomy,
radiology, etc.) the fingerbreadth is often
informally used as a unit of measure. It is
sometimes used in the measurement of
distilled spirits where two fingers of whisky
refer to the amount of whiskey that would fill
a glass to the level of two fingers from its
Planck length
Planck length
The Planck length (P), is a base unit of length in The Planck length (P), is a base unit of
the system of Planck units, equal to
length in the system of Planck units, equal to
1.616199(97)10 meters. The Planck length can 1.616199(97)10 meters. The Planck
be defined using fundamental physical constants. length can be defined using fundamental
physical constants.
Electron radius (classical)
Electron radius (classical)
The classical electron radius (re), also known as The classical electron radius (re), also
the Lorentz radius or the Thomson scattering
known as the Lorentz radius or the Thomson
length, is based on a classical (i.e., non-quantum) scattering length, is based on a classical (i.e.,
relativistic model of the electron. Its value is
non-quantum) relativistic model of the
calculated as 2.8179409210 m.
electron. Its value is calculated as
2.8179409210 m.
Bohr radius
Bohr radius
An Bohr radius (b a.u.) is a part of a system of An Bohr radius (b a.u.) is a part of a system
natural units which is convenient for atomic
of natural units which is convenient for
physics calculations. The Bohr radius is an atomic atomic physics calculations. The Bohr radius
unit of length. It is a physical constant,
is an atomic unit of length. It is a physical
approximately equal to the most probable distance constant, approximately equal to the most
between the proton and electron in a hydrogen
probable distance between the proton and
atom in its ground state. The Bohr radius has a
electron in a hydrogen atom in its ground
value of 5.2917721092(17)10 m or
state. The Bohr radius has a value of
5.2917721092(17)10 m or approximately
approximately 53 pm.
53 pm.
Earths equatorial radius
Earths equatorial radius
In geodesy, a reference ellipsoid is a
In geodesy, a reference ellipsoid is a
mathematically-defined surface that approximates mathematically-defined surface that
the geoid, the truer figure of the Earth. Reference approximates the geoid, the truer figure of
ellipsoids are used as a surface to perform
the Earth. Reference ellipsoids are used as a
computations. The difference between Earths
surface to perform computations. The
equatorial and polar radii is about 21 km.
difference between Earths equatorial and
polar radii is about 21 km.
Earths polar radius
Earths polar radius

In geodesy, a reference ellipsoid is a

mathematically-defined surface that approximates
the geoid, the truer figure of the Earth. Reference
ellipsoids are used as a surface to perform
computations. The difference between Earths
equatorial and polar diameters is about 42 km.
Earths distance from sun
The Earths distance from the Sun also called
the astronomical unit (AU, au, a.u., or ua) is a unit
of length equal to approximately the mean Earth
Sun distance, which is equal to 149,597,870,700
meters or 92,955,807.273 miles.
Suns radius
The solar radius is a unit of distance used to
express the size of stars in astronomy equal to the
current radius of the Sun. The solar radius is
approximately 695,500 kilometers (432,450 miles)
or about 109 times the radius of the Earth.

In geodesy, a reference ellipsoid is a

mathematically-defined surface that
approximates the geoid, the truer figure of
the Earth. Reference ellipsoids are used as a
surface to perform computations. The
difference between Earths equatorial and
polar diameters is about 42 km.
Earths distance from sun
The Earths distance from the Sun also
called the astronomical unit (AU, au, a.u., or
ua) is a unit of length equal to approximately
the mean EarthSun distance, which is equal
to 149,597,870,700 meters or
92,955,807.273 miles.
Suns radius
The solar radius is a unit of distance used to
express the size of stars in astronomy equal
to the current radius of the Sun. The solar
radius is approximately 695,500 kilometers
(432,450 miles) or about 109 times the radius
of the Earth.

Mengonversi satuan menggunakan Panjang dan Jarak pengonversi

Definisi Satuan untuk Dry Volume and

Common Cooking Measurement pengonversi
dalam [Bahasa Sasaran] dan Bahasa Inggris
Translation is not available yet.
A liter or litre (L or l) is a metric non-SI unit of volume. It is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm),
or 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm). Some dry bulk products can be distributed in 1-liter containers.
barrel dry (US)
A US dry barrel is a unit of volume used for measuring dry bulk goods in the US. It is equal to
7,056 cubic inches (115.6 L) or approximately 3.28 bushel. The US dry barrel is defined as
length of stave 2812 in (72 cm), diameter of head 1718 in (43 cm), distance between heads 26
in (66 cm), circumference of bulge 64 in (1.6 m) outside measurement.
pint dry (US)
A US dry pint is a unit of volume used for measuring dry bulk goods in the US. It is equal to

one-eighth of a United States dry gallon or 0.5506 L. It is sometimes used in the United States.
The US dry pint is not as common as the liquid pint.
quart dry (US)
A US dry quart is a unit of volume used for measuring dry bulk goods in the US. The US dry
quart is equal to 1/32 of a US bushel or approximately 1.1012 liters.
peck (US)
A US peck is a unit of dry volume in the US Customary Units. It is equivalent to 2 gallons or 8
US dry quarts or 16 US dry pints or approximately 8.81 L. Four US pecks make a US bushel.
peck (UK)
A UK peck is a unit of dry volume in the British Imperial Units. It is equivalent to 2 imperial
gallons or 8 imperial quarts or 16 imperial pints or approximately 9.09 L. Four imperial pecks
make an imperial bushel.
bushel (US)
A US bushel (bsh., bu) is a unit of dry volume in the US Customary Units. It is equivalent to 4
US pecks or 8 US dry gallons. It is used for volumes of dry goods, most often in agriculture.
bushel (UK)
A US bushel (bsh., bu) is a unit of dry volume in the British Imperial Units. It is equivalent to 4
UK pecks or 8 UK gallons. It is used for volumes of dry goods, most often in agriculture.
cor (Biblical)
A cor (sometimes kor) is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 10 baths or 6 bushels
or about 220 L. Some sources give a 450 L equivalent for this unit.
homer (Biblical)
An homer is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 10 baths or 6 bushels or about 220
ephah (Biblical)
An ephah is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 10 omers or 3/5 bushel or about 22
seah (Biblical)
A seah is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 1/3 ephah or 7 quarts or about 7.3 L.
omer (Biblical)
An omer is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 1/10 ephah or 2 quarts or about 2.2
cab (Biblical)
A cab is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 1/18 ephah or 1 quarts or about 1.2 L.
Some sources give a 2.5 L equivalent for this unit.
log (Biblical)
An log is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 1/72 bath or 1/3 quart or about 0.3 L.

Mengonversi satuan menggunakan Dry Volume and Common Cooking Measurement


efinisi Satuan untuk Luas pengonversi dalam

[Bahasa Sasaran] dan Bahasa Inggris
Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia English
Meter persegi atau meter persegi (Ejaan bahasa
Inggris) adalah satuan luas turunan SI. Simbolnya
m. Meter persegi ditetapkan sebagai luas persegi
dengan sisi sepanjang satu meter. Meter persegi
diturunkan dari satuan meter dasar SI, yaitu
ditetapkan sebagai panjang jalur yang ditempuh
cahaya dalam ruang hampa selama interval waktu
1299.792.458 detik.

A square meter or square meter (British
spelling) is a SI derived unit of area. Its
symbol m. The square meter is defined as
the area of a square whose sides are one
meter. The square meter is derived from the
SI base unit of the meter, which is defined as
the length of the path travelled by light in
vacuum during a time interval of
1299,792,458 of a second.
Kilometer persegi adalah perkalian desimal dari A square kilometer is a decimal multiple of
meter persegi satuan turunan SI dan sama dengan the SI derived unit square meter and is equal
1.000.000 m. Simbolnya adalah km.
to 1,000,000 m. Its symbol is km.
Hektometer persegi adalah perkalian desimal dari A square hectometer is a decimal multiple
meter persegi satuan turunan SI dan sama dengan of the SI derived unit square meter and is
10.000 m. Simbolnya adalah hm.
equal to 10,000 m. Its symbol is hm.
Dekameter persegi adalah perkalian desimal dari A square decameter is a decimal multiple of
meter persegi satuan turunan SI dan sama dengan the SI derived unit square meter and is equal
100 m. Simbolnya adalah dam.
to 100 m. Its symbol is dam.
Desimeter persegi adalah pecahan desimal dari A square decimeter is a decimal fraction of
meter persegi satuan turunan SI dan sama dengan the SI derived unit square meter and is equal
0,01 m. Simbolnya adalah dm.
to 0.01 m. Its symbol is dm.
Sentimeter persegi adalah pecahan desimal dari A square centimeter is a decimal fraction of
meter persegi satuan turunan SI dan sama dengan the SI derived unit square meter and is equal
0,0001 m. Simbolnya adalah cm.
to 0.0001 m. Its symbol is cm.
Milimeter persegi adalah pecahan desimal dari
A square millimeter is a decimal fraction of
meter persegi satuan turunan SI dan sama dengan the SI derived unit square meter and is equal
0,000001 m. Simbolnya adalah mm.
to 0.000001 m. Its symbol is mm.
mikrometer persegi adalah pecahan desimal dari A square micrometer is a decimal fraction
meter persegi satuan turunan SI dan sama dengan of the SI derived unit square meter and is

110 m. Simbolnya adalah m.

Nanometer persegi adalah pecahan desimal dari
meter persegi satuan turunan SI dan sama dengan
110 m. Simbolnya adalah nm.
Hektar adalah satuan luas metrik non SI dan
ditetapkan sebagai 10.000 meter persegi atau 100
are. Satuan luas ini terutama digunakan dalam
pengukuran luas tanah. Simbolnya adalah ha.
Are adalah satuan luas metrik non SI dan
ditetapkan sebagai 100 meter persegi. Satuan luas
ini terutama digunakan dalam pengukuran luas
tanah. Simbolnya adalah a.
Barn adalah satuan luas metrik non SI dan
ditetapkan sebagai 1028 meter persegi. Satuan luas
ini terutama digunakan dalam fisika energi tinggi
sebagai pengukur kemungkinan interaksi antara
partikel elementer. Simbolnya adalah b. Nama
tersebut diciptakan oleh ahli fisika nuklir Amerika
yang menjelaskan inti atom uranium sebesar
gudang yang mencoba mengaburkan penelitian
mereka tentang struktur nuklir selama PD II.

equal to 110 m. Its symbol is m.

A square nanometer is a decimal fraction of
the SI derived unit square meter and is equal
to 110 m. Its symbol is nm.
A hectare is a non-SI metric unit of area and
defined as 10,000 square meters or 100 ares.
It is primarily used in the measurements of
land area. Its symbol is ha.
An are is a non-SI metric unit of area and
defined as 100 square meters. It is primarily
used in the measurements of land area. Its
symbol is a.
A barn is a non-SI metric unit of area and
defined as 1028 square meters, which is
approximately the cross sectional area of a
uranium nucleus. It is primarily used in high
energy physics as a measure of the
possibility of interaction between elementary
particles. Its symbol is b. The name was
coined by American nuclear physicists who
described the uranium nucleus as big as a
barn trying to obscure their study of nuclear
structure during WWII.
Mil persegi adalah satuan luas yang sering
A square mile is an Imperial and US
digunakan di bekas wilayah jajahan Inggris dan AS customary unit of area and defined as the
dan ditetapkan sebagai luas persegi yang sisinya area of a square whose sides are one statute
satu mil. Simbolnya adalah mi atau mi persegi. 1 mile. Its symbol is mi or sq mi. 1 sq mi is
mi persegi sama dengan 2,59 km persegi.
equal to 2.59 sq km.
mil (Survei AS)
mile (US survey)
Mil survei AS persegi adalah satuan luas yang
A square US survey mile is a US customary
sering digunakan di AS dan ditetapkan sebagai
unit of area and defined as the area of a
luas persegi yang sisinya tepat satu mil AS. Satu square whose sides are exactly one US
mil survei AS persegi sama dengan 1,000004 mi survey mile. One square US survey mile is
persegi. Satuan ini terutama digunakan oleh Sistem equal to 1.000004 sq mi. It is primarily used
Survei Tanah Publik Amerika Serikat.
by the United States Public Land Survey
Yard persegi adalah satuan luas yang sering
A square yard is an Imperial and US
digunakan di bekas wilayah jajahan Inggris dan AS customary unit of area and defined as the
dan ditetapkan sebagai luas persegi yang sisinya area of a square with sides of one yard. Its
satu yard. Simbolnya adalah yd atau yd persegi. 1 symbol is yd or sq yd. 1 sq yd is equal to

yd persegi sama dengan 0,836 m persegi.

0.836 sq m.
Kaki persegi adalah satuan luas yang sering
A square foot is an Imperial and US
digunakan di bekas wilayah jajahan Inggris dan AS customary unit of area and defined as the
dan ditetapkan sebagai luas persegi yang sisinya area of a square with sides of one foot. Its
satu kaki. Simbolnya adalah ft atau ft persegi. 1 ft symbol is ft or sq ft. 1 sq ft is equal to 0.093
persegi sama dengan 0,093 m persegi.
sq m.
kaki (Survei AS)
foot (US survey)
Kaki survei AS persegi adalah satuan luas yang A square US survey foot is a US customary
sering digunakan di AS dan ditetapkan sebagai
unit of area and defined as the area of a
luas persegi yang sisinya tepat satu kaki survei AS. square whose sides are exactly one US
Satu kaki survei AS persegi sama dengan 1,000004 survey foot. One square US survey foot is
ft persegi atau 0,0929 m persegi. Satuan ini
equal to 1.000004 sq ft or 0.0929 sq m. It is
terutama digunakan oleh Sistem Survei Tanah
primarily used by the United States Public
Publik Amerika Serikat.
Land Survey System.
Inci persegi adalah satuan luas yang sering
A square inch is an Imperial and US
digunakan di bekas wilayah jajahan Inggris dan AS customary unit of area and defined as the
dan ditetapkan sebagai luas persegi yang sisinya area of a square with sides of one inch. Its
satu inci. Simbolnya adalah in atau in persegi. 1 symbol is in or sq in. 1 square inch is equal
inci persegi sama dengan 6,4516 cm persegi.
to 6.4516 sq cm.
inci lingkaran
circular inch
Inci lingkaran adalah satuan luas yang sering
A circular inch is an Imperial and US
digunakan di bekas wilayah jajahan Inggris dan AS customary unit of area and defined as the
dan ditetapkan sebagai luas lingkaran berdiameter area of a circle 1 inch (25.4 millimeters) in
1 inci (25,4 milimeter) atau /4 in persegi. Satu
diameter or /4 sq in. One circular inch is
inci lingkaran sama dengan 5,067 cm persegi atau equal to 5.067 sq cm or 0.785 sq in.
0,785 in persegi.
A township, yang terkadang disebut township
A township, which is sometimes called
kongres, ditetapkan sebagai satuan persegi dari
Congressional township, is defined as a
tanah dengan sisi enam mil survei AS. Satuan ini square unit of land with sides of six US
terutama digunakan oleh Sistem Survei Tanah
Survey miles. It is primarily used by the
Publik Amerika Serikat. Satu township sama
United States Public Land Survey System.
dengan 36 mil persegi atau 93,24 km persegi.
One township is equal to 36 sq miles or
Setiap township dibagi ke dalam 36 bagian satu
93.24 sq km. Each township is divided into
mil persegi.
36 one-square mile sections.
Section ditetapkan sebagai satuan persegi dari
A section is defined as a square unit of land
tanah dengan luas satu mil persegi. Satuan ini
with an area of one square mile. It is
terutama digunakan oleh Sistem Survei Tanah
primarily used by the United States Public
Publik Amerika Serikat. 36 section membentuk
Land Survey System. 36 sections make up
satu township Survei AS. Satu section sama
one US Survey township. One section is
dengan 1 mil persegi atau 2,59 km persegi.
equal to 1 sq mile or 2.59 sq km.
Acreadalah satuan luas yang sering digunakan di An acre is an Imperial and US customary

bekas wilayah jajahan Inggris dan AS dan

unit of land area and defined as the area of
ditetapkan sebagai luas 1/640 mil persegi. 640
1/640 sq mile. 640 acres make up one square
acres membentuk satu mil persegi. Simbolnya
mile. Its symbol is ac. 1 ac is equal to 0.4 ha.
adalah ac. 1 ac sama dengan 0,4 ha.
acre (Survei AS)
acre (US survey)
Acre survei AS adalah satuan luas yang sering
A US survey acre is a US customary unit of
digunakan di AS dan didasarkan pada satuan kaki area and is based on the US survey foot. One
survei AS. Satu acre survei AS sama dengan
US survey acre is equal to 1.000004 acre or
1,000004 acre atau 4046,873 m persegi. Satuan ini 4046.873 sq m. It is primarily used by the
terutama digunakan oleh Sistem Survei Tanah
United States Public Land Survey System.
Publik Amerika Serikat.
Rood adalah satuan luas Inggris Lama, sama
Rood is an Old English unit of area, equal to
dengan acre atau 0,1 hektar. Rood kata kuno of an acre or 0.1 hectares. Rood is an
untuk tiang. Kata ini juga digunakan sebagai
archaic word for pole. It is also used as a
pengukuran panjang.
measurement of length.
Chain persegi adalah satuan luas yang sering
A square chain is an Imperial and US
digunakan di bekas wilayah jajahan Inggris dan AS customary unit of land area and defined as
dan ditetapkan sebagai luas sepersepuluh acre.
the area of one tenth of an acre. 1 square
Satu chain persegi sama dengan 404,69 m persegi chain is equal to 404.69 sq m or 484 sq
atau 484 yard persegi.
Rod persegi adalah satuan luas yang digunakan A square rod is a unit of area used in a
dalam sejumlah sistem pengukuran. Satuan ini
number of systems of measurement. It is
sama dengan 30,25 yard persegi atau 25,29 meter equal to 30.25 square yards or 25.29 square
rod (Survei AS)
rod (US survey)
Rod persegi survei AS adalah satuan luas yang
A US survey square rod is a US customary
sering digunakan di AS. Satuan ini sama dengan unit of area. It is equal to 1.000004 sq rod or
1,000004 rod persegi atau 25,29 meter persegi.
25.29 square meters.
Perch persegi adalah satuan luas yang digunakan A square perch is a unit of area used in a
dalam sejumlah sistem pengukuran. Satuan ini
number of systems of measurement. It is
sama dengan satu rod persegi, 30,25 yard persegi equal to a square rod, 30.25 square yards or
atau 25,29 meter persegi.
25.29 square meters.
Pole persegi adalah satuan luas yang digunakan A square pole is a unit of area used in a
dalam sejumlah sistem pengukuran. Satuan ini
number of systems of measurement. It is
sama dengan satu rod persegi, 30,25 yard persegi equal to a square rod, 30.25 square yards or
atau 25,29 meter persegi.
25.29 square meters.
Mil persegi adalah satuan luas, sama dengan luas A square mil is a unit of area, equal to the
persegi dengan sisi panjang sama dengan satu mil. area of a square with sides of length equal to
Satu mil adalah 1/1000 inci internasional. Satuan one mil. A mil is 1/1000 of an international

ini biasanya digunakan untuk menentukan luas

penampang melintang dari kawat atau kabel. Mil
Persegi = /4 Mil Lingkaran.
mil lingkaran
Mil lingkaran adalah satuan luas, sama dengan
luas lingkaran dengan diameter satu mil (1/1000
inci). Satuan ini digunakan oleh teknisi listrik di
Kanada dan AS untuk merujuk luas kabel dengan
penampang melintang lingkaran, karena luas
dalam mil lingkaran bisa dihitung tanpa referensi
ke pi (). National Electrical Code (NEC) AS
menggunakan mil lingkaran untuk menentukan
ukuran kabel yang lebih besar dari 0000 AWG
(diameter 0,4600 inci).
Homestead adalah satuan luas tanah yang
mencakup 160 acre, 65 hektar atau 0,65 km.
Satuan ini juga disebut seperempat section di AS.
Sabin (metrik) adalah satuan serapan suara. Satu
meter persegi bahan, yang menyerap 100% suara,
bernilai satu sabin metrik. Sabin non metrik
berdasarkan kaki. Satu kaki persegi bahan, yang
menyerap semua suara yang timbul, bernilai satu
sabin non metrik.

inch. It is usually used in specifying the area

of the cross section of a wire or cable. Square
Mils = /4 Circular Mils.
circular mil
A circular mil is a unit of area, equal to the
area of a circle with a diameter of one mil
(1/1000 of an inch). It is used by electricians
in Canada and the US for referring to the
area of a wire with a circular cross section,
because the area in circular mils can be
calculated without reference to pi (). The
US National Electrical Code (NEC) uses the
circular mil to define wire sized larger than
0000 AWG (0.4600 inches in diameter).
Homestead is a unit of area of land covering
160 acres, 65 hectares or 0.65 km. It is also
called a quarter-section in the USA.
Sabin (metric) is a unit of sound absorption.
One square meter of material, which absorbs
100% of sound, has a value of one metric
sabin. Non-metric sabin is based on foot.
One square foot of material, which absorbs
all incident sound, has a value of one nonmetric sabin.
Arpent adalah satuan luas dan panjang Perancis An arpent is an old French unit of area and
lama yang digunakan di Quebec dan beberapa
length used in Quebec and in some areas of
daerah di Amerika Serikat. Di berbagai tempat di the United States. In various places of North
Amerika Utara, 1 arpent (persegi) sama dengan
America, 1 arpent (square) equals from 3419
3419 sampai 3443 meter persegi.
to 3443 square meters.
Cuerda adalah satuan luas dan panjang yang lama Cuerda is a old unit of area and length in
di beberapa negara yang berbahasa Spanyol.
several Spanish-speaking countries.
varas castellanas cuad
varas castellanas cuad
Varas castellanas cuad adalah satuan luas dan
Varas castellanas cuad is a old unit of area
panjang yang lama di beberapa negara yang
and length in several Spanish-speaking
berbahasa Spanyol.
varas conuqueras cuad
varas conuqueras cuad
Varas conuqueras cuad adalah satuan luas dan Varas conuqueras cuad is a old unit of area
panjang yang lama di beberapa negara yang
and length in several Spanish-speaking
berbahasa Spanyol.
Penampang melintang elektron
Electron cross section
Potongan melintang elektron adalah satuan luas Electron cross section is a very small unit of

sangat kecil yang digunakan dalam fisika nuklir.

area used in nuclear physics.

Definisi Satuan untuk Volume and Common

Cooking Measurement pengonversi dalam
[Bahasa Sasaran] dan Bahasa Inggris
Translation is not available yet.
A cubic meter (m) is a derived SI unit of volume. The cubic meter is defined as the volume of a
cube whose sides are one meter. The cubic meter is derived from the SI base unit of the meter,
which is defined as the length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of
1299,792,458 of a second.
A cubic kilometer or cubic kilometer (km) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of
volume, the cubic meter. The cubic meter is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are one
meter. The cubic meter is derived from the SI base unit of the meter, which is defined as the
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1299,792,458 of a
A cubic decimeter or cubic decimeter (dm) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of
volume, the cubic meter. The cubic meter is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are one
meter. The cubic meter is derived from the SI base unit of the meter, which is defined as the
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1299,792,458 of a
A cubic centimeter or cubic centimeter (cm) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of
volume, the cubic meter. The cubic meter is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are one
meter. The cubic meter is derived from the SI base unit of the meter, which is defined as the
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1299,792,458 of a
A cubic millimeter or cubic millimeter (mm) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of
volume, the cubic meter. The cubic meter is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are one
meter. The cubic meter is derived from the SI base unit of the meter, which is defined as the
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1299,792,458 of a
A liter (L or l) is a non-SI metric unit of volume equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic
centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
An exaliter (EL or El) is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.

A petaliter (PL or Pl) is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A teraliter (TL or Tl) is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A gigaliter (GL or Gl) is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A megaliter (ML or Ml) is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter,
which is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A kiloliter (kL or kl) is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A hectoliter (hL or hl) is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A dekaliter (daL or dal) is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter,
which is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A deciliter (dL or dl) is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A centiliter (cL or cl) is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A milliliter (mL or ml) is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A microliter (L or l) is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter,
which is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A nanoliter (nL or nl) is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A picoliter (pL or pl) is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A femtoliter (fL or fl) is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which
is equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.
A attoliter (aL or al) is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the liter, which is
equal to 1 cubic decimeter (dm), 1,000 cubic centimeters (cm) or 10 cubic meter.

A cubic centimeter or cubic centimeter (cc, cm) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of
volume, the cubic meter. The cubic meter is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are one
meter. The cubic meter is derived from the SI base unit of the meter, which is defined as the
length of the path travelled by light in vacuum during a time interval of 1299,792,458 of a
A drop is a non-system unit of measure of volume equal to the amount dispensed as one drop
from a dropper. It is often used in giving quantities of liquid drugs to patients, and sometimes in
cooking. The volume of a drop vary depending on various variables like the technique used to
produce drops, the strength of the gravitational field, the density and the surface tension of the
barrel (oil)
An oil barrel (bbl) is a legacy unit of volume in the US Customary Units equal to 42 US gallons
or approximately 159 L. This unit is used mainly in the US as a measure of crude oil and other
petroleum products.
barrel (US)
A US barrel (bl) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units equal to 31.5 US gallons or
approximately 119 L. This unit is used in the US as a measure of liquids apart from crude oil and
other petroleum products.
barrel (UK)
A UK barrel (bl) is a unit of volume in the British Imperial Units equal to 36 imperial gallons or
approximately 164 L for beer or 42 US gallons (approximately 159 L) for oil. This unit is used in
the UK as a measure of liquid products.
gallon (US)
A US gallon (gal) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units equal to 231 cubic inches or
approximately 3.79 L. There are four US quarts in a gallon.
gallon (UK)
A UK (imperial) gallon (gal) is a unit of volume in the British Imperial Units equal to the
volume of 10 pounds of water at 62F or 17 or approximately 4,55 L. There are four 160 fluid
ounces in an imperial gallon.
quart (US)
A US liquid quart (qt) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units equal to a quarter of a
gallon. It is also equal to two pints or four cups, or 32 US fluid ounces, or approximately 0.95 L.
quart (UK)
A UK (imperial) quart (qt) is a unit of volume in the British Imperial Units used for measuring
both liquid and dry substances. It is equal to one quarter of an imperial gallon or approximately
1.14 L.
pint (US)
A US liquid pint (pt) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units equal to one-eighth of a US
liquid gallon. It is also equal to two cups, or 16 US fluid ounces, or half a US liquid quart, or
approximately 0.47 L.
pint (UK)
A UK (imperial) pint (pt) is a unit of volume in the British Imperial Units used for measuring
both liquid and dry substances. It is equal to one-eighth of an imperial gallon or half of an

imperial quart, or 20 imperial fluid ounces, or approximately 0.57 L.

cup (US)
A US cup is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units equal to one-sixteenth of a US liquid
gallon. It is also equal to one-fourth of a US liquid quart, or eight US fluid ounces, or
approximately 0.24 L.
cup (metric)
A metric cup is a non-SI metric unit of volume equal to 250 ml. It is commonly used in the
Commonwealth of Nations, Latin America and countries, which use the metric system. A metric
cup is also equal to 8.80 imperial fluid ounces and 8.45 US fluid ounces.
cup (UK)
A UK (imperial) cup is a unit of volume in the British Imperial Units used for measuring both
liquid and dry substances. It is equal to one-half of an imperial pint or 10 imperial fluid ounces,
or approximately 0.28 L.
fluid ounce (US)
A US fluid ounce (fl oz or fl. oz.) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units equal to 1/128
of a US liquid gallon. It is also equal to 1/32 of a US quart, or 1/16 US pint, or approximately
29.6 mL.
fluid ounce (UK)
A UK (imperial) fluid ounce (fl oz or fl. oz.) is a unit of volume in the British Imperial Units
used for measuring liquids. It is equal to 1/160 of an imperial gallon or 1/20 of an imperial pint,
or approximately 28.4 mL.
tablespoon (US)
A US tablespoon (tbsp.) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units equal to one-half of a
US fluid ounce or 4 fluid drams, or 1/16 US cup, or approximately 14.8 mL. It is also equal to
tree teaspoons.
tablespoon (metric)
A metric tablespoon is a non-SI metric unit of volume equal to 15 ml. It is used in many
countries for measuring liquid and dry substances.
tablespoon (UK)
A UK (imperial) tablespoon (tbsp.) is a unit of volume used for measuring liquid and dry
substances. It is equal to 0.625 of a UK fluid ounce, or approximately 17.8 mL.
dessertspoon (US)
A US dessertspoon (dstspn or cochl. med.) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units used
for measuring liquid and dry substances. It is equal to one-third of a US fluid ounce or two
teaspoons, or approximately 10 mL. By another definition, one dessertspoon is equal to onefourth of a US fluid ounce or approximately 7.39 mL.
dessertspoon (UK)
A UK dessertspoon (dstspn or cochl. med.) is a unit of volume used for measuring liquid and
dry substances. It is equal to one-third of a UK fluid ounce or two teaspoons, or approximately
11 mL. In another definition, one dessertspoon is equal to one-fourth of an imperial fluid ounce
or 1/160 of an imperial gallon, or approximately 7.10 mL.
teaspoon (US)
A US teaspoon (t., ts., tsp. or tspn.) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units used for
measuring liquid and dry substances during food preparation. As a unit of culinary measure, it is
equal to 1/3 tablespoon or 4.9 mL. It is also equal to one and one-third US fl. drams and one-

sixth US fluid ounce. For nutritional purposes, the US teaspoon is defined as exactly 5 mL.
teaspoon (metric)
A metric teaspoon is a non-SI metric unit of volume equal to 5 ml. It is used in many countries
for measuring liquid and dry substances, especially in cooking.
teaspoon (UK)
A UK teaspoon (t., ts., tsp. or tspn.) is a unit of volume used for measuring liquid and dry
substances. It is equal to one-fifth of a UK fluid ounce or approximately 5 mL.
gill (US)
A US gill is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units used for measuring liquids. Now, it is
used only for measuring the volume of alcoholic spirits. One US gill is equal to 4 US fluid
ounces or 1/32 US gallon, or US pint, or US cup.
gill (UK)
A UK gill is a unit of volume in the British Imperial Units used for measuring liquids. Now, it is
used only for measuring the volume of alcoholic spirits. One imperial gill is equal to 5 imperial
fluid ounces or 1.2 US gill, or approximately 142 mL.
minim (US)
A US minim is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units used for measuring liquids. It is
equal to 1/60 of a US fluidram (fluid dram) or 1/480 of a US fluid ounce.
minim (UK)
A UK minim is a unit of volume in the British Imperial Units used for measuring liquids. It is
equal to 1/60 of an imperial fluidram (fluid dram) or 1/480 of an imperial fluid ounce.
A cubic mile (mi) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units.
The cubic mile is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are one mile.
A cubic yard (yd) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units.
The cubic yard is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are one yard.
A cubic foot (ft) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. The
cubic foot is defined as the volume of a cube whose sides are one foot.
A cubic inch (in) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units.
The cubic inch is defined as the area of a square whose sides are one inch.
register ton
A register ton is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units used as
a measure of the size or cargo carrying capacity of a ship. The register ton is defined as the
volume of 100 cubic feet (approximately 2.83 m). If filled with fresh water, this volume would
weigh approximately 2.8 tons. This unit was used before 1969. After this date, gross and net
register tonnages were replaced by gross tonnage and net tonnage respectively.
100 cubic feet
A 100 cubic feet (ccf) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units
used as a measure of the size or cargo carrying capacity of a ship. This unit is called the register
ton. It is equal to about 2.83 m. If filled with fresh water, this volume would weigh
approximately 2.8 tons. This unit was used before 1969. After this date, gross and net register
tonnages were replaced by gross tonnage and net tonnage respectively.

A cubic hundred-foot is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units
used as a measure of the size or cargo carrying capacity of a ship. This unit is also called the
register ton. It is equal to about 2.83 m. If filled with fresh water, this volume would weigh
approximately 2.8 tons. This unit was used before 1969. After this date, gross and net register
tonnages were replaced by gross tonnage and net tonnage respectively.
An international acre-foot (ac ft) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units used in
measurement of large-scale water resources, such as aqueducts, reservoirs, sewer flow capacity,
and river flows. The acre-foot is defined as the volume of one acre of surface area to a depth of
one foot. It is equal by definition to 43,560 international cubic feet or approximately 1233.48
cubic meters.
acre-foot (US survey)
A US survey acre-foot (ac ft) is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units used in
measurement of large-scale water resources, such as aqueducts, reservoirs, sewer flow capacity,
and river flows. The acre-foot is defined as the volume of one acre of surface area to a depth of
one foot. It is equal by definition to 43,560 US survey cubic feet or approximately 1233.49 cubic
An acre-inch is a unit of volume in the US Customary Units used in measurement of large-scale
water resources, such as aqueducts, reservoirs, sewer flow capacity, and river flows. The acreinch is defined as the volume of one acre of surface area to a depth of one inch. It is equal to
102.790 153 128 96 cubic meters.
A dekastere or dekastre is a decimal multiple of the non-SI metric unit of volume stere, which
is equal to one cubic meter. The name was derived from the Greek stereos solid as a
metric equivalent to the cord. The stre is typically used for measuring large quantities of
firewood or other cut wood.
A stere or stre is a non-SI metric unit of volume equal to one cubic meter. The name was
derived from the Greek stereos solid as a metric equivalent to the cord. The stre is
typically used for measuring large quantities of firewood or other cut wood.
A decistere or decistre is a decimal fraction of the non-SI metric unit of volume, the stere,
which is equal to one cubic meter. The name was derived from the Greek stereos solid
as a metric equivalent to the cord. The stre is typically used for measuring large quantities of
firewood or other cut wood.
A cord is a unit of dry volume used in the United States and Canada to measure the volume of
firewood and timber, which is intended for making wood pulp for paper production (pulpwood).
A cord is the amount of tightly stacked wood that occupies a volume of 128 cubic feet or
approximately 3.6 m. The name cord probably comes from using of a cord to measure all
three dimensions of a well stowed wood. A solid cord contains 128 cubic feet of wood.
However, wood is not sold in terms of solid cords. When wood is stacked, there is a considerable
amount of air between pieces of wood, so the actual cord contains about 80 cubic feet of wood.

A tun (Old English tunne) is an English unit of liquid volume, used for measuring alcoholic
beverages, honey or oil. At various times it was equal from 252 to 208 imperial gallons.
A hogshead is an English unit of liquid volume, used for measuring alcoholic beverages. A
hogshead for alcoholic beverages contains approximately 300 liters.
A tobacco hogshead was used to transport and store tobacco during colonial times in America. A
tobacco hogshead was a large wooden barrel 48 inches long and 30 inches in diameter at the
barrel head.
board foot
A board foot (FBM foot, board measure) is a unit of dry volume used in the United
States and Canada to measure the volume of lumber. It is the volume of one-foot length of a
board one foot wide and one inch thick. 1 board-foot = 1 ft 1 ft 1 in = 12 in 12 in 1 in =
30.48 cm x 30.48 cm x 2.54 cm.
A fluid dram or fluid drachm (, dr) is a unit of volume used for measuring liquids. A dram is
a unit of mass in the avoirdupois system, and both a unit of mass and a unit of volume in the
apothecaries system. It was originally both a coin and a weight in ancient Greece. The fluid
dram is defined as 18 of a fluid ounce and is approximately equal to: 3.7 ml in the US
customary units and 3.55 ml in the British Imperial units.
cor (Biblical)
A cor is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 10 baths or 6 bushels or about 220 L.
homer (Biblical)
An homer is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 10 baths or 6 bushels or about 220
bath (Biblical)
A bath was a unit of liquid volume in Ancient Israel equal to 72 logs and was a liquid equivalent
to ephah, which was also equal to 72 logs.
hin (Biblical)
A hin was a unit of liquid volume in Ancient Israel equal to 12 logs.
cab (Biblical)
An cab is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 1/18 ephah or 1 quarts or about 1.2 L.
log (Biblical)
An log is a Hebrew unit of dry volume. It is equivalent to 1/72 bath or 1/3 quart or about 0.3 L.
Taza (Spanish)
A taza is a Spanish name for cup, which is the unit of volume used in Latin America, Australia,
New Zealand, Canada, USA and other countries. In the US it is equal to 236.6 mL. In the
countries, which adopted the metric system, a cup is equal to 250 mL.
Earths volume
The Earths volume is approximately 1,083,210,000,000 km or 2.598810 mi.

Definisi Satuan untuk Suhu pengonversi

dalam [Bahasa Sasaran] dan Bahasa Inggris

Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia English

The Kelvin temperature scale is used in the
International System of Units (SI), to measure the
temperature. Kelvin is one of the seven base units
in the system. The Kelvin scale is an absolute
temperature scale using as its null point absolute
zero. The kelvin is defined as the 1273.16 of the
thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of
water (0.008 C or 32.018 F).

The Kelvin temperature scale is used in the
International System of Units (SI), to
measure the temperature. Kelvin is one of the
seven base units in the system. The Kelvin
scale is an absolute temperature scale using
as its null point absolute zero. The kelvin is
defined as the 1273.16 of the
thermodynamic temperature of the triple
point of water (0.008 C or 32.018 F).
degree Celsius
degree Celsius
The Celsius scale (C) is used for most
The Celsius scale (C) is used for most
temperature measurements and is included in SI as temperature measurements and is included in
a derived unit of temperature. It has the same
SI as a derived unit of temperature. It has the
incremental scaling as the Kelvin scale used by
same incremental scaling as the Kelvin scale
scientists, but fixes its null point, at 0C =
used by scientists, but fixes its null point, at
273.15K, approximately the freezing point of
0C = 273.15K, approximately the freezing
water. The Fahrenheit scale is used in the US for point of water. The Fahrenheit scale is used
common purposes. In this scale water freezes at
in the US for common purposes. In this scale
32 F and boils at 212 F.
water freezes at 32 F and boils at 212 F.
degree Fahrenheit
degree Fahrenheit
Within the Fahrenheit scale (F), the water
Within the Fahrenheit scale (F), the water
freezing temperature is defined at 32 degrees,
freezing temperature is defined at 32
while the boiling point of water is defined to be
degrees, while the boiling point of water is
212 degrees at standard atmospheric pressure. A defined to be 212 degrees at standard
degree on the Fahrenheit scale is 1180 of the
atmospheric pressure. A degree on the
interval between the freezing point and the boiling Fahrenheit scale is 1180 of the interval
point of water.
between the freezing point and the boiling
point of water.
degree Rankine
degree Rankine
In Rankine scale (R) zero is absolute zero.
In Rankine scale (R) zero is absolute zero.
However, unlike the Kelvin scale, the Rankine
However, unlike the Kelvin scale, the
degree is defined as equal to one degree
Rankine degree is defined as equal to one
Fahrenheit, rather than the one degree Celsius used degree Fahrenheit, rather than the one degree
by the Kelvin scale. A temperature of 459.67 F Celsius used by the Kelvin scale. A
is exactly equal to 0 R. The Rankine scale is used temperature of 459.67 F is exactly equal to
for thermodynamic calculations.
0 R. The Rankine scale is used for
thermodynamic calculations.
degree Reaumur
degree Reaumur
The Raumur scale (Re, R, R) is an obsolete The Raumur scale (Re, R, R) is an
temperature scale in which the boiling and freezing obsolete temperature scale in which the
points of water are set to 80 and 0 degrees
boiling and freezing points of water are set to

respectively. The Raumur scale was widespread

in Europe during the eighteenth century,
particularly in France and Germany as well as
Russia. By the 1790s, France switched to the
Celsius scale for the metric system over the
Raumur measurements. In modern days it is used
only in the measuring of milk temperature in
cheese production.

80 and 0 degrees respectively. The Raumur

scale was widespread in Europe during the
eighteenth century, particularly in France and
Germany as well as Russia. By the 1790s,
France switched to the Celsius scale for the
metric system over the Raumur
measurements. In modern days it is used
only in the measuring of milk temperature in
cheese production.

Definisi Satuan untuk Pressure, Stress,

Youngs Modulus pengonversi dalam [Bahasa
Sasaran] dan Bahasa Inggris
Translation is not available yet.
A pascal (Pa) is the SI derived unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile
strength. It is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one newton per square meter.
Example: On Earth, standard atmospheric pressure is 101,325 Pa = 101.325 kPa.
An exapascal (EPa) is a decimal multiple of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A petapascal (PPa) is a decimal multiple of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A terapascal (TPa) is a decimal multiple of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A gigapascal (GPa) is a decimal multiple of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A megapascal (MPa) is a decimal multiple of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of
pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit
area, defined as one newton per square meter.
A kilopascal (kPa) is a decimal multiple of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,

stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A hectopascal (hPa) is a decimal multiple of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A dekapascal (daPa) is a decimal multiple of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of
pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit
area, defined as one newton per square meter.
A decipascal (dPa) is a decimal fraction of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A centipascal (cPa) is a decimal fraction of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A millipascal (mPa) is a decimal fraction of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A micropascal (Pa) is a decimal fraction of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A nanopascal (nPa) is a decimal fraction of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A picopascal (pPa) is a decimal fraction of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A femtopascal (fPa) is a decimal fraction of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
An attopascal (aPa) is a decimal fraction of the pascal, which is the SI derived unit of pressure,
stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area,
defined as one newton per square meter.
A newton per square meter (N/m) is the SI derived unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus
and ultimate tensile strength. By definition, it is equal to pascal.

A newton per square centimeter (N/cm) is the metric unit of pressure, stress, Youngs
modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one
newton per square centimeter.
A newton per square millimeter (N/mm) is the metric unit of pressure, stress, Youngs
modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one
newton per square millimeter.
A kilonewton per square meter (kN/m) is the metric unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus
and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area, defined as one kilonewton per
square meter.
A bar (symbol bar) is a non-SI unit of pressure, defined as exactly equal to 10 Pa or 10
dyn/cm in CGS. It is approximately equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at sea level.
100,000 Pa = 1 bar 750.0616827 Torr.
The unit name is derived from the Greek , meaning weight.
A millibar (mbar) is a decimal fraction of bar, which is the non-SI unit of pressure, defined as
exactly equal to 100,000 Pa. It is approximately equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at
sea level.
100,000 Pa = 1 bar 750.0616827 Torr.
The unit name is derived from the Greek , meaning weight.
A microbar (bar) is a decimal fraction of bar, which is the non-SI unit of pressure, defined as
exactly equal to 100,000 Pa. It is approximately equal to the atmospheric pressure on Earth at
sea level.
100,000 Pa = 1 bar 750.0616827 Torr.
The unit name is derived from the Greek , meaning weight.
A dyne per square centimeter (dyn/cm) is the CGS derived unit of pressure, stress, Youngs
modulus and ultimate tensile strength. Another name of this unit is barye or barad. It is a
measure of force per unit area, defined as one dyne per square centimeter.
A kilogram-force per square meter (kgf/m) is a non-SI metric unit of pressure, stress, Youngs
modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area.
A kilogram-force per square centimeter (kgf/cm) is a non-SI metric unit of pressure. It is a
measure of force per unit area. Another name of this unit is technical atmosphere (symbol at).
1 at = 98.0665 kPa 0.96784 standard atmospheres.
A kilogram-force per square millimeter (kgf/mm) is a non-SI metric unit of pressure, stress,
Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area.
A gram-force per square centimeter (gf/cm) is a non-SI metric unit of pressure, stress,

Youngs modulus and ultimate tensile strength. It is a measure of force per unit area.
ton-force (short)/foot
A short ton-force per square foot (tf/ft) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and
ultimate tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of
force per unit area.
ton-force (short)/inch
A short ton-force per square inch (tf/in) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and
ultimate tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of
force per unit area.
ton-force (long)/foot
A long ton-force per square foot (tf/ft) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and
ultimate tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of
force per unit area.
ton-force (long)/inch
A long ton-force per square inch (tf/in) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and
ultimate tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of
force per unit area.
A kip per square inch (ksi, kip/in) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate
tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of force
per unit area.
A kip or kip-force, or kilopound (kip, klb, kipf) is a non-SI non-metric unit of force. It is
equal to 1,000 pounds-force and used primarily by American architects and engineers to measure
engineering loads. 1 kip = 4448.22 newtons (N) = 4.44822 kilonewtons (kN). The name kip
comes from combining two words: kilo and pound. It is also called kilopound-force.
A kip per square inch (ksi, kip/in) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate
tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of force
per unit area.
A kip or kip-force, or kilopound (kip, klb, kipf) is a non-SI non-metric unit of force. It is
equal to 1,000 pounds-force and used primarily by American architects and engineers to measure
engineering loads. 1 kip = 4448.22 newtons (N) = 4.44822 kilonewtons (kN). The name kip
comes from combining two words: kilo and pound. It is also called kilopound-force.
A pound-force per square foot (lbf/ft) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and
ultimate tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of
force per unit area.
A pound-force per square inch (lbf/in, psi) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and
ultimate tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of
force per unit area.
A pound-force per square inch (lbf/in, psi) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and
ultimate tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of
force per unit area.

A poundal per square foot (pdl/ft) is a unit of pressure, stress, Youngs modulus and ultimate
tensile strength in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. It is a measure of force
per unit area.
A torr (symbol Torr) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is approximately equal to the fluid pressure
exerted by a millimeter of mercury.
1 torr 1 mmHg
centimeter mercury (0C)
A centimeter of mercury (cmHg) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is defined as the pressure
exerted at the base of a column of mercury 1 cm high, when the density of the fluid is 13.5951
g/cm (this occurs at 0C or 32F), at a place where the acceleration of gravity is 9.80665 m/s. 1
cmHg is roughly equal to 10 Torr.
millimeter mercury (0C)
A millimeter of mercury (mmHg) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is defined as the pressure
exerted at the base of a column of mercury 1 mm high, when the density of the fluid is 13.5951
g/cm (this occurs at 0C or 32F), at a place where the acceleration of gravity is 9.80665 m/s. 1
mmHg is roughly equal to 1 Torr.
inch mercury (32F)
An inch of mercury (mmHg) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is defined as the pressure exerted at
the base of a column of mercury 1 inch (25.4 mm) high, when the density of the fluid is 13.5951
g/cm (this occurs at 0C or 32F), at a place where the acceleration of gravity is 9.80665 m/s. 1
inHg is roughly equal to 25.4 Torr.
inch mercury (60F)
An inch of mercury (inHg) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is defined as the pressure exerted at
the base of a column of mercury 1 inch (25.4 mm) high, at 0C or 32F, at a place where the
acceleration of gravity is 9.80665 m/s.
1 inHg = 3,386.389 Pa at 0 C. Sometimes this unit is defined for mercury density at 60F:
1 inHg60 F = 3,376.85 Pa.
Inches of mercury are still widely used for barometric pressure in weather reports, aviation and
refrigeration industries in the United States.
centimeter water (4C)
A centimeter of water (cmAq, cmHO) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is defined as the
pressure exerted at the base of a column of water 1 cm high, at 4C (temperature of maximum
water density), at the standard acceleration of gravity. 1 cmAq is roughly equal to 0.74 Torr. This
unit is often used in medicine and in water supply networks.
millimeter water (4C)
A millimeter of water (mmAq, mmHO) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is defined as the pressure
exerted at the base of a column of water 1 mm high, at 4C (temperature of maximum water
density), at the standard acceleration of gravity. 1 mmAq is roughly equal to 0.074 Torr.
inch water (4C)
An inch of water or inch water column (wc, inch WC, inAq, inHO) is a non-SI unit of
pressure. It is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of water 1 inch in height at 39 F or
4 C (temperature of maximum water density) at the standard acceleration of gravity;
1 inAq is approximately equal to 1.868 torr at 4 C.

foot water (4C)

A foot of water or foot water column (foot WC, ftAq, ftHO) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is
defined as the pressure exerted by a column of water 1 foot in height at 39 F or 4 C
(temperature of maximum water density) at the standard acceleration of gravity;
1 ftAq is approximately equal to 22.42 Torr at 4 C.
inch water (60F)
An inch of water or inch water column (wc, inch WC, inAq, inHO) is a non-SI unit of
pressure. It is defined as the pressure exerted by a column of water 1 inch in height at 60 F or
15.56 C at the standard acceleration of gravity;
1 inAq is approximately equal to 1.866 torr at 60F.
foot water (60F)
A foot of water or foot water column (foot WC, ftAq, ftHO) is a non-SI unit of pressure. It is
defined as the pressure exerted by a column of water 1 foot in height at 60 F or 15.56 C at the
standard acceleration of gravity;
1 ftAq is approximately equal to 22.40 Torr at 60 F.
atmosphere technical
A technical atmosphere (at) is a non-SI metric unit of pressure equal to one kilogram-force per
square centimeter (kgf/cm). It is a measure of force per unit area.
1 at = 98.0665 kPa 0.96784 standard atmospheres.
standard atmosphere
A standard atmosphere (atm) is an obsolete non-SI international unit of pressure defined as
101.325 kPa. For practical purposes it has been replaced by the bar, which is 100 kPa.

Definisi Satuan untuk Energy pengonversi

dalam [Bahasa Sasaran] dan Bahasa Inggris
Translation is not available yet.
A joule (J) is a derived unit of energy, work, and amount of heat in the International System of
Units SI. The joule is equal to the energy expended or work done in applying a force of one
newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or Nm). By another definition, the
joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current of one ampere through a one ohm
resistor for one second. Yet another definition states that the joule is equal to the work required
to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electric potential difference of one volt. In
everyday life, one joule of energy is required to lift a small (102 g) tomato one meter straight up.
A gigajoule (GJ) is a decimal multiple of the SI derived unit of energy, work, and amount of
heat in the International System of Units SI. The joule is equal to the energy expended or work
done in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or
Nm). By another definition, the joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current
of one ampere through a one ohm resistor for one second. Yet another definition states that the
joule is equal to the work required to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electric

potential difference of one volt. A barrel of oil, when combusted, can produce up to six
gigajoules of thermal energy.
A megajoule (MJ) is a decimal multiple of the SI derived unit of energy, work, and amount of
heat in the International System of Units SI. The joule is equal to the energy expended or work
done in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or
Nm). By another definition, the joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current
of one ampere through a one ohm resistor for one second. Yet another definition states that the
joule is equal to the work required to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electric
potential difference of one volt. The kinetic energy of a one-ton car moving at 160 km/h is
approximately equal to one megajoule.
A kilojoule (kJ) is a decimal multiple of the SI derived unit of energy, work, and amount of heat
in the International System of Units SI. The joule is equal to the energy expended or work done
in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or Nm). By
another definition, the joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current of one
ampere through a one ohm resistor for one second. Yet another definition states that the joule is
equal to the work required to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electric
potential difference of one volt.
A millijoule (mJ) is a decimal fraction of the SI derived unit of energy, work, and amount of
heat in the International System of Units SI. The joule is equal to the energy expended or work
done in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or
Nm). By another definition, the joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current
of one ampere through a one ohm resistor for one second. Yet another definition states that the
joule is equal to the work required to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electric
potential difference of one volt.
A microjoule (J) is a decimal fraction of the SI derived unit of energy, work, and amount of
heat in the International System of Units SI. The joule is equal to the energy expended or work
done in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or
Nm). By another definition, the joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current
of one ampere through a one ohm resistor for one second. Yet another definition states that the
joule is equal to the work required to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electric
potential difference of one volt.
A nanojoule (nJ) is a decimal fraction of the SI derived unit of energy, work, and amount of
heat in the International System of Units SI. The joule is equal to the energy expended or work
done in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or
Nm). By another definition, the joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current
of one ampere through a one ohm resistor for one second. Yet another definition states that the
joule is equal to the work required to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electric
potential difference of one volt.
A attojoule (aJ) is a decimal fraction of the SI derived unit of energy, work, and amount of heat
in the International System of Units SI. The joule is equal to the energy expended or work done

in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter (1 newton meter or Nm). By
another definition, the joule is equal to the energy required to pass an electric current of one
ampere through a one ohm resistor for one second. Yet another definition states that the joule is
equal to the work required to move an electric charge of one coulomb through an electric
potential difference of one volt.
A megaelectronvolt (MeV) is a decimal multiple of an electronvolt (electron volt, eV), which is
a unit of energy equal to approximately 1.610 joule and used in atomic, nuclear and particle
physics. By definition, it is the amount of energy gained by the charge of an electron moved
across an electric potential difference of one volt. In other words, an electronvolt is 1 volt (1
joule per coulomb) multiplied by the electron charge (1 e, or 1.602176565(35)10 C).
Electronvolt is a small value; therefore it is commonly used with the SI prefixes.
A kiloelectronvolt (keV) is a decimal multiple of an electronvolt (electron volt, eV), which is a
unit of energy equal to approximately 1.610 joule and used in atomic, nuclear and particle
physics. By definition, it is the amount of energy gained by the charge of an electron moved
across an electric potential difference of one volt. In other words, an electronvolt is 1 volt (1
joule per coulomb) multiplied by the electron charge (1 e, or 1.602176565(35)10 C).
Electronvolt is a small value; therefore it is commonly used with the SI prefixes.
An electronvolt (also electron volt, eV) is a non-SI unit of energy equal to approximately
1.610 joule and used in atomic, nuclear and particle physics. By definition, it is the amount
of energy gained by the charge of an electron moved across an electric potential difference of
one volt. In other words, an electronvolt is 1 volt (1 joule per coulomb) multiplied by the
electron charge (1 e, or 1.602176565(35)10 C). Electronvolt is a small value; therefore it is
commonly used with the SI prefixes.
An erg (symbol erg) is the unit of energy and mechanical work in the centimeter-gram-second
(CGS) system of units. An erg is the amount of work done by a force of one dyne when moving
an object through a distance of one centimeter in the direction of the force. In the CGS base
units, it is equal to one gram centimeter squared per second squared (gcm/s). It is thus equal to
100 nanojoules (nJ) in SI units. An erg is a very small unit of energy. The impact energy of a
small mosquito flying into a wall is equal to about 1 erg.
The gigawatt hour (also gigawatt-hour, GWh or GWh) is a unit of energy equal to 10 watt
hours or 3600 gigajoules. One GWh is equivalent to one gigawatt of constant power expended
for one hour of time. This unit is often used for metering large amounts of electrical energy
supplied to industrial customers by power generation companies.
The megawatt hour (also megawatt-hour, MWh or MWh) is a unit of energy equal to 10
watt hours or 3600 megajoules. One MWh is equivalent to one megawatt of constant power
expended for one hour of time. This unit is often used for metering large amounts of electrical
energy supplied to industrial customers by power generation companies.
The kilowatt hour (also kilowatt-hour, kWh or kWh) is a unit of energy equal to 1000 watt

hours or 3600 kilojoules. One kWh is equivalent to one kilowatt of constant power expended for
one hour of time. This unit is often used as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by
power generation companies.
The kilowatt second (also kilowatt-second, kWs or kWs) is a unit of energy approximately
equal to 0.28 watt hour or 1000 joules. One kWs is equivalent to one kilowatt of constant power
expended for one second of time.
The watt hour (also watt-hour, Wh or Wh) is a unit of energy equal to 3.6 kilojoules. One
Wh is equivalent to one watt of constant power expended for one hour of time.
The watt second (also watt-second, Ws) is a unit of energy equal to 1 joule. One Ws is
equivalent to one watt (1 W) of constant power expended for one second of time.
newton meter
The newton meter (Nm) is a unit of energy equivalent to 1 joule. It is equal to the energy
expended or work done in applying a force of one newton through a distance of one meter. One
newton meter of energy is required to lift a small (102 g) tomato one meter straight up.
horsepower hour
A horsepower-hour (hph) is an outdated unit of energy, not used in the SI system of units. The
unit represents an amount of work a horse is supposed capable of delivering during an hour. 1
hph = 2.68 MJ. The horsepower-hour is still used in the railroad industry when sharing
horsepower (metric) hour
A metric horsepower-hour (hph) is an outdated unit of energy, not used in the SI system of
units. The unit represents an amount of work a horse is supposed capable of delivering during an
hour. 1 metric hph = 2.65 MJ.
kilocalorie (IT)
An International Steam Table kilocalorie (IT kcal) is a decimal multiple of an international
calorie, which is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its use has been
replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used unit for
energies in the field of chemistry. 1 IT calorie = 4.1868 J as defined by the Fifth International
Conference on Properties of Steam. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie
approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at
standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).
kilocalorie (th)
A thermochemical kilocalorie (th kcal) is a decimal multiple of a thermochemical calorie,
which is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its use has been replaced by, the
joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used unit for energies in the field
of chemistry. 1 th calorie = 4.184 J as defined in the ISO standard ISO 31-4. By definition, the
small calorie or gram calorie approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1
gram of water by 1 C at standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).
calorie (IT)
An International Steam Table calorie (IT cal) is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In
most fields its use has been replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a
commonly used unit for energies in the field of chemistry. 1 IT calorie = 4.1868 J as defined by

the Fifth International Conference on Properties of Steam. By definition, the small calorie or
gram calorie approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by
1 C at standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).
calorie (th)
A thermochemical calorie (th cal) is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its
use has been replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used
unit for energies in the field of chemistry. 1 th calorie = 4.184 J as defined in the ISO standard
ISO 31-4. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie approximates the energy needed to
increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at standard atmospheric pressure (101.325
calorie (nutritional)
A nutritional calorie (cal), also called food calorie is a non-SI metric unit of food energy. 1
nutritional calorie = 4.184 J. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie approximates the
energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at standard atmospheric
pressure (101.325 kPa).
Btu (IT)
A British thermal unit (Btu or BTU) defined in the International standard ISO 31-4 is a
traditional unit of energy equal to about 1.055 KJ. This amount of energy is needed to heat 1
pound of water 3.8 C to 4.4 C. The unit is most often used in the power generation, heating
and air conditioning industries.
A Btu is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one 1 pound of liquid
water by 1 F at a constant pressure of one atmosphere. Several different definitions of the Btu
exist, which are based on different water temperatures and therefore vary by up to 0.5%. A Btu
can be approximated as the heat produced by burning a single wooden match.
Btu (th)
A thermochemical British thermal unit (Btu or BTU) is a traditional unit of energy equal to
about 1.054 KJ. This amount of energy is needed to heat 1 pound of water 3.8 C to 4.4 C. The
unit is most often used in the power generation, heating and air conditioning industries.
A Btu is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one 1 pound of liquid
water by 1 F at a constant pressure of one atmosphere. Several different definitions of the Btu
exist, which are based on different water temperatures and therefore vary by up to 0.5%. A Btu
can be approximated as the heat produced by burning a single wooden match.
mega Btu (IT)
A mega BTU defined in the International standard ISO 31-4 is a decimal multiple of the British
thermal unit (Btu or BTU), the traditional unit of energy equal to about 1.055 KJ. This amount of
energy is needed to heat 1 pound of water 3.8 C to 4.4 C. The unit is most often used in the
power generation, heating and air conditioning industries.
A Btu is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one 1 pound of liquid
water by 1 F at a constant pressure of one atmosphere. Several different definitions of the Btu
exist, which are based on different water temperatures and therefore vary by up to 0.5%. A Btu
can be approximated as the heat produced by burning a single wooden match.
ton-hour (refrigeration)
A ton-hour of refrigeration is a unit of energy used in North America to describe the heatextraction capacity of industrial air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The capacity of
this industrial equipment in the U.S. is often specified in tons of refrigeration. A ton of
refrigeration is a unit of power, which is defined as the heat absorbed by melting a short ton of

pure ice at 0C (32F) in 24 hours. It is equivalent to the consumption of one ton of ice per day
and originated during the transition from stored natural ice to mechanical refrigeration.
Consequently, a ton-hour of refrigeration is the product of multiplication of the power and the
time. A refrigeration ton is approximately equivalent to 12,000 BTU or 3517 watts.
fuel oil equivalent @kiloliter
A tonne (kiloliter, kL) of oil equivalent (toe) is a unit of energy used mainly in the US and
defined as the amount of energy released by burning one tonne of crude oil. It is equal to
approximately 40.2 GJ. The toe is sometimes used for large amounts of energy, as it can be more
intuitive to visualise the energy released by burning 1000 tonnes of oil than 42,000 billion
fuel oil equivalent @barrel (US)
A barrel of oil equivalent (BOE) is a unit of energy used mainly in the US and defined as the
amount of energy released by burning one barrel (42 US gallons or about 200 liters) of crude oil.
It is equal to approximately 6.1 GJ or 5.8 10 BTU. The BOE is used for large amounts of
energy, as it can be more intuitive to visualise the energy released by burning 1 barrel of oil than
6100 million joules.
The gigaton of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a decimal multiple of the ton of TNT, which is a unit
of energy equal to 4.184 gigajoules. TNT equivalent is a method of quantifying the energy
released in explosions or during large bolide impacts. This is approximately the amount of
energy released in the detonation of one ton of TNT. The gigaton of TNT is a unit of energy
equal to 4.184 exajoules. The kiloton and megaton of TNT have traditionally been used to rate
the destructive power of nuclear weapons.
The megaton of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a decimal multiple of the ton of TNT, which is a unit
of energy equal to 4.184 gigajoules. This is approximately the amount of energy released in the
detonation of one ton of TNT. The megaton of TNT is a unit of energy equal to 4.184 petajoules.
The kiloton and megaton of TNT have traditionally been used to rate the destructive power of
nuclear weapons.
The kiloton of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a decimal multiple of the ton of TNT, which is a unit
of energy equal to 4.184 gigajoules. This is approximately the amount of energy released in the
detonation of one ton of TNT. The kiloton of TNT is a unit of energy equal to 4.184 terajoules.
The kiloton and megaton of TNT have traditionally been used to rate the destructive power of
nuclear weapons.
ton (explosives)
The ton or tonne of Trinitrotoluene (TNT) is a unit of energy equal to 4.184 gigajoules, which
is approximately the amount of energy released in the detonation of one ton of TNT. The kiloton
and megaton of TNT have traditionally been used to rate the destructive power of nuclear
weapons. The megaton of TNT is a unit of energy equal to 4.184 petajoules.
dyne centimeter
A dyne centimeter (dynecm) is the unit of energy and mechanical work in the centimetergram-second (CGS) system of units, which is equal to one erg. It is the amount of work done by
a force of one dyne when moving an object through a distance of one centimeter. In the CGS
base units, it is equal to one gram centimeter squared per second squared (gcm/s). It is thus
equal to 100 nanojoules (nJ) in SI units. A dyne centimeter is a very small unit of energy. The

impact energy of a small mosquito flying into a wall is equal to about 1 dyne centimeter.
gram-force meter
A gram-force meter (gm) is the unit of energy and mechanical work, which is equal to 9.81
millijoules in SI units. It is the amount of work done by a force of one gram-force when moving
an object through a distance of one meter.
gram-force centimeter
A gram-force centimeter (gcm) is the unit of energy and mechanical work, which is equal to
98.1 microjoules in SI units. It is the amount of work done by a force of one gram-force when
moving an object through a distance of one centimeter.
kilogram-force centimeter
A kilogram-force centimeter (kgf cm) is the unit of energy and mechanical work, which is
equal to 98.1 millijoules in SI units. It is the amount of work done by a force of one kilogramforce when moving an object through a distance of one centimeter.
kilogram-force meter
A kilogram-force meter (kgfm) is the unit of energy and mechanical work, which is equal to
9.81 joules in SI units. It is the amount of work done by a force of one kilogram-force when
moving an object through a distance of one meter.
kilopond meter
A kilopond meter (kpm) is the unit of energy and mechanical work, which is equal to 1 kgfm
or 9.81 joules in SI units. It is the amount of work done by a force of one kilogram-force when
moving an object through a distance of one meter.
pound-force foot
A pound-force foot (lbfft) is the Imperial unit of energy and mechanical work, which is equal
1.36 joules in SI units. It is the amount of work done by a force of one pound-force when
moving an object through a distance of one foot.
pound-force inch
A pound-force inch (lbf in) is the unit of energy and mechanical work, which is equal 0.113
joules in SI units. It is the amount of work done by a force of one pound-force when moving an
object through a distance of one inch.
ounce-force inch
A ounce-force inch (ozf in) is the unit of energy and mechanical work, which is equal 7.062
millijoules in SI units. It is the amount of work done by a force of one ounce-force when moving
an object through a distance of one inch.
A foot-pound (ftlb), or foot-pound force (ftlbf) is a unit of work or energy in the Engineering
and Gravitational Systems in United States customary and imperial units of measure. It is the
amount of work done by a force of one pound-force when moving an object through a distance
of one foot. 1 frlbf 1.36 joules in SI units. The foot-pound is used in the US to specify the
muzzle energy of bullets in small arms ballistics.
A inch-pound (inlb), or inch-pound force (symbol: inlbf) is a unit of work or energy in the
Engineering and Gravitational Systems in United States customary and imperial units of
measure. It is the amount of work done by a force of one pound-force when moving an object
through a distance of one inch. 1 inlbf 0.113 joules in SI units.

A inch-ounce (inoz), or inch-ounce force (symbol: inozf) is a unit of work or energy in United
States customary and imperial units of measure. It is the amount of work done by a force of one
ounce-force when moving an object through a distance of one inch. 1 inoz 7.06 millijoules in
SI units.
poundal foot
A poundal foot (pdlft) is a unit of energy in United States customary and imperial units of
measure. It is the amount of work done by a force of one poundal when moving an object
through a distance of one foot. It is equal to 42.14 millijoules in SI units. The poundal (pdl) is a
unit of force that is part of the foot-pound-second system of units. 1 pdl 0.138254 N
A therm (thm) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units (BTU). It is
approximately the energy equivalent of burning 100 cubic feet of natural gas. Since meters
measure volume and not energy content, a therm factor is used by gas utility companies to
convert the volume of gas consumed to its heat equivalent, and thus calculate the actual energy
therm (EC)
An EC therm (thm EC) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 international British
thermal units (BTU IT) used in the European Union. It is approximately the energy equivalent of
burning 100 cubic feet of natural gas. Since meters measure volume and not energy content, a
therm factor is used by gas utility companies to convert the volume of gas consumed to its heat
equivalent, and thus calculate the actual energy use.
therm (US)
An US therm (thm US) is a non-SI unit of heat energy equal to 100,000 British thermal units
used in the United States (BTU at 59F). It is approximately the energy equivalent of burning
100 cubic feet of natural gas. Since meters measure volume and not energy content, a therm
factor is used by gas utility companies to convert the volume of gas consumed to its heat
equivalent, and thus calculate the actual energy use.
Hartree energy
A Hartree energy (Eh or Ha), also known as the hartree, is the atomic unit of energy. It is
named after the British physicist Douglas Hartree and used as a unit of energy in atomic physics
and computational chemistry. The Hartree energy is approximately the electric potential energy
of the hydrogen atom in its ground state. Eh = 4.35974434(19)10 J = 27.21138505(60) e

Definisi Satuan untuk Power pengonversi

dalam [Bahasa Sasaran] dan Bahasa Inggris
Translation is not available yet.
A watt (W) is a derived unit of power in the International System of Units (SI) defined as one
joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy conversion or the rate at which work is
done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an objects velocity is held constant at one
meter per second against constant opposing force of one newton. In electromagnetism, one watt
is defined as the rate at which work is done when one ampere of current flows across a potential
difference of one volt.

Example: A small LED lamp consumes several watts of energy.

An exawatt (EW) is a decimal multiple of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: The total power of sunlight striking the Earth is approximately 0.17 exawatt.
A petawatt (PW) is a decimal multiple of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: lasers can produce power up to 1.25 PW in a very short pulse.
A terawatt (TW) is a decimal multiple of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: In 2006 the installed capacity of all hydroelectric power generators in the world was
approximately 1 TW.
A gigawatt (GW) is a decimal multiple of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: Each of the four reactors RBMK-1000 installed at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant
produced 1 GW of electrical power and 3.2 GW of thermal power.
A megawatt (MW) is a decimal multiple of the derived unit of power in the International
System of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of
energy conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done
when an objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing
force of one newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done
when one ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: A typical wind turbine can produce one or several megawatts of electrical power.
A kilowatt (kW) is a decimal multiple of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy

conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: A small electric heater can consume one kilowatt of electrical energy.
A hectowatt (hW) is a decimal multiple of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: A 100 W incandescent lamp consumes 1 hectowatt of electrical energy.
A decawatt (daW) is a decimal multiple of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt. This unit is rarely used.
A large LED lamp can consume one or two dekawatts (10 or 20 W) of electrical energy.
A deciwatt (dW) is a decimal fraction of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
This unit is rarely used. A 1 deciwatt (100 mW) green laser can light a match.
A centiwatt (cW) is a decimal fraction of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt. This unit is rarely used.
A milliwatt (mW) is a decimal fraction of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: The output power of a common laser pointer is 5 mW.
A microwatt (W) is a decimal fraction of the derived unit of power in the International System

of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Example: A common digital watch can consume several microwatts of electrical power from a
A nanowatt (nW) is a decimal fraction of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Nanowatts and microwatts are sometimes used for describing the sensitivity of radio receivers.
A picowatt (pW) is a decimal fraction of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Nanowatts and microwatts are sometimes used for describing the sensitivity of radio receivers.
A femtowatt (fW) is a decimal fraction of the derived unit of power in the International System
of Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Femtowatts are used for describing the sensitivity of radar radio receivers.
A attowatt (aW) is a decimal fraction of the derived unit of power in the International System of
Units (SI) watt, which is defined as one joule per second. Power measures the rate of energy
conversion or the rate at which work is done. One watt is the rate at which work is done when an
objects velocity is held constant at one meter per second against constant opposing force of one
newton. In electromagnetism, one watt is defined as the rate at which work is done when one
ampere of current flows across a potential difference of one volt.
Attowatts are used for describing the sensitivity of infrared phototransistors and bolometers.
A mechanical horsepower (hp) is the unit of measurement of power, the rate at which work is
done or energy is used or transformed. By definition, 1 hp = 33,000 ftlbf/min = 550 ftlbf/s =
745.7 W.
A mechanical horsepower (hp) is the unit of measurement of power, the rate at which work is
done or energy is used or transformed. By definition, 1 hp = 33,000 ftlbf/min = 550 ftlbf/s =

745.7 W.
horsepower (metric)
A metric horsepower (hp) is the unit of measurement of power, the rate at which work is done
or energy is used or transformed. By definition, one metric horsepower is the power to raise a
mass of 75 kilograms against the earths gravitational force over a distance of one meter in one
second. This is equivalent to 735.5 W.
horsepower (boiler)
A boiler horsepower (BHP) is the unit of measurement of power, the rate at which work is done
or energy is used or transformed. By definition, one boiler horsepower is equal to a boiler
thermal output of 33,475 Btu/h (9.811 kW), which is the energy rate needed to evaporate 34.5 lb
(15.65 kg) of water at 212 F (100 C) in one hour. The unit is used in North America.
horsepower (electric)
An electrical horsepower is the unit of measurement of power, the rate at which work is done
or energy is used or transformed. It is used for electrical machines. By definition, the horsepower
is equal to exactly 746 W. This power can be displayed on the nameplates on electrical motors.
horsepower (water)
A water horsepower (WHP) is the power necessary to pump water (or other fluid) by a pump.
It depends on the specific gravity of the fluid being pumped, mass flow rate and the pump head.
A pferdestarke (ps) is the German name of the horsepower, which is the unit of measurement of
power, the rate at which work is done or energy is used or transformed. By definition, one metric
horsepower is the power to raise a mass of 75 kilograms against the earths gravitational force
over a distance of one meter in one second. This is equivalent to 735.5 W.
Btu (IT)/hour
An international British thermal unit (IT) per hour (Btu/h) is a unit of power in the US
Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure the power
of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners. When using the BTU to describe the power, the
per hour is sometimes dropped.
Btu (IT)/minute
An international British thermal unit (IT) per minute (Btu/min) is a unit of power in the US
Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure the power
of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners.
Btu (IT)/second
An international British thermal unit (IT) per second (Btu/s) is a unit of power in the US
Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure the power
of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners.
Btu (th)/hour
A thermochemical British thermal unit (th) per hour (Btu/h) is a unit of power in the US
Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure the power
of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners. When using the BTU to describe the power, the
per hour is sometimes dropped.
Btu (th)/minute
A thermochemical British thermal unit (th) per minute (Btu/min) is a unit of power in the
US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure the
power of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners.

Btu (th)/second
A thermochemical British thermal unit (th) per second (Btu/s) is a unit of power in the US
Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure the power
of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners.
MBtu (IT)/hour
A thousand of international British thermal units (IT) per hour (MBtu/h) is a unit of power
in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure
the power of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners. M in MBtu is a Roman numeral,
which stands for one thousand (1,000). This can be easily confused with the decimal M (mega)
prefix, which multiplies by a factor of one million (1,000,000). To avoid confusion, many HVAC
engineers use MMBtu to represent one million Btu. When using the BTU to describe the power,
the per hour is sometimes dropped.
A thousand of international British thermal units (IT) per hour (MBtu/h) is a unit of power
in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure
the power of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners. M in MBtu is a Roman numeral,
which stands for one thousand (1,000). This can be easily confused with the decimal M (mega)
prefix, which multiplies by a factor of one million (1,000,000). To avoid confusion, many HVAC
engineers use MMBtu to represent one million Btu. When using the BTU to describe the power,
the per hour is sometimes dropped.
MMBtu (IT)/hour
A million of international British thermal units (IT) per hour (MMBtu/h) is a unit of power
in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure
the power of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners. MM in MMBtu stands for one
million. MM is used instead of the decimal prefix M to avoid confusion with the Roman
numeral M, which stands for one thousand. It is used in the Mbtu and MBH units. When using
the BTU to describe the power, the per hour is sometimes dropped.
A million of international British thermal units (IT) per hour (MMBtu/h) is a unit of power
in the US Customary Units and British Imperial Units. This unit is most often used to measure
the power of steam generators, heaters and air conditioners. MM in MMBtu stands for one
million. MM is used instead of the decimal prefix M to avoid confusion with the Roman
numeral M, which stands for one thousand. It is used in the Mbtu and MBH units. When using
the BTU to describe the power, the per hour is sometimes dropped.
ton (refrigeration)
A ton of refrigeration is a unit of power used in North America to describe the heat-extraction
capacity of industrial air conditioning and refrigeration equipment. The capacity of this
industrial equipment in the U.S. is often specified in tons of refrigeration. A ton of
refrigeration is a unit of power, which is defined as the heat absorbed by melting a short ton of
pure ice at 0C (32F) in 24 hours. It is equivalent to the consumption of one ton of ice per day
and originated during the transition from stored natural ice to mechanical refrigeration.
Consequently, a ton-hour of refrigeration is the product of multiplication of the power and the
time. A refrigeration ton is approximately equivalent to 12,000 BTU or 3517 watts.
kilocalorie (IT)/hour
An international kilocalorie (IT) per hour (kcal/h) is a metric unit of power.
An International Steam Table kilocalorie (IT kcal) is a decimal multiple of an international

calorie, which is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its use has been
replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used unit for
energies in the field of chemistry. 1 IT calorie = 4.1868 J as defined by the Fifth International
Conference on Properties of Steam. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie
approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at
standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).
kilocalorie (IT)/minute
An international kilocalorie (IT) per minute (kcal/min) is a metric unit of power.
An International Steam Table kilocalorie (IT kcal) is a decimal multiple of an international
calorie, which is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its use has been
replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used unit for
energies in the field of chemistry. 1 IT calorie = 4.1868 J as defined by the Fifth International
Conference on Properties of Steam. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie
approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at
standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).
kilocalorie (IT)/second
An international kilocalorie (IT) per second (kcal/s) is a metric unit of power.
An International Steam Table kilocalorie (IT kcal) is a decimal multiple of an international
calorie, which is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its use has been
replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used unit for
energies in the field of chemistry. 1 IT calorie = 4.1868 J as defined by the Fifth International
Conference on Properties of Steam. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie
approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at
standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).
kilocalorie (th)/hour
A thermochemical kilocalorie (th) per hour (kcal/h) is a metric unit of power.
A thermochemical kilocalorie (th kcal) is a decimal multiple of a thermochemical calorie,
which is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. The thermochemical kilocalorie is equal to
4184 J.
kilocalorie (th)/minute
A thermochemical kilocalorie (th) per minute (kcal/min) is a metric unit of power.
A thermochemical kilocalorie (th kcal) is a decimal multiple of a thermochemical calorie,
which is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. The thermochemical kilocalorie is equal to
4184 J.
kilocalorie (th)/second
A thermochemical kilocalorie (th) per second (kcal/s) is a metric unit of power.
A thermochemical kilocalorie (th kcal) is a decimal multiple of a thermochemical calorie,
which is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. The thermochemical kilocalorie is equal to
4184 J.
calorie (IT)/hour
An international calorie (IT) per hour (cal/h) is a metric unit of power.
An International calorie (IT cal) is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its
use has been replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used
unit for energies in the field of chemistry. 1 IT calorie = 4.1868 J as defined by the Fifth
International Conference on Properties of Steam. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie
approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at

standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).

calorie (IT)/minute
An international calorie (IT) per minute (cal/min) is a metric unit of power.
An International calorie (IT cal) is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its
use has been replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used
unit for energies in the field of chemistry. 1 IT calorie = 4.1868 J as defined by the Fifth
International Conference on Properties of Steam. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie
approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at
standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).
calorie (IT)/second
An international calorie (IT) per second (cal/s) is a metric unit of power.
An International calorie (IT cal) is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy. In most fields its
use has been replaced by, the joule, the SI unit of energy. However, it remains a commonly used
unit for energies in the field of chemistry. 1 IT calorie = 4.1868 J as defined by the Fifth
International Conference on Properties of Steam. By definition, the small calorie or gram calorie
approximates the energy needed to increase the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 C at
standard atmospheric pressure (101.325 kPa).
calorie (th)/hour
A thermochemical calorie (th) per hour (kcal (th)/h) is a metric unit of power.
A thermochemical calorie (th kcal) is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy equal to 4.184
calorie (th)/minute
A thermochemical calorie (th) per minute (kcal (th)/min) is a metric unit of power.
A thermochemical calorie (th kcal) is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy equal to 4.184
calorie (th)/second
A thermochemical calorie (th) per second (kcal (th)/s) is a metric unit of power.
A thermochemical calorie (th kcal) is an outdated non-SI metric unit of energy equal to 4.184
foot pound-force/hour
A foot pound-force per hour (ft lbf/h) is the Imperial unit of power. It is the amount of work
done by a force of one pound-force when moving an object through a distance of one foot during
one hour.
foot pound-force/minute
A foot pound-force per minute (ft lbf/min) is the Imperial unit of power. It is the amount of
work done by a force of one pound-force when moving an object through a distance of one foot
during one minute.
foot pound-force/second
A foot pound-force per second (ft lbf/s) is the Imperial unit of power. It is the amount of work
done by a force of one pound-force when moving an object through a distance of one foot during
one second.
A pound-force foot per hour (lbfft/h) is the Imperial unit of power. It is the amount of work
done by a force of one pound-force when moving an object through a distance of one foot during
one hour.

A pound-force foot per minute (lbfft/min) is the Imperial unit of power. It is the amount of
work done by a force of one pound-force when moving an object through a distance of one foot
during one minute.
A pound-force foot per second (lbfft/s) is the Imperial unit of power. It is the amount of work
done by a force of one pound-force when moving an object through a distance of one foot during
one second.
A erg per second (erg/s) is the CGS unit of power. It is the amount of energy used or
transformed during one second.
An erg (symbol erg) is the unit of energy and mechanical work in the centimeter-gram-second
(CGS) system of units. An erg is the amount of work done by a force of one dyne when moving
an object through a distance of one centimeter in the direction of the force. In the CGS base
units, it is equal to one gram centimeter squared per second squared (gcm/s). It is thus equal to
100 nanojoules (nJ) in SI units.
kilovolt ampere
A kilovolt-ampere (kVA) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit used for the apparent
power in an electrical circuit, equal to the product of root-mean-square (RMS) voltage and RMS
current. Volt-amperes are used only in the context of alternating current circuits. Volt-ampere
and watt have different meaning. In direct current circuits, volt-ampere is equal to the real
(active) power in watts. In this converter, the conversion is made only for direct current circuits.
Some devices, including Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs), have ratings both for
maximum volt-amperes and maximum watts.
volt ampere
A volt-ampere (VA) is a derived SI unit used for the apparent power in an electrical circuit,
equal to the product of root-mean-square (RMS) voltage and RMS current. Volt-amperes are
used only in the context of alternating current circuits. Volt-ampere and watt have different
meaning. In direct current circuits, volt-ampere is equal to the real (active) power in watts. In
this converter, the conversion is made only for direct current circuits.
Some devices, including Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs), have ratings both for
maximum volt-amperes and maximum watts.
newton meter/second
A newton meter per second (Nm/s) is a derived SI unit of power. It is the amount of work done
by a force of one newton when moving an object through a distance of one meter during one
A joule per second (J/s) is a derived SI unit of power. By definition, one watt is one joule per
An exajoule per second (EJ/s) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A petajoule per second (PJ/s) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.

A terajoule per second (TJ/s) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A gigajoule per second (GJ/s) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A megajoule per second (MJ/s) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A kilojoule per second (kJ/s) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A hectojoule per second (hJ/s) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A dekajoule per second (daJ/s) is a decimal multiple of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A decijoule per second (dJ/s) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A centijoule per second (cJ/s) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A millijoule per second (mJ/s) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A microjoule per second (J/s) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A nanojoule per second (nJ/s) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A picojoule per second (pJ/s) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A femtojoule per second (fJ/s) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A attojoule per second (aJ/s) is a decimal fraction of the derived SI unit of power joule per
second. By definition, one watt is one joule per second.
A joule per hour (J/h) is a metric unit of power.

A joule per minute (J/min) is a metric unit of power.

A kilojoule per hour (kJ/h) is a metric unit of power.
A kilojoule per minute (kJ/min) is a metric unit of power.

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