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PERTAMA : Tips Unlock / Membuka Semua Karakter

Berdasarkan Alfabet :
WEI , WU, SHU , SW1 , SW2 . OTHER ( berdasarkan barisan karakter tiap golongan)
* Akechi Mitsuhide >>> Sudah terbuka di Sengoku Warrior (SW) Story mode.
* Azai Nagamasa >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 6.
* Cao Cao >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 7.
* Cao Pi >>> Sudah terbuka di Wei Story mode.
* Cao Ren >>> di Sengoku Warrior (SW) Story mode Gaiden 5 (Stage 5X), selamatkan Shingen
Uesugi kurang dari 2 menit | lindungi pasukan berkuda (3x) | kalahkan Cao Ren
dia mencoba menghadang pasukan berkuda yang ke 3.
* Date Masamune >>> di Shu Story mode Gaiden 5 (Stage 5X), sukseskan rencana Magoichi.
tips : lindungi Magoichi | kalahkan Officer ditengah peta sampai Date
berkata "he used himself as decoy....."| kalahkan sisa officer musuh |
kalahkan Date Masamune
* Da Ji >>> Selesaikan semua Stage dalam game. termasuk Gaiden Stage (Stage 8X di 4 Story
* Da Qiao >>> di Wu Story mode Gaiden 5 (stage 5X), Temui Da Qiao Sebelum musuh.
* Dian Wei >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 7.
* Diao Chan >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Gaiden 5 (Stage 5X) dan Diao Chan selamat.
* Dong Zhuo >>> di SW 4-X Battle of Si Shui Gate. Kalahkan Supply Captains (3)
sebelum mereka sampai ke Dong Zhuo.
1. Supply Captain pertama muncul di tengah-atas
2. Supply Captain kedua muncul di tengah-kiri.
3. Supply Captain ketiga muncul kembali di tengah-atas bareng Lu Bu.
Selesaikan Stage ini untuk mendapatkan Dong Zhuo.
* Fuuma Kotaro >>> di Wu Story mode Gaiden 2 (stage 2X), Kalahkan dia ( Fuuma Kotaro )
setelah Supply Captain (3X) sampai dimarkasmu.
* Gan Ning >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 6.
* Guan Ping >>> Selesaikan Sengoku Story mode Stage 1.
* Guan Yu >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 7.
* Hattori Hanzo >>> Sudah terbuka di Wu Story mode.
* Honda Tadakatsu >>> Untuk membuka dia kamu harus buat dia terkesan di stage 7X di 4 Story
- SW Stage 7X : lindungi Messenger sampai di markas Lu Bu | kalahkan Lu Bu | tunggu bala
sampai | kalahkan Masamune Date. Ally jangan ada yang kalah (biru aja klo ga
Tips : saat mulai, kalahkan 2 officer | kalahkan Zanghe saja | lindungi
- Shu Stage 7X : semua Peasant harus selamat dan berhasil kabur | kalahkan Lu Bu | pastikan
Honda tidak kalah.
- Wei Stage 7X : selamatkan 2 Officer kuning di kanan bawah peta | semua Officer kuning harus
| setelah Tadakatsu Honda datang, kalahkan Lu Bu.
- Wu Stage 7X : kalahkan Tadakatsu Honda diatas altar | kalahkan lagi dia max. 2 menit setelah
muncul lagi di kanan atas peta | kalahkan Masamune Date dan Dong Zhuo.
note : jika kamu berhasil membuat dia terkesan (impressed) 4 kali. Tadakatsu Honda akan ter-
* Huang Gai >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 5.
* Huang Zhong >>> Selesaikan Sengoku Story mode Stage 1.
* Imagawa Yoshimoto >>> di Wei Story mode Gaiden 4 (Stage 4X), cegah Engineer masuk ke
* Ina >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 5.
* Ishida Mitsunari >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 2.
* Ishikawa Goemon >>> di Stage X4 in Shu story mode. hancurkan 10 kotak harta karun ( area
dan area atas peta) | kalahkan Goemon.
Tips : kalahkan juga Miyamoto Musashi biar lebih memperlambat
* Jiang Wei >>> di Shu Story mode Gaiden 2 (Stage 2X), sukseskan rencana penyergapan Jiang
tips : sebaiknya ambil rute bawah dulu baru yang atas.
note : dekati officer musuh sampai mereka melihatmu lalu kembali ke markas
pelan2 |
tidak memukul musuh sampai rencana penyergapan sukses.
* Kunoichi >>> di Wu Story mode Gaiden 4 (Stage 4X), semua peasant harus selamat dan berhasil
* Ling Tong >>> Selesaikan Sengoku Story mode Stage 5.
* Liu Bei >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 8.
* Lu Bu >>> buat Lu Bu terkesan dengan mengalahkan dia di 4 Story mode Gaiden 8X.(baca
unlock 8X)
* Lu Meng >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 3.
* Lu Xun >>> di Sengoku Story mode Gaiden 3 (Stage 3X), Selamatkan dan lindungi Lu Xun ke
* Ma Chao >>> di Sengoku Story mode Gaiden 2 (Stage 2X), semua peasant harus selamat dan
kabur | pastikan Ma Chao selamat juga.
* Maeda Keiji >>> di Stage 6X of Wu story mode. dalam 20 menit, pastikan 6 bala bantuan sampai
dimarkas Maeda Keiji | kalahkan Keiji Maeda.
note : segera pukul drum / bedug dimarkas saat Lu Meng memintamu | setelah
drum kalahkan Officer musuh dipeta Dst. ber ulang2 sampai 6x.| bala
ke 6 Imagawa Yoshimoto harus dibantu menuju depan markas Maeda
* Meng Huo >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 4.
* Miyamoto Musashi >>> di Shu Story mode Gaiden 6 (Stage 6X), sukseskan rencana membuka
bendungan air | semua Officer kuning harus selamat.
Tips : ambil rute yang diambil Zu Rong | pakai ability Cavalier.
* Mori Ranmaru >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 1.
* Naoe Kanetsugu >>> Selesaikan Sengoku Story mode Stage 7.
* Nene >>> di Wei Story mode Gaiden 3 (Stage3X) kalahkan 2 clone setelah mereka muncul max 4
note : 2 clone muncul di kiri atas peta dan kanan peta.
tips : pakai ability cavalier.
* N >>> di Wu story mode Gaiden 3 (Stage 3X). kalahkan semua messenger, jangan ada yang
| kalau berhasil Masamune Date berkata " Where is everybody?"|jangan pakai Oda
* Oda Nobunaga >>> Sudah terbuka di Sengoku Story mode.
* Oichi >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 6.
* Okuni >>> Selesaikan Sengoku Story mode Stage 3.
* Orochi >>> Unlock semua karakter selain Orochi.
* Pang De >>> di Shu Story mode Gaiden 3 (stage 3X), selamatkan semua Officer Hojo
* Pang Tong >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 4.
* Saika Magoichi >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 2.
* Sanada Yukimura >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 3.
* Shima Sakon >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 3.
* Shimazu Yoshihiro >>> Sudah terbuka di Shu Story mode.
* Sima Yi >>> di Sengoku Story mode Gaiden 6 (Stage 6X), gagalkan rencana Sima Yi dengan
mengalahkan 2 Officer Orochi yang berusaha mundur / kabur.
* Sun Ce >>> Sudah tersedia di Wu Story mode.
* Sun Jian >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 7.
* Sun Quan >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 7.
* Sun Shang Xiang >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 5.
* Tachibana Ginchiyo >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 1.
* Taishi Ci >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 2.
* Takeda Shingen >>> Selesaikan Sengoku Story mode Stage 7.
* Tokugawa Ieyasu >>> Sudah terbuka di Wu Story mode.
* Toyotomi Hideyoshi >>> Sudah terbuka di Sengoku Story mode.
* Uesugi Kenshin >>> Selesaikan Sengoku Story mode Stage 7.
* Wei Yan >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 3.
* Xiahou Dun >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 4.
* Xiahou Yuan >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 4.
* Xiao Qiao >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 3.
* Xing Cai >>> Sudah terbuka di Shu Story mode.
* Xu Huang >>> Sudah terbuka di Wei Story mode.
* Xu Zhu >>> Selesaikan Wei Story mode Stage 1.
* Yuan Shao >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 5.
* Yue Ying >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 2.
* Zhang Fei >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 7.
* Zhang He >>> di Wei Story mode Gaiden 2 (Stage 2X), Selamatkan Zhang He dan Lindungi
* Zhang Jiao >>> Selesaikan Sengoku Story mode Stage 3.
* Zhang Liao >>> Sudah terbuka di Wei Story mode.
* Zhao Yun >>> Sudah terbuka di Shu Story mode.
* Zhen Ji >>> di Wei Story mode Gaiden 6 (Stage 6X), kalahkan 6 penyihir dan Cao Pi palsu.
* Zhou Tai >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 6.
* Zhou Yu >>> Selesaikan Wu Story mode Stage 1.
* Zhu Rong >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 4.
* Zhuge Liang >>> Selesaikan Shu Story mode Stage 7.
* Zuo Ci >>> Selesaikan semua (4) Story modes.

KEDUA : Tips Unlock / Membuka Senjata ke 4

ada 2 cara :
1. Mainkan Stage yang memiliki 3 bintang atau lebih dengan tingkat kesulitan Hard. atau,
2. Mainkan Stage mana saja dengan tingkat kesulitan Chaos.

note : saya pribadi mendapatkan 90% senjata ke 4, dengan memainkan Wu story mode Gaiden 5
(Stage 5X), karena : paling enak liat pemandangannya | Officernya Banyak, bagus buat
levelling | stat senjatanya banyak.
Jangan lupa ability Karma nya biar chance drop senjata yang statnya bagus high.
Unlock senjata ke 4 = Unlock Photo gallery ke 4

KETIGA : Unlock Stage 8X / Gaiden 8

ada 4 persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi di Stage 7 di masing2 Story mode agar Stage 8X ter unlock

* Sengoku Warrior (SW) stage 7 : dapatkan 1000 K.O.

* Shu Stage 7 : Keluar dari istana yang terbakar (semua ally Officer juga) max. 2 menit.
* Wei Stage 7 : kalahkan Da JI setelah dia berkhianat max. 1 menit.
note : kalau ga salah, setelah mengalahkan Sima Yi
* Wu Stage 7 : Selamatkan Keluarga Sun (Sun Quan dan Sun Jian) kurang dari 3 menit.
Tips : pakai ability Cavalier

KEEMPAT : Unlock Ability tiap karakter

Setiap karakter di Orochi's Warrior memiliki 3 - 4 (klo tidak salah) ability yang bisa di unlock.
1 karakter hanya bisa unlock 1 ability tiap 1 stage yang dimainkan.
karena kita memainkan 3 karakter sekaligus dalam 1 stage, kita memiliki kesempatan meng-unlock 3
ability dalam 1 stage.
untuk melihat ability yang bisa di unlock tiap karakter, bisa di lihat di team info | pilih karakter | ability

KELIMA : Ability Cavalier / Kuda

Penggunaan ability Cavalier sangat dibutuhkan untuk menghemat waktu saat berpindah tempat dan
dikejar waktu karena persyaratan tertentu. berikut Officer - Officer yang yang memiliki unlock ability
Cavalier berdasarkan tingkat kemudahan mendapatkan karakter tersebut :
1. Zhang Liao (Wei karakter Sudah Unlock)
2. Akechi Mitsuhide (SW karakter Sudah Unlock)
3. Shimazu Yoshihiro (Shu karakter Sudah Unlock)
4. Tokugawa Ieyasu (Wu karakter Sudah Unlock)
5. Ma Chao (SW 2X)
6. Imagawa Yoshimoto (Wei 4X)
7. Guan Yu (Shu 7)
8. Liu Bei (Shu 8)
9. Maeda Keiji (Wu 6X)
10. Lu Bu (Lihat Unlock Lu Bu + Unlock Stage 8X / Gaiden 8)
Warriors Orochi 2 characters
Complete the indicated task to unlock the characters.

Guan Ping: Complete Samurai Warriors 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Guan Yu: Complete Shu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Huang Zhong: Complete Samurai Warriors 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Jiang Wei: Complete Wei 11 (Battle of Shizugatake).
Liu Bei: Complete Shu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Ma Chao: Complete Wu 14 (Battle of Yang Ping Gate).
Pang Tong: Complete Wei 13 (Battle of Komaki Nagakute).
Wei Yan: Complete Shu 10 (Battle of Saika).
Xing Cai: Complete Shu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Yue Ying: Complete Shu 14 (Battle of Odani Castle).
Zhao Yun: Complete Shu 10 (Battle of Saika).
Zhuge Liang: Complete Orochi 2 (Battle of Cheng Du or Shu 14 (Battle of Odani Castle).
Cao Cao: Complete Wei 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Cao Pi: Complete Wei 13 (Battle of Komaki Nagakute).
Cao Ren: Complete Wei 13 (Battle of Komaki Nagakute).
Dian Wei: Complete Wei 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Pang De: Complete Wu 13 (Battle of Okehazama).
Sima Yi: Complete Samurai Warriors 12 (Battle of Chang Ban).
Xiahou Dun: Complete Wei 10 (Battle of Si Shui Gate).
Xiahou Yuan: Complete Wei 10 (Battle of Si Shui Gate).
Xu Zhu: Complete Wu 13 (Battle of Okehazama).
Zhang He: Complete Wei 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Zhang Liao: Complete Shu 13 (Battle of Jia Meng Gate).
Zhen JI: Complete Wei 13 (Battle of Komaki Nagakute).
Da Qiao: Complete either Orochi 4 (Battle of He Fei) or Wu 12 (Battle of Itsukushima).
Gan NIng: Complete Samurai Warriors 13 (Battle of LIang Province).
Huang Gai: Complete Wu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Ling Tong: Complete Wu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Lu Meng: Complete Samurai Warriors 13 (Battle of Liang Province).
Lu Xun: Complete Shu 11 (Battle of Nagashino).
Sun Ce: Complete either Orochi 4 (Battle of He Fei) or Wu 12 (Battle of Itsukushima).
Sun Jian: Complete Wu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Sun Quan: Complete Wu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Sun Shang Xiang: Complete Shu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Taishi Ci: Complete Wei 11 (Battle of Shizugatake).
Xiao Qiao: Complete Wu 10 (Battle of Kanegasaki).
Zhou Tai: Complete Wu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Zhou Yu: Complete Wu 10 (Battle of Kanegasaki).
Samurai Warriors
Akechi Mitsuhide: Complete Shu 12 (Battle of Wuhang Mountains).
Date Masamune: Complete Orochi 5 (Battle of Edo Castle).
Ishikawa Goemon: Complete Wu 10 (Battle of Kanegasaki).
Kunoichi: Complete Wei 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Maeda Keiji: Complete Orochi 1 (Battle of Odawara Castle).
Oda Nobunaga: Complete either Wei 15 (Battle of Tong Gate or Samurai Warriors 14 (Battle
of Hu Lao Gate).
Oichi: Complete Wei 14 (Battle of Yamatai).
Okuni: Complete Wu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Saika Magoichi: Complete Wei 12 (Battle of Ji Castle).
Sanada Yukimura: Complete Samurai Warriors 10 (Battle of Ji Province).
Takeda Shingen: Complete Samurai Warriors 10 (Battle of Ji Province).
Uesugi Kenshin: Complete Samurai Warriors 11 (Battle of Hasedo).
Samurai Warriors 2
Azai Nagamasa: Complete Wei 14 (Battle of Yamatai).
Hattori Hanzo: Complete Shu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Honda Tadakatsu: Complete Shu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Imagawa Yoshimoto: Complete Shu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Inahime: Complete Shu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Ishida Mitsunari: Complete Samurai Warriors 14 (Battle of Hu Lao Gate).
Samurai Warriors 3
Chosokabe Motochika: Complete Wu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Fuma Kotaro: Complete Orochi 1 (Battle of Odawara Castle).
Gracia: Complete Shu 12 (Battle of Wuhang Mountains).
Maeda Toshiie: Complete Wei 12 (Battle of Ji Castle).
Miyamoto Musashi: Complete Samurai Warriors 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Naoe Kanetsugu: Complete Samurai Warriors 11 (Battle of Hasedo).
Nene: Complete Samurai Warriors 14 (Battle of Hu Lao Gate).
Sasaki Kojiro: Complete Samurai Warriors 10 (Battle of Ji Province).
Shibata Katsuie: Complete Wei 15 (Battle of Tong Gate).
Shimazu Yoshihiro: Complete Samurai Warriors 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Tachibana Ginchiyo: Complete Wu 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Other 1
Diao Chan: Complete Wu 16 (Battle of Chi Bi).
Dong Zhuo: Complete Shu 8, Wei 8, Wu 8 and Samurai Warriors 8).
Lu Bu: Complete Wu 16 (Battle of Chi Bi).
Meng Huo: Complete Wu 11 (Battle of Nan Zhong).
Yuan Shao: Complete Wei 11 (Battle of Shizugatake).
Zhang Jiao: Complete Samurai Warriors 9 (Battle of Lou Sang Villiage).
Zhu Rong: Complete Wu 11 (Battle of Nan Zhong).
Zuo Ci: Complete Shu 9 (Battle of Shi Ting).
Other 2
Da Ji: Complete Shu 8. Wei 8, Wu 8 and Samurai Warriors 8).
Dodomekki: Obtain 5 treasures throughout the stages).
Fu Xi: Complete Samurai Warriors 11 (Battle of Hasedo).
Gyuki: Collect 25 treasures throughout the stages).
Himiko: Complete Shu 16 (Battle of Wu Zhang Plains).
Minamoto no Yoshitsune: Complete Wu 9 (Battle of Ru Xu Kou).
Nu Wa: Complete Wei 8 (Battle of Koshi Castle).
Orochi: Complete Shu 8, Wei 8, Wu 8 and Samurai Warriors 8).
Orochi X: Complete all 9 stories and the first 39 Dream Mode stories).
Sun Wukong: Complete Wei 16 (Battle of Guan Du).
Taigong Wang: Complete Shu 9 (Battle of Shi Ting).
Taira no Kiyomori: Complete Samurai Warriors 16 (Battle of Sekigahara).

Dream mode stages

Complete the indicated task to unlock the Dream mode stage.

Stage 1: Get 50 proficiency with Cao Cao, Liu Bei and Sun Quan.
Stage 2: Get 50 proficiency with Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi and Ieyasu Tokugawa.
Stage 3: Complete Samurai Chapter 2, Wu Chapter 4, and Orochi Chapter 2.
Stage 4: Complete Samurai Chapter 2.
Stage 5: Complete Samurai Chapter 3.
Stage 6: Obtain 15 treasures.
Stage 7: Complete Wei Chapter 3, and Shu stage 3.
Stage 8: Collect all treasures.
Stage 9: Complete Wei Chapter 7.
Stage 10: Available by default.
Stage 11: Complete Wei Chapter 6, Wu Chapter 6, and Samurai Chapter 4.
Stage 12: Complete Wei Chapter 4, and Wu Chapter 5.
Stage 13: Complete all Story modes.
Stage 14: Complete Wu final Chapter.
Stage 15: Complete Wei final Chapter.
Stage 16: Reach level 99 with Zhang Liao, Gan Ning and Kotaro Fuma.
Stage 17: Complete 20 stages in story mode.
Stage 18: Get level 99 with Xiahou Yuan, Huang Zhong and Ina.
Stage 19: Available by default.
Stage 20: Sum of all character levels at least 1,820.
Stage 21: Complete Samurai Chapter 5.
Stage 22: Complete Orochi Chapter 5.
Stage 23: Available by default.
Stage 24: Sum of all characters' levels at least 910.
Stage 25: Complete 30 stages in Story mode.
Stage 26: Sum of all characters' levels equals 3640 or above.
Stage 27: Sum of all characters' proficiency levels at least 2,730.
Stage 28: Complete Orochi final Chapter.
Stage 29: Sum of all characters' proficiency levels at least 3,000.
Stage 30: Get level 99 with San Zang, Himiko and Sun Wukong.
Stage 31: Get 50 proficiency with Benkei, Kiyomori and Yoshitsune.
Stage 32: Unlock Keiji and Masamune.
Stage 33: Unlock Gracia.
Stage 34: Unlock Kotaro and Nene.
Stage 35: Unlock Magoichi.
Stage 36: Complete Dream 35 and unlock Pang Tong.
Stage 37: Unlock Himiko.
Stage 38: Complete Dream 37 and unlock Masamune.
Stage 39: Unlock Dodomeki and Gyuki.
Stage 40: Complete Dreams stages 29 through 39.
Karakter yang punya musou spesial jika dikumpulkan antara lain:

Taigong Wang, Fu Xi, Nu Wa

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei
Sun Ce, Sun Quan, Sun Shang Xiang
Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Ieyasu Tokugawa
Dian Wei, Zhou Tai, Ranmaru Mori
Kunoichi, Hanzo Hattori, Kotaro Fuma
Da Ji, Zhen Ji, No
Orochi, Lu Bu, Tadakatsu Honda
Xiahou Yuan, Huang Zhong, Ina
Ieyasu Tokugawa, Masamune Date, Magoichi Saika
Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Liu Bei
Lu Bu, Wei Yan, Mitsuhide Akechi
Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, Sima Yi
Warriors Orochi Z
Location Requirements
Samurai, Stage 2:
Obsidian Quickly extinguish the flames.
Jade Shu, Stage 2: Hasedo Quickly rescue the captured general.
Amber Wei, Stage 2: Tian Shui Successfully defend all strongholds.
Flourite Wu, Stage 2: Chang Ban Obstruct enemy strategy and force them to retreat.
Samurai, Stage 3:
Silver Swiftly defeat the enemy officers.
Shu, Stage 5: Wu
Agate Defeat all enemy ambushes without delay.
Samurai, Stage 6: Fan
Diamond Decrease the water level swiftly.
Malachite Wei, Stage 4: Yi Ling Defeat the general who tries to hide without delay.
Wu, Stage 4: Osaka
Crystal Rescue all of the surrounded generals in record time.
Sapphire Wei, Stage 7: Yamazaki Quickly claim Mt. Tennou.
Ruby Shu, Stage 7: Edo Castle Hurry to defeat the two brave generals.
Wu, Stage 7: Komaki- Before rescuing the allies in the field, rescue the tiger
Nagakute parent and son.
Samurai, Stage 10: Ji
Moonstone Swiftly defeat all enemy ambushes and reinforcements.
Shu, Stage 10: Saika
Emerald Have the fire attack succeed within five minutes.
Wei, Stage 10: Si Shui When the two generals succeed in their strategies, defeat
Gate the enemy strategist.
Wu, Stage 10:
Onyx Protect the married couple and succeed with their plot.
Orochi, Stage 2: Cheng Quickly break through the gate and defeat the enemy
Du strategist.
Shu, Stage 13: Jia Meng Protect the general who follows the path of the warrior and
Gate quickly defeat the real demon on the field.
Wei, Stage 11: Make the named general an ally and defeat the enemy's
Shizugatake war vehicles.
Wu, Stage 11: Nan
Opal Succeed in ally maneuvers and defeat the Young Phoenix.
Shu, Stage 11:
Topaz Open the gates without delay.
Swiftly complete the plan and defeat the courageous
Phoenix Wing Orochi, Stage 4: He Fei
generals in the field.
Dragon's Swiftly deal with the enemy's defenses and defeat the wild
Wei, Stage 14: Yamatai
Spleen one.
Wu, Stage 14: Yang Ping
Lion's Fang Quickly defeat the elegant warrior.
Chimera Samurai, Stage 15: Bai Have the castle quickly surrounded by the God of War, the
Shell Di Castle Demon King, and the Taikou's forces.
Jeweled Orochi, Stage 7: Make the spell succeed quickly and defeat famous
Branch Mikatagahara generals on the field.
Bowl of Shu, Final Chapter: Wu Quickly have the ally plot take place and swiftly defeat the
Buddha Zhang Plains demon and her friend.
Fire Rat's Wei, Final Chapter: Guan Have the ally plot succeed quickly and target the adorable
Skin Du general on the field.
Swallow's Subdue the altar without delay and quickly defeat the
Wu, Final Chapter: Chi Bi
Shell famous enemy generals.
Dragon's Samurai, Final Chapter: Have the ally plot succeed quickly and defeat the named
Jewel Sekigahara enemy general.

Additional Notes Edit

Protect Kazumasu Takigawa.
Simply vanquish any adversary in his path. The time limit for the mission starts
once Nobunaga Oda issues the order, so it's possible to clear all the foes in the right side of
the map before the meeting with the fake Cao Caotakes place. Escort Takigawa if needed to
defeat any other impediments.
Location: Nijo Castle (the building in the northwestern section of the map). It will be near the
reserve captain within the castle.
Quickly rescue Yue Ying.
Only defeat the officers needed to proceed forward and hurry to her location at the third gate
as soon as possible.Zhao Yun -or any of the player's allies- can be ignored while obtaining the
treasure, but the stage might be challenging to complete if they are left too far behind. A horse
might help players reach her in time.
Location: Near the third gate base (northwestern fortification near Yue Ying's initial position).
Take a few steps out of the northern exit of the base and turn directly right into the closest
dead end.
Defend all three bases needed for reinforcements.
Make sure none of the bases fall prematurely during the stage. The requirements are easier to
accomplish with a horse, but it is not necessary. There is no real set standard for which order
the bases need to be rescued but the paragraph below lists a strategy for first time players of
the stage.
The central base falls the fastest so hurry to its rescue first by beating Mitsuhide Akechi and
Morinari Andou. When Yoshitsugu Otani and Mitsunari Ishida state the site is cleared, head to
the eastern base to save Yue Jinfrom Ittetsu Inaba. Once Inaba falls, Huang Gai will charge
so beat him to protect the east. As soon as Cao Zhangis saved from Bokuzen Ujie and Ujisato
Gamou, the treasure will pop up. Avoid attacking the south while heading for each base; it's
too time consuming to turn around whilst on foot.
Location: Northeastern corner of the map.
Foil all of Lu Xun's plans.
The first plan that Lu Xun launches is the ambush unit lead by Ling Tong and Morichika
Shichiri. Intercept them as quickly as possible, at least before they reach the ally main camp.
Shortly after, Lu Xun will order an engineer unit to appear and set the main camp on flames.
Stop them before they venture too far along the western path of the map. Wait for Sakon
Shima to support Lu Xun's ploy, then hurry to defeat him and the additional engineers that he
sends. Lu Xun will then order Gan Ning to use the port so get to him before his unit gets the
chance to set sail. Defeat him and Zhu Ran to stop the sneak attack. If everything has been
dealt with properly, then the treasure will be revealed on the map.
Location: Northwestern corner of the map.
Defeat Zhang Jiao, Okuni, and Xiao Qiao before ten minutes pass.
As long as these three are defeated within the time limit, the treasure will appear. There is no
particular order or strategy needed to accomplish this task.
Location: Central part of the map, along the eastern side of Sakon's fortification. It is beside
the bridge the crosses over the bend of the river.
Quickly see through Zhuge Liang's plots in all three garrisons.
Be sure to promptly defeat the generals who appear once each plot is thwarted. Do not
venture too far south or try to defeat too many secondary generals; this will only waste time
needed to obtain the treasure.
For the eastern fortification, destroy all four archer towers to force Fan Chou and Fei Yi out of
their hiding places. Search and destroy the single soldier in the northern garrison to spurn
Jiang Wan's appearance on the field. Stepping within the western garrison will trigger a report
of a suspicious ally soldier. Stalk his every movement to find Ma Su and Niu Fu.
Location: Outside of the northern garrison, directly east from the ally port's position.
Defeat Zhang He within five minutes.
Hurry to give Yu Jin a beating to open the garrison protecting the water gates. Then proceed
to Zhang He. Very easy to complete this task with a good horse. The treasure will appear
once the water actually drains from Fan Castle.
Location: Directly south of the water gate's eastern exit, beside the middle central fort of the
Stop Pang Tong's plot from succeeding and defeat him without delay.
Head to the center of the map. Wait for Pang Tong to send an engineer unit to create a bridge
leading toward the main camp. Defeat the lead engineer and then hurry towards Pang Tong.
Although he retreats into the southern maze by default, the treasure can still be obtained
before Pang Tong enters it.
Location: In the maze. Head south in a straight line from the maze's entrance to find it in a
dead end.
Rescue Sun Jian, Saizo Kani, and Jiang Qin within ten minutes of the battle's start.
Proceed along the stealthy path Sakon suggests to rescue Sun Jian with little effort. Get close
to him to trigger the conversation between him and Sun Ce; this means that he has been
saved. Lead him and Sun Ce's party to the first floor of the main keep and defeat Hao Zhao,
who blocks the exit for the front entrance. Then defeat Cao Zhang or another nearby general
to open the inner gates blocking the Sun family's escape from the main keep.
Once Sun Jian mentions his other comrades being held captive, head outside the front
entrance of the main keep and trace a path along the western walls to find the western
entrance. Charge up the two floors from this entrance to beat Zang Ba. Get near Saizo to get
him on the move and then backtrack outside the main keep. Pass through the first set of
Osaka Castle's inner gates. This will trigger a flood of reinforcements, which can be defeated
or ignored while the player heads west. Pass the enemy reserve captain and head north from
his position. Proceed to the western gate, which will not open, as Niu Jin and Xiahou En will
appear. Again, choose to defeat or avoid them. Head west of Xiahou En's starting position -or
west of the enemy reserve captain within this area- to find a set of stairs that lead into an area
filled with water. Follow this path to head toward Jiang Qin. Defeat the generals barricading
his position to open the way for Jiang Qin. Once contact has been made, the treasure should
Sun Jian's isolated comrades do not have to reunite with Sun Jian in order to receive the
Location: In the upper right corner of Cao Ren's camp.
Swiftly defeat Zhuge Liang.
Proceed along either path leading toward Mount Tennou to reach the strategist. The path
that Tao Qian guards is the easiest to climb since it is the one closest to the player's initial
position. A horse is preferred but not necessary to meet the time requirements.
Location: Shoryuji (southeastern fortification of the map). Head to the lower right corner within
the fortification to claim it.
Defeat Guan Yu and Zhang Fei before eight minutes pass.
First, hurry to Zhang Fei's location. He is guarding the northern entrance to the castle's main
keep. Once Zhang Fei is beaten, head into the entrance he was guarding and proceed to the
second floor. Guan Yu will be there protecting the stairs to the upper level. Quickly cut him
down to raise the wooden barricade and to receive the treasure's location.
Location: Beside the southeastern reserve captain's location within Edo Castle.
Rescue Sun Jian and Sun Quan.
Head south of the starting position and defeat Niu Jin. Run through the gate he defended and
head west towardsGuo Huai in Komaki Castle. Once he's down, exit through the open gate
and keep pushing west. Do not head into the battlefield to do this; use the path that has stairs
outside of Komaki Castle. Trace the south-western path to reach Sun Jian and Sun Quan and
defeat the generals surrounding them. After the cutscene with the family reunion has played,
the treasure should appear.
Location: North of Komaki Castle, pass the central gates with three forks along its road. It is
along the west fork leading to a dead end.
Completing this mode unlocks Orochi X.
Scenario Level Characters
Stage 1: Battle of Osaka Castle Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan
WO2 Method: Required characters must have Level 50
Coalition Army vs Oda Army
MOZ Method: Required characters must have Level 20
Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Ieyasu
Stage 2: Battle of Fan Castle
WO2 Method: Required characters must have Level 50
Oda Army vs Coalition Army proficiency.
MOZ Method: Initially available.
Stage 3: Battle of He Fei Castle Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, Shingen Takeda
WO2 Method: Clear Wu Chapter 4 (12 in Musou Orochi
Coalition Army vs Sima Yi Coalition
Zhao Yun, Yukimura Sanada, Yoshihiro
Stage 4: Escape from Itsukushima
WO2 Method: Clear Shu Chapter 8.
Liu Bei Army vs Coalition Army
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 5: Battle of Mount Qi Kenshin Uesugi, Guan Yu, Xu Huang
Coalition & Tokugawa Armies vs Orochi WO2 Method: Clear 3 stages in Story Mode.
Army MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 6: Showdown at Odawara Castle Guan Yu, Xiahou Dun, Lu Meng
Coalition Army vs Toyotomi Army WO2 Method: Obtain 15 different treasures.
Stage 7: Battle of the Wu Territory Jiang Wei, Lu Xun, Sakon Shima
WO2 Method: Clear 4 stages in Story Mode.
Coalition Army vs Zhuge Liang Coalition
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 8: Showdown at Yamatai Keiji Maeda, Lu Bu, Tadakatsu Honda
Coalition & Liu Bei Armies vs Orochi Army WO2 Method: Obtain all 30 treasures.
Stage 9: Battle of Jing Province Katsuie Shibata, Cao Ren, Sun Jian
Coalition & Azai Armies vs Yuan Shao WO2 Method: Clear 5 stages in Story Mode.
Coalition MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 10: Battle of Jin Castle Dian Wei, Zhou Tai, Ranmaru Mori
WO2 Method: Initially available.
Coalition Army vs Liu Bei Army
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Ma Chao, Nagamasa Azai, Kanetsugu
Stage 11: Rescue at Nan Zhong
WO2 Method: Clear Samurai Chapter 4 (12 in Musou
Coalition Army vs Orochi Army
Orochi Z).
Stage 12: Struggle For Nan Zhong Sun Ce, Toshiie Maeda, Pang De
Coalition & Ma Chao Armies vs Orochi WO2 Method: Clear Wei Chapter 4.
Army MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 13: Encounter in Ji Province Pang Tong, Zhang Jiao, Zuo Ci
WO2 Method: Clear all stages in every faction story.
Coalition Army vs Nene Army
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Diao Chan, Zhang He, Motochika
Stage 14: Battle of Osaka Bay
WO2 Method: Clear Wu Chapter 8 (16 in Musou Orochi
Coalition Army vs Orochi Army
Stage 15: Battle of Han Sui Cao Pi, Guan Ping, Gracia
WO2 Method: Clear Wei Chapter 8 (16 in Musou Orochi
Coalition Army vs Cao Cao Army
Stage 16: Battle of Ueda Castle Gan Ning, Zhang Liao, Kotar Fma
Coalition Army & Goemon Ishikawa vs WO2 Method: Required characters reach Level 99.
Meng Huo Coalition MOZ Method: Required characters reach Level 28.
Stage 17: Battle of Kysh Sun Shang Xiang, Oichi, Da Qiao
WO2 Method: Clear 20 stages in Story Mode.
Coalition Army vs Orochi Army
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 18: Battle of Honnji Huang Zhong, Ina, Xiahou Yuan
WO2 Method: Required characters reach Level 99.
Coalition Army vs Date Coalition
MOZ Method: Required characters reach Level 28.
Zhang Fei, Musashi Miyamoto, Tadakatsu
Stage 19: Showdown at Hinokawa
WO2 Method: Initially available.
Coalition Army vs Toyotomi Army
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 20: Battle of Mai Castle Yuan Shao, Nene, Zhu Rong
WO2 Method: Sum total of all characters' levels is 1,820
Toyotomi & Dong Zhuo Armies vs Cao Pi or more.
Army MOZ Method: Sum total of all characters' levels is 1,000
or more.
Stage 21: Battle of Shikoku Mitsuhide Akechi, Ling Tong, Yue Ying
WO2 Method: Clear Samurai Chapter 8 (16 in Musou
Tokugawa Army vs Date Army
Orochi Z).
Stage 22: Battle of Xia Pi Masamune Date, Sima Yi, Mitsunari Ishida
WO2 Method: Clear Orochi Chapter 5.
Orochi Army vs Coalition Army
MOZ Method: Clear Orochi Chapter 4.
Yoshimoto Imagawa, Xing Cai, Ginchiyo
Stage 23: Battle of Chen Cang
Coalition & Toyotomi Armies vs Sun Quan WO2 Method: Initially available.
Army MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 24: Battle of Lu Shan Zhen Ji, Xiao Qiao, N
WO2 Method: Sum total of all characters' levels is 910
Coalition & Cao Pi Armies vs Dong Zhuo or more.
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 25: Battle of Chang Sha Goemon Ishikawa, Okuni, Meng Huo
Okuni Army & Nene vs Coalition Army WO2 Method: Clear 30 stages in Story Mode.
Stage 26: Encounter at Nan Zhong Wei Yan, Taishi Ci, Kojir Sasaki
WO2 Method: Sum total of all characters' levels is 3,640
Coalition Army vs Sun Ce Army or more.
MOZ Method: Sum total of all characters' levels is 1,500
or more.
Stage 27: Battle of Yan Province Huang Gai, Xu Zhu, Hanz Hattori
WO2 Method: Sum total of all characters' levels is 2,730
or more.
Coalition Army vs Yuan Shao Army
MOZ Method: Sum total of all characters' levels is 300
or more.
Stage 28: Battle of Hased Dong Zhuo, Magoichi Saika, Kunoichi
Coalition Army & Zhu Rong vs Yuan Shao
WO2 Method: Clear Orochi Chapter 8.
Musou Orochi Z Dream Stages
Stage 29: Struggle at Chi Bi Fu Xi, Taigong Wang, Nu Wa
MOZ Method: Sum total of all characters' levels is 2,000
Mystic Army vs Coalition Army
or more.
Stage 30: Journey to Nan Zhong Sun Wukong, San Zang, Himiko
San Zang & Gracia Armies vs Coalition MOZ Method: Required characters reach Level 28.
Army PSP Method: Required characters reach Level 99.
Yoshitsune Minamoto, Benkei, Kiyomori
Stage 31: Encounter at Sekigahara
MOZ Method: Required characters must have Level 20
Minamoto-Taira Army vs Coalition Army
PSP Method: Required characters must have Level 50
Stage 32: Struggle at Bai Di Castle Orochi, Masamune Date, Keiji Maeda
Orochi Army vs Da Ji Army MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 33: Struggle at Shizugatake Da Ji, Xing Cai, Gracia
Da Ji Army & Magoichi Saika vs Coalition
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 34: Rescue at Edo Castle Hanz Hattori, Nene, Kotar Fma
Tokugawa Army vs Coalition Army MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 35: Rescue at Tian Shui San Zang, Zhang He, Magoichi Saika
Wei & Azai Armies vs Orochi Army MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 36: Struggle at Anegawa San Zang, Pang Tong, Toshiie Maeda
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters and clear
Wei & Shu Armies vs Orochi Army
Stage 35.
Stage 37: Encounter at He Fei Benkei, Da Ji, Himiko
Da Ji & Orochi Armies vs Coalition Army MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 38: Rescue at Mikatagahara Benkei, Himiko, Masamune Date
MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters and clear
Date & Da Ji Armies vs Coalition Army
Stage 37.
Stage 39: Escape from Wuhang
Da Ji, Dodomeki, Gyki
Da Ji Army & Orochi vs Mystic Army MOZ Method: Unlock the required characters.
Stage 40: Showdown at Koshi Castle Orochi X, Da Ji, Kiyomori Taira
MOZ Method: Clear all stages in Dream Mode.
Orochi X Army vs Coalition Army
PSP Method: Clear all new stages in Dream Mode.

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