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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari / Tanggal : Rabu/6 Desember 2017
Kelas / Semester : VII / Ganjil Waktu : 120 Menit
Program : Paket B Jumlah Soal : 45 butir

Petunjuk Umum:
1. Isikan Identitas Anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban yang tersedia dengan menggunakan pensil
2. Berilah tanda silang pada LJU jawaban yang Anda pilih.
3. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawab.
4. Laporkan kepada pengawas apabila terdapat lembar soal yang kurang jelas, rusak, atau tidak lengkap.
5. Bila diperlukan, lembar soal dapat dicoret-coret.
6. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.
I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada huruf pilihan a, b, c atau d pada jawaban yang paling benar !

The text is for number 1 – 3

Farid : Hello, my name is Farid.
Yunus : Hello, I’m Yunus
Farid : You are a new neighbor, right ?
Yunus : Yes, I am. I just move from Lampung.
Farid : Well, nice to meet you.
Yunus : Nice to meet you too

1. Yunus is a new … .
a. Lecturer c. Student
b. Neighbor d. Teacher

2. Who is move from Lampung … .

a. Farid c. Teacher
b. Student d. Yunus

3. Where are they meet … .

a. In the mall c. In the park
b. In the market d. In the street

4. Sinta : Good morning sir ?

Mr. Heru : … sinta.
a. Good afternoon c. Good morning
b. Good evening d. Good night

5. Dina : what is your name ?

Vina :….
a. I live in Jakarta
b. I am seventeen years old
c. I am fine
d. My name is Vina
6. Alex : How do you do ?
Boy :….
a. I am fine c. How do you do
b. How are you d. my name is Boy

7. Reza : I will go to bed now.

FK PKBM/Bahasa Inggris/VII/GANJIL/2017
Mother : ok, good … dear.
a. Afternoon c. Evening
b. Evening d. Night

Complete the following texts to answer the number 8 – 14!

Every weekday morning I … (8) as soon as my alarm … (9) after 10 minutes I … (10)and go to the
bathroom. I … (11) a shower … (12) my teeth and … (13) my hair. After my shower I … (14) my self
with a big towel and go back to the bedroom.

8. a. wake up c. Waking up
b. wakes up d. Am waking up

9. a. Ringing c. Ring
b. Rings d. Is ringing

10. a. Am gets up c. Get up

b. Am getting up d. Gets up

11. a. Have c. Had

b. Has d. Having

12. a. Brush c. Brushs

b. Brushes d. Brushing

13. a. Combed c. Combs

b. Combing d. Comb

14. a. Dries c. Drying

b. Dry d. Dried

15. my mother … (cook) friedrice to breakfast every morning.

a. Cooked c. Cook
b. Cooking d. Cooks

16. The girl is … (sing) loudly.

a. Sing c. Sing
b. Singing d. Sang

17. “ My brother is going to Jakarta”

The negative sentences is … .
a. Is not going brother to Jakarta
b. Is my brother going to Jakarta
c. My brother is going not to Jakarta
d. My brother is not going to Jakarta

18. Jenny (watch) a film.

Change the sentences into present continuous !
a. She wathes a film
b. Jenny is watching a film
c. Jenny watches a film
d. She is watch a film

19. Are – a – playing – the children – game

The correct answer is … .
a. The children are playing a game
b. The children are a playing game
c. The children a game playing are
d. The children playing are a game

FK PKBM/Bahasa Inggris/VII/GANJIL/2017
20. I – reading – book – a – am
1 2 3 4 5
The correct order is … .
a. 1 – 4 – 2 – 3 – 5
b. 1 – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2
c. 1 – 5 – 2 – 4 – 3
d. 1 – 4 – 5 – 3 – 2

21. I … (help) my father to fix the roof

a. Is helping c. Are helping
b. Am helping d. Helps

22. … am buying the book now.

a. She c. I
b. We d. You

23. Budi and I … working in big company.

a. Am c. Is
b. Are d. Do

Look at the Family tree!

Mr. Jhon Mrs. Merry

Michel Laura Billy

David Elief

24. Mr. jhon & Mrs. Merry is David … .

a. Grandparents c. Grandmother
b. Grandfather d. Parents

25. Michel is Laura .. .

a. Nephew c. Sister
b. Niece d. Brother

26. Who is Laura’s mother?

a. Mrs. Jenny c. Elief
b. Laura d. Michel

27. Who is David Sister ?

a. Merry c. Elief
b. Laura d. Billy
28. Elief is … Mrs. Jhon
a. Grandson c. Grandchild
b. Granddaughter d. Grandparents

29. Billy is David … .

a. Mother c. Aunt
b. Sister d. Uncle

30. Billy is … Mr. Jhon & Mrs. Merry ?

a. Brother c. Son
b. Husband d. Nephew

FK PKBM/Bahasa Inggris/VII/GANJIL/2017
II. Answer the question !

1. Make a dialoque about greeting between Ana & Ani !

 Sari (wash) my motorcycle

 I (study) English diligenly

Make the (+), (-), (?) sentences based on the sentences on the box into :
2. Simple Present Tense
3. Present Continuous Tense
4. Mention 5 Vocabulary about family and please translate it !
5. Make your own family tree !

FK PKBM/Bahasa Inggris/VII/GANJIL/2017

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