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Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pelajaran 11 « Belajar Bahasa Inggris http://pelajaranbahasainggris.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/belajar-bahas...

Belajar Bahasa Inggris

Belajar Bahasa Inggris Lewat Internet

Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pelajaran 11

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ashtray = asbak
beef = daging sapi
bracelet = gelang
complain = mengeluh
cook (kata benda) dan (kata kerja) = tukang masak/memasak
co age = pondok
diamond = berlian
disk (kata benda) = masakan (jenis makanan)
foreigner = orang asing
give up = menyerah/putus asa
jumper = baju sweter (pakaian)
kidney = ginjal
material = kain, bahan pakaian
mash (kata kerja) = menumbuk
to manage (succeed) (kata kerja) = berhasil
mention (kata kerja) = menyebutkan
menu = da ar makanan
millionare = jutawan
mince (kata kerja) = mengiris
mince (kata kerja) = mengiris
pair = sepasang
pie = (kue) pastel
pudding = podeng
ring up = menelpon
roast (kata kerja dan kata sifat) = memanggang/panggang
secret = rahasia
se le (arrange) (kata kerja) = membereskan
steak = bistik
sweetheart = sayang
wealthy = kaya
woolen = pakaian wol


1 dari 6 16/05/2012 10:15

Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pelajaran 11 « Belajar Bahasa Inggris http://pelajaranbahasainggris.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/belajar-bahas...

Manage to do something (Berhasil mengerjakan sesuatu). Contoh: He managed to do all exercise.

All once. (Pada saat itu juga, segera).
Phone call. (Telephone).
As well (also). (Juga).
English dishes. (Masakan-masakan Inggris).

Beberapa masakan Inggris

Roast beef and yorkshire Pudding = Daging sapi panggang dan Yorkshire Pudding.
Steak and kidney pie = Bistik dan pastel ginjal.


Keluarga Sallis dan Pamela sedang membicarakan apa yang mereka kerjakan pada pagi itu,
sewaktu mereka duduk pada sebuah rumah makan di London, sebelum memesan makan siang.

Barbara : Did you have a successful morning?

Harry : Yes, indeed. We managed to ring up Mr. MacAndrew a er a lot of difficulties. I would
have given up but Peter helped me. He told me what to do.

Peter : Which was a li le different from what you did —

Harry : Perhaps. Anyway, everything’s se led. Mr. MacAndrew knew who was me at once.He
mus have been expecting my phone call. I just had to suggest a time for our meeting.

Barbara : It all sounds very hopeful.

Peter : And what did you ladies do this morning?

Barbara : We went to hundreds of shops. I’d have liked to buy almost everything but I only
bought a pair of shoes, some beautiful material, a couple of ashtray, a skirt, and a woollen
jumper —

Harry : Only! You ought to have bought a few diamond bracelets as well! One would think I
was a millionare.

Peter : Well, in a week you’ll really be wealthy as you’ll have sold your inflatable umbrella.

Harry : Perhaps, but now I’m poor! You should have remembered that this morning,

Pater : Well, what we going to have to eat?

Barbara : I should like something really English. Are there any special English dishes on the

Pamela : There’s a roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, or steak and kidney pie.

Peter : And co age pie. It’s made of mashed po atoes and minced meet.

Harry : I tought food and cooking were generally bad in England.

Peter : Not if you know where to go. I’ve always eaten very well here. And before you
complain about English food today, I’d be er tell you a secret.

2 dari 6 16/05/2012 10:15

Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pelajaran 11 « Belajar Bahasa Inggris http://pelajaranbahasainggris.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/belajar-bahas...

Barbara and Harry : What?

Peter : The cooks in this restaurant are all foreigners!


Setelah anda memperoleh gambaran mengenai pemakaian will, shall, would, serta should, kita bisa
meneruskan ke bentuk akan datang yang lain, yakni bentuk selesai akan datang (future perfect).

I shall have done it.

You will have done it.

Kapan kita memakainya? Bila kita berbicara tentang sesuatu yang akan diselesaikan pada suatu
waktu tertentu di waktu akan datang. Perhatikan kalimat-kalimat berikut ini:

On sunday he will read your book.

In a week you’ll get a le er from me.
Next Christmas we shall be together for a long time.

Dalam semua kalimat itu dipergunakan simple future karena tidak satupun pekerjaan akan
diselesaikan pada waktu yang disebutkan. Untuk membedakan, sekarang perhatikan kalimat-
kalimat berikut ini:

By next Sunday he will have read the book.

In a week you’ll have sold your inflatable umbrella.
Next Christmas we shall have been together for a long time.

Semua kalimat itu menunjukkan kepada sesuatu yang akan berlalu sebelum waktu akan datang
tersebut: the book will be read; the inflatable umbrella will be ready be sold; the time of being together
will be completed.

Will have: Should have, dan sebagainya

Sama halnya dengan will yang menjadi would dan shall menjadi should atau would bila apa yang
akan dilakukan di masa yang akan datang sudah dinyatakan di masa lampau, maka will have
menjadi would have dan shall have menjadi should have. Ini terutama berlaku untuk kalimat tidak

He said you would have sold your inflatable umbrella in a week.

She said that you would have been together for a long time.
He said he would have finished his book before next Sunday.

Ought to have: Should have

Bentuk lampau dari ought to dan should yang mempunyai arti suatu kewajiban dibentuk dengan
menambah have:

You should have remembered that this morning, sweetheart.

You ought to have bought a few diamond bracelets as well.

Perhatikan bahwa dalam kalimat-kalimat di atas apa yang seharusnya dilakukan ternyata belum
dilakukan. Tetapi seandainya telah dilakukan, ought to dan should tetap boleh dipakai pada
kalimat tak langsung dalam bentuk lampau: had to boleh pula dipakai meskipun akibatnya arti

3 dari 6 16/05/2012 10:15

Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pelajaran 11 « Belajar Bahasa Inggris http://pelajaranbahasainggris.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/belajar-bahas...

kewajiban menjadi lebih kuat.

You said I (had to, should) remember it, and I did.

He said I (had to, ought to) buy a few diamond bracelets, so I did.

Must: Had to: Must have:

Bila must berarti suatu keharusan, bentuk lampaunya adalah had to:

Present : I must suggest a time for our meeting.

Past : I had to suggest a time for our meeting.

Must bisa juga menyatakan kesimpulan logis. Dalam hal ini bentuk lampaunya adalah must have
dengan past participle.

Present : If he is not ill he must be well.

Past : If he wasn’t ill he must have been well.
Present : You must be tired a er walking so far.
Past : You must have been tired a er walking so far.

A pair: A couple

A pair dipakai untuk menyatakan dua benda atau orang yang biasanya berbeda tetapi seringsaling

A pair of gloves.
A pair of shoes.

A couple adalah cara lain utuk mengatakan dua:

A couple of days, months, dan sebagainya.

We bought a couple of ashtrays.

Perhatikan pula a married couple.

Hundreds of, dan sebagainya

Satuan jumlah tentunya berfungsi sebagai kata benda kerap kali hanya untuk menyatakan suatu
jumlah yang besar: dozens of; scores of; hundreds of; thousands of.

We went to hundreds of shops.

There were thousands of soldiers in the town.
He broke dozens of eggs.
During that month she read scores of books.


To complain about something to someone.

On the menu.


1. Ubahlah ke dalam bentuk selesai akan datang (future perfect) dengan tambahan phrasa dalam
Contoh : He will go (before three o’clock). —> He will have gone by three o’clock.

4 dari 6 16/05/2012 10:15

Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pelajaran 11 « Belajar Bahasa Inggris http://pelajaranbahasainggris.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/belajar-bahas...

1. He will come (by the end of the year).

2. She will managed to finish it (by next month).
3. I have read all the newspapers (by ten o’clock).
4. They have arrived (before I leave).
5. The clerk has given up hope of being millionare (before he’s sixty).
6. The general has told me his secrets (before he dies).
7. I shall give you the bracelets (before Christmas).
8. We shall eat well (before coming to dinner with you).
9. The co age pie will be cooked (by the time you arrive).
10. I’m sure he has le the restaurant (by now).

2. Ubahlah menjadi kalimat tak langsung yang diawali dengan: “I said…. “

1. He will have finished the book by 1963.

2. They will have played all their games by the 14th August.
3. By January all the children will have taken the examination.
4. He will have broken the cups by the time you come.
5. We should eat well at that restaurant and we did.
6. I shall have you up before you go to bed.

3. Ubahlah yang berikut ini menjadi bentuk lampau:

1. It must be smith!
2. The roast beed ought to be good.
3. You must learn English.
4. This lady will have given you the money before the shop closes.
5. That lady must be his sweetheart.
6. You ought to tell me your secrets.
7. I will have succeeded in seeing him before nine.
8. She must go and buy the bracelets.

4. Gantilah succeed in dengan manage to (infinitif).

1. I succeeded in eating the meat.

2. She succeeded in buying the potatoes.
3. They succeeded in catching hundreds of birds.
4. We succeeded in selling the diamonds.

5. Buatlah sepuluh kalimat dari lajur berikut:

I wri en to them yesterday

You should have posted the le er earlier
Mr. Jones arrived at 6 o’clock
The secretary booked a double room
ought to have

Wri en by 5jtpbln

5 dari 6 16/05/2012 10:15

Belajar Bahasa Inggris – Pelajaran 11 « Belajar Bahasa Inggris http://pelajaranbahasainggris.wordpress.com/2010/10/14/belajar-bahas...

October 14, 2010 at 4:54 am

Posted in Pelajaran

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6 dari 6 16/05/2012 10:15

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