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Dr. Lucas Donny Setijadji

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Bandung, 5 July 2013

Part 1
Fundamental Theory
(Magmatisme dan Pembentukan Batuan
 A volcano is a place on the earth’s surface where
molten rock, gas and pyroclastic debris erupt through
the earth’s crust. The molten rock is called magma if
it is in the magma chamber. When the magma shoots
out, it is called lava.
 Modern volcanology (post mid-1970s) is defined as
science that deals with generation of magma,
transport of magma, and shallow-level or surface
processes that result from intrusion and eruption of
magma (Sigurdsson, 2000 in Encyclopedia of
 It is highly interdisciplinary and draws widely from
diverse geoscience subspecialities
dan volkano

(Schmincke, 2004)
Di mana gunungapi bisa
 Apakah gunungapi bisa terbentuk di sembarang
 Apakah gunung api terbentuk di tempat tertentu?
 Tempat seperti apakah itu?
 Apakah di daratan?
 Bisakah terbentuk di laut?
Penyebaran gunungapi di dunia
Lelehan batuan silikat panas yang terbentuk di alam,
bersifat mobil, dapat mengandung material padat dan
gas. Zat padat terdiri dari sisa batuan asal yang tidak
ikut meleleh atau senolit (xenolith), sisa kristal yang
tidak ikut meleleh atau senokris (xenocryst) dan
kristal-kristal yang terbentuk oleh pembekuan magma
(Jackson, 1982)

Magma terbentuk oleh pelelehan sebagian (partial

melting) batuan induk (parental rocks) di dalam
mantel atau, dalam jumlah yang lebih sedikit, di
bagian bawah kerak (lower crust) (Schmincke, 2004)
Pelelehan batuan dapat terjadi karena perubahan 3 parameter
dasar: tekanan (P), temperatur (T) dan komposisi kimia (X), yaitu:

1.Kenaikan temperatur T pada kondisi P dan X yang konstan

(Increasing Temperature)

2.Penurunan tekanan P pada T dan X yang konstan


3.Perubahan X pada P dan T yang konstan (terutama penambahan

fluida khususnya H2O dan CO2)
3 model
magma basalt
dari pelelehan
partial peridotit
Lokasi-lokasi terbentuknya magma dalam konteks
tektonik lempeng

(Schmincke, 2004)
Perbandingan jumlah erupsi
gunung api dan jumlah
(volume) magma yang
dikeluarkan per tahun dari
berbagai lokasi pembentukan
magma (Schmincke, 2004)

Kesimpulan: Zona pemekaran

tengah samodra merupakan
lokasi di mana volume magma
paling banyak dihasilkan
setiap tahunnya
Tempat terbentuknya magma

1. Zona subduksi (subduction zone)

- Peleburan mantel atas / baji mantel (mantle wedge),
mantel tersomatisasi
- Pelelehan parsial kerak samudera (fasies amfibolit,
- Pelelehan parsial kerak benua bagian bawah

2. Zona tumbukan (collision zone)

- Pelelehan parsial kerak benua bagian bawah (anateksis)
- Pelelehan parsial kerak benua bagian tengah (anateksis)
Tempat terbentuknya magma (2)

3. Rekahan tengah samodra (mid oceanic rift)

- Peleburan mantel atas

4. Rekahan tengah benua (intra continental rift)

- Peleburan mantel atas

5. Kepulauan tengah samudera (mid oceanic island)

- Peleburan mantel atas

(Best, 1982; Wilson, 1989)

Magmatisme akibat penambahan fluida
khususnya air zona penunjaman
Magmatisme akibat penurunan tekanan (decompression
melting) di pemekaran tengah samodra (MOR)

Figure 4.20
Pelelehan Sebagian (Partial Melting)
 Magma umumnya terbentuk oleh pelelehan sebagian dari
batuan asal, atau dikenal sebagai peristiwa partial melting

 Pembentukan magma basaltik

 Umumnya berasal dari partial melting dari batuan asal
ultramafik di bagian mantel
 Sejumlah besar magma basalt dikeluarkan ke
permukaan bumi setiap tahunnya

 Pembentukan magma andesitik

 Dihasilkan oleh interaksi magma basaltik dan batuan
penyusun kerak yang lebih asam
 Bisa juga dihasilkan karena proses diferensiasi magma
Partial Melting
Hypothetical Solid Rock:
Intermediate Composition Melting
Mineral Temp

A (Mafic) 1200°C

B (Int) 1000°C

C (Felsic) 800°C

Temperature = 500°C
Partial Melting

Mineral Temp

A (Mafic) 1200°C

Intermediate Magma
B (Int) 1000°C
(All Minerals Melt)

C (Felsic) 800°C

Temperature = 1400°C
Partial Melting

Mineral Temp

A (Mafic) 1200°C

B (Int) 1000°C

C (Felsic) 800°C

Temperature = 900°C Magma

Magma yang
diri Melting
Mineral Temp

A (Mafic) 1200°C

B (Int) 1000°C

C (Felsic) 800°C

Remaining Rock: More Mafic Magma

Temperature = 900°C
Partial Melting
Partial Melting produces a magma that is
more felsic than the parent rock

Rock Magma from Partial Melting

Ultramafic Mafic
Mafic Intermediate
Intermediate Felsic
Felsic (more) Felsic
Composition: Magma Source
Mafic Intermediate Felsic

Ultramafic mantle

Source: Partial Melting of ultramafic mantle at

Divergent Zones and…
Composition: Magma Source
Mafic Intermediate Felsic

Source: Partial Melting of ultramafic mantle at

Divergent Zones and … Hot Spots
Composition: Magma Source
Mafic Intermediate Felsic

Source: Partial Melting of mantle, ocean crust and continent at

Subduction Zones
Composition: Magma Source
Mafic Intermediate Felsic

Source: Partial melting felsic continent above

Hot Spots & Subduction Zones


Proses Kristalisasi Magma
 Magma yang naik mendekati permukaan bumi biasanya
mengalami berbagai ubahan kimia dan mineralogi melalui proses-
proses yang disebut diferensiasi, yang menghasilkan bermacam-
macam batuan beku dengan komposisi kimia yang berbeda-beda
 Komposisi asal magma disebut sebagai magma induk atau
‘Parental Magma’ atau ‘Primitive Magma’
 Diferensiasi (Differentiation): proses-proses yang menghasilkan
magma turunan (derivative magmas) yang berbeda komposisi kimia
dan mineralogi dari Primitive Parental Magma
 Secara umum diferensiasi dianggap terjadi dalam reservoir
magma di dalam kerak (kedalaman < 10km), di mana magma dalam
kondisi stagnan, mendingin secara perlahan dan mengkristal
 Proses diferensiasi yang paling penting adalah: Kristalisasi
Fraksinasi (fractional crystallization). Proses lainnya antara lain
asimilasi dan magma mixing.
Bowen’s reaction series
2. Asimilasi
Perubahan komposisi magma,sebagai akibat
adanya reaksi antara magma dengan batuan
dinding yang berkomposisi berbeda.

3. Percampuran magma induk

Magma intermediate, misal andesit sebagai hasil
percampuran antara magma basalt dengan riolit.
Asimilasi dan percampuran magma induk
(magma mixing)

Figure 4.25
Intrusive and Extrusive


Batuan Beku (Igneous Rocks)

 ExtrusiveEnvironments
Igneous Rock.
 Produced when lava erupts onto the surface.
 The lava freezes on exposure to air or water.
 Crystal grains lack time for growth and are mostly
 Intrusive Igneous Rock.
 Produced by the crystallization of magma while still
 The magma freezes because of the gradual loss of
heat to the country rock.
 Crystal grains have time to grow and are mostly
Bentuk dan Struktur Batuan Beku
 Intrusive (Plutonic) • Extrusive (Volcanic)
 Magma cools slowly at depth – Magma cools quickly at surface
 Characteristic rock texture – Characteristic rock textures
 Characteristic structures – Characteristic structures

Bentuk-Bentuk Batuan Beku
 Intrusive
 Batholith
 Stock
 Lopolith
 Laccolith
 Volcanic
 Sill
 Dike
 Extrusive
 Lava flow or
 Volcano
(many types)
 Crater
 Caldera
 Fissure
Schematic block diagram of some intrusive bodies.
Jenis Kontak Batuan Beku dengan Batuan Sekitarnya
 Contacts (boundary
between two rock bodies)
can be:
 Concordant
 Does not cross cut country
rock (surrounding rock)
structure, bedding, or
metamorphic fabric
 Ex: laccolith, sill

 Discordant
 Cross cuts country rock
 Ex: dike, batholith, stock

Bentuk dan Struktur Batuan Beku Intrusif
 Categorized by depth of emplacement
Epizonal Mesozonal Catazonal

Depth Shallow Intermediate Deep

<6-10 km ~8-14 km >~12 km
Contacts Discordant Variable Concordant

Size Small to Small to large Small to large

Contact Very common Uncommon Absent
Age Cenozoic Mesozoic- Paleozoic or
Paleozoic older
General characteristics of plutons in the epizone, mesozone, and catazone. From Buddington (1959), Geol. Soc. Amer.
Bull., 70, 671-747.
Intrusive Igneous Structures:
Large Scale
 Major scale intrusive bodies: Plutons
 Batholith: >100 km2 in map area (usually discordant)
 Stock: <100 km2 in map area
 Lopolith: dish-shaped layered intrusive
rocks (concordant)

Intrusive Igneous Structures:
Intermediate Scale
 Concordant intrusives
 Sill: tabular shape
 Laccolith: mushroom-shaped
 Roof pendant (remaining country
 Discordant intrusives
 Dike: tabular shape
 Volcanic neck: cylindrical

Intrusive Igneous Structures:
Small Scale
 Apophyses:
 Irregular dikes extending from
 Veins:
 Tabular body filling a fracture
(filled with 1-2 minerals)
 Xenoliths:
 Unrelated material in an
igneous body
 Autoliths:
 Genetically related inclusions
(related igneous material)

Extrusive Igneous Structures
 Volcano:
 Anywhere material reaches earth’s surface

Extrusive Igneous Structures: Scale
 Large scale structures
 Lava plateau (LIP; flood basalt)
 Ignimbrite (ash flow tuff;
pyroclastic sheet)
 Intermediate scale structures
 Shield volcano
 Composite volcano
 Caldera, crater
 Lava flow or dome
 Small scale structures
 Tephra (pyroclastic material)
 Lava flow features
 Cinder cone

(Mikro, Skala Singkapan)

Definisi :
Istilah yang dipakai untuk menjelaskan hubungan
antar kumpulan mineral / material penyusun batuan

Macam-macam struktur :
• Perlapisan bersusun (intrusi melapis)
• Skoriaan
• Vesikuler
• Amigdaloidal
• Kekar tiang dan lembaran
• Lava bantal

Lava bantal (Pillow lava)

Struktur pada Lava: Kekar Tiang (Columnar Joints)
a. Schematic drawing of columnar joints in a basalt flow, showing the four common subdivisions of a typical flow. The column
widths in (a) are exaggerated about 4x. After Long and Wood (1986) © Geol. Soc. Amer. Bull., 97, 1144-1155.
b. Colonnade-entablature-colonnade in a basalt flow, Crooked River Gorge, OR. © John Winter and Prentice Hall.
Klasifikasi Batuan Beku
 Volcanic (or extrusive) rocks cool from lava eruptions
Types ofto have
and tend Igneous Rock
a fine-grained texture.
 Plutonic (or intrusive) rocks solidify underground and
tend to have a coarse-grained texture.

Fine-grained Coarse-grained

Klasifikasi batuan beku dapat dilakukan dengan

berbagai cara, antara lain berdasarkan:

• Tekstur

• Struktur

• Komposisi mineralogi

• Komposisi kimia
Textural classification of
igneous rocks
1. Phaneritic: crystals visible with naked eye
 Plutonic or intrusive rocks
2. Aphanitic: crystal too small for naked eye
 Volcanic or extrusive rocks
3. Porphyritic: two different, dominant grain sizes
Large crystals = phenocrysts; small crystals = groundmass
4. Fragmental: composed of disagregated igneous
 Pyroclastic rocks
Textural classification of
igneous rocks

5. Glassy: non-crystalline; cools very fast (e.g., obsidian)

 Volcanic rocks

6. Vesicular: vesicles (holes, pores, cavities) form as gases

 Volcanic rocks
Igneous Textures - Crystalline
Coarse Grained Fine Grained
Igneous Textures - Crystalline

Masa dasar


Made of rock fragments
rather than crystals

Berdasarkan kejenuhan silika :

Batuan sangat jenuh silika (silica-oversaturated)
- Batuan beku yang mengandung silika yang melebihi
jumlah yang dibutuhkan untuk membentuk mineral
silikat; ditandai dengan munculnya mineral Kuarsa
Batuan jenuh silika (silica-saturated)
- Batuan beku yang mengandung mineral-mineral yang
jenuh silika; kuarsa muncul dalam komposisi Norm-nya
Batuan tidak jenuh silika (silica-undersaturated)
- Batuan beku yang mengandung mineral-mineral
undersaturated terhadap silica, khususnya Feldspatoid
dan Olivin

Berdasarkan kandungan silika (SiO2) :

• Asam
- SiO2 : > 66 %
- Granit, sienit, diorit kuarsa, trasit
• Menengah
- SiO2 : 52 – 66 %
- Diorit, granodiorit, andesit
• Basa
- SiO2 : 45 – 52 %
- Gabro, basalt
• Ultrabasa
- SiO2 : < 45 %
- Peridotit, dunit

Berdasarkan komposisi mineralogi :

• Batuan felsik
- Mineral mafik tidak melimpah – sedikit (< 40 %)

• Batuan mafik
- Mineral mafik melimpah ( 40 – 70 %)

• Batuan ultramafik
- Mineral mafik sangat melimpah (> 90 %)
Mineral penyusun batuan beku
Mineral Properties

Olivine Green to yellow -green; vitreous; fractures;

small, equidimensional grains
Plagioclase Usually white or gray;
2 cleavages at 90°;
elongate grains; striations sometimes visible
Pyroxene Greenish black or brow nish black;
rather dul l luster;
blocky grains
Amphibole Black with shiny, splinter y appearance;
two cleavages at 60° and 120°;
elongate grains
Biotite Shiny, blac k sheets;
one perfect cleavage
Orthoclase Usually white or pin k;
2 cleavages at 90°;
equidimensional grains
Muscovite Shiny, silver y sheets;
one perfect cleavage
Quartz Colorless to gray;
vitreous with conchoidal fracture;
irregular grains in intrusive rocks;
equidimensional phenocrysts in extrusive rocks
• Mineral felsik
- Warna putih, abu-abu, merah muda, rapat jenis
- Kuarsa, feldspar, feldspatoid

• Mineral mafik
- Warna gelap, hijau, coklat, hitam, berat jenis tinggi
( > 3,80)
- Piroksen, amfibol, olivin, biotit

 Mineral utama (Essential):

- Mineral yang paling menentukan nama batuan
- Kelimpahan : melimpah – sangat melimpah
- Misal : ortoklas, plagioklas dan kuarsa dalam

Mineral asesori khas (Accessory)

- Mineral yang ikut memberi nama batuan
- Kelimpahan : cukup melimpah
- Misal : hornblenda dalam granit hornblenda

Berdasarkan lokasi dan cara terbentuknya :

• Batuan pluton

• Batuan hipabisal

• Batuan gunungapi

• Membeku di tempat yang dalam (abisal), tubuh

intrusi besar (batolit, stok dan pluton-pluton besar
lain), membeku perlahan-lahan

• Berbutir sangat kasar, medium-kasar; secara lokal

ditemukan tekstur porfiritik; non porfiritik, subhedra
atau anhedra

• Mengkristal di bawah kondisi yang terpengaruh antara

batuan pluton dan batuan gunungapi, intrusi dangkal
kecil, dekat permukaan bumi (hipabisal), pada kerak
benua bagian atas, korok, sill, sumbat gunungapi,
leher gunungapi atau tubuh yang lebih besar (lakolit)
pada tempat yang dangkal, dapat mendingin cukup
• Pada umumnya berbutir fanerik halus, porfiritik,
porfiritik (masadasar halus, tanpa gelas volkanik
• Bagian tepi intrusi dalam yang mendingin cepat dan
menerobos batuan yang dingin dapat mempunyai
sifat batuan hipabisal

 Membeku cepat, pada atau amat dekat dengan

permukaan bumi, afanitik dengan sedikit atau tanpa
campuran gelas, sangat halus-gelasan; klastik
 Kristalisasi fenokris cenderung terjadi pada kisaran
suhu yang tinggi, sehingga muncul mineral-mineral
yang terbentuk pada suhu tinggi, P rendah (sanidin
dan plagioklas suhu tinggi)
 Fenokris biotit, hornblenda, kuarsa
 Ada dua fase pendinginan : fase intertelurik di tempat
yang dalam (fenokris) dan fase efusif (masadasar
afanitik), yaang menghasilkan tekstur porfiritik
Rekomendasi Klasifikasi Batuan Beku
 Karena adanya berbagai jenis batuan beku dan berbagai klasifikasi yang ada,
salah satu problem dalam klasifikasi batuan beku adalah bahwa batuan ini
tidak dapat semuanya diklasifikasikan dengan menggunakan satu metode saja.

 Akibatnya, beberapa klasifikasi harus dipakai dalam pendeskripsian batuan

beku, di mana masing-masing hanya dapat diaplikasikan pada kelompok
batuan tertentu, misalnya kelompok batuan piroklastik, batuan plutonik dll.

 Ini berarti bahwa kita harus memutuskan klasifikasi mana yang sesuai untuk
dipakai dalam penamaan suatu batuan yang diteliti.

 Untuk mencapai tujuan ini secara konsisten, maka dirumuskan suatu bentuk
klasifikasi yang bersusun (hierarchy of classification) yang harus disetujui

 Berikut adalah urutan alur yang diusulkan yang diharapkan dapat diterima
oleh mayoritas ahli geologi
Urutan Pemakaian Klasifikasi Batuan Beku Yang
Has the rock pyroclastic features? Use pyroclastic rock
YES =>
[NO] classification
Carbonates > 50 %?
YES => Use carbonatite classification

see classification for melilitic, kalsilitic,

Flow chart for melilitic, kalsilitic,
leucitic rocks and kimberlites, lamproites
=> => leucitic rocks... and
and lamprophyres

Is it charnockitic?
YES => Use charnockite classification
Is it plutonic? YES => M < 90 %? YES => Use plutonic QAPF
[NO] [NO] => Use ultramafic classification
Mode possible? YES =>
Is it volcanic? YES => Use volcanic QAPF
Is it high-Mg? YES =>
Use high-Mg classification
If you get to this point, either the rock is not Use TAS. If it falls in fields F or
igneous or you have made a serious U1, use norm ne v. norm
<= [NO]
mistake. ab classification *

1. Klasifikasi Batuan Piroklastik

(a) Based on type of material. After Pettijohn (1975) Sedimentary Rocks, Harper & Row, and
Schmid (1981) Geology, 9, 40-43. (b) Based on the size of the material. After Fisher (1966)
Earth Sci. Rev., 1, 287-298.

2. Klasifikasi Batuan Plutonik 90


2.A. Klasifikasi Batuan Beku Fanerit Granitoid

yang Baku adalah Klasifikasi QAPF 60 60

dari IUGS (Streckeisen, 1976) Grano-


Alkali Fs. 20 20 Qtz. Diorite/

Quartz Syenite Qtz. Gabbro
Quartz Quartz Quartz
Alkali Fs. Syenite Monzonite Monzodiorite
5 5 Diorite/Gabbro/
Syenite Syenite Monzodiorite
10 35 Monzonite 65 90 Anorthosite
A (Foid)-bearing (Foid)-bearing (Foid)-bearing P
Syenite Monzonite Monzodiorite
10 (Foid)-bearing
Syarat: 10
1. Batuan harus mengandung minimal (Foid)-bearing
Alkali Fs. Syenite
total mineral Plagioklas, Ortoklas (Foid) (Foid)
dan Kuarsa (atau Feldspatoid) Monzosyenite Monzodiorite
minimal 10%
2. Jumlah mineral-mineral tersebut
dinormalisasi ke 100%
60 60


A classification of the phaneritic igneous rocks. a.

Phaneritic rocks with more than 10% (quartz + feldspar +
feldspathoids). After IUGS.
2. B. Klasifikasi IUGS untuk Batuan Beku Fanerit yang Mafik (b) dan
Ultramafik (c)
Batuan Mafik Anorthosite A classification of the phaneritic igneous rocks.
(Gabbroit) b. Gabbroic rocks. c. Ultramafic rocks. After

Batuan Ultramafik


cto Olivine

Olivine Dunite
gabbro 90


Plagioclase-bearing ultramafic rocks

Pyroxene Olivine
(b) 40

Orthopyroxenite Olivine Websterite Pyroxenites


Orthopyroxene Clinopyroxene

3. Klasifikasi Batuan Beku Afanit

(Vulkanik) yang Baku adalah dari
IUGS (Streckeisen, 1976) 60 60

Rhyolite Dacite

1. Batuan harus mengandung 20 20

minimal total mineral Plagioklas,

Ortoklas dan Kuarsa (atau Trachyte Latite Andesite/Basalt
35 65
Feldspatoid) minimal 10% A (foid)-bearing (foid)-bearing (foid)-bearing P
2. Jumlah mineral-mineral tersebut 10
Trachyte Latite Andesite/Basalt
dinormalisasi ke 100%

Phonolite Tephrite
A classification and nomenclature of volcanic
rocks. After IUGS.
60 60


• Secara umum, penamaan batuan vulkanik non-piroklastik adalah berdasarkan
komposisi mineral penyusunnya, dengan menggunakan klasifikasi QAPF yang
disusun oleh Streckeisen (1967).
• Namun, jika prosentasi modal mineral yang disyaratkan untuk klasifikasi
tersebut tidak dipenuhi, maka klasifikasi tersebut tidak bisa digunakan.
Kandungan mineral sering tidak bisa ditentukan secara prosentase modal
karena kehadiran mineral berukuran halus atau karena kehadiran material
• Untuk mengatasi hal tersebut , maka IUGS Subcommission on the
Systematics of Igneous Rocks membuat rekomendasi untuk membuat
berdasarkan diagram Total Alkali – Silika atau dikenal sebagai diagram TAS (Le
Bass dkk., 1986).
• Klasifikasi ini dipakai jika 1) analisa kimia yang valid diperoleh, 2) analisis
modal mineral tidak diperoleh dan 3) tidak berlaku untuk batuan vulkanik
3.B. Klasifikasi TAS (Total Alkali Silica) untuk Batuan Vulkanik

A chemical classification of volcanics based on total alkalis vs. silica. After Le Bas et al. (1986) J.
Petrol., 27, 745-750. Oxford University Press.
COMPOSITION (Minerals Present)
Ultramafic Mafic Intermediate Intermediate Felsic

Olivine Ca- Na- Na-Plagioclase Quartz

(Pyroxene) Plagioclase Plagioclase Amphibole Orthoclase
Pyroxene Amphibole Quartz Biotite
Olivine Pyroxene Biotite Na-Plagioclase
Fine -



*Some igneous rocks have a porphyritic texture. If a rock has 2 grain sizes, the rock is named after
the smaller grain size and the word porphyritic is added as an adjective. For example, if a rock is
predominantly fine-grained and mafic, it would be a basalt. If phenocrysts are present in the fine-
grained matrix, this rock would be called a porphyritic basalt.
Composition of Igneous Rocks
Igneous Rocks
Mafic Intermediate Felsic
Gabbro Diorite Granodiorite Granite

Basalt Andesite Dacite Rhyolite

Batuan Intrusif (Plutonik)
Granite is a coarse-grained, light colored, intrusive Diorite is a coarse-grained, intrusive igneous rock
igneous rock that contains mainly quartz and that contains a mixture of feldspar, pyroxene,
feldspar minerals. The specimen above is about hornblende and sometimes quartz. The specimen
two inches (five centimeters) across. shown above is about two inches (five centimeters)
Batuan Intrusif (Plutonik)
Gabbro : is a coarse-grained, dark colored, intrusive Peridotite : is a coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock
igneous rock that contains feldspar, augite and that is composed almost entirely of olivine. It may
sometimes olivine. The specimen shown above is about contain small amounts of amphibole, feldspar, quartz
two inches (five centimeters) across. or pyroxene. The specimen shown above is about two
inches (five centimeters) across.
Acid, late phase intrusive rocks
Pegmatite : is a light-colored, extremely coarse-grained
intrusive igneous rock. It forms near the margins of a magma Aplite: very fine-grained, white, grey or pinkish intrusive
chamber during the final phases of magma chamber rock dominated by quartz and feldspar. Dykes of aplite are
crystallization. It often contains rare minerals that are not found commonly observed traversing granitic bodies.
in other parts of the magma chamber. The specimen shown
above is about two inches (five centimeters) across.


Intrusive Rock
Syenite : coarse-grained intrusive igneous rock of the Monzonite : intrusive rock with approximately
same general composition as granite but lack in quartz. equal amounts of plagioclase and alkali
Feldspar is dominated by orthoclase feldspar, with less than 5% quartz by weight.
Granodiorite : intrusive igneous rock similar to
granite, but containing more plagioclase than
orthoclase-type feldspar. It usually contains abundant
biotite mica and hornblende, giving it a darker
appearance than true granite.
Tonalite : intrusive rock of felsic composition, phaneritic In older references tonalite is sometimes used as a synonym
texture, contains plagioclase (typically oligoclase or for quartz diorite. However the current IUGS classification
andesine) with 10% or less alkali feldspar. Quartz is present defines tonalite as having greater than 20% quartz and
as more than 20% of the rock. Amphiboles and pyroxenes quartz diorite with from 5 to 20% quartz.
are common accessory minerals.

Catatan: banyak intrusi dangkal berukuran stock Tersier di Indonesia yang dideskripsikan
sebagai tonalit. Tonalit umumnya memiliki tekstur faneroporfiritik.
Ultramafic Intrusive Rocks
Dunite : ultramafic plutonic rock, phaneritic Peridotite : coarse-grained ultramafic
texture, with composition is > 90% olivine, with igneous rock, consisting mostly of olivine
minor amounts of other minerals such as and pyroxene.
Ultramafic Intrusive Rocks
Pyroxenite : ultramafic igneous rock consisting essentially Hornblendite : rare ultramafic plutonic rock consisting
of minerals of the pyroxene group, such as augite and mainly of the amphibole hornblende.
diopside, hypersthene, bronzite or enstatite.
Anorthosite : phaneritic, intrusive ultramafic igneous Carbonatites : intrusive or extrusive igneous
rock characterized by a predominance of calcium-rich rocks defined by mineralogic composition of
plagioclase feldspar (90–100%), and a minimal mafic > 50 % carbonate minerals.
component (0–10%) such as pyroxene, ilmenite,
magnetite, and olivine.
Charnockite is applied to any orthopyroxene (usually hypersthene)-
bearing granite

wikipedia http://planet-terre.ens-lyon.fr
Batuan Vulkanik
Andesite : is a fine-grained, extrusive igneous rock
Diabase / dolerite : a mafic, holocrystalline,
subvolcanic rock equivalent to volcanic basalt or composed mainly of plagioclase with other minerals such
plutonic gabbro; dominated by plagioclase and as hornblende, pyroxene and biotite. The specimen shown
pyroxene. is about two inches (five centimeters) across.
Batuan Vulkanik
Obsidian : extrusive igneous rock of intermediate-acid
Rhyolite : light-colored, fine-grained, composition, forms when magma cools so rapidly that atoms
felsic extrusive igneous rock that typically are unable to arrange themselves into a crystalline structure.
contains quartz and feldspar minerals. The result is a volcanic glass with a smooth uniform texture
that breaks with a conchoidal fracture.
Batuan Vulkanik
Pumice : light-colored vesicular igneous rock, Scoria : dark-colored igneous rock with abundant
forms through very rapid solidification of acid- round cavities known as vesicles. It ranges in color
intermediate magma. The vesicular texture is a from black or dark gray to deep reddish brown.
result of gas trapped in the melt at the time of Scoria usually has a composition basalt, but can
solidification. also andesite.
Batuan Vulkanik
Basalt : dark-colored, fine-grained, mafic igneous rock Komatiite : ultramafic volcanic rock with low
composed mainly of plagioclase and pyroxene minerals. silicon, potassium and aluminium, and high to
It most commonly forms as an extrusive rock, such as a extremely high magnesium content.
lava flow, but can also form in small intrusive bodies,
such as an igneous dike or a thin sill.
Lamprophyre : uncommon, small volume ultrapotassic
igneous rocks primarily occurring as dikes, lopoliths, laccoliths,
stocks and small intrusions. They are alkaline silica-
undersaturated, ultramafic rocks with high magnesium oxide,
>3% potassium oxide, high sodium oxide and high nickel and
chromium. Lamprophyre dyke
Feldspatoid Igneous Rocks
Nepheline-bearing rock Leucite-bearing rock

Feldspathoids are a group of tectosilicate minerals which resemble feldspars but have a
different structure and much lower silica content. They occur in rare and unusual types of
igneous rocks, both intrusive and vulcanic.

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