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Penampilan fisik

dalam pergaulan
Sikap tubuh
Berdiri wajar, tidak kaku.
1. Posisi tegak
2. Keseimbangan badan bertumpu pada 2 kaki
3. Busungkan dada secara wajar
4. Kedua tulang bahu rileks, seimbang sama
5. Perut rata, perlu latihan otot perut
6. Letakkan tangan bergantung dikedua sisi
Choky Viktor

tegap, sigap,
1. Duduk sejauh mungkin kebelakang.
2. Panggul dan tulang punggung menyentuh
bagian punggung kursi.
3. Kepala dan dada tegak, bahu rileks, perut
1. Berjalan yang baik  posisi gagah dan luwes
2. Gerakan kaki teratur dan rileks
3. Langkah telapak kaki sejajar dan berdekatan
menuju kedepan.
4. Letak telapak kaki , tumit menyentuh lantai
pada setiap langkah.
5. Panjang langkah wajar.
1. Tenang , jelas dan sopan.
2. Tidak memotong pembicaraan.
3. Bahasa yang baik dan mudah dipahami.
4. Tidak memonopoli pembicaraan, memberi
kesempatan lawan bicara untuk bergantian
1. Bebas tapi wajar.
2. Tertawa sesuai dengan kesempatan.
3. Tertawa tidak disertai gerak yang berlebihan,
misalnya : memukul, menghentakkan kaki,
4. Tersenyumlah pada saat menawarkan atau
meminta pertolongan orang lain dan ucapkan
Tertawa dan Senyumlah....
Hal lainnya
1. Tidak membuang
usahakan tidak
2. Usahakan tidak
memiliki bau
badan dan bau
• Maybe the current
trend toward
casual dress at
work has made
people more lax
(longgar) about
what they wear.
• In addition, many
people work from
home where there
are no rules
regarding dress.
When I give a presentation...
• When I give a
presentation, though,
it's a whole different
story. I try to look my
professional best, in a
skirt, blouse, jacket, and
dress shoes. I make sure
my hair and makeup are
neatly done. In other
words, I dress for
When I give a presentation...
• When I give a
though, it's a whole
different story. I try
to look my
professional best, in
a skirt, blouse,
jacket, and dress
shoes. I make sure
my hair and makeup
are neatly done. In
other words, I dress
for success.
But, if you want to make a good impression, it's worth
the effort. Here's what you need to do.

• That's not to say you

can forget about
preparing for a
presentation, put on a
nice suit, and you'll
wow 'em. All the
ingredients (gabungan
dari) : knowledge,
preparation, and
appearance — are
necessary to make a
good impression.
Pakaian Perawat
How to Dress Professionally
• Should you go out and purchase a suit for the
one or two times a year you'll have to make a
presentation? It's probably a good idea. You
should buy something classic.
• After all, if you're only going to wear the suit
a couple of times a year, you don't want it to
go out of style too quickly..
Pakaian Dietetian
Registered Dietitian
Shanti Kengeter, R.D., B.S., CDE, Registered Dietitian and Certified Diabetes
Educator uses food models to help illustrate the amount of fat found in
foods and shows what a pound of fat looks like to Maggie Verhalen of
• Women can probably get away with a nice
skirt and jacket, while men can wear dress
trousers and a jacket.
• There's also nothing wrong with a pant suit
for women. If you're going to be in front of
the camera, some special rules apply. Wear
neutral colors — dark blue or grey are good,
don't wear large or glitzy jewelry, and wear a
button down shirt or a jacket so they have
somewhere to clip a microphone
There's also nothing wrong with a
pant suit for women.
Wear neutral colors — dark blue or grey are
good, don't wear large or glitzy jewelry


Now about your hair.
• Your hair should be neat and clean. Try to
keep it out of your face. As for makeup (for
you women out there), keep it simple. If
you're going to be on camera, you should
stay away from anything iridescent, frosted,
or glittery -- matte is best.
Your hair should be neat and clean

Grace Natalie
• As your mother may have told you, sit up
straight. When you slouch (malas) you look
bored. If you're bored, how do you expect
your audience to feel? You'll also look more
confident if you're sitting or standing up
straight. Look like you're happy to be there.
Put a smile on your face.
• Don't fidget (gelisah), bite your nails, or play
with any jewelry you are wearing. Oh yeah —
don't forget to breathe.
Look like
you're happy
to be there.
Put a smile
on your face.

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