
Heath Druzin

Heath Druzin

Heath Druzin is the host and creator of the Extremely American podcast and is a Boise-based reporter who covers extremism. He is currently spending a semester at the University of Montana School of Journalism as the visiting Pollner Professor.

A sign welcomes visitors to Moscow, Idaho, the home of the University of Idaho and Christ Church

New Extremely American podcast tackles Christian nationalism through story of an Idaho town

By: - July 5, 2024

In Moscow, Idaho, there is a pitched battle for the soul of the community – and it’s all wrapped up in a battle for the souls of the community. It pits residents who like the quiet college town’s all-are-welcome vibe – with its visible pride flags and Black Lives Matters signs – with a church […]

Idaho Rep. Heather Scott, R-Blanchard,

It’s time to stand up to political intimidation. Our democracy demands it.

By: - March 17, 2023

The envelope arrived with a Blanchard, Idaho, return address.  “How quaint,” I thought. “Old-fashioned snail mail from Idaho.” But this was no love letter. “You are hereby notified that you are violating federal copyright laws … You have been found to be illegally posting or reporting or continuing to post the photo In support of […]

Hate makes a comeback in Idaho, this time with political support

By: - August 11, 2022

Swastikas placed outside the only Anne Frank memorial in the United States. Gay Pride flags stolen from a Boise neighborhood. Members of a white nationalist group found with a smoke grenade and riot gear headed to a Pride celebration in Coeur d’Alene. A cruel prank targeting needy families on the sidelines of the Idaho GOP […]

Memorial at Robb Elementary School

On gun violence, Americans need to agree on the question before figuring out solutions

By: - August 8, 2022

The reflex to say how great America is instead of actually doing something to make it so is our Achilles heel. It’s strongest when it’s most damaging — after a tragedy born of societal failure, begging for solutions. I’ve reported on guns and gun culture for years, and it’s what happens after almost every mass […]