7 Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home

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I am immensely grateful to have escaped the flu this year (Knock on wood.), but I’ve come down with a bad case of spring fever. It’s been sunny and in the 60s for the past three days, so I’m ready to say goodbye to winter.

Even though snow and 30- and 40-degree temps are in the forecast, the recent sunshine inspired me to do some spring decorating. And because I’ve started decorating for spring, I thought you might be itching to do the same. Are you ready to perk things up for the new season?

I think you’ll love this list because it has ideas for any budget. Just doing one or two things will instantly refresh your space. Let’s get started!

Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home:

Even if you add nothing to your home in terms of “spring decorations,” take a couple days to deep clean from floor to ceiling. I just did this in my bedroom, and what a difference it makes. I dusted under all of the furniture. I used a magic eraser to get those mystery marks off the wall. I washed all my bedding and aired out my pillows….The list goes on.

7 Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home

It’s amazing what a thorough cleaning can do. (Hence, the reason “Spring Cleaning” has been a long-standing domestic tradition.) Something as simple as cleaning your windows inside and out can let more of that beautiful sunlight in.


When you’re cleaning, it’s also good to declutter. I am by no means a minimalist, but I do love getting rid of extra “stuff” each spring. Winter can weigh a person down. Spring should not.

Spring Cleaning: Declutter - 7 Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home

For example, take time to go through your kitchen cupboards and drawers. (Listen to a podcast or music if you prefer to multitask.) Clear a space in that closet where you’ve been piling stuff all winter long. Go through your wardrobe and donate clothes that no longer fit or haven’t been worn in a year. The more you declutter, the lighter you and your home will feel.


I’m currently house hunting, so I’m saving every penny I can for my new place. Thankfully, decorating for spring doesn’t require running to Target and buying everything from their latest home decor collection. If funds are tight, shop your own home. That bench that’s become a drop zone in your living room might look cute at the end of your bed. Or perhaps photos from your most recent family vacation would make a beautiful gallery wall. Or maybe you could move your sofa to the opposite wall to give you better flow through your home. Get creative!

Living Room Furniture - 7 Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home

Another idea to consider is swapping a few items of furniture/home decor with friends and family. Chances are the people you’re close to also desire a spring refresh. That lamp in your closet just might be perfect in your friend’s living room, and their unused side table could look great in yours.

More Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home:


Okay, now that your place is clean and clutter-free, you’re ready to bring in a few new things. I suggest starting with plants. However, plants can be tricky because they do require care and attention. My recommendation is to do some research before buying that trendy plant.

Plants for Spring - 7 Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home


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Take time to figure out if a plant suits your home and lifestyle. Does it need daily watering or will it survive if you forget about it for a few days? Does it need lots of sun or can it survive in shady conditions? Is the plant toxic to your child or pet? Such considerations will help you find the best plant for you and your home. If you’re still unsure, visit a nursery where trained professionals can help you rather than going it alone at a big box store.


If you’re like me, you have a large collection of throw pillows and blankets. I personally like to switch these up every season. It’s amazing how a few different textiles can completely update a space.

When spring comes, I pack away knits, furs, and other heavy and highly textured materials. For spring, I go light and bright. Floral and ginghams are two options. Light-weight fabrics, such as cotton and linen work really nicely too. This is also a good time to remove any winter blankets from your bed. As the nights get warmer, you simply don’t need them.

Spring Home Textiles - 7 Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home

If your budget allows, you can also change out that dirty and dusty rug under your dining room table, hang new curtains in your guest bedroom, get new dish towels for the kitchen, and even update your bathroom towels. Again, there’s no need or expectation to buy all new things come spring. However, it is a good time to carefully look at things and replace what is worn, ripped, or faded.


Although it will take more effort, paint is an inexpensive way to completely change the look of a room. For under $100 and a couple days of work, you can refresh a space. (Painting can also force you into cleaning and decluttering. Trust me, you will not want dirty stuff hanging out in your newly painted room.)

One point I’d like to make here is be smart about selecting your paint color. If you have the $100 to get paint and supplies, but don’t have extra cash for new furnishings, make sure your new paint color complements your existing decor. A freshly painted room with furnishings that don’t match will defeat the purpose of this process. Be smart.

Spring Home Painting - 7 Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home

Also, paint isn’t limited to your walls. You might have a piece of furniture that would look completely different with a coat of paint. Or maybe you need to touch up painted furniture that’s looking a little rough around the edges. Often it’s simple touches like these that make a space feel new and bright.


One of the things I do on warm and sunny spring days is open all my windows. There’s something about a breeze blowing through my home that instantly makes it feel better. It’s like all the stuffiness and yuckiness of winter is pushed outside, and the rooms can finally breathe again.

Plants for Spring - 7 Spring Decorating Ideas for Your Home

In addition to opening windows, you can use seasonal fragrances. Whether you like candles, essential oils, diffusers, or the natural scents of mother nature, swapping out or adding new ones is a wonderful way to update your home for the season. (One of my personal favorites is the NEST Grapefruit Reed Diffuser.) Cleaning, which is at the top of this list, will also help to give your home a clean and fresh scent.

As you can see, spring decor is more than just new pillows and ceramic bunnies. While there are many ways to refresh your space for the new season, I hope these seven tips help inspire you to start your spring decorating.

What other ways do you change and update your home for spring?

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  1. I really liked what you said about opening all the windows to introduce some spring freshness. My house always feels so much nicer during spring because it’s like a new start. Another thing that would make the house look and feel even better is a small water feature that would go on my table. I think it would really improve my house.

  2. Yay! You mentioned my new “favorite thing” … NEST Grapefruit Reed Diffuser. Just yesterday I refilled my Grapefruit Diffuser. It is super that now you can purchase a 5.9 fl.oz. reed diffuser liquid refill. The refill is only available on the NEST website.

    When next I go to Trader Joe’s I have daffodils on my shopping list.

    So enjoy reading your posts.

    1. It’s from the Joanna Gaines collection with Loloi rugs. I ordered mine through Bed, Bath, and Beyond – but they are available at a variety of retailers.

      xo Michael

  3. Hey Michael, great tips! My favorite thing to do as soon as the temperature increases is to open all of the windows. There is absolutely nothing better than the feeling of fresh air circulating around your home.

  4. I am fairly new to your blog and wow, you never disappoint! You’ve got me motivated to spring clean and de-clutter. I’m always inspired by your posts!

  5. Great ideas, Michael! And aren’t you loving the 60-70 degrees and sunshine we are getting today in our part of the world? I’m from an Akron area suburb so I am ecstatic! I have been decluttering, opening those windows, cleaning, and putting a lot of things aside for charitable donations. I wish you much success with your house hunting. It “ain’t” easy, I know. Hang in there!

  6. Hello,
    This is an excellent post you share here. All your spring home decoration ideas are awesome and unique. I just love your ideas. Thank you for sharing these ideas. Keep sharing new decorative ideas with us.

  7. I love your list especially as spring cleaning doesn’t need to be expensive. Good luck with your house hunting let’s hope you find “the one” really soon Julie

  8. This past week I swapped my living room & bedroom chairs. It ended up giving each room a new feeling.
    I agree with you regarding cleaning the house. The dirt & dust that gets blown out of the air ducts is awful.

  9. Mmmmmm…I LOVE a good spring cleaning. Like a really good, top to bottom, scrubbing sort of cleaning. It just evaporates all the heaviness of winter. Although, those hydrangeas and peonies might do the trick too. Beautiful!