The International Patient Summary key health data, worldwide

IPS Web Editorial Team

The copyright of the content of this website is shared across the participating SDO’s. Of course, each SDO will retain the copyright and ownership on any of the products and documents that they provide in support of the IPS collaboration. Pending a legal mechanism to formally identify joint copyright for the common content and illustrations on this website, the editorial team claims copyright as IPS Web Editorial Team

We do recognise the vast contributions that others across the globe have made to the development of the IPS, so by no means should this team be viewed as the representatives of the IPS standards and specifications, just as the people providing an easy-to-use website for getting to know the IPS.

IPS Web Editorial Team is an unincorporated not-for-profit association having the following members:

IPS Web Editorial Team and its members are affiliated with the members of the Joint Initiative Council for Health Informatics Standardization (JIC) ( in relation to coordination of work to extend and implement the IPS and to promote its use.

IPS Web Editorial Team jointly owns all intellectual property associated with the International Patient Summary (IPS) website at URL:, including:

  • The URL:
  • Copyright in all web pages published on the IPS website
  • Copyright in the International Patient Summary logo
  • Copyright in the International Patient Summary motto

and reserves its rights in respect of all such intellectual property including the exclusive right to use and license the use of the International Patient Summary logo and motto as Trademarks.

Enquiries seeking permission to licence, use, adapt, publish any of the content published on the IPS website should be addressed to [email protected].