Anishinaabe Mino’Ayawiin
– People in Good Health

The Anishinaabe Mino’Ayaawin – People in Good Health is IPHCC’s Approach to Indigenous Cultural Safety. IPHCC recognizes that cultural competency is not limited to simply acquiring knowledge about a culture. The IPHCC’s cultural safety approach accounts for the social and historical contexts, as well as structural and interpersonal power imbalances that shape one’s health experiences. The Anishinaabe Mino’Ayaawin is an approach that integrates cultural awareness, sensitivity, competency, humility, and safety.

Anti-Indigenous racism has profound negative impacts on the health and wellness of Indigenous communities in Ontario and across Canada. To support equitable care for First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, the IPHCC aims to educate the broader health care system through transformative, decolonizing, Indigenous-informed coordinated approaches and strategies.

How IPHCC approaches Indigenous Cultural Safety and Anti-Indigenous Racism in Health Care:

  • Ongoing Curriculum Development and Focused Trainings
  • Customized Information Sessions, Workshops and Webinars
  • Development of Toolkits and Resources
  • Supports Organizational Change Initiatives
  • Relationship Building and Strategic, Collaborative Partnerships

This first course in IPHCC’s Anishinaabe Mino’Ayaawin, Foundations of Indigenous Cultural Safety (ICS) was launched October 27, 2021. Foundations of ICS has been created for individuals working in the health care system to learn the importance of adopting culturally safe and appropriate practices when serving Indigenous clients and patients.



"Having previously completed other ICS trainings, not only was the course content and supplemental information excellent and informative; but I found the format, pace and layout very engaging and easy to navigate!"

– Francophone and Resource Policy Lead, Alliance for Healthier Communities
"I found the format of using real-world patient experiences to introduce and illustrate key concepts to be particularly effective. I would recommend this course to healthcare workers in Ontario."

– Indigenous Project Coordinator, Simcoe Muskoka Regional Cancer Program

What’s to Come

The IPHCC is continuing to develop and advance it’s curriculum, the following trainings are currently in development and will be launching soon!

  • Bioethics; co-designed using the Two-Eyed Seeing approach which aims to equip healthcare workers across all sectors of care with the tools and resources to incorporate Indigenous perspectives and traditional healing strategies within patient care pathways.
  • Organizational Change
  • Traditional Healing
  • Mental Health and Wellness

The IPHCC would like to thank our Knowledge Keeper’s Circle, content experts, Indigenous people with lived experience, and IPHCC members from across Ontario for their contributions to the ongoing development of Anishinaabe Mino’Ayaawin.

All courses within the Anishinaabe Mino’Ayaawin are hosted on IPHCC’s Learning Portal.

To register for the learning portal, contact [email protected]

Visit the Learning Portal

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