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Join the Lawyer Referral Service

The Lawyer Referral Service (LRS) is operated as a public service of the Idaho State Bar. All LRS attorneys are members in good standing with the Idaho State Bar, carry professional liability insurance, and have agreed to provide their referrals with an initial up to half-hour free consultation. The fee for a referral is $35 unless the cases are personal injury, medical malpractice, or workers’ compensation which receive a free referral. After the initial half-hour, any further fees are to be negotiated between the lawyer and client. Not all Idaho State Bar attorneys are members of the LRS service.

How to Join

The public contacts the Idaho Lawyer Referral Service because there is a strong belief the Idaho State Bar understands legal needs and knows Idaho’s attorneys. Connecting people in need with attorneys who can help is one of the most important public services provided by the Bar. As a member of the Idaho Lawyer Referral Service, you are helping us provide an important service to the public. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile program.

To join the Lawyer Referral Service complete the registration form and return it with payment to the Idaho State Bar. If you have questions please contact Andy Getchell or at 208-334-4500. Registration rates are as follows: 0-3 year Bar admittance $75; 4+ year Bar admittance $125. Registration is by calendar year.

As an LRS member, you will agree to provide the client an up to one-half hour consultation at no charge. Any fees incurred after the initial half-hour consultation are between you and the client. After you have met with the client, you will need to log into your portal and complete feedback information on each case. You may log in to the secure online portal at any time to view, update and close your Lawyer Referral Client Files or customize your areas of law, geographical areas of service, and your attorney profile.

Idaho State Bar Lawyer Referral Service Rules – Effective Jan. 1, 2016

Article I. Purpose

The Idaho State Bar (hereafter the ISB) Lawyer Referral Service (hereafter the LRS) shall exist primarily for the benefit of the public. The LRS’s purpose shall be to efficiently provide a good match for paying clients and qualified attorneys.

Article II. Organization

The LRS shall operate under the general supervision of a committee appointed by the ISB Board of Commissioners. The LRS day-to-day business shall be conducted at the ISB office in Boise, Idaho under the supervision of the ISB Executive Director.

Article III. Membership in the LRS

The LRS shall maintain a panel of attorneys listed by city and practice area. On the membership application, each attorney shall designate practice areas in which the attorney is qualified and will accept referrals. Those attorneys choosing bankruptcy, high-conflict family law, and felony criminal matters, an additional agreement must be signed. To be admitted to membership in the LRS, an attorney must:

  1. Be a member of good standing in the ISB and regularly practice in Idaho;
  2. Certify that he/she is competent to handle all areas of law for which he/she applies;
  3. Have in effect, and continue to maintain, professional liability insurance in a minimum amount of $100,000 for the protection of clients;
  4. Agree to charge no fee for a half-hour consultation for clients referred by the LRS;
  5. Abide by all of the rules of the LRS; and
  6. Agree to indemnify and hold harmless the ISB, its officers, members, agents, or employees from any and all claims, expenses, attorney fees, and costs, liability or loss arising from or incurred through any negligence or intentional conduct of the attorney which cause damage, real or alleged, to anyone referred to an attorney by the LRS. In addition, the attorney agrees to waive any and all claims against the ISB, its officers, members, agents, or employees for any or all claims, expenses, attorney fees, and costs, liability, or loss arising from the operation and policies of the LRS including, but not limited to, referral or non-referral of a person or client, denial of or removal from panel membership, and provision of information about the attorney to any person or the clients.
Article IV. Withdrawal/Removal from LRS Membership

An attorney may, at any time, withdraw from participation in the LRS upon written notice to the LRS administrator, addressed to the ISB. The attorney shall not thereby be relieved of the duty to represent any person previously referred by LRS, in accordance with the rules, any pending cases, or any obligation incurred during LRS membership. An attorney’s membership in the LRS may be terminated or suspended for any of the following reasons:

  1. The filing of formal discipline charges by the ISB, as noted in the ISB Resolution No. 80-7;
  2. Failure of an attorney to maintain professional liability insurance in a minimum amount of $100,000 for the protection of clients.

Any attorney’s membership may be terminated or suspended, as determined by the LRS Committee, for the following reasons only after the attorney has reasonable notice of charges against him or her, and an opportunity to respond. Any attorney whose membership in the LRS is terminated or suspended for the following reasons shall have the right to appeal to the ISB Board of Commissioners.

  1. Material misrepresentation of fact on the application for membership;
  2. Failure of an attorney to return any report required by the LRS; and
  3. Failure of an attorney to comply with the rules of the LRS.

The Idaho State Bar (hereafter the ISB) Lawyer Referral Service (hereafter the LRS) shall exist primarily for the benefit of the public. The LRS’s purpose shall be to efficiently provide a good match for paying clients and qualified attorneys.

The LRS shall operate under the general supervision of a committee appointed by the ISB Board of Commissioners. The LRS day-to-day business shall be conducted at the ISB office in Boise, Idaho under the supervision of the ISB Executive Director.

The LRS shall maintain a panel of attorneys listed by city and practice area. On the membership application, each attorney shall designate practice areas in which the attorney is qualified and will accept referrals. Those attorneys choosing bankruptcy, high-conflict family law, and felony criminal matters, an additional agreement must be signed. To be admitted to membership in the LRS, an attorney must:

  1. Be a member of good standing in the ISB and regularly practice in Idaho;
  2. Certify that he/she is competent to handle all areas of law for which he/she applies;
  3. Have in effect, and continue to maintain, professional liability insurance in a minimum amount of $100,000 for the protection of clients;
  4. Agree to charge no fee for a half-hour consultation for clients referred by the LRS;
  5. Abide by all of the rules of the LRS, and;
  6. Agree to indemnify and hold harmless the ISB, its officers, members, agents, or employees from any and all claims, expenses, attorney fees, and costs, liability or loss arising from or incurred through any negligence or intentional conduct of the attorney which cause damage, real or alleged, to anyone referred to the attorney by the LRS. In addition, the attorney agrees to waive any and all claims against the ISB, its officers, members, agents, or employees for any or all claims, expenses, attorney fees, and costs, liability or loss arising from the operation and policies of the LRS including, but not limited to, referral or non-referral of a person or client, denial of or removal from panel membership, and provision of information about the attorney to any person or the clients.
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