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Get to Know Your Digital Marketing Statistics

Laptop sitting on a desk with the screen showing a dashboard with statistics and graphs on it.

The field of marketing is huge, and initially, digital marketing was viewed as its own subsection of marketing, but in today’s heavily digital world, that is no longer the case. Instead, digital marketing is ubiquitous across all fields of marketing. There might still be a few activities that are not purely digital, but it’s hard to find a marketing activity that doesn’t touch a digital channel. For example, you might run an advertisement on an out-of-home billboard or in a print magazine, and both will include your website to visit. Or when a customer makes a purchase in your store, they are able to sign up for a loyalty program using their email. Digital marketing ties all of our activities together and enables us to bring together a lot of data and statistics. Making sense of website stats and digital marketing numbers can be its own challenge, yet it is necessary in order to understand the digital marketing statistics of your business.

In this post, we will cover which digital marketing statistics are important to monitor across all of your website and digital marketing activities. We will also dig a little deeper into how you can analyze specific website stats or content marketing assets to understand your audience and marketing performance.

Digital marketing statistics to know

One of the benefits of marketing in this digital world is all of the data that exists. But sometimes it can be hard to figure out what data to focus on, what data is a distraction, and which numbers will best inform your business and future strategy. With input from the Issuu digital marketing team, we’ve sorted through all of the potential analytics available and outlined key digital marketing stats to watch.

Website visits are the total number of visits to your website each day or other specified period of time.

Unique website visits are the number of unique visitors to your website per day or other specified period of time. This does not include the users who have made multiple visits to your site and is captured in the website visits stat.

Website session duration is how long a user spends on your website. Short sessions mean they probably didn’t find what they were looking for, long sessions can indicate they have shown an interest in your site, but perhaps still didn’t easily find what they were looking for.

Page visits show how many pages a user visited and which pages receive the most traffic.

Traffic source tells you how the user came to your website, was it direct traffic, through Google search, an advertisement, or another source.

Device type denotes the type of device the user visiting your site used — whether it was a desktop, tablet, or mobile.

Page of conversion denotes which page where the user completed the desired action and converted. What qualifies as a conversion will vary depending on what action you are working toward, whether it is completing a purchase, signing up for a service, or submitting an email address.

Bounce rate is determined by calculating the number of single-page views with the total number of web page visits. A bounce is when a user lands on your website but doesn’t interact with the site any further or visit any other pages.

Conversion rate is determined by calculating the rate that a user takes the desired action on the website from the total number of users who visited the site. Again a conversion can vary from making a purchase, scheduling an appointment, signing up for a newsletter, etc.

Revenue is the amount of revenue generated on the website, if applicable.

Track trends in the data

In addition to tracking the individual data points, it’s important to watch for trends in the data. You can do this by comparing various lengths of time or seasonal periods. A week over week comparison is a popular trend to watch along with month over month and then comparing the data year over year.

The trends to look out for include sudden dips in any of the key stats above. Not only do you want to catch downward trends in order to plan actions to address the business loss, but you may uncover errors on your website or reporting due to trends in your marketing stats. Reviewing the trends in your digital marketing statistics will also help you uncover critical details for your business from determining high and low seasons, or audience characteristics such as a high percentage of mobile users, morning or nighttime sessions, and more.

Know your marketing statistics for planning

Once you familiarize yourself with your website’s digital marketing stats, you can start to look for ways you can improve on all of the statistics or maybe just focus on certain stats. For example, if you need to improve the number of website visits, you can look at optimizing your website for search engines by updating the metadata and website copy. Or if you need to increase conversions such as email sign-ups, then focus on optimizing the call to action on the page through copy changes or design updates.

Get to know your own content marketing stats 

Your website statistics are key performance indicators for your business, but so is the performance of the content marketing assets that you are creating in order to generate interest and new leads. It is very helpful to look at your content marketing separately from the rest of your website and digital marketing activities. Content marketing assets can also provide you with insights about which areas of your business might be generating the most interest or indicate areas where your content might need to be improved. Test new ideas through your content marketing to gauge audience interest and once it’s a proven tactic you can incorporate it into your website and other marketing activities.

Issuu offers a full suite of content marketing creation and distribution tools. You can use Issuu to transform your content into beautiful flipbooks, social media stories, mobile-optimized articles, and email graphics. Issuu also includes powerful analytic tools to make data-driven decisions in real-time.

How to Use Issuu Statistics

Map of issuu geographic stats

Issuu’s sophisticated statistics system is designed to provide insight into how people read and engage with your digital content. The numbers are updated every day at midnight UTC for Issuu publishers. In your Issuu account, your statistics are located at in your Publisher Dashboard.

What does each Issuu statistic mean?

Impressions are the number of times that your publication was shown on the Issuu network, whether as a thumbnail in a feed, in search results, or on websites with the content embedded.

Reads are counted when your publication is opened and a user performs an action by flipping the page, zooming, etc., or stays for more than two seconds.

Read Time is counted once the content has loaded for more than two seconds ie. when it is considered a Read. It will be presented in the hours:minutes:seconds format.

Average Time Spent is the Read Time divided by Reads.

Followers are the Issuu users who are following your account. These accounts receive updates when you publish something new on Issuu.

Likes are from Issuu users who have liked your content.

Shares are the number of times that your publication has been shared with the Share button.

Times Stacked is the number of times your content has been added to an Issuu Stack.

Link-Outs are the number of times that link(s) have been clicked on within your content.

What do I do with Issuu statistics?

Issuu statistics is a tool you can use to share vital readership information. For your own team, this is valuable information to figure out what kind of content resonates the most with your audience. Being able to track statistics on Issuu allows you to gather information to improve your publishing content. Issuu statistics can also be used to attract partners and advertisers who might like to know things like reads, link-outs, and other specific page-level information. Issuu statistics are great to use in media kits, planning for your next issue, and your own publishing strategy.

Issuu Statistics Under Our Plans

On Issuu’s Basic (free) and Starter plans, you will have access to only lifetime statistics. This means you can see the all-time statistics from your publications. A more detailed look at statistics at the page and content level is available on Issuu’s Premium plan. With Issuu Premium, you can use Issuu statistics to discover which content you’re publishing is most popular, which pages are being read, which links are being clicked, where your readers are reading from, and how they’re reading your publication. As an Issuu Premium member, you will also enjoy access to all of our most popular features including ad-free display, the ability to embed your content on your website or blog, and a customizable fullscreen sharing experience. 

Data to drive decisions

Don’t be intimated by your marketing data and statistics any longer! Dig into the key stats we’ve outlined and you will be able to understand your business and the areas of opportunity to create new content, generate leads, and drive more conversions!

Join Issuu today, the marketing content and distribution platform that is ready to help you create, enhance, share and most importantly measure your content, campaigns, and digital marketing activities!

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