GGC Student-Athlete Handbook 2021-22

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Appendix C: 2021-2022 GGC Grizzly Student Athlete Handbook

This handbook is intended to provide student athletes with information about Grizzly Intercollegiate Athletics policies and practices, academic resources, and the college and community. Student athletes are expected to become familiar with the contents of the handbook and use the resources identified.


Table of Contents GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................... 3 Athletics Staff Directory ........................................................................................................................ 3 Office of Athletics Statement ................................................................................................................ 4 Office of Athletics Vision ....................................................................................................................... 4 Office of Athletics Mission .................................................................................................................... 4 Athletics Governing Associations .......................................................................................................... 4 Georgia Gwinnett College’s Residence Requirement ........................................................................... 5 THE GRIZZLY STUDENT ATHLETE EXPERIENCE .......................................................................................... 5 Student athlete Responsibility .............................................................................................................. 6 Code of Ethics for Student athletes ...................................................................................................... 6 Substance Abuse Policy for Student athletes ....................................................................................... 7 Dress Code ............................................................................................................................................ 8 Social Media Use ................................................................................................................................... 8 Media & Media Training ....................................................................................................................... 9 Sportsmanship ...................................................................................................................................... 9 Class Attendance ................................................................................................................................. 10 Team Rules .......................................................................................................................................... 10 Athletic Transportation ....................................................................................................................... 10 GRIZZLY ATHLETICS COMPLEX POLICIES AND USAGE INFORMATION .................................................... 10 Grizzly Athletics Complex Contact Information .................................................................................. 10 Grizzly Athletics Complex Hours ......................................................................................................... 11 Athletics Administration Building Policies and Usage......................................................................... 11 Ticket Information............................................................................................................................... 14 STUDENT ATHLETE SERVICES .................................................................................................................. 14 Director of Athletics’ Honor Roll ......................................................................................................... 14 NAIA Champions of Character Initiative ............................................................................................. 15 GRIZZLY Champions Initiative ............................................................................................................. 15 Council of Student Athletes ................................................................................................................ 16 Student Athlete Priority Registration and Advising ............................................................................ 16 Student athlete Exit Survey and Evaluation of Program ..................................................................... 17 NAIA RULES AND REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................. 17 2

Promotional Activities, Commercial Advertisements ......................................................................... 18 Gambling and Bribery ......................................................................................................................... 18 Agents ................................................................................................................................................. 18 Athletic Awards ................................................................................................................................... 19 NAIA Competitive Experience ............................................................................................................. 19 Practice Related Activities................................................................................................................... 21 NAIA Academic Eligibility .................................................................................................................... 21 Athletics Grant-In-Aid ......................................................................................................................... 22 FINANCIAL AID POLICIES AND PROCEDURES .......................................................................................... 25 Athletic Scholarships ........................................................................................................................... 25 Renewal of Financial Aid ..................................................................................................................... 25 Appeals Procedure .............................................................................................................................. 25 Financial Aid from Outside Sources .................................................................................................... 26 Book Scholarships ............................................................................................................................... 27 Out of State Waivers ........................................................................................................................... 27 SPORTS MEDICINE PROGRAM ................................................................................................................ 29 Office of Athletics Responsibility for Medical Services ....................................................................... 29 Injury Reporting Procedures ............................................................................................................... 29 Emergency Treatment ........................................................................................................................ 29 Injury ................................................................................................................................................... 30 Treatment & Rehabilitation Programs ................................................................................................ 30 Medical Second-Opinion Policy (Medical Referral Policy) .................................................................. 30 Training Room ..................................................................................................................................... 31 Health Insurance ................................................................................................................................. 31 Medical Bills ........................................................................................................................................ 32 Physical Examination........................................................................................................................... 33 Drug Testing ........................................................................................................................................ 34 STUDENT ATHLETE SIGNATURE FORM ................................................................................................... 36

GENERAL INFORMATION Athletics Staff Directory 3

AREA CODE (678) Office of Athletics Statement All student-athletes at Georgia Gwinnett College must first and foremost adhere to all policies and procedures outlined in the GGC Student Handbook. Please refer to the Student Handbook for GGC’s mission and vision as well as a comprehensive description of College policies. There are additional responsibilities and expectations that accompany being a student-athlete at Georgia Gwinnett College, which are outlined in the following sections of this document. The Georgia Gwinnett College Office of Athletics is committed to providing an environment that is conducive to academic and athletic success. The Office of Athletics takes pride in student athletes who strive to reach their career goals through personal development, pursuit of an academic degree, and athletic achievement. Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to the goals of the NAIA and the “Champions of Character” program. Georgia Gwinnett College student athletes are expected to represent the college as ambassadors and leaders, both oncampus and within the community. Office of Athletics Vision To be the model NAIA intercollegiate athletics program. Office of Athletics Mission To develop lifelong leaders of character through academic and athletic excellence. Athletics Governing Associations National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) In the NAIA: • A dedication to leadership development is balanced with sports accomplishment. • A trailblazer in providing equal opportunity for all student athletes. • An expectation of ethical behavior, fairness in competition, access to athletic scholarship, sportsmanship and leadership development. • At the core of all of this — character. NAIA National Office: Mailing address and location: 1200 Grand Blvd. Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: 816-595-8000 Intercollegiate Teams at Georgia Gwinnett College: Men’s Sports: Baseball, Soccer, and Tennis 4

Women’s Sports: Softball, Soccer, and Tennis Georgia Gwinnett College’s Residence Requirement The following residence policy applies to those that apply to GGC after September 1, 2013. Those that apply to GGC prior to September 1, 2013 are exempt from this policy. Georgia Gwinnett College has established a residence policy for freshmen and transfer students who transfer in less than 30 semester hours. This policy requires such students to live in campus housing. In addition, this policy is designed to enrich your education, assist in fostering relationships on campus with other students, faculty and staff and enhance your academic success. The campus residence requirement does not apply to you if you: • Live with and commute daily from the legal residence of your parent(s), grandparent(s), or legal guardian within Gwinnett County or one of the neighboring counties: DeKalb, Walton, Hall, Fulton, Forsyth, Barrow, Rockdale, Newton, Cobb, Henry, Clayton, and Jackson; or • Have active military status. You may be exempt from the campus residence requirement if: • You reach the age of 21 prior to the first day of classes of your first term of enrollment, • You are married, divorced, have legal dependents or are the sole caregiver, • You can show independent financial status, or • You have demonstrated unique hardship. Any request for an exemption must be made to the Student Appeals Committee via the online appeals form at least one month prior to the start of the semester in which you intend to enroll. Each request must be fully documented, reviewed and is subject to approval at the sole discretion of the College.

THE GRIZZLY STUDENT ATHLETE EXPERIENCE The decision to participate in intercollegiate athletics at Georgia Gwinnett College brings with it special academic obligations and responsibilities in addition to those required of other college students. The student athlete is subject to adhere to all academic eligibility rules of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), and Georgia Gwinnett College. The student athlete is, first and foremost, a student and is expected to strive for and obtain an academic degree in four years at Georgia Gwinnett College. The Office of Athletics’ main interest is the general welfare and academic achievement of every student athlete. The Office of Athletics provides programming to assist student athletes to meet their academic goals and ensure a quality educational experience at the college. The student athlete is required to communicate on a regular basis with academic advisors and instructors regarding academic 5

concerns and progress, and classes missed due to athletic participation. Student athletes are responsible for making positive choices and decisions regarding their personal and academic life. The student athlete is not only representing the community and the College but ultimately themselves. The Office of Athletics encourages each student- athlete to act as a responsible adult in their pursuit of becoming a successful Georgia Gwinnett College graduate. Student athlete Responsibility Student athletes are subject to additional NAIA, Georgia Gwinnett College, and Office of Athletics, and team policies during their tenure at Georgia Gwinnett College. Student athletes are responsible to acquaint themselves with the rules and regulations of each unit and when concerns or questions arise to take the initiative and get answers. Georgia Gwinnett College and the Office of Athletics will have orientation sessions to familiarize student athletes with major policies and procedures during the fall of each academic year. Code of Ethics for Student athletes • • • • • •

The purpose of intercollegiate athletics is to provide an opportunity for student athletes to develop their potential as a skilled athlete in an educational setting. Student athletes will be looked upon as role models, particularly by young children, and it is important that personal conduct be above reproach at all times. Public exposure in the competitive arena and the media make student athletes one of the most visible groups in the community. Student athletes are often highlighted, placing one in a public position, which requires exemplary behavior. Georgia Gwinnett College student athletes are responsible for their own behavior. They are expected to obey the laws, rules, and regulations of local law enforcement and if violated to be prepared for the penalties that may be imposed. Behavior has an impact on the reputation of the athletics department and the attitude the community may take toward the athletics program. Conduct will be closely scrutinized in the classroom, in competition, and while traveling.

Hazing Georgia law prohibits hazing and Georgia Gwinnett College does not condone hazing in any form. Hazing is defined as any intentional, negligent or reckless action, activity or situation that causes or has the potential to cause another pain, embarrassment, ridicule or harassment, regardless of the individual’s willingness to participate. Any student-athlete found to have engaged in hazing as defined in this statement shall be in violation of Georgia Gwinnett College Office of Athletic policy and Student Code of Conduct and may also be in violation of the State statute. GGC student-athletes must report all incidents of hazing to their head coach, Director of Athletics, or Office of Student Integrity. Incidents of hazing will follow GGC’s student integrity 6

process. Furthermore, the Office of Athletics retains the right to add additional sanctions if deemed necessary. For more information regarding Hazing and GGC’s investigation process please refer to GGC’s student code of conduct 4.6.5 (13) Substance Abuse Policy for Student athletes The use of controlled substances (narcotics, marijuana, stimulants, etc.), and the abuse of alcohol by student athletes, will adversely affect their academic performance, athletic achievements and personal well-being. Student athletes who abuse controlled substances put themselves, their teammates and the program at risk. For these reasons, Georgia Gwinnett College Athletics does not tolerate substance abuse, the use of any substance banned by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), underage drinking or the inappropriate use of alcohol. Participation in intercollegiate athletics at Georgia Gwinnett College is optional; however, student athletes who refuse to consent to drug screening under this policy, or refuse to participate in substance abuse prevention educational programs, will not be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics at Georgia Gwinnett College. The Office of Athletics is committed to enhancing the life of every student athlete who comes to our campus and chooses to participate in our athletic program. Georgia Gwinnett College Athletics believes that a strong substance abuse prevention education and a drug-screening program are essential in the protection of student athletes from the harmful effects of drug and alcohol abuse. Alcohol Alcoholism is a progressive disorder that often leads to serious physical and psychological illnesses as well as unacceptable social behavior. Any student athlete who chooses to consume alcohol will be held accountable for any alcohol related incident in which he/she is involved, whether there are legal implications or not. If a student athlete is involved in an alcohol related incident with legal implications under campus, state, or federal laws, he or she will be subjected to the same or similar sanctions as those for a positive drug test. If a student athlete is involved in an obvious alcohol related incident that is without legal implications, the head coach, director of athletics, and head athletic trainer will determine if the circumstances warrant counseling intervention and/or any additional sanctions. Tobacco NAIA legislation prohibits the use of tobacco products by all athletes, coaches, athletic trainers, managers, and officials, in all sports during practice and competition. The use of smoke and smokeless tobacco is prohibited in all Georgia Gwinnett College buildings. Use of tobacco products is also prohibited in all GGC practices, games, College vehicles and during College sponsored travel. Violators of this policy are subject to disciplinary 7

sanctions by the head coach, and/or athletic director. Dress Code GGC Intercollegiate Athletics places emphasis on cleanliness, neatness, appropriate attire, respectable appearance, and appropriate personal hygiene. As personal appearance is a direct reflection on you and GGC, take an interest in how you appear, especially when traveling with your team. The dress code for each team will vary. Your head coach will let you know their expectations of appropriate dress. You should always exercise good judgment concerning the appropriateness of your attire. You are a highly visible representative of Georgia Gwinnett College and thus are responsible for using good judgment in your personal appearance. Social Media Use As a matter of policy, GGC does not actively monitor the content of social networking sites. However, content found on the internet (Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, etc.) that violates college policy, including the Student Code of Conduct, will be subject to disciplinary action. Student athletes should not post pictures showing alcohol or drug involvement or have anything that reflects negatively on their team, the office of Athletics or the College. Student athletes doing so could face suspension, dismissal and the loss of athletic scholarship.


Media & Media Training From time to time, student athletes may be asked to represent Grizzly Athletics and the team for which they compete among the media, after sporting events, as subjects of a feature story or at other public appearances. Any media or interview requests that student athletes receive must be relayed to their coaches and Athletics media relations personnel. Athletics communications personnel work closely with the GGC Office of Public Relations to coordinate strategic messaging for the college. Student athletes are free to seek consultation from Athletics media relations staff and/or team coaches in preparation for interviews or appearances. Student athletes may occasionally be contacted over the phone by media personnel or interviewed after practice or games as arranged by Athletics media relations personnel. The Athletics administration reserves the right to hold training sessions with teams or individuals as it relates to representing Grizzly Athletics and Georgia Gwinnett College in a public manner. Sportsmanship Georgia Gwinnett College is committed to ensuring that fans, spectators, staff, and studentathletes behave in a sportsmanlike manner, especially at intercollegiate athletic contests. Unsportsmanlike conduct shall subject the individual to disciplinary action, which can include removal from the playing facility or area. Additionally it is our goal to ensure that (a) both teams in a contest be allowed to prepare and to compete in a safe environment, (b) that the contest be conducted in a manner that discourages spectators or other unofficial persons from disrupting or interfering with the event; and (c) that visiting spectators be permitted to support their team as a group, free from interference and intimidation from home fans. GGC Intercollegiate Athletics personnel reserve the right to remove any person from an athletic contest if there is reasonable suspicion that the person is a threat to the health and safety or other spectators, student athletes, personnel, coaches, officials, or themselves. Examples of Unsportsmanlike conduct subject to disciplinary action include but are not limited to: • • • •

Striking or attempting to strike or otherwise physically abuse an official, opposing coach, staff, administrator, spectator, student, or student athlete. Intentionally, or with careless disregard for one’s conduct, inciting participants or spectators to violent or abusive action. Using obscene gestures or profane or unduly provocative language or action, whether or not directed toward an official, staff, administrator, student, coach, or spectator. Publicly and unduly criticizing a game official, game personnel, another college or university, a student athlete or personnel from another college or university.


Class Attendance Student athletes should take into consideration practice and game schedules when scheduling classes. Student athletes are required to attend all classes unless an absence is due to athletic competition or travel. Student athletes are not permitted to miss class for practices, fundraisers, or any other practice related activities. Punctuality, respectfulness, and preparedness are all mandatory for GGC student athletes when attending classes. At the beginning of each semester, the Office of Athletics will send a travel excuse form to each of the student athlete’s professors notifying them of the dates and times of athletic travel and competition. Please note that student athletes are expected to communicate with their professors to know what policies each individual instructor follows for dealing with student absences as well as reminding them of the day/s they are to miss class throughout the semester. Additionally, it is the student athletes’ responsibility to make arrangements ahead of time, to make up missed tests, assignments, etc. Team Rules Student athletes have a responsibility to adhere to team rules as provided by the head coach and the Office of Athletics. These rules are important and can affect the status of a student athlete, i.e., suspension or dismissal from team. All decisions directly related to team performance, i.e., playing time, position, traveling squad, training, curfew, appearance, and conduct are the responsibility of the head coach. Athletic Transportation Each student athlete is required to travel with their teammates to and from all activities. Prior written permission must be obtained from the head coach and director of athletics for any exceptions to this policy. This process is necessary because of legal and liability issues designed to protect the student athlete and Georgia Gwinnett College. The transportation mode for Georgia Gwinnett College athletic teams is either on bus or van. It is prohibited for a student- athlete to drive any vehicles that transports team members. Also tobacco, illegal drugs and alcohol products are not allowed in buses or vans under any circumstance. This rule applies to coaches, staff, student assistants and trainers as well.

GRIZZLY ATHLETICS COMPLEX POLICIES AND USAGE INFORMATION Grizzly Athletics Complex Contact Information Georgia Gwinnett College 1000 University Center Ln Lawrenceville, Ga. 30043 10

Grizzly Athletics Complex 1030 Collins Hill Rd Lawrenceville, Ga. 30043 PHONE: (678) 407-5275 / FAX: (678) 407-5671 Grizzly Athletics Complex Hours Athletics Administration Building Hours Monday-Friday 7:30 am and closes at 5:00 pm. *Access to the Grizzly Athletics Complex outside of business hours is permitted with a valid Claw Card. All student athletes should maintain a valid claw card for access to approved areas and locker rooms. See Athletics Operations and Facility Manager for any claw card issues. Training Room Hours Monday -Friday 7:00 am – 10:30 am 12:00 pm- 5:00 pm Weight Room Hours Monday -Friday 7:00 am – 12:00 pm 12:00 pm- 1:00 pm (Athletics Staff Only) 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm Study Lounge Hours Monday – Thursday 7:30 am - 10:00 pm

Friday 7:30 am – 5:00 pm

Athletics Administration Building Policies and Usage • • • •

All building doors should remain closed and locked if applicable. Inside and outside doors should never be propped open for any reason. All student athletes should enter and exit the building through the back door (located by the 3rd base dugout at the baseball field). No cleats should ever be worn in the building. Athletes should not be in the equipment area unless accompanied by a coach.

Team Meeting Rooms Access to the Team Meeting Rooms are controlled. Student athlete usage is restricted to team 11

functions. All student athletes must seek approval from Athletics administration before utilizing the space in any capacity. Hospitality Suite Usage Access to the Athletics Hospitality Suite is controlled. Student athlete usage is restricted to team functions. All student athletes must seek approval from Athletics administration before utilizing the space in any capacity. Laundry Room Usage • Athletes will be assigned laundry duties by their coach or assistant coach. Any special instructions (example: game jerseys hung or machine dried) should be determined by each coach. • No one should put another teams uniforms in a drier without inquiring about the instructions for that team. • Each team is provided a rolling laundry bin that can be used to transport uniforms to and from the dressing rooms. • There are three hanging racks available for drying. These can be used to transport uniforms to dressing rooms but should then be returned to the equipment area. • No personal clothes are to be washed or dried under any circumstances. • See Athletics Operations and Facility Manager for any questions regarding the laundry area. Student Athlete Study Lounge • Loud talking, yelling, profanity, or horseplay will not be tolerated. • Respect others by doing your work quietly, without disturbing anyone in the study lounge. Do not disrupt those who are trying to study. • If you need to communicate, talk softly. • Computers may be used any time while in the study lounge; however, they may not be used to visit inappropriate sites. Inappropriate use of the computer will result in being removed from the lounge. • Headphones/ear buds may be used while in the study lounge; however, the music level must be kept to a minimum so as not to disrupt fellow students. • Usage of cell phones for incoming and outgoing calls is prohibited; however, text messaging is allowed. • Hats, stocking caps, head wear etc. may NOT be worn inside of the building. • Food is NOT permitted while in the student athlete lounge. Drinks are permitted. • Tobacco products of any kind are NOT allowed in the study lounge or in the athletics building at any time. Training Room • The athletic training room is a medical facility and should be treated as such.


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No one is permitted in the athletic training room without proper supervision by an athletic training staff member. ALL injuries should be reported to the athletic trainer at the time of the injury no matter how minor the injury. If you have ANY restrictions during practice, you are required to report to morning treatment on a daily basis. The training room will NOT be an excuse for being late to class or practice. Appropriate dress is required in the athletic training room. Shirts and shorts must be worn. Cleats or spikes are not allowed in the training room at any point. Shoes are not permitted on the treatment tables. Cell phones, equipment, bags or food and drinks are NOT permitted in the training room. Tobacco, chewing or snuff is not allowed. In-season sports will receive the first priority. Please arrive at least an hour before practice time to receive treatment. The athletic training room operates on a first-come first-serve basis. Come early if you want to avoid the rush. Appropriate treatment for any and all musculoskeletal injuries will be decided upon only by your athletic trainer. When necessary, the team physician will be involved. Nothing will be taken from the training room without permission from the athletic trainer. Return all equipment (wraps, slings, crutches etc.) as directed. No athlete will be allowed to give self-treatment. Treatments are only to be given by the certified athletic trainer. Make sure you sign in. No lounging, horseplay, loitering, socializing or swearing will be allowed in the training room. Athletic training room towels are for training room use only and will not be used outside the athletic training room. After practice, take a shower before receiving any treatment. Please be prompt and keep all appointment times. You are responsible for getting your taping or treatments done in time for all meetings and practices. Show respect to all staff members, and we will return the favor. Any athletes found not conforming to these policies will be refused treatment, asked to leave, and reported to the coach for appropriate discipline.

Weight Room Grizzly Athletics apparel is required to be worn in the weight room at all times • • •

No other college/high school/pro attire will be permitted! Weight room use is not permitted without Athletics Staff supervision Shirts, shorts/pants and closed toe/heel shoes are required to use the weight room 13

• • • • • • • • •

No cleats or dirty shoes are allowed in the weight room. Keep an extra pair of clean workout shoes in your locker for weight room use Water bottles are the only food or drink allowed in the weight room at any time All of your personal items, including backpacks, bags, purses and phones should be placed inside your personal lockers in your Team Locker Room. This is to avoid weight room clutter and any damage to your personal items Wipe down and clean all equipment you have used with cleaning supplies when you are finished. Place equipment back where you found it, in its original spot Re-rack weights in their correct place on the weight stands when finished Vacate machines in between sets so that we can optimize the utilization of all equipment Safety collars must be used on Olympic bars at all times. Use a spotter at all times Weights MAY NOT be removed from the weight room unless otherwise instructed Do not adjust any settings or channels on the televisions

Parking information • All students must park in the student parking area. • To maximize space students should park side by side without leaving gaps which will allow for more parking availability. • Students should enter and exit through the opening toward the back of the staff lot. • Be aware that spots behind the softball fence are marked “park at your own risk” so if you choose to park behind the fields GGC Athletics is not liable for any damages that may occur. • While parking please do not block the softball shed doors. • Student athletes may also park in the parking deck when student parking area is full. • At no time should student athletes park in the spaces that are marked for staff. Parking tickets will be enforced strictly. Ticket Information All student athletes’ receive FREE admission to all home regular season contests with a valid Claw Card. Friends and/or family (that do not have a valid Claw card) and who accompany the student athlete (road together and parked inside the Grizzly Athletics Complex), must still purchase tickets to each home contest. Tickets for friends and/or family members may be purchased at the ticket gate prior to each contest. For information regarding tickets please visit Grizzly Tickets.

STUDENT ATHLETE SERVICES Director of Athletics’ Honor Roll The Director of athletics’ Honor Roll consists of student athletes who have a semester GPA of 3.0 or higher. These student athletes will be recognized for their academic performance each 14

semester. NAIA Champions of Character Initiative Since its inception in 1937, the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics has been a trailblazer in issues related to career development through sport as it relates to society. Such is the case again with the creation of the Champions of Character Initiative. In recent years, our society has gotten away from the true meaning of competition. Thus, the NAIA felt it appropriate to re-establish this meaning at the present time with its member institutions, coaches and players serving as examples, advocates and most importantly, “Champions of Character.” Student athletes, coaches and administrators will be expected to model this initiative by: • • • • •

Respecting opponents, officials, teammates, coaches and the game itself Taking responsibility for their own actions in all areas of their lives Having the integrity to stand by their word Providing servant leadership where they serve others, while striving to be both a personal and team leader Being an example of sportsmanship by holding themselves to the highest standards of fair play.

All GGC student athletes are required to complete and return the Champions of Character Form. GRIZZLY Champions Initiative The GRIZZLY Champions Initiative program is the over-arching program that reflects our commitment to invest in the lives of Georgia Gwinnett College student athletes in such a way as to foster an environment in which the student athlete takes ownership of their unique opportunity to compete in their chosen sport as well as understanding the academic, personal, and social responsibilities that come with being a collegiate student athlete. Our student athletes are excelling in the classroom, in the community and in competition, and the mission of the Office of Athletics to ensure that all student athletes continue to develop as champions and become true servant leaders. When we succeed in our mission, the student athletes from Georgia Gwinnett College will ultimately become champions for a lifetime. The three pillars that guide the GRIZZLY Champions Initiative program are as follows: • •

Champions in the Classroom Develop leaders who serve as role models in the classroom and in the community. Champions in the community GGC’s student athletes demonstrate that being a true champion is also measured by what you do for others. 15

Champions in competition Georgia Gwinnett College student athletes are already making its mark in the NAIA by winning National Championships, World Series games, and National Tournament appearances. In addition, several of our GGC’s coaches have been recognized with in conference, Regional and National awards.

How do we accomplish this? To accomplish this task, we have several programs and services available to produce this championship culture: • Council for Student Athletes • Student Athlete Success Services • Champions of Character program • Student Athlete Career Services • Grizzly Leadership Institute Council of Student Athletes The Council of Student Athletes at Georgia Gwinnett College is comprised of two members from each sponsored intercollegiate sport. Student athletes are nominated by their respective head coach. These nominations are forwarded to the SCA sponsor for the initial interview and then on to the Director of Athletics for final approval. Committee members are selected based upon their leadership potential, their academic and athletic success, and their willingness to serve their fellow student athletes for the advancement of their sport, as well as the entire athletics program. Committee members will serve one full year and may be re-nominated by their coach for one additional year. Committee members are expected to take their responsibility seriously, attend the meetings on a regular basis, and be an active participant. Committee members should be knowledgeable not only of their sport but also of the other sports sponsored by the college and also be willing to learn about the overall operations of our intercollegiate athletics program. Committee members should always hold themselves to a high standard and should always emphasize academic success, character, citizenship, and sportsmanship. Any committee member that fails to uphold the high standard of this position will be asked to resign and be replaced by another student athlete from that respective sport. The committee will meet a minimum of one time a month and more often if needed. Although there will be no restrictions on the discussions held at the meeting with the exception of personnel matters or other matters that deal directly with an individual student athlete and their coach, the meetings should always be focused on what the committee can do to improve the intercollegiate experience of our student athletes and to assist with the success of our total sports program. Student Athlete Priority Registration and Advising Student athletes with athletic eligibility remaining will be able to participate in student athlete 16

registration. Student athlete registration will be assigned each semester by the GGC Registrar. In order to register during the student athlete registration period, you are required to complete the following steps: •

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All students must meet with their mentor prior to registering for classes. You can find out who your mentor is by logging in to your Banner account and click on "Student and Financial Aid." Select "View Student Record" and then click on "Student Information." Your mentor is listed as your Primary Advisor. Meet with the Assistant Athletic Director for Compliance and Academics to go over class options and to ensure athletic eligibility. Once this requirement is fulfilled, your athletic hold will be moved so that you can participate in priority registration. Clear all holds prior to registration days.

Please understand that the mentors assist in scheduling courses so as to fulfill the requirements of the degree program and your athletic advisor reviews courses to ensure athletic eligibility. Nevertheless, it remains my responsibility to understand the requirements of the degree, to understand your athletic eligibility status, and to register for the appropriate courses. While the mentors and the athletic advisors can be an invaluable resource, final decisions about choice of major, courses to register for, and fulfillment of all graduation requirements belong to you. Student athlete Exit Survey and Evaluation of Program Each year the Office of Athletics conducts an exit survey with each of its graduating student athletes in order to solicit feedback that will enable us to improve and enhance the experience for those who follow. The purpose of the interview is to find out how student athletes perceive their experience at the institution. The actual responses on the exit survey will be kept confidential, to be read only by the Director of Athletics, Senior Woman Administrator, and the Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR). The information obtained from the exit surveys will be used to help determine the strengths and weaknesses of the GGC athletic programs and to help decide where changes and/or improvements should be made. Your perceptions and comments are important to us.

NAIA RULES AND REGULATIONS Each year prior to participation in intercollegiate competition, a team meeting will be held, and athletes will receive a copy of the "Summary of NAIA Regulations." Student athletes will be required to do the following: • • •

Submit information relating to eligibility. Give written consent to disclose education records to an authorized representative. Give written permission to be tested for drugs.

Failure to complete and sign the statement annually will result in ineligibility for participation in 17

all intercollegiate competition. Promotional Activities, Commercial Advertisements Student athletes are prohibited from participating in promotional activities, and commercial advertisements. Under NO circumstances can a student athlete promote the sale of a commercial product. Any questions regarding these activities should be directed to the director of athletics or the Office of Athletics Compliance Office. Gambling and Bribery NAIA membership committees have adopted specific rules prohibiting athletics department staff members and student athletes from engaging in gambling activities as they relate to intercollegiate or professional sporting events. Particularly, gambling related to sports sponsored by the NAIA is prohibited. Listed below are the responsibilities of the student athlete and athletics staff members with respect to gambling and bribery. • • • • • •

Never accept money, gifts or favors in exchange for supplying team information or for attempting to alter the outcome of a contest. Never provide information to individuals involved in organized gambling activities concerning intercollegiate athletic competition. Never solicit a bet on any intercollegiate team. Never accept a bet on any team representing the institution. Never solicit or accept a bet on any intercollegiate competition for any item (e.g., money, clothing, dinner, etc.) that has tangible value. Never participate in any gambling activity that involves intercollegiate athletics or professional athletics, through a bookmaker, a parlay card or any other method employed by organized gambling.

Violation of Gambling Policy: Any prospective or enrolled student athlete that is found in violation of this policy shall be ineligible for further intercollegiate competition. Agents Should a student athlete or parents be contacted by an agent, instruct the agent to contact the Office of Athletics. Under no circumstances can a student athlete enter into an agreement with an agent (either orally or in writing) to represent them in future sport negotiations. If the student athlete does enter into an agreement with an agent while they still have eligibility left, the student athlete will be declared ineligible for all NAIA sports (not just the sport for which an 18

agreement was arranged). Athletic Awards Awards received during the academic year shall be in accordance with NAIA Bylaws and their subsequent types of awards. Problems arise when student athletes accept awards when they either compete on their own or outside of the school's academic year. For example, when a student competes in an event while not enrolled as a regular student during the academic year, the award shall conform to the regulations of the recognized amateur organization(s) associated with the event. During the academic year, if a student athlete competes in an individual event (not a team event, which is expressly prohibited) and thus counts the event as a part of the allotted matches or contests the student athlete cannot accept any gift certificates and/or merchandise items that cannot be properly personalized. The only thing a student athlete may receive during the academic year is a trophy. Note: At no time can a student athlete receive any of the following: • Cash or equivalent. • Country club or sports club membership. • Transfer of the non-permissible awards, i.e. cannot turn the certificate over to a friend, parent, etc. NAIA Competitive Experience For the purpose of evaluating competitive experiences to determine whether participation constitutes a season of competition, the NAIA Competitive Experience Committee has developed a series of evaluative criteria for both team sports and individual sports. These criteria are used by the NAIA Eligibility Center as well as NAIA institutions in determining whether a particular competitive experience outside of the collegiate setting is countable towards a season of competition for a student athlete. All determinations are subject to review by the NAIA Competitive Experience Committee. Team sports The evaluative criteria for team sports are as follows: A particular level or type of competition in a given 12-month period will be considered countable competition if any one or more of the following criteria apply: • Rosters that regularly include individuals who would be considered professionals under NAIA rules. • Rosters that regularly include at least 25% of individuals who have participated in intercollegiate athletics at U.S. four-year colleges or universities. • Regular competition against professional teams or teams that regularly include at least 10% of individuals who would be considered professionals under NAIA rules. 19

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Regular competition against teams that regularly include at least 25% of individuals who have participated in intercollegiate athletics at U.S. four-year colleges or universities. Use of contracts that outline certain players’ commitments to participate on a given team or in a given league (not including insurance or liability forms). Reimbursement of travel and/or lodging expenses for selected participants. National team participation

If none of those conditions apply, competition will be evaluated for application of additional criteria. A particular level or type of competition in a given 12-month period will be considered countable competition if any two or more of the following criteria apply: • Selectivity [e.g., tryouts, recruitment activities (including but not limited to use of funds for recruiting)] in determining team rosters, versus open enrollment. • Regular involvement of coaches with levels of training and/or experience equivalent to that of coaches employed at NAIA member institutions. • Numbers of regularly scheduled contests or dates of competition equivalent to (or greater than) 50% of NAIA contest limitations. Individual sports The evaluative criteria for individual sports are as follows: In individual sports, competition by an individual in a given 12-month period is considered countable if any one or more of the following circumstances apply: • The individual competes as a member of a national team • The individual competes in Olympic-level competition • The individual competes as a member of a club or team that regularly includes individuals who would be considered professionals under NAIA rules • The individual competes as a member of a club or team that regularly includes at least 25% of individuals who have participated in intercollegiate athletics at U.S. four-year colleges or universities • The individual competes as a member of a club or team that uses contracts that outline certain competitors’ commitments to participate (not including insurance or liability forms). Competition by an individual in a given 12-month period also is considered countable if, during that 12-month period, the individual competes on at least three occasions in an event, level or type of competition in which any one or more of the following criteria apply: • Competition regularly includes individuals who would be considered professionals under NAIA rules. • Competition regularly includes at least 25% of individuals who have participated in intercollegiate athletics at U.S. four-year colleges or universities. • Competition regularly includes use of contracts that outline certain competitors’ commitments to participate (not including insurance or liability forms). 20

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Competition regularly includes reimbursement of travel and/or lodging expenses for selected participants. Competitors are eligible to participate based on tryouts or performance-based qualification standards (e.g., time, distance, handicap, ranking), versus open enrollment.

Practice Related Activities Practice is: • An activity organized and/or directed by an identified member of the coaching staff of that sport in which appropriate equipment is used or instruction and/or evaluation of the athlete takes place. • An alumni contest is considered to be an “in house” event and shall be treated the same as an internal practice. Practice is not: • A conditioning and weight-training activity that does not utilize equipment associated with a sport. • A college activities class involving the teaching of sports skills that is open to all students will not be considered practice. NAIA Academic Eligibility If a student athlete does not meet the following requirements, he or she will not be eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Therefore, these requirements are critical to your continued athletic participation. If you have questions, please ask your coach or contact the office of compliance or the Faculty Athletic Representative. All student athletes must meet minimum academic, athletic and conduct standards in order to be eligible to participate on any intercollegiate team at Georgia Gwinnett College. The following is a checklist which will help insure your eligibility to participate in intercollegiate sports. If you have any questions, please see the office of athletics compliance or the Faculty Athletic Representative immediately. Incoming Freshmen 1. An entering freshman student must be a graduate of an accredited high school or be accepted as a regular student in good standing as defined by the enrolling institution. 2. An entering freshman student must meet two of the three entry level requirements: 1. A minimum score of 18 on the ACT or 860 on the SAT. 2. An overall high school grade point average of 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. 3. Graduate in the upper half of the student’s high school graduating class. Transfer Students If you are a transfer student from another college, see the office of athletics compliance with all previous college transcripts immediately. 21

Enrollment In order to participate in intercollegiate competition, you must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours during your season. Do not drop or withdrawal from classes without consulting your coach or the office of athletics compliance beforehand. Terms of Attendance Student athletes must use their athletic eligibility (4 seasons of competition per sport) within the first 10 semesters of full time enrollment. Enrollment in 12 hours or more is considered a full time semester for NAIA eligibility rules. Summer Attendance Summer school attendance does not count towards your 10 full time semesters of enrollment; but can be used to satisfy eligibility requirements. A maximum of 12 summer hours can be added to the previous full time semester hours in order to satisfy the 24 hour rule. Progress Rules Incoming freshman must pass 9 hours in order to compete during the 2nd semester of the freshman year. To be eligible for a second season of competition, 24 credit hours must have been accumulated during the previous two full time semesters; for a third season of competition the student athlete needs to have accumulated 48 credit hours and 72 credit hours to compete in a 4th season of competition with 48 hours going towards a major. GPA Rule Upon entering a third season of competition through your final season of competition, you must have at least a 2.0 institutional GPA in order to be eligible to compete. Repeat Classes A repeated course which has been previously passed and counted toward the 9hr, 12hr, or 24hr rule may not be used again to satisfy any of the progress rules for future eligibility purposes. It is the student athlete’s responsibility to ensure that he or she is not in a repeated course for a given semester at GGC unless otherwise approved. If taking a repeated course is necessary, the student athlete is expected to communicate this with his or her athletic academic advisor upon enrolling in the course. It is expected that all student athletes be cognizant of their academic history and degree progress at GGC at all times. Athletics Grant-In-Aid Athletics grant-in-aid awards are recommended by each coach, approved by the director of athletics and issued by the Financial Aid office. These awards are categorized as follows: • Tuition and Fees • Room and Board • Books 22

Student athletes who have a balance on their accounts must be prepared to pay prior to registration. Pre-registration fees are to be paid on a date announced by the Student Accounts Office. Please note that students will be dropped from all classes if fees are not paid on time. If you are on an athletics scholarship that covers the entire cost of your tuition and your classes are dropped, you should contact the Financial Aid Office or the Office of Athletics Compliance immediately.

GGC ATHLETICS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Team Activity Participation Regulations In order to participate in team activities (practice, conditioning, weight training, film sessions, team meetings, walkthrough drills, and individual skills workouts involving a member of the coaching staff), all student athletes must meet the following requirements: • Be enrolled in a minimum of 6 semester hours; (a student may be enrolled in less than 6 hours if he or she is in their last semester before graduation). • Have received a final determination (eligible or ineligible) from the NAIA Eligibility Center; o 1st time GGC student athletes will have until the following dates to receive a final determination from the NAIA Eligibility Center before having to stop participating in team activities:  Fall Semester: September 15th  Spring Semester: February 15th Exception: If the NAIA Eligibility Center has received all required documents and the determination says “Review in progress – no additional info needed at this time”, then the student may continue/begin participating in team activities. Any other determinations (i.e. profile submitted, pending, not completed, review in progressmore information requested, etc.), shall not satisfy this regulation. • Provide proof of medical insurance which covers intercollegiate athletic injuries. • Must have an approved physical examination rendered by a licensed M.D. prior to any athletic participation. • Must have signed the NAIA Certificate of Clearance • Must have read and signed the Student Athlete Handbook • Must have read and signed the FERPA form Graduation Sash Graduating student athletes have the opportunity to receive a student athlete Graduation Sash, which they are encouraged to wear during the commencement ceremonies. This sash represents the commitment to academics and athletics and the achievement of receiving an academic degree. To be eligible to receive a graduation sash, student athletes must fulfill the following requirements:


1. Finished/exhausted eligibility at GGC and/or graduated prior to exhausting eligibility. 2. Finished/remained in good conduct/standing with the Athletics Office Exception: The student athlete was in good conduct/standing and sustained a career ending injury while on a team at GGC. The student athlete must have been on the roster for at least 20% of the games during the season in which he or she sustained the injury. Removal from Team during the Academic Year If a student athlete is removed from the team during the academic year, for any reason, the Office of Athletics shall inform the student athlete in writing that he or she, upon written request, shall be provided an opportunity to meet with the Director of Athletics. If needed the Assistant AD for Internal Operations and the Faculty Athletics Representative may be called upon to hear the student athlete’s grievances. The student athlete may also be requested to supply a written statement of grievance to the Director of Athletics. The written statement shall include: • The student athlete's name, student number, year in school, sport; • Type and amount of previous financial aid (if applicable); • Reasons for believing that the decision was unfair, including names of institutional staff members (e.g., coach, financial aid officer) with whom the student athlete has discussed the aid; and • Copies of any relevant documents (e.g., letter regarding initial award of athletic grantin-aid). The Director of Athletics reserves the right to rescind, modify, or support the decision to remove the student athlete from the team. The student athlete may appeal the Director of Athletics’ decision by requesting an in-person hearing before the Athletics Appeals Committee. The Athletics Appeals Committee shall conduct a hearing within fifteen (15) calendar days of receiving a written request for such a hearing unless all parties agree to a delay. At the conclusion of the hearing, the chair of the Athletics Appeals Committee shall in writing: • Request additional information, to be reviewed prior to a final ruling, or • Find that there is insufficient cause to rescind the decision to remove the student athlete from the team, or • Find that there is sufficient cause to modify or overrule the decision to remove the student athlete from the team. In which case, the student athlete will resume participation in team activities as soon as possible.


The decision of the Athletics Appeals Committee is final. There is no appeal beyond the Athletics Appeals Committee. The student athlete shall be notified in writing within fifteen (15) calendar days of the committee's final decision. If the student athlete wishes to discuss the results of the appeal, a meeting with the chair or a designated member of the Athletics Appeals Committee is arranged.

FINANCIAL AID POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Athletic Scholarships On or before July 1st of each year, all student athletes who received institutional athletics aid during the previous academic year will receive a letter from the Financial Aid Office stating the status of their scholarship, i.e., renewal, non-renewal, or revision to the original grant-in-aid. Upon receipt of this acceptance letter, the student athlete must sign and return it to the Financial Aid Office. Renewal of Financial Aid The renewal of institutional financial aid based in any degree on athletic ability shall be made on or before July 1 prior to the academic year in which it is to be effective. Georgia Gwinnett College shall promptly notify in writing each student athlete who received an award the previous academic year and who has eligibility remaining in the sport in which financial aid was awarded the previous academic year whether the grant has been renewed, reduced, or not renewed for the ensuing academic year. Notification of financial aid renewals, reductions, and non-renewals must come from the financial aid office and not from the office of athletics. Appeals Procedure If the Office of Athletics decides to reduce or cancel financial aid during the award period, or to not renew or reduce financial aid for the ensuing academic year, Georgia Gwinnett College shall inform the student athlete in writing that he or she, upon written request, shall be provided a hearing before the athletics appeals committee. The Faculty Athletics Representative shall receive a copy of the notification letter. A student athlete wishing to appeal a decision to cancel, reduce or not renew athletic based financial aid must do so in writing. The written request shall include: • The student athlete's name, student number, year in school, sport; • Type and amount of previous financial aid; • Reasons for believing that the decision was unfair, including names of institutional staff members (e.g., coach, financial aid officer) with whom the student athlete has discussed 25

the aid; and Copies of any relevant documents (e.g., letter regarding initial award of athletic grantin-aid).

The student athlete should submit these materials to the Office of Athletics within fifteen (15) days of receiving written notification of the action to reduce or not renew financial aid. The student athlete may request an in-person hearing before the athletics appeals committee. The athletics appeals committee shall conduct a hearing within fifteen (15) days of receiving a written request for such a hearing unless all parties agree to a delay. At the conclusion of the hearing, the chair of the athletics appeals committee shall in writing: • Request additional information, to be reviewed prior to a final ruling, or • Find that there is insufficient cause to rescind the decision to reduce or not renew financial aid, or • Find that there is sufficient cause to modify or overrule the decision to reduce or not renew financial aid. In which case, the financial aid is then made available to the student as soon as possible. The committee's recommendation to rescind, modify, or support the decision to reduce or rescind financial aid is left to a majority decision of the athletics appeals committee. The decision of the athletics appeals committee is final. There is no appeal beyond the athletics appeals committee. The student athlete shall be notified in writing within fifteen (15) days of the committee's final decision. If the student athlete wishes to discuss the results of the appeal, a meeting with the chair or a designated member of the athletics appeals committee is arranged. The process of applying for financial aid may seem complicated, but the Financial Aid staff will work with each student to help complete the process. All financial aid programs are under one of these four categories: grants, loans, scholarships and employment opportunities. You are expected to submit all required applications and support documents prior to the published financial aid application deadline for the chosen enrollment term. Failure to do so may result in incurring your own educational expenses until your financial aid can be processed. Financial Aid from Outside Sources Any type of outside grant or scholarship received MUST be: • •

Reported to the respective head coach. Failure to do so could jeopardize the team's eligibility as well as the student athlete's eligibility. Reported to the Director of Financial Aid at Georgia Gwinnett College.

NOTE: A student athlete may receive financial aid from anyone upon whom the student athlete is naturally or legally dependent, i.e., parents and legal guardians. Loans and Pell Grants 26

Several loans and grants could be available. Check with the Financial Aid Office for more information. NOTE: Due to early deadlines of loans and grants, it is recommended to apply as early as possible. Book Scholarships An award of a full-book scholarship entitles a student athlete to receive books for each semester in the academic year. At GGC, student athletes who are on a full book scholarship must show their class schedules and their valid Claw card to the Bookstore in order to receive their books. This ensures that student athletes are only buying books listed for their particular classes. The bookstore will send a bill to the office of athletics for receipt of funds. At no time will this award cover the cost of supplies such as paper, pens, pencils, etc., as stipulated by the NAIA. At the conclusion of the semester, student athletes must return all books to the bookstore. If any books are not turned in, a hold will be placed on the student athlete’s record which will preclude him or her from registering for the next semester and receiving final grades. A fullbook scholarship student athlete is not permitted to sell these books back to the bookstore. If attempted, the bookstore will notify the Office of Athletics immediately of these intentions and the student athlete will be reprimanded accordingly. If at any time a book is lost, stolen, or not returned to the bookstore, the student athlete will be required to pay for the book at the book price. Any abuse of this program may jeopardize the student athlete’s book scholarship. Out of State Waivers Out of state waivers are requested by the Office of Athletics but approved and issued by the Office of Admissions at the beginning of each academic year. The Office of Athletics can only request out of state waivers to student athletes who have athletic eligibility remaining. Out of state waivers are applicable for one academic year (fall, spring, and summer) and must be requested each year by the Office of Athletics. If you no longer have athletic eligibility but received an out of state waiver the previous semester, you have an opportunity to obtain a waiver through the Office of Admissions. To do this, you will need to make an appointment with the Office of Admissions in order for your file to be reviewed. This will determine if you are eligible to receive an out of state waiver based on specific criteria related to graduation status, GPA, and other mitigating circumstances. Post-Eligibility Scholarship Guidelines for receiving a post-eligibility scholarship 1. Must have exhausted athletic eligibility or sustained a career ending injury. 2. Must have been on athletic financial aid during the previous semester. 27

3. Must have not been removed from or quit the team prior to the completion of athletic eligibility. 4. Recommendation must come from head coach. 5. Student must be in good academic standing with the College (not on academic warning, probation, or suspension). 6. Student must be in good conduct standing with the College. 7. Recipient must be within 30 hours of graduation. NOTE: Athletics aid is not for the purpose of adding a minor or a double major (or concentration). The intent of this scholarship is to assist student athletes in completing their primary degree objective. 8. Must have applied for subsequent Fall or Spring graduation. 9. Must have a minimum of a 2.5 GGC to qualify for a post-eligibility scholarship. 10. Post-eligibility scholarships are granted for a maximum of one academic year (or until graduation, whichever comes first) but will be reviewed after each semester for continuation. NOTE: if applicable, after the first semester, the student must have earned a minimum of a 2.5 semester GGC GPA to maintain the post-eligibility scholarship for the next semester. 11. Recipient must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 degree applicable semester hours of undergraduate study. NOTE: Student may enroll in fewer than 12 semester hours if in last semester before graduation. 12. A post-eligibility scholarship may come from the corresponding sport’s scholarship budget or from the Director of Athletics’ scholarship fund. Student athletes must submit an application which will be reviewed, and decided on, by the Grizzly Athletics Academic Committee. As the demand and popularity for these post-eligibility scholarship increase each year, there is a strong possibility not all applicants will be awarded. Post-eligibility scholarships will be based on the availability of scholarship dollars and selection of award recipients will be prioritized by those student athletes who exhibit the highest totals in each of the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4.

GGC GPA and Cumulative GPA Number of years at Georgia Gwinnett College Student athletes who are within one term of graduation Student athletes who are within two terms of graduation


SPORTS MEDICINE PROGRAM Office of Athletics Responsibility for Medical Services The NAIA rules state that the Office of Athletics is responsible for medical services administered to student athletes who are injured in a practice or game that was under the Georgia Gwinnett College coaches' supervision. The word "injury" applies only to those ailments that are caused by the participation in a supervised practice or a game. Ailments such as bronchitis, tonsillitis, or influenza are some examples of medical problems for which the Office of Athletics cannot be monetarily responsible. Participation in sports will not cause conditions such as these, and according to NAIA rules we cannot be responsible for costs associated with their remediation. We are permitted to administer medical aid during the student athlete's competitive season and out-of-season practice, but only for those ailments that are sports related and occur in a supervised practice or during designated contests. Injury Reporting Procedures •

If a student athlete receives any injury (dental injuries included) as a result of participation in a supervised practice or contest, it should be reported immediately to the athletics training staff so that a thorough evaluation can be made. Some injuries may be unnoticed until after training room hours. If that happens, you should report the injury to the training staff as early as possible the following day. Early intervention into the injury process can yield an early return, while the opposite can also be true. Medical bills incurred for athletic injuries that have not been reported in a timely manner will become the responsibility of the student athlete. The training staff maintains and documents reports regarding illnesses, injuries, evaluations and progress notes for each student athlete. The training staff makes decisions regarding activity restrictions and communicates those restrictions to coaches and players daily.

Emergency Treatment In the event of sudden or unexpected illness or injury, take the following steps: Call the training room. If no answer, call your coach. If no answer and your condition is severe, report to the emergency room at the Gwinnett Medical Center. NOTE: Georgia Gwinnett College athletics insurance covers athletic injuries ONLY!!


Injury The athletic training staff, in conjunction with the team physician, is responsible for judgments regarding the amount and type of participation in which an athlete may engage. All medical referrals and other treatments must be coordinated and approved in advance by the athletic training staff. Only the athletic training staff is authorized to arrange the necessary appointments with consulting physicians. Even though an athlete may be injured, practice sessions must be attended unless released by both the coach and head athletic trainer. Treatment & Rehabilitation Programs All treatment and rehabilitation activities will be supervised by the athletic training staff and team physician. In order for an athlete to return from an injury as quickly and safely as possible, it may be necessary that they receive treatment one to two times daily. The training staff will provide regular information to the coaching staff regarding the progress of student athletes, as well as compliance with treatment and rehabilitation regimens. Coaches and trainers generally view missed appointments, tardiness, or non-compliance with treatment regimens in an unfavorable manner. Coaches will be notified each time that an athlete is late or absent from treatment or rehabilitation sessions. Medical Second-Opinion Policy (Medical Referral Policy) The sports medicine staff realizes the importance of an athlete feeling comfortable when dealing with a health care specialist. If the student athlete, spouse, or parent feels that a second opinion is in order, or if an insurance company dictates that a second opinion be sought, the head athletic trainer will arrange an appointment with a second physician as soon as possible. Bills incurred for examination by the second physician, will be dealt with in the same manner as charges from the team physician. Should the student athlete or family members prefer to seek medical care from other specialists the following guidelines will be followed. Georgia Gwinnett College will not be compelled to: • Assume financial responsibility for any charges incurred; • Render any follow-up medical care; • Allow the student athlete to participate until the following conditions have been met: o Received a detailed written report from the attending healthcare provider that releases the student athlete to participate. o Passed a pre-participation physical examination by the team physician and athletics training staff; and o Demonstrated full skills and other physical capabilities necessary for full participation in the particular sport as approved by the athletics training staff. 30

Training Room The purpose of the training room and its staff is to provide for the prevention, care, treatment and rehabilitation of athletically related injuries for all student athletes. All training room rules and procedures are formulated to serve athletes in the best possible manner, while allowing them to receive the best care available. Outlined here are general guidelines to be followed in the event injuries occur. Specific procedures regarding training room usage will be posted in the training room. Training room usage is a privilege that can be revoked if all procedures are not followed. For that reason, we encourage you to ask questions so that you are clear on the important role that the training staff has in your athletic career at the college. The sports medicine staff works in a cooperative effort with health-care providers and student athletes to provide quality health care throughout the academic year. The athletic training staff will provide student athletes with the basic health care needs and direct them to the appropriate team physician when referral is necessary. Health Insurance All International GGC student athletes must carry insurance and an athletic rider each semester while participating in intercollegiate athletics. This policy will function as the primary insurance policy for the athlete in the event of an injury. If an athlete has an ailment that is deemed a “medical problem” (i.e. sickness, vaccinations, STDs, etc.) then this insurance policy will be the only insurance policy used by the medical provider for billing. *Effective Fall 2017, GGC athletics will no longer accept personal insurance from international student athletes. International student athletes will be automatically enrolled in and charged for the USG system-wide SHIP insurance. However, International student athletes have the option to waive out of SHIP insurance plan by purchasing PGH IC Sports Plan and submitting the online waiver form by GGC’s posted deadline each semester. Steps on how to apply for an insurance waiver can be seen below. Sign-up and pay for the PGH plan using a credit card at You can select your coverage based on the semester rate or the annual rate. • •

*As an Athlete playing on a GGC sports teams (soccer, baseball, tennis and softball), be sure to select “Athlete” from the Student Category drop down menu. Only this category meets the coverage requirements set by the GGC Athletics office. During the enrollment process, please check the box to authorize the Consent Agreement. If you do not, you will need to provide additional documentation to show that you have enrolled in the PGH Global Plan. 31

Complete the online waiver form at After you submit the waiver application, you will receive a confirmation email with conditional approval. Please forward a copy of this confirmation email to the Office of Internationalization at [email protected] no later than the posted deadline each semester. Please note: you must opt-out of the SHIP plan by applying for a waiver each semester that you are enrolled at GGC. Waivers are valid for one semester only! Although the PGH Global Plan meets the University System of Georgia requirements, it does not meet Affordable Care Act requirements*. If the athlete does not provide proof of medical insurance he/she will not be allow to participate in ANY athletic activities (including practice, games, weights, conditioning, etc.) until proof of insurance (copy of insurance card front & back) is provided to the head athletic trainer. If the athlete has a change of insurance at any point during the school year, it is the responsibility of the athlete to provide a copy of the new insurance card. Failure to provide the new medical insurance information to the athletic training staff will result in the athlete being responsible for payment of any/all medical bills that he/she may incur if the information is not on file. In the event an athletic related injury occurs, GGC Athletics has a secondary insurance policy that will pay any bills not covered by the athlete’s primary insurance. All bills received after an athletic injury should be brought to the attention of the head athletic trainer for submission to the secondary insurance company for billing. Medical Bills The following is an account of normal procedures to be followed in the event that medical bills are incurred as a result of athletic participation: • If the athletic trainer decides that medical referral is indicated due to an athletic injury, an appointment will be made for the student athlete with the appropriate physician or healthcare provider. The student athlete will take a referral sheet from the athletic trainer authorizing treatment, as well as the athlete's personal insurance information. Normally, the physician's office staff will use that information to file bills directly with the student’s/parent’s insurance company unless requested otherwise. • If the athletic trainer decides that medical referral is indicated due to a non-athletic injury or illness, an appointment will be made for the student athlete with the appropriate physician or healthcare provider at the student’s request and will not be covered by athletic insurance. • After the insurance company reviews the charges (usually 4-6 weeks), they will send to the policyholder an "Explanation of Benefits" (E.O.B.) which details specific amounts that are covered and for which they have issued payments. 32

When the E.O.B. is received by the policyholder, a copy should be taken to the athletic trainer as soon as possible. The athletic trainer will then file claims related to athletic participation with Georgia Gwinnett College athletics insurance, which will normally cover all of the "excess.”

Other important points to remember: Athletic injury bills are not paid automatically, and cooperation on everyone's part is necessary in order to minimize confusion and have all bills paid in a timely manner. If any bills have not been paid within 2 months of the injury, the student or parent should check with their insurance company to make sure all necessary documents have been submitted, and that payment is being considered. Bills submitted to Georgia Gwinnett College insurance more than 52 weeks after the date of injury, will not be considered for payment, and will become the full responsibility of the athlete and/or parents. Georgia Gwinnett College insurance covers only athletic injuries received while participating on behalf of Georgia Gwinnett College. Any injury or illness outside of supervised athletic participation (e.g., colds, gynecological problems, injury from intramurals, etc.) will be the responsibility of the individual student athlete. Proof of personal insurance is mandatory and lack of personal insurance will preclude participation. Only charges for medical services that have been pre-approved by the head athletic trainer will be submitted for payment by the office of athletics. Physical Examination All athletes must have an approved physical examination rendered by a licensed M.D. prior to any athletic participation at Georgia Gwinnett College. The orthopedic portion of the examination must be rendered by the Georgia Gwinnett College team physician. All potential athletes will be provided an opportunity for a complete physical examination, performed by the medical staff at no charge; however, this must be completed at the assigned date and time. Otherwise a charge for the examination will be incurred which will be the responsibility of the student athlete. Should the pre-participation examination reveal a need for medical history, tests, x-rays, treatments or therapy etc. in order to clear an athlete for participation, Georgia Gwinnett College cannot be responsible for any charges incurred. If for any reason there should be any question regarding physical qualifications for competition, the team physician will be charged with making the final decision as to when, or if a prospective student athlete is physically suitable for participation.


Drug Testing Drug testing will be conducted on selective and random basis, usually with unannounced tests. Student athletes may be subjected to testing during the entrance physical screening, or at any time throughout the academic year. Testing may include team testing, pre-season testing, or postseason/championship testing. A student athlete who refuses to participate in a drug screening, or fails to report for a scheduled screening within the allotted time, will be considered medically ineligible. Procedures and sanctions will be consistent with those of a positive test. Sanctions for Positive Test Results In the event that a sample tests positive at the laboratory, the lab will notify the Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Medicine. That notification will include the name of the person with the positive test as well as the substance category that was violated. That person will in turn notify the Director of athletics with the same information. At that time the following sanctions will be applied. First Offense The student athlete will be notified of a positive test in a meeting with the director of athletics and the respective head coach. The parents of the student athlete will be notified. The student athlete will be considered medically ineligible, and will not be permitted to participate in practices or competition for a period of time set by the director of athletics. The period of ineligibility begins on the day of the official notification and lasts for a minimum period of 14 days after which the student athlete must be re-tested with negative results. The director of athletics will consider recommendations of the respective coach, the recommendation of the head athletic trainer and any other relevant circumstances. After due consideration, the director of athletics has the options to discontinue scholarship assistance, extend the period of ineligibility up to a period of one year, to require participation in an approved treatment or counseling program, undergo mandatory health assessments, or any combination thereof. In addition, once a student athlete tests positive for a banned substance, random selection will no longer apply, and the student athlete can expect to be selected for participation in drug screening more frequently than other student athletes. Before the student athlete can regain eligibility the student athlete must be retested with negative findings. Second Offense A student athlete who tests positive for a second time during his or her eligibility will be immediately and permanently expelled from intercollegiate athletics at Georgia Gwinnett College. This includes loss of all athletic-related financial aid. Appeals Process If a student feels that the results of the tests are in error, they may request that the split part of the sample be retested at the same laboratory that performed the original test at their expense. If the student athlete feels that sanctions are unduly harsh or unfair due to unusual 34

circumstances, they may appeal in writing, to the director of athletics. The director of athletics will appoint an appeals committee and the student will present his/her case to the committee. The committee will notify the student in writing of their decision within one week of the appeal. The student athlete will remain ineligible during the appeal process. Screening and Testing Procedures The following procedures have been established to provide a safe and secure program for screening Georgia Gwinnett College student athletes for substance abuse. • •

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Drug screening will be coordinated by the Georgia Gwinnett College office of Sports Medicine which will take the necessary steps to insure that specimen collection procedures are strictly followed. Notification of a pending drug screening will be made to an athlete's coach, who will notify their respective student athletes that they have been selected. The student athletes must report to the testing site at the assigned time. Once notified, failure for any reason to report to the testing site and within that timeframe will automatically be considered the same as a positive test and will be treated as such. Student athletes will be required to present a picture I.D. at the time of the screening. Urine specimens will be taken under direct observation in order to prevent specimen tampering and/or substitution. Any attempt to adulterate or manipulate the urine specimen will constitute a positive test. The specimen will be divided at the lab with a portion reserved for re-testing if the initial testing of the specimen is either positive or suspect, or if the student athlete sees the need to appeal the findings. At the time of drug screening, the student athlete will have an opportunity to disclose the names and/or types of any medically prescribed or over-the counter substances they might have been taking that may affect the results of the screening. The student athletes must remain at the collection site until excused by the lab personnel. If the laboratory determines that any banned substances are present in the sample, the director of athletics will be confidentially notified through the Director of Sports Medicine of the identity of the athlete with the positive test. The director of athletics will arrange a meeting with the student athlete and the respective head coach. No other person will be notified unless the director of athletics deems such a notification is necessary to protect the student athlete's health and interests.


STUDENT ATHLETE SIGNATURE FORM I, the undersigned Georgia Gwinnet College Student athlete, have read and made myself familiar with all of the information contained in this 2020-2021 Student athlete Handbook. Any questions I had were brought to the attention of my coach and addressed accordingly. By signing this form, I understand and agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by this handbook. _______________________________________ STUDENT ATHLETE NAME (print)

_______________________________________ STUDENT ATHLETE SIGNATURE






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