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Alice nel paese delle meraviglie
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie
Alice nel paese delle meraviglie
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Alice nel paese delle meraviglie

Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle



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Il racconto di Alice inizia quando incontra nel bosco un coniglio bianco, dal vestito elegante, che si affretta brontolando come se avesse un appuntamento. Lo segue fin nella sua tana cadendo in un pozzo profondissimo, da lì cominciano una serie di strabilianti avventure che hanno affascinato milioni di lettori nel mondo, basate sulle assurdità e le incoerenze logiche della vita degli adulti, osservate con gli occhi di una ragazzina curiosa.
Data di uscita30 lug 2011

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), was the pen name of Oxford mathematician, logician, photographer, and author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. At age twenty he received a studentship at Christ Church and was appointed a lecturer in mathematics. Though shy, Dodgson enjoyed creating delightful stories for children. His world-famous works include the novels Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass and the poems The Hunting of the Snark and Jabberwocky.

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  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Many of the reviews on this site do not relate to the Salvador Dali illustrated book, but rather to another illustrator. Very Confusing.I love Alice's imaginative adventures and her increasing confidence as she accepts her changing size and bizarre circumstances.Yet, just as I did not enjoy the treatment of animals in a cruel way - the flamingoes, hedgehogs, guinea pigs - when I first read the book as a child and, although I was happy with the final resolution of the Queen and her deck of cards, the constant "Off with their heads!" was and is still annoying.Dali's paintings remain dramatic and an eternal evocative mystery. So good that this book has come to all of us!
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    I plan to read Alice in Wonderland and Philosophy and thought it might be interesting to reread the book, this time in French. >My first observation was that the translator did a good job and most of the book was translated well - at least to the limits of my memory. Then I did notice some shortcomings, for instance the wordplay in the mouse poem relating the mouse's tail to the tale being told just didn't work in French. However, the translator did include good footnotes. Here, he explained differences in the French and English version. He also added some historical notes that I found added value to the story. This included some symbology that I was completely unaware of. Some of the jokes and puns were, if my memory serves, and perhaps were replaced with new or similar ones taking advantage of the language differences.Overall, it is a quick read, delightful and imaginative and well worth some time spent.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Delightfully fun, whimsically amusing and what an imagination! Between the outlandish characters, the silly puns and the play with logic, it is easy to see how this book is such a great story for both children and adults. Obviously, a reader needs to love - or at least appreciate - the nonsensical fun to fully enjoy this story, especially given the caricatures and the mayhem that is Wonderland. I can see where some adult readers may revisit this one for nostalgic childhood reasons, but I think I probably appreciate the story more as a adult reader, than I would have reading it as a young girl. Overall, very happy to have finally read this children's classic.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    I don't feel like the modern illustration fits with the classic work for some reason. Otherwise the images are beautifully done.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    A good way to introduce a child to the idea that words and sentences can have multiple meaning depending upon the context. A sort of point-of-view pontification.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Great Illustration
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    Ugh, I hate nonsense books. I get that this is for kids and the whole premise is fun nonsense. When Alice falls asleep she goes down into a rabbit hole and enters Wonderland, a place where everything is fun and nonsense. There is no point to anything and everyone is weird and can you tell how much I dislike this book. There is no plot, just a dumb kid named Alice, wandering around Wonderland talking to animals and packs of cards, playing croquet with flamingos and the like. Totally bonkers.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    The problem is this particular edition (Bookbyte digital), which is not complete, and does not include the introductory poems.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Alice is always interesting. The Jackson illustrations are not the classic Tenniel,. but good of their kind.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland"is an adventurous tale about Alice and her dilemmas in Wonderland, and her journey to get back home. Alice begins chasing a talking rabbit. Curiosity gets the best of her when she falls down a large hole in the ground while following the rabbit. This hole in the ground is somewhat of a portal to another land, a strange land. She finds herself not being big enough to enter through certain doors, and she finds her self too big to enter some doors. Ultimately, she depends on potions to regulate her size through out Wonderland. She meets many strange characters such as the Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat, The Rabbit, and the Queen, along with many other strange characters as well. For the most part, Alice finds herself in many compromising positions and finds she just wants to go home. Finally when she makes it home, the reader finds that Alice had been dreaming the entire time. This novel is one of my favorite books of all time. After being assigned this book in the 8th grade, I've read it at least once every two years. When we read this book in class, my teacher made some interesting connections between the character Alice and real life teenagers. We talked about Alice's inability to find the right body size and being uncomfortable with her body throughout her journey. This related to teenagers today because it seems as though teenagers are always trying to change their image or physical appearance to fit in. Also, the connection between Wonderland's chaotic, fast paced ways and real life. Nothing is predicable and anything can happen. This is just like life in some ways. While reading this book in a middle school setting, a teacher could ask the kids to journal about the ways in which they feel they might have in common with Alice.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is the Classic nonsense tale of an English girl falling down a rabbit hole, there to encounter the strange world of absurdly anthropomorphized animals and playing cards, enigmatic messages and, well, sizing issues :-D

    A Classic is usually a novel that has become so ingrained in the collective memory or culture, that one might not be sure whether one has read it or not. The reputation of the book itself precedes the actual experience of reading it and the characters are often the prototypes of later iterations and any number of adaptations. If you've never experienced Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, or read it once before, or even if you've read it multiple times, it bears (another) reading. As familiar as many are with the tale, to actually read or hear the original, un-Disneyfied tale is a pleasure as the nuances of the language surface and fade in ephemeral logic and gently wry humor. The subtlety, whimsy and detail of Wonderland, its inhabitants and their language lends itself to repeated discoveries.

    Michael York as the narrator of this audiobook edition brings a nice range of character voices to the story, never sounded absurd himself as he renders the tale of Alice with obvious affection and a master storyteller's grace. His smooth, somewhat effete British voice evokes the romance of an afternoon spent on the Thames and brings the curiouser and curiouser world of Carroll's creation to life.

    Redacted from the original blog review at dog eared copy, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland; 07/12/2011
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    I genuinely do not know if I've read this book before because I have such vivid memories of a TV adaptation which follows it almost exactly. Nothing at all like the Disney film - much darker and weirder (like the book, really).
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    It's a game! It's a mathematical Illustration! It's a satire! It's well illustrated! It's a book that succeeds at practically every angle you come at it from!I loved for the illustrations when I was young, and I loved the Annotated Alice when older. Even though Ms. Liddell's photographs reveal a rather unpleasant looking young person, I'm happy with the written Alice whenever I open it.I feel it should be read by everyone, and it's riddles explored, both the staed ones and the implicit problems.It was originally published in 1865.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    It is loaded with lots of literal interpetations of language and crazy dream like twists! Funny, silly, definately entertaining. I think my favorite part was Alice's conversation with the White King.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    The book that made me want to read!
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Timeless, relatable story for many young readers. Fosters and an amazing sense of imagination. Student learn that whenever they face an obstacle they can overcome it. One theme in this book is life being a puzzle. This story is similar to how a child might think. I think it would be a very good book to use in the classroom.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Its been many years since I last read this and it was better than I remember it being and more nonsensical. I think my memory of the book had been warped by the movies (just a bit crap especially the most recent Johnny Depp one!).
  • Valutazione: 1 su 5 stelle
    Being a big fan of the Disney version of Alice in Wonderland I had high expectations when I picked up this book but I was surprisingly disappointed. I found Alice to be quite the little annoyance. Much more 'childish' than I expected. I also found myself bored of the novel half way through.I understand this is a children's story but the writing was not as I had expected from a novel that is considered a classic. The concept of the story is brilliant beyond words and has the greatest potential to be amazing and yet the writing was flat and at times awkward to read.This is the first novel-turned-movie, that I actually prefer the movie over the actual novel.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    This follows largely the same plotline as the unpublished Adventures Underground I have just read, with the welcome additions of the Cheshire cat and the Mad Hatter's tea party. Wonderful stuff, though if pushed I would say that this seems to drag a bit in one or two places (to the extent that such a minor criticism is relevant to literary nonsense) and that Underground is probably a tauter piece of writing. John Tenniel's depiction of Alice in his illustrations here has become iconic, though I thought Carroll's own original illustrations are a little more haunting. 4.5/5
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    i don't care how old you are, this is a great story!!
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    Alice meet a rabbit that have white hair and a clook.she run after it . and fall into a hole.there are wonderland.this story is very popular.i know this story from early childhood.this story is fantasy and exciting.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    This story tells of a girl named Alice who falls down a rabbit hole into a fantasy world.She met lots of strange crature,and taught them lots of interesting things.But shi also learned some things from these people.Maybe you feel that it just belongs to fairy tale,and for children only.However,as a part of young people,i think this story is excellent.I gained much imagination from it,i found the way of making our lives become more meaningful.As a result,you won't miss it if you are the person who love the life.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Swift-moving, extremely funny, and pretty much unique (aside from the second one). Gleefully absurd, always inches away from flying off the handle, which it would do if the handle didn't fly off first.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    Alice is one of my favorite works of all times. I found the book profoundly influential as a child, providing as it did a entry into the world of Victorian literature and history, to say nothing of the sheer delight and humor of the piece.
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    i must be getting old....did not connect very well with this supposed timeless classic......just kind of strange...but it's ok....i'll be longer have to say i never read it!
  • Valutazione: 2 su 5 stelle
    I thought this book was kind of weird, but I guess it is a kids book.
  • Valutazione: 3 su 5 stelle
    This book was really... random. Some parts were really boring.Personally, I like the mad tea party the best.
  • Valutazione: 4 su 5 stelle
    This was a lot of fun! Gleefully absurd, thick with wordplay and puns (some of which I had to go back and re-read in an English accent to "get"), and a quick, joyful little read. I highly recommend this to anyone, whether or not you've seen any of the film adaptations - I've seen most, and I was still missing out until I read this.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    I won't even try to write a review. Just to say not sure why I haven't read this for at least fifteen years.
  • Valutazione: 5 su 5 stelle
    I like this story very much! I want to go the wonderland.And I want to see Alice!

Anteprima del libro

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie - Lewis Carroll

Alice nel paese delle meraviglie

Lewis Carroll

In copertina: Paul Klee, Gatto e uccello, 1928

© 2011 REA Edizioni

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      Alice cominciava a sentirsi assai stanca di sedere sul poggetto accanto a sua sorella, senza far niente: aveva una o due volte data un'occhiata al libro che la sorella stava leggendo, ma non v'erano nè dialoghi nè figure, - e a che serve un libro, pensò Alice, - senza dialoghi nè figure?

      E si domandava alla meglio, (perchè la canicola l'aveva mezza assonnata e istupidita), se per il piacere di fare una ghirlanda di margherite mettesse conto di levarsi a raccogliere i fiori, quand'ecco un coniglio bianco dagli occhi rosei passarle accanto, quasi sfiorandola.

      Non c'era troppo da meravigliarsene, nè Alice pensò che fosse troppo strano sentir parlare il Coniglio, il quale diceva fra se: Oimè! oimè! ho fatto tardi! (quando in seguito ella se ne ricordò, s'accorse che avrebbe dovuto meravigliarsene, ma allora le sembrò una cosa naturalissima): ma quando il Coniglio trasse un orologio dal taschino della sottoveste e lo consultò, e si mise a scappare, Alice saltò in piedi pensando di non aver mai visto un coniglio con la sottoveste e il taschino, nè con un orologio da cavar fuori, e, ardente di curiosità, traversò il campo correndogli appresso e arrivò appena in tempo per vederlo entrare in una spaziosa conigliera sotto la siepe.

      Un istante dopo, Alice scivolava giù correndogli appresso, senza pensare a come avrebbe fatto poi per uscirne.

      La buca della conigliera filava dritta come una galleria, e poi si sprofondava così improvvisamente che Alice non ebbe un solo istante l'idea di fermarsi: si sentì cader giù rotoloni in una specie di precipizio che rassomigliava a un pozzo profondissimo.

      Una delle due: o il pozzo era straordinariamente profondo o ella ruzzolava giù con grande lentezza, perchè ebbe tempo, cadendo, di guardarsi intorno e di pensar meravigliata alle conseguenze. Aguzzò gli occhi, e cercò di fissare il fondo, per scoprire qualche cosa; ma in fondo era buio pesto e non si scopriva nulla. Guardò le pareti del pozzo e s'accorse che erano rivestite di scaffali di biblioteche; e sparse qua e là di mappe e quadri, sospesi a chiodi. Mentre continuava a scivolare, afferrò un barattolo con un'etichetta, lesse l'etichetta: Marmellata d'Arance ma, oimè! con sua gran delusione, era vuoto; non volle lasciar cadere il barattolo per non ammazzare chi si fosse trovato in fondo, e quando arrivò più giù, lo depose su un altro scaffale.

      Bene, - pensava Alice, - dopo una caduta come questa, se mai mi avviene di ruzzolare per le scale, mi sembrerà meno che nulla; a casa poi come mi crederanno coraggiosa! Anche a cader dal tetto non mi farebbe nessun effetto! (E probabilmente diceva la verità).

      E giù, e giù, e giù! Non finiva mai quella caduta? - Chi sa quante miglia ho fatte a quest'ora? - esclamò Alice. - Forse sto per toccare il centro della terra. Già saranno più di quattrocento miglia di profondità. - (Alice aveva apprese molte cose di questa specie a scuola, ma quello non era il momento propizio per sfoggiare la sua erudizione, perchè nessuno l'ascoltava; ma ad ogni modo non era inutile riandarle mentalmente.) - Sì, sarà questa la vera distanza, o press'a poco,... ma vorrei sapere a qual grado di latitudine o di longitudine sono arrivata. (Alice veramente, non sapeva che fosse la latitudine o la longitudine, ma le piaceva molto pronunziare quelle parole altisonanti!) Passò qualche minuto e poi ricominciò: - Forse traverso la terra! E se dovessi uscire fra quelli che camminano a capo in giù! Credo che si chiamino gli Antitodi. - Fu lieta che in quel momento non la sentisse nessuno, perchè quella parola non le sonava bene... - Domanderei subito come si chiama il loro paese... Per piacere, signore, è questa la Nova Zelanda? o l'Australia? - e cercò di fare un inchino mentre parlava (figurarsi, fare un inchino, mentre si casca giù a rotta di collo! Dite, potreste voi fare un inchino?). - Ma se farò una domanda simile mi prenderanno per una sciocca. No, non la farò: forse troverò il nome scritto in qualche parte.

      E sempre giù, e sempre giù, e sempre giù! Non avendo nulla da fare, Alice ricominciò a parlare: - Stanotte Dina mi cercherà. (Dina era la gatta). Spero che penseranno a darle il latte quando sarà l'ora del tè. Cara la mia Dina! Vorrei che tu fossi qui con me! In aria non vi son topi, ma ti potresti beccare un pipistrello: i pipistrelli somigliano ai topi. Ma i gatti, poi, mangiano i pipistrelli? - E Alice cominciò a sonnecchiare, e fra sonno e veglia continuò a dire fra i denti: - I gatti, poi, mangiano i pipistrelli? I gatti, poi, mangiano i pipistrelli? - E a volte: - I pipistrelli mangiano i gatti? - perchè non potendo rispondere nè all'una nè all'altra domanda, non le importava di dirla in un modo o nell'altro. Sonnecchiava di già e sognava di andare a braccetto con Dina dicendole con faccia grave: Dina, dimmi la verità, hai mangiato mai un pipistrello? quando, patapunfete! si trovò a un tratto su un mucchio di frasche e la caduta cessò.

      Non s'era fatta male e saltò in piedi, svelta. Guardo in alto: era buio: ma davanti vide un lungo corridoio, nel quale camminava il Coniglio bianco frettolosamente. Non c'era tempo da perdere: Alice, come se avesse le ali, gli corse dietro, e lo sentì esclamare, svoltando al gomito: - Perdinci! veramente ho fatto tardi! - Stava per raggiungerlo, ma al gomito del corridoio non vide più il coniglio; ed essa si trovò in una sala lunga e bassa, illuminata da una fila di lampade pendenti dalla volta. Intorno intorno alla sala c'erano delle porte ma tutte chiuse. Alice andò su e giù, picchiando a tutte, cercando di farsene aprire qualcuna, ma invano, e malinconicamente si mise a passeggiare in mezzo alla sala, pensando a come venirne fuori.

      A un tratto si trovò accanto a un tavolinetto, tutto di solido cristallo, a tre piedi: sul tavolinetto c'era una chiavetta d'oro. Subito Alice pensò che la chiavetta appartenesse a una di quelle porte; ma oimè! o le toppe erano troppo grandi, o la chiavetta era troppo piccola. Il fatto sta che non potè aprirne alcuna. Fatto un secondo giro nella sala, capitò innanzi a una cortina bassa non ancora osservata: e dietro v'era un usciolo alto una trentina di centimetri: provò nella toppa la chiavettina d'oro, e con molta gioia vide che entrava a puntino!

      Aprì l'uscio e guardò in un piccolo corridoio, largo quanto una

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