ESSS Italy

ESSS Italy

Sviluppo di software

Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige 2.824 follower

Simulating the future

Chi siamo

- EnginSoft Simulation Software Italy (ESSS Italy) emerged from a partnership between ESSS and Enginsoft, both Ansys Apex Channel Partners and leaders in the engineering software industry. We are focused on accelerating the growth of the Ansys business and providing the best softwares and services to customers in Italy. We offer a complete portfolio of Ansys simulation software and highly specialized support, to ensure the best implementation process and help customers solve engineering problems. - ESSS Institute is the ESSS's branch focused on delivering professional training on engineering simulation. With ESSS Institute you can master computational simulation with hands-on training of real industry challenges, choosing among various types of courses and by means of expert teachers. Benefits include international certification, hands-on experience based on industry-leading Ansys suite and access flexibility. The Institute delivers ESSS/Ansys certifications, ensuring visibility and recognition in the job market and a boost for the carrier of its students.

Sito Web
Sviluppo di software
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Particle Simulation, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Scientific Visualization, Structural Analysis, Systems Simulation, Electromagnetics, Multidisciplinary Optimization e Training


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