NTS S.p.A.

NTS S.p.A.

Fabbricazione di materie plastiche

Lallio, Bergamo 2.349 follower

Dal 1959, andiamo oltre gli stampi e lo stampaggio in plastica, fornendo soluzioni tecniche e produttive personalizzate.

Chi siamo

Amica e maestra, la plastica è la grande protagonista della nostra azienda. Ci ha insegnato che sapersi adattare a nuove forme, anche imprenditoriali, è un modo straordinario di evolvere. I cambi generazionali, i progressi tecnologici e le continue sfide del mercato ci hanno portato a credere che è importante fissare degli obiettivi, ma che è altrettanto importante sorprendersi superandoli. All'inizio della nostra storia, iniziata nel 1959, producevamo stampi per materie plastiche. Con il tempo abbiamo deciso di estendere l'attività allo stampaggio di termoindurenti, termoplastici e di montaggio. Il passaggio è stato naturale: l'evoluzione del know-how è parte integrante del nostro modo di intendere ogni attività. La nostra missione? Dedichiamo le nostre energie alla costruzione di stampi e allo stampaggio di articoli in plastica, termoindurenti e termoplastici. Forniamo servizi avanzati, proponendo soluzioni tecniche e produttive ad alto valore aggiunto. Il nostro approccio è solido, innovativo e sostenibile. La nostra visione? Il futuro appartiene a chi ha il coraggio di essere diverso.

Sito Web
Fabbricazione di materie plastiche
Dimensioni dell’azienda
201-500 dipendenti
Sede principale
Lallio, Bergamo
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
Progettazione e costruzione stampi personalizzati e Stampaggio materie plastiche, termoindurenti e termoplastici


Dipendenti presso NTS S.p.A.


  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NTS S.p.A., immagine

    2.349 follower

    To invest in the new generations is to consolidate not only our future, but also our very present. The narrative that makes us think that young people are only the future necessarily needs to be changed, because young people are the present, and investing today in projects and learning methods that enhance their skills and vision means laying the foundations of a virtuous, ethical and thriving business culture, capable of enhancing the territory and ferrying the innovation of tomorrow. #ntspeople #ntsmoulding #beyondmoulding #youthskillday

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NTS S.p.A., immagine

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    A special summer this summer of 2024 for our Emma, or Emy to her friends: the long-awaited retirement has arrived for her as well! Heartfelt thanks to you for your commitment all these years of loyalty to the growth of NTS! You have been a teacher to many working women, now seasoned operators. You have left your mark. Now enjoy your well-deserved rest! a big hug from the entire NTS Team! #retirement #team #ntsmoulding #beyondmoulding

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NTS S.p.A., immagine

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    "Le aziende incontrano il futuro" at Marconi. A new opportunity for NTS to enter schools and meet in advance with the young students of the Marconi Industrial Technical Institute in Dalmine, known in the news these days for being among the top ten schools in the world in the "Innovation" section by the international organisation T4 Education. Congratulations from all of us for demonstrating the enterprising spirit of a modern public school that has much in common with the business world, starting with #designthinking. We want more and more schools to be inspired by modern education and learning models that open the minds and soft skills of our young people so that they can take their future into their own hands with healthy leadership. Onwards and upwards! With Selenia Scinaldi e Maurizio Adamo Chiappa #MarconiDalmine #LeAziendeIncontranoIlFuturo2024 #ntsmoulding #beyondmoulding #education #giovani #scuola #impresa

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NTS S.p.A., immagine

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    On 1 May 2024, after a 38-year career at NTS, Gianluigi Benedetti, head of the Mould Design Technical Office at NTS, was awarded the honour of Maestro del Lavoro and decorated with the Star of Labour Merit by the Presidente della Repubblica Sergio Mattarella. An honour that for those of us who work with Gigi every day is worth even more, having had proof of his commitment and passion, values that we have also chosen to bring to our communication channels through video clips of an interview we did together. But first of all let's start by asking Gigi what this honour means to him... #ntspeople #ntsmoulding #beyondmoulding #maesto #merito #lavoro

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NTS S.p.A., immagine

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    Here we are during the evening Academy of our NTS Welfare programme dedicated to personal education. Together with Dr Marina Perego, psychologist and psychotherapist, we touched on the topic of the educational relationship between parents-children and adults-youth with 'the courage to educate today'. A discussion dedicated to all parents, educators, but also to everyone as children, in order to better understand the dynamics and challenges required by today's sociological context: a world in constant evolution, where values change in priority and emotional intelligence becomes increasingly important. #education #ntsmoulding #beyondmoulding #welfare #giovani #valori

  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NTS S.p.A., immagine

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    Today, it is increasingly important to ensure the well-being of people within one's company. A demanding task but for a noble purpose. NTS Welfare is the program that includes all the HR activities, focusing on the growth and well-being of individuals: from economic welfare plans to personal development, from corporate events to internal academies. Actions that generate value for the individual are actions that generate value for the company: when the individual improves, their professionalism improves. During the events and meetings organized by NTS Welfare, this will be the goal: the awareness of being able to improve for oneself, for one's profession, and for one's family through the concrete stimuli and tools offered by NTS. Full speed ahead, together!

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di NTS S.p.A., immagine

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    Legami CoValenti, a real plan for the evolution of the school system, more than a project. Confirmed also by Minister Valditara as a virtuous example of the School-Enterprise synergy to allow girls and boys to live an applied experience in a working context such as that of a company: it means offering students awareness of themselves and of the world of work that awaits them with open arms. It is by living experiences that we discover who we are. And with this Confindustria BG project we stimulate this school-business synergy even more for the quality of the choices that will impact our near future. A special thanks to the schools and their directors, teachers and all the companies that, like NTS, have joined convinced of the ongoing school-business evolutionary path. Onwards and upwards! #education #confindustriabergamo #ntsmoulding #beyondmoulding

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