studio FM milano

studio FM milano

Graphic design

Milano, Mi 7.982 follower

Graphic design firm established in 1996 / brand identity, creative direction, digital, editorial, wayfinding, exhibition

Chi siamo

studio FM milano deals with Graphic design and creative direction with particular attention to the field of architecture, industrial design, art and culture. Established in 1996 by Barbara Forni and Sergio Menichelli who worked together in Ettore Sottsass's studio in the early nineties and by Cristiano Bottino, who had returned from New York. In addition to the three founders, the studio has now expanded to four other junior designer partners: Libero Corti, Domenico Liberti, Francesco Scagliarini and Ilaria Tomat. FM's projects range from print to digital, from publishing to display and signage projects. Over the years, the studio's works for Italian and international clients have deserved many awards and publications. Some members of the FM studio accompany the profession of graphic designer with an intense didactic activity in different schools. - Lo studio FM Milano si occupa di Graphic design e Art direction con una particolare attenzione al mondo dell’architettura, del disegno industriale, dell'arte e della cultura. È stato fondato nel 1996 da Barbara Forni e Sergio Menichelli che lavoravano insieme nello studio di Ettore Sottsass nei primi anni novanta e da Cristiano Bottino, rientrato da New York. Oltre che dai tre fondatori, lo studio FM è costituito oggi da altri quattro soci designer più giovani: Libero Corti, Domenico Liberti, Francesco Scagliarini e Ilaria Tomat. I progetti di FM spaziano dalla carta stampata all'ambito digitale, dall’editoria a progetti di allestimento e segnaletica. I lavori dello studio per committenti italiani ed internazionali hanno meritato, nel corso degli anni, molti riconoscimenti e pubblicazioni. Alcuni soci dello studio FM accompagnano la professione di designer grafico con una intensa attività didattica in differenti scuole.

Sito Web
Graphic design
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Milano, Mi
Società privata non quotata
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
graphic design, art direction, creative direction, editorial, digital, wayfinding, exhibit design e teaching


Dipendenti presso studio FM milano


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    In 2017 we were working on the restyling of the visual identity of Tecno. Tecno is an Italian company founded in 1953, leader in the production of furniture for workplaces and collective settings, and in the design and production of office furniture for high traffic areas. Among reworking the visual identity, we designed a 450 pages volume that represented the new course of the company increasingly concentrated on the design processes. For the occasion of the presentation of the new volume, we designed a giant vitruvian T (Tecno logo) for the facade of the flagship store in Milan, the same that is subtly engraved on the canvas cover of the publication. #brandidentity #nookdesign #vitruvianman #t

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di studio FM milano, immagine

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    Back in 2013 - AB a Playlife Story is not only a monograph on Alessandro Benetton, but also a graphic journey that describes Playlife, a brand conceived by Alessandro. The book is a search into memories, in order to bring the past together with the present; the volume becomes a communication tool that offers a personal, special point of view on the brand. #playlife #ab #redandblue #bookdesign #bookcover #brandbook

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di studio FM milano, immagine

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    ANIME THE MEANINGS OF DEATH Organized and curated by AIAP Associazione italiana design della comunicazione visiva he idea for the ANIME exhibition was born to celebrate the mystery and wonder of the city of Naples on the occasion of the first Italian edition of the European Design Awards. The aim was wanted to directly relate the power of graphic design with one of the most characteristic traits of Mediterranean and particularly Neapolitan culture, namely the cult of death. The exhibition of posters gathered are of a group of international designers who had received awards in this event over the years. They were asked to interpret this theme based on their own culture with the aim of setting up an exhibition in a place that is unique in many ways: the Santa Maria delle Anime del Purgatorio ad Arco Museum Complex. This church is divided into two levels. The upper church at street level represents the ‘earthly’ dimension, while the lower, ‘hypogeal’ church is dedicated to the cult of the souls in Purgatory. The ANIME exhibition is set up in the lower space. Our poster has a title: Dialogue between giants. It is composed by a geometrically deconstructed portrait of a pensive Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922 - 1975), one of the most dazzling Italian intellectuals of the 20th century and a profound lover of the city of Naples, merges with the luminous closing phrase of Les Nourritures Terrestres by André Gide (1869 - 1951), the French writer who won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1947 and testified his love for Naples with a book entitled A Napoli. #pierpaolopasolini #andregide #posterdesign

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di studio FM milano, immagine

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    Studio co-founder Cristiano Bottino contributed with a poster to the celebration of the genius of Franz Kafka, 100 years from his death. #franzkafka #kafka

    Visualizza il profilo di Cristiano Bottino, immagine

    Co-founder and creative director of studio FM milano. Professor at SPD, RAFFLES and NID.

    Among other 15 graphic designers, l've been asked to celebrate Franz Kafka with a poster. The assignment was to interpret a paragraph of The Metamorphosis. You can read my introductory text below. Change is not, in itself, a sign of rupture, but rather of evolution, I would say, of progression. In music, progression is considered as the systematic transposition or symmetrical repetition of a musical pattern, not a sudden change in harmony, but rather a predictable development. The same as before, but different. In this passage, Kafka describes Gregor looking out the window at a landscape that he remembers but that is no longer there, or at least it now appears different to him, day by day increasingly coagulated into an indistinguishable desert fused with the sky. In this poster, I have superimposed a hundred "K" until they become indistinguishable, a olack blot, and yet, thanks to our visual memory, still somehow understandable, desirable, and traceable. Thanks to the curator Dario Carta for asking me once again to be part of a such an interesting and inspiring initiative. The project is promoted by the comune di treviglio with the support of Fedrigoni Group, Edizioni Monti, and under the patronage of AIAP Associazione italiana design della comunicazione visiva. #kafka #kafka100 #franzkafka

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di studio FM milano, immagine

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    Back in 2019 we designed a magnetic way-finding system and extensive icon set for the new headquarters of the Italian pharmaceutical company Zambon designed by architecture studio Carlo Ratti Associati. The design responds to the need of an easy substitution of functions within the areas of the building. Pill's shaped signages secured to the ceiling with a green fabric belt, all the information is printed on a magnetic sheet that can be easily removed and substituted. #wayfinding #icons #signage

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di studio FM milano, immagine

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    Back in 2021, right after the pandemic lockdowns, we worked on the exhibition design, catalogue and posters for the first milanese exhibit entirely dedicated to Piet Mondrian. The exhibition took place at the Mudec Museo followed the Dutch artist through the artistic evolutionary process that led him from figuration to abstraction.

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  • Visualizza la pagina dell’organizzazione di studio FM milano, immagine

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    Back in 2006 when data visualization was yet not a trend, Italo Lupi, editor of Abitare magazine, commissioned us the Atlas of Design and the Atlas of Architecture: two unconventional diagrams telling the story of Italian Design and Architecture during the last 50 years of the 1900s. The two pamphlets are folded and attached to the magazine. Data have been edited by two professors from Politecnico di Milano: Prof. Fulvio Irace and Prof. Giampiero Bosoni. #italolupi #diagram #infographic #2006 #atlas #pamphlet #design #datavisualization

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