Andrea Gaggioli

Andrea Gaggioli

Milano, Lombardia, Italia
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I am a professor at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, heading both the Research Center in Communication Psychology (PsiCom) and the International Master in User Experience Psychology (UxP).

My expertise lies in the psychology of digital experience, where I utilize a broad spectrum of methodologies and tools to investigate how technology shapes human cognition and behavior.

Holding a Ph.D. in Psychobiology from the University of Milan, I developed the "Positive Technology" concept, which has evolved into a recognized field of research. For over twenty years, I have been actively involved in various projects applying Positive Technology in domains such as mental health, neurorehabilitation, and education.

I have authored over 200 articles in peer-reviewed journals, including Science and Nature, and keynoted at several conferences, such as EuroVR, Persuasive Technology, Design & Emotion, Supporting Health by Tech, and many others. My research is regularly featured in international media outlets, including The New York Times, Die Zeit, and Scientific American.

Main roles at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore:
- Director of the Research Center in Communication Psychology (PsiCom)
- Director of the International Master in User Experience Psychology
- Coordinator of the Research Unit in Psychology of Creativity and Innovation
- Member of the Quality Assurance Board
- Member of the Coordination Board of the Doctoral School of Psychology
- Member the of Board of Directors of the Humane Technology Lab (HTLab) and the Teaching and Learning Lab (TeleLab)

Teaching: General Psychology; Psychology of User Experience; Human-Computer Interaction.

For speaking engagements, email me at: [email protected]
Twitter: @gag4all

Articoli di Andrea

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    Attività e associazioni:positive psychology, quality of user experience

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Licenze e certificazioni

  • Chartered Psychologist (Abilitazione Albo A)

    Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia

    ID credenziale 03/17187


  • Ethics: disclose use of AI in scientific manuscripts


    Cutting-edge tools such as ChatGPT can greatly increase research effectiveness and productivity, but it is crucial to document their appropriate use

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  • Liminal design: A conceptual framework and three-step approach for developing technology that delivers transcendence and deeper experiences

    Frontiers in Psychology, Section Human-Media Interaction

    As ubiquitous technology is increasingly mediating our relationships with the world and others, we argue that the sublime is struggling to find room in product design primarily aimed at commercial and transactional goals such as speed and efficiency. We suggest a new category of products to promote deeper and more meaningful experiences, specifically those offering liminality, transcendence, and personal transformation. This paper introduces a conceptual framework and three-step design approach…

    As ubiquitous technology is increasingly mediating our relationships with the world and others, we argue that the sublime is struggling to find room in product design primarily aimed at commercial and transactional goals such as speed and efficiency. We suggest a new category of products to promote deeper and more meaningful experiences, specifically those offering liminality, transcendence, and personal transformation. This paper introduces a conceptual framework and three-step design approach looking at narrative participation in design through abstractions to promote, hold and deepen more complex emotions. We explore implications from a theoretical point of view and suggest product examples for how the model might be applied in practice.

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  • Beyond influence: Contextualization and optimization for new narrative techniques and story-formats. Perspective paper

    In a society where advances and innovations occur on a daily basis, outreach and meaningful engagement with the general public become more challenging. The amount of information produced and repackaged surpasses existing systems in place to ensure truthful and factual engagement with the public, especially with complex matters regarding health science. This perspective paper discusses the value of contextualization and optimization for creating transparent and engaging content. We reflect on…

    In a society where advances and innovations occur on a daily basis, outreach and meaningful engagement with the general public become more challenging. The amount of information produced and repackaged surpasses existing systems in place to ensure truthful and factual engagement with the public, especially with complex matters regarding health science. This perspective paper discusses the value of contextualization and optimization for creating transparent and engaging content. We reflect on the innovative Transformative Storytelling Technique as a new category creating hybrid content to guide the experience of audiences, starting with the case of informal caregivers helping individuals living with neurological conditions. Moreover, we share our perspective on the important considerations for current and future development of highly targeted content using this technique. We include reflections around the risks and ethical principles needed in the utilization and dissemination of “guided” content for the general public.

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  • Defining Transformative Experiences: A Conceptual Analysis

    Frontiers in Psychology

    The concept of transformative experience (TE) has been widely explored by several disciplines from philosophy to neurobiology, and in different domains, from the spiritual to the educational one. This attitude has engendered heterogeneous models to explain this phenomenon. However, a consistent and clear understanding of this construct remains elusive. The aim of this work is to provide an initial comprehensive interdisciplinary, cross-domain, up-to-date and integrated overview on the concept…

    The concept of transformative experience (TE) has been widely explored by several disciplines from philosophy to neurobiology, and in different domains, from the spiritual to the educational one. This attitude has engendered heterogeneous models to explain this phenomenon. However, a consistent and clear understanding of this construct remains elusive. The aim of this work is to provide an initial comprehensive interdisciplinary, cross-domain, up-to-date and integrated overview on the concept of transformative experiences. Firstly, all the models and theories on TEs were reviewed to extract and analyze TEs’ main components emerging from different disciplines. Then, this preliminary analysis was integrated with an in-depth examination of redundancies and particularities across domains and disciplines, to provide an integrated theoretical framework of TEs and a preliminary interdisciplinary operational definition of transformative experiences. This examination, in turn, can help organize current research and theories, thus providing suggestions for operationalizing TEs as well as encouraging new interdisciplinary research endeavors.

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  • Healing with Stories: using the Transformative Storytelling technique to generate empowering narratives for informal caregivers. A Method Demonstration.

    JMIR Formative Research

    The Transformative Storytelling Technique is an innovative top-down approach to narrative therapy that aims to provide building blocks for creating flourishing narratives for target groups or populations. This approach acts as a facilitator for implementing the human-centred design in developing digital self-help tools for larger samples or target groups.
    This study applied the Transformative Storytelling technique as a new approach in mental health, to develop empowering audio…

    The Transformative Storytelling Technique is an innovative top-down approach to narrative therapy that aims to provide building blocks for creating flourishing narratives for target groups or populations. This approach acts as a facilitator for implementing the human-centred design in developing digital self-help tools for larger samples or target groups.
    This study applied the Transformative Storytelling technique as a new approach in mental health, to develop empowering audio narratives for informal caregivers.
    A narrative inquiry has been conducted with seventeen informal caregivers (16 females and 1 male) who completed a semi-structured interview" Caregiver Life Story" acquiring about the beginning of the role, the rising action, and the critical point of the role. The participants age ranged from 41-84, with all participants providing care for at least six months period. This inquiry was guided by the Transformative Storytelling Technique, and it aimed to collect the data relevant to creating fictional stories based on real-life themes.
    Twenty-five overall themes have been distinguished across three a-priori set categories, providing narrative building blocks for the informal caregiver life stories. The final empowering caregiver life story was created as an example for this study, demonstrating the application of the Transformative Storytelling Technique in an informal care context.
    The creation of empowering stories, for populations or target groups in mental health care, requires a unified and guided approach that will follow clear guidelines and storytelling principles.

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  • Machines like us and people like you: Toward human–robot shared experience

    Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking

    In the past years, the field of collaborative robots has been developing fast, with applications ranging from health care to search and rescue, construction, entertainment, sports, and many others. However, current social robotics is still far from the general abilities we expect in a robot collaborator. This limitation is more evident when robots are faced with real-life contexts and activities occurring over long periods. In this article, we argue that human–robot collaboration is more than…

    In the past years, the field of collaborative robots has been developing fast, with applications ranging from health care to search and rescue, construction, entertainment, sports, and many others. However, current social robotics is still far from the general abilities we expect in a robot collaborator. This limitation is more evident when robots are faced with real-life contexts and activities occurring over long periods. In this article, we argue that human–robot collaboration is more than just being able to work side by side on complementary tasks: collaboration is a complex relational process that entails mutual understanding and reciprocal adaptation. Drawing on this assumption, we propose to shift the focus from “human–robot interaction” to “human–robot shared experience.” We hold that for enabling the emergence of such shared experiential space between humans and robots, constructs such as coadaptation, intersubjectivity, individual differences, and identity should become the central focus of modeling. Finally, we suggest that this shift in perspective would imply changing current mainstream design approaches, which are mainly focused on functional aspects of the human–robot interaction, to the development of architectural frameworks that integrate the enabling dimensions of social cognition.

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  • The Potential Role of Awe for Depression: Reassembling the puzzle

    Frontiers in Psychology

    Recently, interest in the unique pathways linking discrete positive emotions to specific health outcomes has gained increasing attention, but the role of awe has yet to be elucidated. Awe is a complex and transformative emotion that restructures individuals’ mental frames so deeply that it could be considered a therapeutic asset for major mental health major issues, including depression. Despite sparse evidence showing a potential connection between depression and awe, this link has not been…

    Recently, interest in the unique pathways linking discrete positive emotions to specific health outcomes has gained increasing attention, but the role of awe has yet to be elucidated. Awe is a complex and transformative emotion that restructures individuals’ mental frames so deeply that it could be considered a therapeutic asset for major mental health major issues, including depression. Despite sparse evidence showing a potential connection between depression and awe, this link has not been combined into a proposal resulting in specific intervention guidelines. The aim of this perspective was threefold: (i) to provide a new unifying model of awe’s functioning – the Matryoshka model; (ii) to show systematic and explicit connections between this emotion and depression; and (iii) to suggest specific guidelines of intervention utilizing the potential therapeutic role of awe for mental health, specifically for depression. This theoretical endeavor in its entirety has been framed within the health domain.

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  • The potential of transformative video design for improving caregiver’s wellbeing

    Health Psychology Open

    The existing interventions for informal caregivers assist with managing health outcomes of the role burden. However, the deeper meaning-making needs of informal caregivers have been generally neglected. This paper reflects on the meaning-making needs of informal caregivers, through the theory of narrative identity, and proposes a new approach – the Transformative Video Design technique delivered via video storytelling. Transformative Video Design assists informal caregivers to re-create a…

    The existing interventions for informal caregivers assist with managing health outcomes of the role burden. However, the deeper meaning-making needs of informal caregivers have been generally neglected. This paper reflects on the meaning-making needs of informal caregivers, through the theory of narrative identity, and proposes a new approach – the Transformative Video Design technique delivered via video storytelling. Transformative Video Design assists informal caregivers to re-create a cohesive caregiving story and incorporate it into the narrative identity. The technique is used as a stimulus for triggering the self-re-structure within the narrative identity and facilitating role transformation.

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  • Nature versus art as elicitors of the sublime: A virtual reality study

    PLoS One

    The sublime–the mixed aesthetic experience of uplift and elevation in response to a powerful or vast object that otherwise is experienced as menacing–has nurtured philosophical discourse for centuries. One of the major philosophical issues concerns whether the sublime is best thought of as a subjective response or as a stimulus. Recently, psychology has conceived of the sublime as an emotion, often referred to as awe, arising from natural or artistic stimuli that are great, rare, and/or vast…

    The sublime–the mixed aesthetic experience of uplift and elevation in response to a powerful or vast object that otherwise is experienced as menacing–has nurtured philosophical discourse for centuries. One of the major philosophical issues concerns whether the sublime is best thought of as a subjective response or as a stimulus. Recently, psychology has conceived of the sublime as an emotion, often referred to as awe, arising from natural or artistic stimuli that are great, rare, and/or vast. However, it has not yet been empirically demonstrated whether two major elicitors of the sublime–nature and art–differ in inducing this state. In order to experimentally compare nature and art, we exposed 50 participants to sublimity-inducing content in two different formats (nature-based and art-based) using 360° videos. We compared Vincent Van Gogh’s The Starry Night with a photorealistic version of the actual place depicted in the painting, Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. We measured participants’ emotional responses before and after each exposure, as well as the sense of presence. The nature-based format induced higher intensity emotional responses than the art-based format. This study compares different sublime stimuli (nature vs. art) for eliciting the sublime.

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  • Positive emotion dispositions and emotion regulation in the Italian population

    PLoS One

    The goal of this large-scale study was to test the relationship between positive emotion dispositions (i.e., Joy, Contentment, Pride, Love, Compassion, Amusement, and Awe) and two strategies of emotion regulation (i.e., reappraisal and suppression) in the Italian population. 532 Italian-speaking adults completed the Dispositional Positive Emotion Scales (DPES), the Positive and Negative Affective Schedule (PANAS), the Italian Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), and the Big-Five Inventory…

    The goal of this large-scale study was to test the relationship between positive emotion dispositions (i.e., Joy, Contentment, Pride, Love, Compassion, Amusement, and Awe) and two strategies of emotion regulation (i.e., reappraisal and suppression) in the Italian population. 532 Italian-speaking adults completed the Dispositional Positive Emotion Scales (DPES), the Positive and Negative Affective Schedule (PANAS), the Italian Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ), and the Big-Five Inventory (BFI). DPES scales showed high reliability. Exploratory Factor Analysis showed that a 6-factor model fits the Italian sample better. Joy and Contentment loaded on the same factor. Items assessing the other five emotions loaded on separate factors. The patterns of relationships between positive emotion dispositions, positive and negative affects traits (PANAS), and personality traits (BFI) indicated concurrent validity of the DPES. Twelve separated multiple regression models with BFI and ERQ factors as predictors and DPES factors as response variables showed that Extraversion significantly positively predicted of all DPES emotions. Agreeableness predicted Happiness, Love, Compassion, and Awe positively. Conscientiousness predicted Amusement and Love negatively and Compassion, Pride, and Happiness positively. Neuroticism predicted all emotions negatively except for Compassion. Positive emotions were significantly and positively predicted by reappraisal, and negatively predicted by suppression.

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  • The Effects of an Ecological Diversifying Experience on Creativity: An Experimental Study

    Frontiers in Psychology - Cognition

    Sometimes, life houses rare and unexpected events, such as moving abroad or meeting a special person unexpectedly. Recently, these situations have been indicated as “diversifying experiences” (DEs), defined as unusual and unexpected events that drag people outside their daily routine and accustomed schemas. The core mechanism of DEs would entail the disruption of our mental schema, which can facilitate unexpected connections among even distant ideas, thus enhancing people’s cognitive…

    Sometimes, life houses rare and unexpected events, such as moving abroad or meeting a special person unexpectedly. Recently, these situations have been indicated as “diversifying experiences” (DEs), defined as unusual and unexpected events that drag people outside their daily routine and accustomed schemas. The core mechanism of DEs would entail the disruption of our mental schema, which can facilitate unexpected connections among even distant ideas, thus enhancing people’s cognitive flexibility, that is, a key component of creative thinking. Despite both qualitative and lab-based studies have investigated the features of these experiences, an ecological assessment of their properties also in relation with creativity is still an open issue. The aim of this research is to study the DE–creativity link in a more ecological way, on the basis of a real-life disruptive experience of light deprivation. Specifically, we compared an ecological DE artistic established entertainment format (i.e., “dialogue in the dark,” which is seeing people perform several daily life activities but in the absence of light) with an equivalent experience in which the same activities were acted in the sunlight.

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  • Designing Virtual Environments for attitudes and behavioral change on plastic consumption: A comparison between concrete and numerical information

    Virtual Reality

    Starting from the pro-environmental potential of virtual reality (VR), the aim was to understand how different statistical information formats can enhance VR persuasive potential for plastic consumption, recycling and waste. Naturalistic, immersive virtual reality environments (VREs) were designed ad hoc to display three kinds of statistical evidence formats, featured as three different formats (i.e., numerical, concrete and mixed). Participants were exposed only to one of the three formats in…

    Starting from the pro-environmental potential of virtual reality (VR), the aim was to understand how different statistical information formats can enhance VR persuasive potential for plastic consumption, recycling and waste. Naturalistic, immersive virtual reality environments (VREs) were designed ad hoc to display three kinds of statistical evidence formats, featured as three different formats (i.e., numerical, concrete and mixed). Participants were exposed only to one of the three formats in VR, and their affect, emotions, sense of presence, general attitudes toward the environment, specific attitudes and behavioral intentions toward plastic, use, waste, recycle, as well as their social desirability proneness were measured. Numerical format was the least effective across all dimensions. Concrete and mixed formats were similar. Social desirability only partially affected participants’ attitudes and behavioral intentions. Numerical format did not increase the persuasive efficacy of statistical evidence displayed in VR, with respect to visual alone. Implications and future directions for designing effective VRE promoting pro-environmental behaviors were discussed.

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  • Transformative Cognition


    Personal change is generally considered as a gradual and linear process, which occurs either as a result of maturation over the lifespan or as the result of therapeutic interventions. However, research from different disciplines – including anthropology, philosophy, and psychology – suggests the existence of a second type of change – transformative or transformational – which involves a radical and long-lasting shift in the individual’s core beliefs, values, and attitudes. In this contribution,…

    Personal change is generally considered as a gradual and linear process, which occurs either as a result of maturation over the lifespan or as the result of therapeutic interventions. However, research from different disciplines – including anthropology, philosophy, and psychology – suggests the existence of a second type of change – transformative or transformational – which involves a radical and long-lasting shift in the individual’s core beliefs, values, and attitudes. In this contribution, I will review key definitions and conceptualizations of transformative experience, discuss the scientific and practical relevance of this construct, and suggest some future directions for research.

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  • Transformative Cognition

    The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the PossiblePublisher: Palgrave

    Personal change is generally considered as a gradual and linear process, which occurs either as a result of maturation over the lifespan or as the result of a therapeutic interventions. However, research from different disciplines – including anthropology, philosophy and psychology – suggests the existence of a second type of change – transformative or transformational – which involves a radical and long-lasting shift in the individual’s core beliefs, values, and attitudes. In this…

    Personal change is generally considered as a gradual and linear process, which occurs either as a result of maturation over the lifespan or as the result of a therapeutic interventions. However, research from different disciplines – including anthropology, philosophy and psychology – suggests the existence of a second type of change – transformative or transformational – which involves a radical and long-lasting shift in the individual’s core beliefs, values, and attitudes. In this contribution, I will review key definitions and conceptualizations of transformative experience, discuss the scientific and practical relevance of this construct, and suggest some future directions for research.

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  • On the effects of leader-follower roles in dyadic human-robot synchronisation

    IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systemsn

    The spread of cobots working side-by-side to humans has recently drawn attention to the psychological aspects of human-robot interaction. We propose an exploratory study that investigates whether and how the role taken on by the robot during a collaborative task influences the human’s psycho-physiological response and production rate. We assume the cobot can either take the lead with respect to the human operator or comply with the partner’s decision; namely, being the leader or the follower…

    The spread of cobots working side-by-side to humans has recently drawn attention to the psychological aspects of human-robot interaction. We propose an exploratory study that investigates whether and how the role taken on by the robot during a collaborative task influences the human’s psycho-physiological response and production rate. We assume the cobot can either take the lead with respect to the human operator or comply with the partner’s decision; namely, being the leader or the follower within the dyad. Against this background, we examined the effects of the leader-follower paradigm on a collaborative tower-building task. We evaluated the stress induced on the subject by the cooperation with the robot, based on both the ECG measurements and on PANAS and STAI questionnaires. Moreover, based on the measured cycle-time, we estimated the user’s production rate. The results highlighted that when the human takes the lead, he/she is subject to a lower physiological stress and is less productive compared to the case where he/she follows the robot strategy.

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  • Digital Mental Health Tools for Caregivers of Older Adults—A Scoping Review

    Frontiers in Public Health

    nformal caregivers have an important role in bridging the gap between the assistance care recipients need and what can be provided by the health care systems across Europe. The burden of the caregiving role places a significant threat to caregiver health, and the vast majority of caregiver's report stress and emotional strain, depression, and increased rates of chronic diseases. In line with this, strengthening the caregiver's mental health is one of the main goals for optimal caregiving…

    nformal caregivers have an important role in bridging the gap between the assistance care recipients need and what can be provided by the health care systems across Europe. The burden of the caregiving role places a significant threat to caregiver health, and the vast majority of caregiver's report stress and emotional strain, depression, and increased rates of chronic diseases. In line with this, strengthening the caregiver's mental health is one of the main goals for optimal caregiving. Caregivers already struggle with the demand of their role while coping with health problems, social, family, and work obligations. The solution for the caregiver's mental health needs to be accessible, low cost, and time-effective. This scoping review investigates digital mental health tools available as a mean of supporting the mental health of caregivers.

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  • Networked Flow in Creative Collaboration: A Mixed Method Study

    Creativity Research Journal

    The recent model of Networked flow (NF) mapped out factors underlying optimal creative collaboration in blended spaces (physical and digital). NF conceives creativity as an evolving network bridging material and symbolic resources of the creative collaboration process at both inter and the intra-group levels. First, this model posits that optimal group creativity is characterized by highest levels of the experiences of flow and social presence. Secondly, these experiences should stem from a…

    The recent model of Networked flow (NF) mapped out factors underlying optimal creative collaboration in blended spaces (physical and digital). NF conceives creativity as an evolving network bridging material and symbolic resources of the creative collaboration process at both inter and the intra-group levels. First, this model posits that optimal group creativity is characterized by highest levels of the experiences of flow and social presence. Secondly, these experiences should stem from a peculiar group communicative structure. Therefore, group creativity should be studied through a mixed-method approach focusing on experiential and structural features of group collaboration, on their evolution, and on group artifacts. Here, we measured the evolution of 10 groups’ structural dynamics by means of Social Network Analysis (SNA), and we assessed group experience through group flow experience (Flow State Scale) and social presence (NMSPI). Moreover, four independent raters evaluated the creative products through a domain-based approach, that is the Consensual Assessment Technique. Finally, we deepened the analysis of the highest creative group’ micro-interaction through the qualitative approach of Interlocutory Logic. Group flow and social presence were positively related. Both experiential dimensions and creative outcomes were predicted by specific SNA indexes. Qualitative approach of Interlocutory Logic and an analysis of most and least creative groups’ sociograms, suggested two structural patterns underlying optimal group creativity instances. Specifically, even a few but well-aimed interactions could facilitate the emergence of higher creativity levels, which could emerge silently, with few but effective interactions, or explicitly, with several (mostly) democratic exchanges among members.

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  • Networked Flow in Creative Collaboration: A Mixed Method Study

    Creativity Research Journal

    The recent model of Networked flow (NF) mapped out factors underlying optimal creative collaboration in blended spaces (physical and digital). NF conceives creativity as an evolving network bridging material and symbolic resources of the creative collaboration process at both inter and the intra-group levels. First, this model posits that optimal group creativity is characterized by highest levels of the experiences of flow and social presence. Secondly, these experiences should stem from a…

    The recent model of Networked flow (NF) mapped out factors underlying optimal creative collaboration in blended spaces (physical and digital). NF conceives creativity as an evolving network bridging material and symbolic resources of the creative collaboration process at both inter and the intra-group levels. First, this model posits that optimal group creativity is characterized by highest levels of the experiences of flow and social presence. Secondly, these experiences should stem from a peculiar group communicative structure. Therefore, group creativity should be studied through a mixed-method approach focusing on experiential and structural features of group collaboration, on their evolution, and on group artifacts. Here, we measured the evolution of 10 groups’ structural dynamics by means of Social Network Analysis (SNA), and we assessed group experience through group flow experience (Flow State Scale) and social presence (NMSPI). Moreover, four independent raters evaluated the creative products through a domain-based approach, that is the Consensual Assessment Technique. Finally, we deepened the analysis of the highest creative group’ micro-interaction through the qualitative approach of Interlocutory Logic. Group flow and social presence were positively related. Both experiential dimensions and creative outcomes were predicted by specific SNA indexes. Qualitative approach of Interlocutory Logic and an analysis of most and least creative groups’ sociograms, suggested two structural patterns underlying optimal group creativity instances. Specifically, even a few but well-aimed interactions could facilitate the emergence of higher creativity levels, which could emerge silently, with few but effective interactions, or explicitly, with several (mostly) democratic exchanges among members.

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  • The Middleman is Dead, Long Live the Middleman: The “trust factor” and the psycho-social implications of blockchain

    Frontiers in Blockchain

    Blockchain is widely regarded as a breakthrough innovation that may have a profound impact on the economy and society, of a magnitude comparable to the effects of the introduction of the Internet itself. In essence, a blockchain is a decentralized peer-to-peer network with no central authority figure, which adds information to the distributed database by collectively validating the accuracy of data. Since each node of the network participates in the review and confirmation of the new…

    Blockchain is widely regarded as a breakthrough innovation that may have a profound impact on the economy and society, of a magnitude comparable to the effects of the introduction of the Internet itself. In essence, a blockchain is a decentralized peer-to-peer network with no central authority figure, which adds information to the distributed database by collectively validating the accuracy of data. Since each node of the network participates in the review and confirmation of the new information before being accepted, the need for a trustworthy intermediary is eliminated. However, as trust plays an essential role in affecting decisions when transacting with one another, it is important to understand which implications the decentralized nature of blockchain may have on individuals' sense of trust. In this contribution, we argue that the adoption of blockchain is not only a technological, but foremostly a psychological challenge, which crucially depends on the possibility of creating a trust management approach that matches the underlying distributed communication system. We first describe the decentralization technologies and possibilities they hold for the near future. Next, we discuss the psycho-social implications of the introduction of decentralized processes of trust, examining some potential scenarios, and outline a research agenda

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  • Positive Technology: Designing E-experiences for Positive Change

    Frontiers in psychology

    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the potential role that digital technologies can play in promoting well-being. Smartphones, wearable devices, virtual/augmented reality, social media, and the internet provide a wealth of useful tools and resources to support psychological interventions that facilitate positive emotions, resilience, personal growth, creativity, and social connectedness.

    Understanding the full extent of this potential, however, requires an…

    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the potential role that digital technologies can play in promoting well-being. Smartphones, wearable devices, virtual/augmented reality, social media, and the internet provide a wealth of useful tools and resources to support psychological interventions that facilitate positive emotions, resilience, personal growth, creativity, and social connectedness.

    Understanding the full extent of this potential, however, requires an interdisciplinary approach that integrates the scientific principles of well-being into the design of e-experiences that foster positive change. Positive Technology is an emergent field within human-computer interaction that seeks to understand how interactive technologies can be used in evidence-based well-being interventions. Its focus of analysis is two-fold: at the theoretical level, Positive Technology aims to develop conceptual frameworks and models for understanding how computers can be effectively used to help individuals achieve greater well-being.

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  • When Virtual Feels Real: Comparing Emotional Responses and Presence in Virtual and Natural Environments

    Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking

    Although virtual reality (VR) is increasingly regarded as an effective emotion induction technique, little research has examined whether and how emotions elicited in VR differ from those evoked in real life. To address this question, 50 participants (25 females and 25 males) were exposed to either a real-life contemplative scenario (a panoramic view of a lake) or to an immersive 360° footage of the same landscape. Next, type and valence of emotions, as well as sense of presence reported by…

    Although virtual reality (VR) is increasingly regarded as an effective emotion induction technique, little research has examined whether and how emotions elicited in VR differ from those evoked in real life. To address this question, 50 participants (25 females and 25 males) were exposed to either a real-life contemplative scenario (a panoramic view of a lake) or to an immersive 360° footage of the same landscape. Next, type and valence of emotions, as well as sense of presence reported by participants, were compared across conditions. Findings showed that emotions elicited by virtual and natural conditions were not significantly different. The only exception was anger, which was significantly higher in the natural condition, and amusement, which was significantly higher in the virtual condition. Sense of physical presence and engagement dimensions of presence did not significantly differ between virtual and real conditions. However, different correlation patterns between emotions and key dimensions of presence were found after in vivo and in virtuo exposure. These findings provide initial evidence that emotions and sense of presence elicited by immersive videos are comparable with those evoked by real-life scenarios and warrant further investigations.

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  • Towards Emotionally-Adaptive Virtual Reality for Mental Health Applications

    IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics

    Here we introduce the design and preliminary validation of a general-purpose architecture for affective-driven procedural content generation in Virtual Reality (VR) applications in mental health and wellbeing. The architecture supports seven commercial physiological sensing technologies and can be deployed in immersive and non-immersive VR systems. To demonstrate the concept, we developed the "The Emotional Labyrinth", a non-linear scenario in which navigation in a procedurally-generated 3D…

    Here we introduce the design and preliminary validation of a general-purpose architecture for affective-driven procedural content generation in Virtual Reality (VR) applications in mental health and wellbeing. The architecture supports seven commercial physiological sensing technologies and can be deployed in immersive and non-immersive VR systems. To demonstrate the concept, we developed the "The Emotional Labyrinth", a non-linear scenario in which navigation in a procedurally-generated 3D maze is entirely decided by the user, and whose features are dynamically adapted according to a set of emotional states. During navigation, affective states are dynamically represented through pictures, music, and animated visual metaphors chosen to represent and induce affective states. The underlying hypothesis is that exposing users to multimodal representations of their affective states can create a feedback loop that supports emotional self-awareness and fosters more effective emotional regulation strategies. We carried out a first study to (i) assess the effectiveness of the selected metaphors in inducing target emotions, and (ii) identify relevant psycho-physiological markers of the emotional experience generated by the labyrinth. Results show that the Emotional Labyrinth is overall a pleasant experience in which the proposed procedural content generation can induce distinctive psycho-physiological patterns, generally coherent with the meaning of the metaphors used in the labyrinth design. Further, collected psycho-physiological responses such as electrocardiography, respiration, electrodermal activity, and electromyography are used to generate computational models of users' reported experience. These models enable the future implementation of the closed loop mechanism to adapt the Labyrinth procedurally to the users' affective state.

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  • Awe Enhances Creative Thinking: An Experimental Study

    Creativity Research Journal

    Awe is a complex emotion characterized by feelings of vastness and a need for accommodation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the experience of awe impacts on peculiar dimensions of creative potential in terms of creative thinking. Fifty-two university students were exposed both to an awe-inducing 3D-video and to a neutral one in a within-subject design. After each video, participants reported the intensity and type of perceived emotion and completed two verbal tasks of the…

    Awe is a complex emotion characterized by feelings of vastness and a need for accommodation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the experience of awe impacts on peculiar dimensions of creative potential in terms of creative thinking. Fifty-two university students were exposed both to an awe-inducing 3D-video and to a neutral one in a within-subject design. After each video, participants reported the intensity and type of perceived emotion and completed two verbal tasks of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT; Torrance, 1974). A direct causal relationship between awe and creative thinking was tested using generalized linear model. Results showed that awe affected key creative thinking components—fluency, flexibility and elaboration measured by the product improvement test—compared to the neutral stimulus. Implications of these findings for future research and limitations are discussed.

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  • Designing Awe in Virtual Reality: An Experimental Study

    Frontiers in Psychology

    Awe is a little-studied emotion with a great transformative potential. Therefore, the interest toward the study of awe’s underlying mechanisms has been increased. Specifically, researchers have been interested in how to reproduce intense feelings of awe within laboratory conditions. It has been proposed that the use of virtual reality (VR) could be an effective way to induce awe in controlled experimental settings, thanks to its ability of providing participants with a sense of “presence,” that…

    Awe is a little-studied emotion with a great transformative potential. Therefore, the interest toward the study of awe’s underlying mechanisms has been increased. Specifically, researchers have been interested in how to reproduce intense feelings of awe within laboratory conditions. It has been proposed that the use of virtual reality (VR) could be an effective way to induce awe in controlled experimental settings, thanks to its ability of providing participants with a sense of “presence,” that is, the subjective feeling of being displaced in another physical or imaginary place. However, the potential of VR as awe-inducing medium has not been fully tested yet. In the present study, we provided an evidence-based design and a validation of four immersive virtual environments (VEs) involving 36 participants in a within-subject design. Of these, three VEs were designed to induce awe, whereas the fourth VE was targeted as an emotionally neutral stimulus. Participants self-reported the extent to which they felt awe, general affect and sense of presence related to each environment. As expected, results showed that awe-VEs could induce significantly higher levels of awe and presence as compared to the neutral VE. Furthermore, these VEs induced significantly more positive than negative affect. These findings supported the potential of immersive VR for inducing awe and provide useful indications for the design of awe-inspiring virtual environments.

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  • Effectiveness of Immersive Videos in Inducing Awe: An Experimental Study

    Scientific Reports

    Awe, a complex emotion composed by the appraisal components of vastness and need for
    accommodation, is a profound and often meaningful experience. Despite its importance, psychologists
    have only recently begun empirical study of awe. At the experimental level, a main issue concerns
    how to elicit high intensity awe experiences in the lab. To address this issue, Virtual Reality (VR) has
    been proposed as a potential solution. Here, we considered the highest realistic form of VR:…

    Awe, a complex emotion composed by the appraisal components of vastness and need for
    accommodation, is a profound and often meaningful experience. Despite its importance, psychologists
    have only recently begun empirical study of awe. At the experimental level, a main issue concerns
    how to elicit high intensity awe experiences in the lab. To address this issue, Virtual Reality (VR) has
    been proposed as a potential solution. Here, we considered the highest realistic form of VR: immersive
    videos. 42 participants watched at immersive and normal 2D videos displaying an awe or a neutral
    content. After the experience, they rated their level of awe and sense of presence. Participants’
    psychophysiological responses (BVP, SC, sEMG) were recorded during the whole video exposure. We
    hypothesized that the immersive video condition would increase the intensity of awe experienced
    compared to 2D screen videos. Results indicated that immersive videos significantly enhanced the self-reported intensity of awe as well as the sense of presence. Immersive videos displaying an awe content also led to higher parasympathetic activation. These findings indicate the advantages of using VR in the experimental study of awe, with methodological implications for the study of other emotions

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  • Positive Technology, Computing, and Design: Shaping a Future in Which Technology Promotes Psychological Well-Being

    In: Jeon M, (Ed.). Affective sciences in human factors and human–computer interaction. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

    More and more of our daily activities depend on some kind of inter- active device or digital service. Furthermore, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is not limited to the long hours that we spend at the office. Our free time, too, has been increasingly colonized by technology-mediated experiences delivered through smartphones, tab- lets, and other personal wearable devices. Even sport activities have been infiltrated by technologies from fitness trackers to wearable…

    More and more of our daily activities depend on some kind of inter- active device or digital service. Furthermore, the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) is not limited to the long hours that we spend at the office. Our free time, too, has been increasingly colonized by technology-mediated experiences delivered through smartphones, tab- lets, and other personal wearable devices. Even sport activities have been infiltrated by technologies from fitness trackers to wearable action cams. Computers and other digital devices have become regular companions in our daily lives, but have they made us any happier? Interestingly, the majority of psychological studies on the impact of technologies on well- being have focused on their potential negative effects, including investigations into cyber addiction, techno-stress, violent videogames, privacy risks, etc. On the other side, less attention has been paid to the question of how interactive digital systems could be used to improve well-being of individuals and groups.

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  • Transforming Experience: The Potential of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Enhancing Personal and Clinical Change

    Front. Psychiatry

    During life, many personal changes occur. These include changing house, school, work, and even friends and partners. However, the daily experience shows clearly that, in some situations, subjects are unable to change even if they want to. The recent advances in psychology and neuroscience are now providing a better view of personal change, the change affecting our assumptive world: (a) the focus of personal change is reducing the distance between self and reality (conflict); (b) this reduction…

    During life, many personal changes occur. These include changing house, school, work, and even friends and partners. However, the daily experience shows clearly that, in some situations, subjects are unable to change even if they want to. The recent advances in psychology and neuroscience are now providing a better view of personal change, the change affecting our assumptive world: (a) the focus of personal change is reducing the distance between self and reality (conflict); (b) this reduction is achieved through (1) an intense focus on the particular experience creating the conflict or (2) an internal or external reorganization of this experience; (c) personal change requires a progression through a series of different stages that however happen in discontinuous and non-linear ways; and (d) clinical psychology is often used to facilitate personal change when subjects are unable to move forward. Starting from these premises, the aim of this paper is to review the potential of virtuality for enhancing the processes of personal and clinical change. First, the paper focuses on the two leading virtual technologies – augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) – exploring their current uses in behavioral health and the outcomes of the 28 available systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Then the paper discusses the added value provided by VR and AR in transforming our external experience by focusing on the high level of personal efficacy and self-reflectiveness generated by their sense of presence and emotional engagement. Finally, it outlines the potential future use of virtuality for transforming our inner experience by structuring, altering, and/or replacing our bodily self-consciousness. The final outcome may be a new generation of transformative experiences that provide knowledge that is epistemically inaccessible to the individual until he or she has that experience, while at the same time transforming the individual’s worldview.

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  • Networked Flow in musical bands

    Psychology of Music

    This study aimed at using the Networked Flow (NF) model to investigate group collaboration in the context of musical bands. We analyzed the relationship between flow, social presence, structural dynamics and performance as they related to 15 bands in a rehearsal room. Flow was measured using the Flow State Scale; social presence was assessed with the Networked Minds Social Presence scale; and interpersonal communication structure (exchange of gazes and verbal orders) was assessed by means of…

    This study aimed at using the Networked Flow (NF) model to investigate group collaboration in the context of musical bands. We analyzed the relationship between flow, social presence, structural dynamics and performance as they related to 15 bands in a rehearsal room. Flow was measured using the Flow State Scale; social presence was assessed with the Networked Minds Social Presence scale; and interpersonal communication structure (exchange of gazes and verbal orders) was assessed by means of Social Network Analysis (SNA). In addition, we considered: (a) a subjective measure of performance, rated by each member on an ad-hoc questionnaire; and (b) an expert rating of performance, based on the evaluation of audio-video recordings of each group. Findings showed the multifaceted nature of the relationship between social presence and flow. Group flow score was a significant predictor of self-reported performance, but not of expert-evaluated performance. Moreover, several correlations were found between flow, social presence and patterns of interpersonal coordination (both implicit and explicit). Specifically, SNA reveals that flow was positively related to exchanges of gazes and negatively associated with exchanges of orders. Overall, this study contributes to further elucidating the complex interplay between group flow and intersubjective dynamics in music collaboration.

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  • Human Computer Confluence Transforming Human Experience Through Symbiotic Technologies

    De Gruyter

    Human-computer confluence refers to an invisible, implicit, embodied or even implanted interaction between humans and system components. New classes of user interfaces are emerging that make use of several sensors and are able to adapt their physical properties to the current situational context of users.
    A key aspect of human-computer confluence is its potential for transforming human experience in the sense of bending, breaking and blending the barriers between the real, the virtual and…

    Human-computer confluence refers to an invisible, implicit, embodied or even implanted interaction between humans and system components. New classes of user interfaces are emerging that make use of several sensors and are able to adapt their physical properties to the current situational context of users.
    A key aspect of human-computer confluence is its potential for transforming human experience in the sense of bending, breaking and blending the barriers between the real, the virtual and the augmented, to allow users to experience their body and their world in new ways. Research on Presence, Embodiment and Brain-Computer Interface is already exploring these boundaries and asking questions such as: Can we seamlessly move between the virtual and the real? Can we assimilate fundamentally new senses through confluence? The aim of this book is to explore the boundaries and intersections of the multidisciplinary field of HCC and discuss its potential applications in different domains, including healthcare, education, training and even arts.

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  • Transformative Experience Design

    In: Gaggioli A, Ferscha A, Riva G, Dunne S, Viaud-Delmon I, editors. Human Computer Confluence: Transforming Human Experience Through Symbiotic Technologies. Warsaw: De Gruyter Open (2015). p. 97–121.

    Until now, information and communication technologies have been mostly conceived as a mean to support human activities – communication, productivity, leisure. However, as the sophistication of digital tools increases, researchers are starting to consider their potential role in supporting the fullfilment of higher human needs, such as self-actualization and self-transcendence. In this chapter, I introduce Transformative Experience Design (TED), a conceptual framework for exploring how…

    Until now, information and communication technologies have been mostly conceived as a mean to support human activities – communication, productivity, leisure. However, as the sophistication of digital tools increases, researchers are starting to consider their potential role in supporting the fullfilment of higher human needs, such as self-actualization and self-transcendence. In this chapter, I introduce Transformative Experience Design (TED), a conceptual framework for exploring how next-generation interactive technologies might be used to support long-lasting changes in the self-world. At the center of this framework is the elicitation of transformative experiences, which are experiences designed to facilitate an epistemic expansion through the (controlled) alteration of sensorial, perceptual, cognitive and affective processes

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  • Predictive Technologies: Can Smart Tools Augment the Brain's Predictive Abilities?

    Frontiers in Neuroscience - Neural Technology

    The ability of “looking into the future”—namely, the capacity of anticipating future states of the environment or of the body—represents a fundamental function of human (and animal) brains. A goalkeeper who tries to guess the ball's direction; a chess player who attempts to anticipate the opponent's next move; or a man-in-love who tries to calculate what are the chances of her saying yes—in all these cases, people are simulating possible future states of the world, in order to maximize the…

    The ability of “looking into the future”—namely, the capacity of anticipating future states of the environment or of the body—represents a fundamental function of human (and animal) brains. A goalkeeper who tries to guess the ball's direction; a chess player who attempts to anticipate the opponent's next move; or a man-in-love who tries to calculate what are the chances of her saying yes—in all these cases, people are simulating possible future states of the world, in order to maximize the success of their decisions or actions. Research in neuroscience is showing that our ability to predict the behavior of physical or social phenomena is largely dependent on the brain's ability to integrate current and past information to generate (probabilistic) simulations of the future. But could predictive processing be augmented using advanced technologies? In this contribution, we discuss how computational technologies may be used to support, facilitate or enhance the prediction of future events, by considering exemplificative scenarios across different domains, from simpler sensorimotor decisions to more complex cognitive tasks. We also examine the key scientific and technical challenges that must be faced to turn this vision into reality.

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    • Giovanni PezzuloAu
    • Alessandro D'Ausilio
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  • The Creative Link: Investigating the Relationship Between Social Network Indices, Creative Performance and Flow in Blended Teams

    Computers in Human Behaviors (2015) 42:157-166

    This study presents findings of an exploratory study, which has investigated the relationship between indices of social network structure, flow and creative performance in students collaborating in blended setting. Thirty undergraduate students enrolled in a Media Psychology course were included in five groups, which were tasked with designing a new technology-based psychological application. Team members collaborated over a twelve-week period using two main modalities:…

    This study presents findings of an exploratory study, which has investigated the relationship between indices of social network structure, flow and creative performance in students collaborating in blended setting. Thirty undergraduate students enrolled in a Media Psychology course were included in five groups, which were tasked with designing a new technology-based psychological application. Team members collaborated over a twelve-week period using two main modalities: face-to-face meeting sessions in the classroom (once a week) and virtually using a groupware tool. Social network indicators of group interaction and presence indices were extracted from communication logs, whereas flow and product creativity were assessed through survey measures. Findings showed that specific social network indices (in particular those measuring decentralization and neighbor interaction) were positively related with flow experience. More broadly, results indicated that selected social network indicators can offer useful insight into the creative collaboration process. Theoretical and methodological implications of these results are drawn.

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  • Experiential virtual scenarios with real-time monitoring (interreality) for the management of psychological stress: a block randomized controlled trial

    Journal of Medical Internet Research

    Background: The recent convergence between technology and medicine is offering innovative methods and tools for behavioral health care. Among these, an emerging approach is the use of virtual reality (VR) within exposure-based protocols for anxiety disorders, and in particular posttraumatic stress disorder. However, no systematically tested VR protocols are available for the management of psychological stress. Objective: Our goal was to evaluate the efficacy of a new technological paradigm…

    Background: The recent convergence between technology and medicine is offering innovative methods and tools for behavioral health care. Among these, an emerging approach is the use of virtual reality (VR) within exposure-based protocols for anxiety disorders, and in particular posttraumatic stress disorder. However, no systematically tested VR protocols are available for the management of psychological stress. Objective: Our goal was to evaluate the efficacy of a new technological paradigm, Interreality, for the management and prevention of psychological stress. The main feature of Interreality is a twofold link between the virtual and the real world achieved through experiential virtual scenarios (fully controlled by the therapist, used to learn coping skills and improve self-efficacy) with real-time monitoring and support (identifying critical situations and assessing clinical change) using advanced technologies (virtual worlds, wearable biosensors, and smartphones).

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  • Networked Flow: Towards an Understanding of Creative Networks

    Springer Verlag

    - Presents a new concept for a new vision on group creativity
    - A six-stages model for understanding the emergence of the Networked Flow

    Identifying ‘networked flow’ as the key driver of networked creativity, this new volume in the Springer Briefs series deploys concepts from a range of sub-disciplines in psychology to suggest ways of optimizing the innovative potential of creative networks. In their analysis of how to support these networks, the contributing authors apply expertise…

    - Presents a new concept for a new vision on group creativity
    - A six-stages model for understanding the emergence of the Networked Flow

    Identifying ‘networked flow’ as the key driver of networked creativity, this new volume in the Springer Briefs series deploys concepts from a range of sub-disciplines in psychology to suggest ways of optimizing the innovative potential of creative networks. In their analysis of how to support these networks, the contributing authors apply expertise in experimental, social, cultural and educational psychology. They show how developing a creative network requires the establishment of an optimal group experience in which individual intentions inform and guide collective goals.

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  • A Mobile Data Collection Platform for Mental Health Research

    Personal and Ubiquitous Computing

    Ubiquitous computing technologies offer exciting new possibilities for monitoring and analyzing user’s experience in real time. In this paper, we describe the design and development of Psychlog, a mobile phone platform designed to collect users’ psychological, physiological, and activity information for mental health research. The tool allows administering self-report questionnaires at specific times or randomly within a day. The system also permits to collect heart rate and activity…

    Ubiquitous computing technologies offer exciting new possibilities for monitoring and analyzing user’s experience in real time. In this paper, we describe the design and development of Psychlog, a mobile phone platform designed to collect users’ psychological, physiological, and activity information for mental health research. The tool allows administering self-report questionnaires at specific times or randomly within a day. The system also permits to collect heart rate and activity information from a wireless electrocardiogram equipped with a three-axial accelerometer. By combining self-reports with heart rate and activity data, the application makes it possible to investigate the relationship between psychological, physiological, and behavioral variables, as well as to monitor their fluctuations over time. The software runs on Windows mobile operative system and is available as open source (

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  • Advanced Technologies in Rehabilitation: Empowering Cognitive, Physical, Social and Communicative Skills through Virtual Reality, Robots, Wearable Systems and Brain-Computer Interfaces

    IOS Press

    The goal of this book is to bring together ideas from several different disciplines in order to examine the focus and aims that drive rehabilitation intervention and technology development. Specifically, the chapters in this book address the questions of what research is currently taking place to further develop rehabilitation, applied technology and how we have been able to modify and measure responses in both healthy and clinical populations using these technologies. The following chapters…

    The goal of this book is to bring together ideas from several different disciplines in order to examine the focus and aims that drive rehabilitation intervention and technology development. Specifically, the chapters in this book address the questions of what research is currently taking place to further develop rehabilitation, applied technology and how we have been able to modify and measure responses in both healthy and clinical populations using these technologies. The following chapters are dedicated toward addressing these issues.

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  • Working the crowd


  • The development of the Awe Experience Scale (AWE-S)

    The Journal of Positive Psychology

    Awe is a complex emotion composed of an appraisal of vastness and a need for accommodation. The purpose of this study was to develop a robust state measure of awe, the Awe Experience Scale (AWE-S), based on the extant experimental literature. In study 1, participants (N = 501) wrote about an intense moment of awe that they had experienced and then completed a survey about their experience. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 6-factor structure, including: altered time perception (F1);…

    Awe is a complex emotion composed of an appraisal of vastness and a need for accommodation. The purpose of this study was to develop a robust state measure of awe, the Awe Experience Scale (AWE-S), based on the extant experimental literature. In study 1, participants (N = 501) wrote about an intense moment of awe that they had experienced and then completed a survey about their experience. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 6-factor structure, including: altered time perception (F1); self-diminishment (F2); connectedness (F3); perceived vastness (F4); physical sensations (F5); need for accommodation (F6). Internal consistency was strong for each factor (α ≥ .80). Study 2 confirmed the 6-factor structure (N = 636) using fit indices (CFI = .905; RMSEA = .054). Each factor of the AWE-S is significantly correlated with the awe items of the modified Differential Emotions Scale (mDES) and Dispositional Positive Emotion Scale (D-PES). Triggers, valence, and themes associated with awe experiences are reported.

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  • E-MOTIONS: Investigating Aesthetic Emotions in Virtual and Real Environments (PRIN 2022, Italian Ministry of University and Research)

    VR applications are expanding from entertainment to design, from healthcare to marketing. Despite its rapid evolution, research on VR and emotions is just at the beginning. In particular, the difference between “virtual” and “real” emotional experiences has not been systematically investigated. This knowledge gap is a significant limitation for a successful (and safe) implementation of the Metaverse, as improving our understanding of virtual emotions, as well as their motivational and…

    VR applications are expanding from entertainment to design, from healthcare to marketing. Despite its rapid evolution, research on VR and emotions is just at the beginning. In particular, the difference between “virtual” and “real” emotional experiences has not been systematically investigated. This knowledge gap is a significant limitation for a successful (and safe) implementation of the Metaverse, as improving our understanding of virtual emotions, as well as their motivational and behavioral “real-life” consequences, has crucial implications in the design of VR applications. With the emergence of the Metaverse economy, there is an increasing need to provide VR researchers and designers with theory-driven, evidence-based guidelines for creating applications that can elicit complex emotional experiences, such as aesthetic emotions, as well as assess their impact on individuals.

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  • Search and Rescue: Emerging technologies for the Early location of Entrapped victims under Collapsed Structures and Advanced Wearables for risk assessment and First Responders Safety in SAR operations

    The S&R project will design, implement and test through a series of large scale pilot scenarios a highly interoperable, modular open architecture platform for first responders’ capitalising on expertise and technological infrastructure from both COncORDE and IMPRESS FP7 projects. The governance model of S&R will be designed to operate more effectively and its architectural structure will allow to easily incorporate next generation R&D and COTS solutions which will be possibly adopted in the…

    The S&R project will design, implement and test through a series of large scale pilot scenarios a highly interoperable, modular open architecture platform for first responders’ capitalising on expertise and technological infrastructure from both COncORDE and IMPRESS FP7 projects. The governance model of S&R will be designed to operate more effectively and its architectural structure will allow to easily incorporate next generation R&D and COTS solutions which will be possibly adopted in the future disaster management systems. The Model will also support a unified vision of the EU role and will provide a common framework to assess needs and integrate responses. The framework will enable supportive approach using a wider range of decisional support features and monitoring systems and will also give to first responders an effective and unified vision of (a) the dynamic changes going on during event’s lifetime and (b) the capabilities and resources currently deployed in the field

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  • PROMETHEUS - Promoting Education of Scientific and Technological Societal Issues Through Sublime

    - Presente

    Goal: Teaching young generations about the complex relationship between science, technology and society (STS) is fundamental in order to promote higher level critical thinking skills, foster lifelong civic engagement, and improve the dialogue between research and innovation community and society as a whole. However, as students’ interest towards scientific and technological disciplines continues to drop, so their participation is declining in public discussions on key contemporary issues…

    Goal: Teaching young generations about the complex relationship between science, technology and society (STS) is fundamental in order to promote higher level critical thinking skills, foster lifelong civic engagement, and improve the dialogue between research and innovation community and society as a whole. However, as students’ interest towards scientific and technological disciplines continues to drop, so their participation is declining in public discussions on key contemporary issues concerning STS, such as the impact of emerging nano- and biotechnologies, the rise of artificial intelligence and robotics, the evolution of the Internet of Things, to name a few.

    The PROMETHEUS project aims at addressing this gap by introducing a novel approach to STS awareness and education, which is based on Sublime-inspiring theatrical experiences designed to awaken awe, stimulate inquiry and enhance engagement in STS issues that influence students’ present and future worlds. The concept of sublime (also known as the emotion of awe) is a widespread knowledge-orienting phenomenon borrowed by art and philosophy, which is at the basis of our motivation to learn and be inspired to learn across lifespan. Recent advances in cognitive science suggest that evoking feelings of awe, wonder, and astonishment can trigger explanation and exploration (two crucial antecedents of learning), promote greater interest in science and foster greater awareness of knowledge gaps. With this in mind, our project is intended:
    - To design theatrical experiences aimed at promoting, through the aesthetic and psychological dimensions of Sublime, students’ inspiration, curiosity, and engagement towards STS issues;
    - To rigorously validate the efficacy of this approach in a field experiment involving dropped students, using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies.

  • ENTWINE - The European Training Network on Informal Care

    - Presente

    ENTWINE is a 4-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network (ITN), funded by the European Union and started as of September 2018. The Network will train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) for high quality PhD training.
    Mostly due to increased longevity and medical advances, the needs of older/ill individuals for long-term care rise rapidly while the availability of informal caregivers decreases. Informal caregivers are those who provide unpaid care to a relative or friend with a…

    ENTWINE is a 4-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovation Training Network (ITN), funded by the European Union and started as of September 2018. The Network will train 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) for high quality PhD training.
    Mostly due to increased longevity and medical advances, the needs of older/ill individuals for long-term care rise rapidly while the availability of informal caregivers decreases. Informal caregivers are those who provide unpaid care to a relative or friend with a chronic illness, disability or other long-lasting health or care need. This “Care Gap” will create huge problems for the sustainability of European health care systems that rely heavily on the provision of informal care. The aim of ENTWINE’s team is to investigate broad spectrum of challenges in informal caregiving and issues concerning the development and use of innovative psychology-based and technology-based interventions that support willingness and opportunity to provide informal care. The focus is on overcoming barriers following a user-centered, stakeholder-driven implementation and agile science approach to promote the adoption and implementation of innovative solutions to support informal caregivers. ENTWINE represents a stepping stone towards sustainable informal care throughout Europe.

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  • Positive Technology: Designing digital e-experiences for positive personal change

    - Presente

    Positive Technology is an interdisciplinary research program aimed at understanding how interactive technologies can increase people’s emotional, psychological and social wellbeing. It is all about designing digital experiences (e-experiences) that promote positive personal change. Positive Technology draws on conceptual and empirical findings from Positive Psychology to inform the design of new technology-based interventions that support positive emotions, flow, strengths and life meaning.

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  • COL-LEGO - Interactive, Virtual, Robotic and Computational Tools for Investigating Joint Action

    Social coordination is key to the success of our species. There are many circumstances in life under which the ability to coordinate effectively with other people can make a difference and even save lives. Joint action is key to many domains, including educational, sports and medical sectors. At the behavioral level, social coordination is achieved through the synchronization of sensorimotor action sequences in time and space: common examples of motor interaction tasks include dancing, physical…

    Social coordination is key to the success of our species. There are many circumstances in life under which the ability to coordinate effectively with other people can make a difference and even save lives. Joint action is key to many domains, including educational, sports and medical sectors. At the behavioral level, social coordination is achieved through the synchronization of sensorimotor action sequences in time and space: common examples of motor interaction tasks include dancing, physical rehabilitation, and carrying a heavy object together. The investigation of our innate (yet sometimes fragile) coordinative patterns not only provides a scientifically interesting challenge, but is critically important to understand how motor interaction can be improved for practical applications.
    The main goals of the COL-LEGO project are three-fold: to investigate interpersonal sensorimotor coordination in an ecologically-valid collaboration tasks (i.e., building a tower); (ii) to develop interactive, virtual, robotic and computational tool to capture the key features of joint action dynamics; (iii) to design and validate novel strategies to enhance social coordination performance.

    Institutions: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Politecnico di Milano, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Auxologico Italiano.

    Methods: Psychophysiology, Questionnaire-Based Surveys, Sensors, Human-Robot Interaction, Kinematic Analysis, Virtual Reality, Interactive Design, Multiple Time Series Analysis

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  • Transformative Experience Design

    - Presente

    The goal of this project is to understand how interactive technologies can support transformative experiences, that is, emotional experiences that promote self-transcendence and meaning-seeking.

    Institutions involved: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

    Methods: Psychophysiology, Virtual Reality, Artistic Creativity, Experiential Design, Neurophenomenology, Mood induction

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  • Human Computer Confluence Research in Action (HC2)


    Human Computer Confluence Research in Action (HC2) was a coordinated action supported by the European Commission under the Future and Emerging Technologies program. HC2 major research challenges: Extending Human Perception, Cognitive Prostheses, Empathy and Emotion, Wellbeing and Quality of Life, Socially Inspired Technical Systems and Value Sensitive Design.
    See also: Gaggioli A., Ferscha A., Riva G., Dunne S., Viaud-Delmon I. (Eds). Human Computer Confluence: Transforming Human Experience…

    Human Computer Confluence Research in Action (HC2) was a coordinated action supported by the European Commission under the Future and Emerging Technologies program. HC2 major research challenges: Extending Human Perception, Cognitive Prostheses, Empathy and Emotion, Wellbeing and Quality of Life, Socially Inspired Technical Systems and Value Sensitive Design.
    See also: Gaggioli A., Ferscha A., Riva G., Dunne S., Viaud-Delmon I. (Eds). Human Computer Confluence: Transforming Human Experience Through Symbiotic Technologies, De Gruyter Open, Warsaw (2016). Download FREE FULL TEXT PDF HERE:

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  • Nostalgia Bits


    The Nostalgia Bits project was aimed to provide a platform where tangible artifacts of an elderly person’s life experience can be uploaded to a website and become a significant resource for use by other generations, and a means for connecting the elderly users with members of their own generation. The user base included peer group members whose life experiences and memories intersect and extend to community elements such as schools and colleges. A web-based platform was developed where tangible…

    The Nostalgia Bits project was aimed to provide a platform where tangible artifacts of an elderly person’s life experience can be uploaded to a website and become a significant resource for use by other generations, and a means for connecting the elderly users with members of their own generation. The user base included peer group members whose life experiences and memories intersect and extend to community elements such as schools and colleges. A web-based platform was developed where tangible artifacts of an elderly person’s life experience can be uploaded and become a significant resource for use by other generations, and a means for connecting the elderly users with members of their own generation. Nostalgia Bits will thus be more than an “on-line community” service. It aims to be one of the first examples of what we call an “augmented community” service. Augmented communities combine the benefits of interest-bound communities (typically supported by on-line services) with the benefits of geographically-bound communities (which lead to rich, face-to-face interactions).

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  • Psychologically-Augmented Interaction over Networks (PASION)


    The PASION-project (PASION: Psychological Augmented Social Interaction Over Networks) was a large integrated project funded by the EC under the FP6 programme (FET). It involved 17 institutions from 8 european countries over four years. The project explored novel forms of social group interactions.The main goal of the project was to discover, how current and future technical tools could be used to realize communication between spatially distributed user groups. More specifically, the project…

    The PASION-project (PASION: Psychological Augmented Social Interaction Over Networks) was a large integrated project funded by the EC under the FP6 programme (FET). It involved 17 institutions from 8 european countries over four years. The project explored novel forms of social group interactions.The main goal of the project was to discover, how current and future technical tools could be used to realize communication between spatially distributed user groups. More specifically, the project emphasized psychological indicators and models for social structures created during such interactions. Particular important was the question, how novel technical methods may provide an extended range of possible individual as well as group interactions beyond the use of speech as a means of communication.

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  • Immersion/Imagery-Enhanced Learning (I-LEARNING)


    The Immersion/Imagery-Enhanced Learning (I-LEARNING) project was supported by the EC under the FET initiative (FP5). The I-Learning project aimed to develop and test a new, cost-effective approach to enhance the acquisition of complex motor skills, based on the hypothesis that virtual environments created with Virtual Reality technology, can induce a compelling sense of presence which helps learners to generate an 'internal model' of desirable motor behaviour, and thus to create new motor…

    The Immersion/Imagery-Enhanced Learning (I-LEARNING) project was supported by the EC under the FET initiative (FP5). The I-Learning project aimed to develop and test a new, cost-effective approach to enhance the acquisition of complex motor skills, based on the hypothesis that virtual environments created with Virtual Reality technology, can induce a compelling sense of presence which helps learners to generate an 'internal model' of desirable motor behaviour, and thus to create new motor schema or, if necessary, to activate and modify pre-existing ones. A VR-induced sense of presence can facilitate acquisition of motor skills, and I-LEARNING used the results to design and implement cost-effective training tools and methodologies. These were subjected to rigorous laboratory evaluation in both a clinical setting (rehabilitation of neurological patients) and with healthy learners (drivers wishing to acquire advanced driving skills).

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  • Telemedicine and Portable Virtual Environment in Clinical Psychology (VEPSY)


    Virtual Environments and Telemedicine in Clinical Psychology (VEPSY) was a research project supported by the European Commission under the FP5 programme. The main goal of the project was to develop innovative tools - telemedicine and portable - for the treatment of patients and clinical trials to verify their viability. The project also developed different portable virtual reality modules to be used in clinical assessment and treatment of the following pathologies: anxiety disorders; male…

    Virtual Environments and Telemedicine in Clinical Psychology (VEPSY) was a research project supported by the European Commission under the FP5 programme. The main goal of the project was to develop innovative tools - telemedicine and portable - for the treatment of patients and clinical trials to verify their viability. The project also developed different portable virtual reality modules to be used in clinical assessment and treatment of the following pathologies: anxiety disorders; male impotence and premature ejaculation; and obesity, bulimia, and binge-eating disorders.

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Riconoscimenti e premi

  • Premio internazionale Elisa Frauenfelder

    Università Suor Orsola Benincasa

    Il Premio è istituito con la finalità di conservare e promuovere l'eredità scientifica e umana di Elisa Frauenfelder, Maestra della pedagogia italiana contemporanea, proiettandola nel futuro così da offrire, soprattutto ai giovani studiosi, un exemplum straordinario di rigore scientifico, innovazione pedagogica e passione per lo studio, intesi come volano di una autentica emancipazione e trasformazione sociale.

    In oltre mezzo secolo di lavoro accademico (è stata fino al 2003 Professore…

    Il Premio è istituito con la finalità di conservare e promuovere l'eredità scientifica e umana di Elisa Frauenfelder, Maestra della pedagogia italiana contemporanea, proiettandola nel futuro così da offrire, soprattutto ai giovani studiosi, un exemplum straordinario di rigore scientifico, innovazione pedagogica e passione per lo studio, intesi come volano di una autentica emancipazione e trasformazione sociale.

    In oltre mezzo secolo di lavoro accademico (è stata fino al 2003 Professore Ordinario di Pedagogia generale e sociale presso l'Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", dove ha diretto il Dipartimento di Scienze relazionali, e fino al 2017 Professore Straordinario di Pedagogia generale e sociale presso l'Università degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa - Napoli), infatti, Elisa Frauenfelder ha saputo intrecciare la tradizione della pedagogia occidentale, di cui è stata una attenta studiosa così come dimostrato nelle sue opere storiche, con l'avanguardia della ricerca educativa, sia teorica sia empirica, di cui è stata attiva protagonista attraverso le sue ricerche di stampo bio-educativo sui processi di apprendimento e di insegnamento, tese a decifrare l'ineludibile relazione tra i fattori genetici e i fattori ambientali che presiedono lo sviluppo del pensiero e dell'agire umano. Un tale intreccio tra ricerca storica, teorica ed empirica ha dato vita a un modello di pedagogia scientifica fondato su una piattaforma epistemologica e metodologica pluriarticolata e prospettica, mai slegata dai problemi emergenti dalla pratica educativa e didattica, da cui la ricerca pedagogica frauenfelderiana è sempre partita e verso cui si è sempre orientata, consapevole della sinergia reticolare tra ricerca scientifica di stampo accademico, realtà educative del territorio e formazione dei professionisti dell'educazione formale e non formale (dirigenti scolastici, docenti, formatori, educatori e pedagogisti).

  • CyberTherapy Lifetime Achievement Award

    Interactive Media Institute

    This award has a tradition of honoring a person who has demonstrated outstanding lifetime achievements in the fields of advanced technologies and healthcare.

  • Prize of the European Academy for Rehabilitation Medicine

    European Academy for Rehabilitation Medicine (

    The European Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine prize is awarded annually. It is aimed at encouraging research and promoting the dissemination of knowledge in the field of health sciences.


  • English

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • German

    Conoscenza professionale


  • Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia


    - Presente

  • Society for Ambulatory Assessment


    - Presente

  • The Virtual Physiological Human Institute for Integrative Biomedical Research


    - Presente

  • International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation

    Board member

    - Presente

  • The International Society for Presence Research


    - Presente

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