Gianni Sarcone

Gianni Sarcone

Genova, Liguria, Italia
722 follower 263 collegamenti


Gianni A. Sarcone, born in Switzerland with Italian origins, is an award-winning writer, designer, and inventor with over thirty years of experience in the fields of optical art, creativity, and education. He is a co-founder of Archimedes' Laboratory™ Project, a consulting network of experts specializing in nurturing and enhancing creativity.

G. Sarcone is keen about communication. He collaborates with brands, publishers and agencies to develop strong content, creative campaigns, and engaging products. His visual creations and optic designs are used in many fields, including advertising, publishing, fashion, home decoration, street furniture, architecture, visual research, TV programs, film setting, cultural events, and anti-stress therapy.

Through his art and writing, Sarcone seeks to inspire people to think more deeply about the ways in which our perceptions and understanding of the world are shaped by our experiences, and to question the nature of reality itself.

Specialties: Writing, design, visual and optic art, new product developer.

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  • Sarcone's Studio / Archimedes Laboratory Project™

    Genoa Area, Italy

  • -

    Paris Area, France

  • -

    Padova Area, Italy

Licenze e certificazioni

Esperienze di volontariato

  • Volunteer / Active member

    Amici dell'Orto Botanico di Genova / Friends of the Hanbury Botanic Garden of Genoa

    - Presente 14 anni



  • Optische Täuschungen: Spannende und vielfältige Sammlung von optischen Illusionen


    Nicht immer kann man seinen Augen trauen!
    Dieses umfangreiche Buch mit über 150 optischen Illusionen und Tricks zeigt die vielfältige Welt der Täuschung: mit magischen Bildern, überraschenden Farbillusionen, Größentäuschungen, verwirrenden Mustereffekten, merkwürdigen Blickwinkeln und vielem mehr. Und als Extra gibt es richtig gute Tricks zum Nachmachen, die jeden Zuschauer verblüffen!

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  • Фантастические оптические иллюзии (Fantastic Optical Illusions)

    Art Skola

    Иллюзии учат нас тому, как мы воспринимаем вещи и явления, и показывают нам швы в ткани реальности, которую мы создаем (или воссоздаем). В этой книге вы встретите увлекательную подборку наглядных загадок, которые предстоит разрешить, и примеров оптических иллюзий, созданных ради опытов или созерцания.
    Большую часть головоломок придумали авторы, а ряд других или адаптирован на основе малоизвестных примеров, или опирается на недавние исследования, проведенные ведущими специалистами в области…

    Иллюзии учат нас тому, как мы воспринимаем вещи и явления, и показывают нам швы в ткани реальности, которую мы создаем (или воссоздаем). В этой книге вы встретите увлекательную подборку наглядных загадок, которые предстоит разрешить, и примеров оптических иллюзий, созданных ради опытов или созерцания.
    Большую часть головоломок придумали авторы, а ряд других или адаптирован на основе малоизвестных примеров, или опирается на недавние исследования, проведенные ведущими специалистами в области когнитивных нейронаук. Финальным штрихом мы приводим список классических оптических иллюзий, открытых учеными и художниками XIX–XX столетий.
    Лучший способ понять, как работает иллюзия, — испытать ее вместе с друзьями и создать ее вариант, и, если все получится, значит, вы поняли тайный механизм. Надеемся, что потрясающие иллюстрации на страницах этой книги станут для вас источником вдохновения и грядущих открытий.
    Весь мир — театр, но занавес в нем может подняться в самый неожиданный момент.

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  • Illusions d'optique


    Livre d'activités avec les illusions visuelles, pour toute la famille...
    ISBN 2215136839

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  • You Can't Possibly Color This!

    Moondance Press

    Discover devious devices, bizarre buildings, and intriguing animals!

    What happens when you try to color in an optical illusion? Find out with You Can't Possibly Color This!, a fascinating journey into the twisted world of illusions that will have you scratching your head as you attempt to color in objects that can’t exist in real life.

    Along with the more than 50 coloring activities are dozens of dot-to-dots, draw-your-own, fun facts, and other activities that will confound even…

    Discover devious devices, bizarre buildings, and intriguing animals!

    What happens when you try to color in an optical illusion? Find out with You Can't Possibly Color This!, a fascinating journey into the twisted world of illusions that will have you scratching your head as you attempt to color in objects that can’t exist in real life.

    Along with the more than 50 coloring activities are dozens of dot-to-dots, draw-your-own, fun facts, and other activities that will confound even as they inspire.

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  • Optical Illusions

    QED Publishing

    The brain is an amazing thing, but it doesn't always get things right when it comes to sight. This book is here to explain why, with astounding images, baffling puzzles, and simple reveals which show the reader how each trick works.

    Templates included at the back of the book reveal answers and aid the creation of astounding illusions. The science behind each element will be simply explained in an engaging way, to encourage the reader to find out more each time.

    Throughout the book…

    The brain is an amazing thing, but it doesn't always get things right when it comes to sight. This book is here to explain why, with astounding images, baffling puzzles, and simple reveals which show the reader how each trick works.

    Templates included at the back of the book reveal answers and aid the creation of astounding illusions. The science behind each element will be simply explained in an engaging way, to encourage the reader to find out more each time.

    Throughout the book will be chances for the reader to get hands-on with the illusions, with step-by-step experiments, or tips on how to draw your own "moving" optic art on paper or on the computer.

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  • Vertigo: 50 schwindelerregende optische Illusionen


    Lassen Sie sich wohlig verwirren von 50 Illustrationen im XXL-Breitwandformat, die Ihnen ganz schön die Augen verdrehen. Obwohl das Riesenbuch ruhig vor Ihnen liegt, bewegen sich die Motive doch eindeutig, oder?

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    A great book that offers an approachable how-to for graphic designers, teachers, and artists who want to explore illusions that are distorted in size or create the perception of movement. Amateur illusionists are invited to draw curves that diverge and converge, diamonds that vibrate and flicker, hypnotic spirals, ghosts, and ambiguous figures, and many other visual tricks.

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  • 謎解き錯視 傑作135選 (135 Mysterious Optic Artworks to Solve)


    【著者】ジャンニ・A・サルコーネ Gianni A. Sarcone


    【著者】ジャンニ・A・サルコーネ Gianni A. Sarcone

    【訳者】北川玲(きたがわ れい)

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  • Xtreme Optical Illusions 2

    National Geographic

    Watch out! This book will scramble your eyeballs and boggle your brain with Perplexing Puzzles, Impossible Illusions, Loopy Lines, and more dizzying delights! Sound like fun? Explore the mysteries that lie right inside our own minds (including the key scientific concepts of perspective and perception) and share the magic with your friends and family.

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  • Libro de dibujo para colorear figuras imposibles: un entretenimiento creativo y una eficaz terapia antiestrés

    Hispano Europea

    Te presentamos una colección extraordinaria de increíbles ilusiones ópticas, en un libro totalmente diferente a los demás.
    Te divertirás durante horas pensando cómo colorear estos dibujos imposibles para resaltar el engaño óptico.
    Los libros para colorear son una eficaz terapia antiestrés:
    • Favorecen la relajación y la meditación
    • Ayudan a combatir la ansiedad
    • Estimulan la concentración y la creatividad
    • Mejoran la precisión y la coordinación.

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  • Super Optical Illusions

    Carlton Kids

    Cross your eyes and get your thinking cap on for another bumper crop of optical illusions from Carlton. Super Optical Illusions, from the team behind Awesome Optical Illusions, uses colour, angles and ambiguity to trick the eye, then serves up fascinating explanations of what you are seeing and why you see it.

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  • 50 illusions d'optiques 3D

    Ça m'intéresse

    Surprendre ses amis, sa famille et soi-même avec ces 50 illusions d'optique entièrement détachables. Une activité ludique et délirante qui saura tromper les publics les plus attentifs. Énigmes géométriques, puzzles illustrés, jeux de patience et illusions d'optique entièrement inédits sont présentés sous un format détachable, pour encore plus d'interactivité. Chaque jeu est résolu et expliqué en fin d'ouvrage. Et comme le résume bien Jerry Seinfeld, " Le déficit d'attention n'existe pas. La…

    Surprendre ses amis, sa famille et soi-même avec ces 50 illusions d'optique entièrement détachables. Une activité ludique et délirante qui saura tromper les publics les plus attentifs. Énigmes géométriques, puzzles illustrés, jeux de patience et illusions d'optique entièrement inédits sont présentés sous un format détachable, pour encore plus d'interactivité. Chaque jeu est résolu et expliqué en fin d'ouvrage. Et comme le résume bien Jerry Seinfeld, " Le déficit d'attention n'existe pas. La capacité de concentration du public est sans limite pour peu que vous lui offriez un spectacle de qualité ".

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  • Incroyables illusions d'optique

    Ça m'intéresse

    Le deuxième volume d'Images & Illusions est une fabuleuse succession d'énigmes pour sidérer les jeunes lecteurs, comme les moins jeunes, et nous en mettre plein la vue ! Distorsions visuelles, figures impossibles, trompe-l'œil... avec cet ouvrage aux incroyables illusions d'optique, le lecteur s'amuse à tester de multiples jeux et expériences visuelles : A monter soi même : des accessoires d'illusion de l'époque victorienne comme un zoetrope, l'ancêtre du cinéma et un thaumatrope qui rendent…

    Le deuxième volume d'Images & Illusions est une fabuleuse succession d'énigmes pour sidérer les jeunes lecteurs, comme les moins jeunes, et nous en mettre plein la vue ! Distorsions visuelles, figures impossibles, trompe-l'œil... avec cet ouvrage aux incroyables illusions d'optique, le lecteur s'amuse à tester de multiples jeux et expériences visuelles : A monter soi même : des accessoires d'illusion de l'époque victorienne comme un zoetrope, l'ancêtre du cinéma et un thaumatrope qui rendent les expériences interactives et permettent de comprendre les phénomènes optiques.

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  • 3D - Optiset harhat

    Irrota ja kokoa yli 50 hämmentävää, ällistyttävää ja merkillistä havaintoharhaa.

    Sisältää yli 50 interaktiivista illuusiota ja visaista pähkinää!

    Tässä kirjassa on yli 50 optista harhaa, joihin sinun (tai ystäviesi) pitää keksiä hämmästyttävät ratkaisut kirjan irti painettavien osien avulla. Joukossa on uskomattomia palapelejä, kiehtovia kuvioita, ihmeellisiä kuvia, jännittäviä optisia harhoja sekä pulmallisia pähkinöitä ja arvoituksia.

    Taittele, kääntele ja asettele palat…

    Irrota ja kokoa yli 50 hämmentävää, ällistyttävää ja merkillistä havaintoharhaa.

    Sisältää yli 50 interaktiivista illuusiota ja visaista pähkinää!

    Tässä kirjassa on yli 50 optista harhaa, joihin sinun (tai ystäviesi) pitää keksiä hämmästyttävät ratkaisut kirjan irti painettavien osien avulla. Joukossa on uskomattomia palapelejä, kiehtovia kuvioita, ihmeellisiä kuvia, jännittäviä optisia harhoja sekä pulmallisia pähkinöitä ja arvoituksia.

    Taittele, kääntele ja asettele palat paikalleen, niin ällistyttävät illuusiot avautuvat silmiesi eteen. Kieputa, pyöritä ja liikuta osia saadaksesi esiin uusia muotoja, värejä ja perspektiivejä.

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  • 3D illusions pack: All You Need to Build 50 Great Illusions

    Carlton Books

    Offers deceptive images, visual tricks and optical puzzles. This title is completely interactive and gets readers directly involved in trying to solve the illusions with a fully tactile experience.

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  • Hidden Picture Puzzles

    Imagine Publishing

    They are right before your eyes, but your brain can be tricked into seeing something entirely different, or not seeing it altogether. They hide secrets in plain sight. Here are 135 of the most interesting and challenging optical illusions from one of the masters of the art. Start easy, and go up the ladder of difficulty to test your powers of visual perception. All the answers are there, as well as the explanations of why and how things can be seen.

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  • Optical Illusions 2014 Desk Calendar

    Optical Illusions Desk Calendar: This collection of optical illusions, created by Gianni A. Sarcone, will give your brain a workout. From the simplest geometrical illusions to seemingly impossible staircases and concealed creatures, here is a collection of amazing, sometimes unbelievable, visual illusions that will help you stretch the limits of your perception and have you marveling at the miraculous.

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  • Ultimate Optical Illusions 2015 Day-to-Day Calendar: Visual Tricks to Challenge the Eye and Mind

    Andrews McMeel Publishing

    Don't believe everything you hear--or what you see in this calendar! Each page of the Ultimate Optical Illusions Calendar features a visual conundrum that will amaze, amuse, delight, and sometimes deceive readers.

    White appears black, straight appears bent, and still appears in motion in this fun and informative calendar. Objects even appear and disappear right from the page! Each page features a full-color optical illusion, many so convincing that readers might not know they've been…

    Don't believe everything you hear--or what you see in this calendar! Each page of the Ultimate Optical Illusions Calendar features a visual conundrum that will amaze, amuse, delight, and sometimes deceive readers.

    White appears black, straight appears bent, and still appears in motion in this fun and informative calendar. Objects even appear and disappear right from the page! Each page features a full-color optical illusion, many so convincing that readers might not know they've been fooled until they check the caption, which details the visual trick.

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  • Cabinet des illusions d'optique


    Ce cabinet des curiosités fascinant renferme 100 illusions hautes en couleur qui donnent le vertige, éblouissent et font douter de tout…Un véritable voyage immobile qui donne le tournis !

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  • These Patterns Move, But It's All An Illusion

    Smithsonian Magazine, issue September 2013

    Focus on the ball at the center of the image above. The scene appears to vibrate. If you move your head slightly forward and backward, the color fields of the rosette appear to pulsate.

    Scientists have several theories about how our eyes and brain collaborate to create the illusion of movement—although the precise neural mechanics remain unknown. Still, what we do know makes it possible for artists such as myself to design visual pranks.

    This vibrating rosette combines several…

    Focus on the ball at the center of the image above. The scene appears to vibrate. If you move your head slightly forward and backward, the color fields of the rosette appear to pulsate.

    Scientists have several theories about how our eyes and brain collaborate to create the illusion of movement—although the precise neural mechanics remain unknown. Still, what we do know makes it possible for artists such as myself to design visual pranks.

    This vibrating rosette combines several illusory effects. To begin with, when we fixate on a pattern, it momentarily remains on our retinas as an after-image. One theory is that small, involuntary eye movements cause this ghost image to overlap with the image on the page. The result is what’s called a moiré effect: similar, repetitive patterns merged together at slightly different angles, creating a rippling effect. I enhanced this effect by adding two high-contrast colors, blue and yellow.

    Also, when we approach an object, our brain normally makes adjustments so that the object’s size and brightness appear to remain constant. But when you move your head back and forth, the alternating dark and light patterns in my rosette seem to change in both size and brightness. One possible explanation is that our visual system cannot bring the blurred boundaries within the image into focus, and our brain cannot adjust.

    Seeing is believing—except when the mind can be tricked into believing what it sees.

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  • Удивительные оптические иллюзии


    Иногда мы сталкиваемся с резким несоответствием между фактическим зрительным
    восприятием и ожидаемыми свойствами предмета, например, когда видим то, чего в действительности не может быть. Это и называется оптической иллюзией.
    В этой книге представлены разнообразные классические и новые зрительные иллюзии
    всех типов: двусмысленные изображения, невозможные фигуры, скрытые предметы,
    цветовые иллюзии, геометрические иллюзии, а также иллюзии движения.
    Все они были отобраны или созданы…

    Иногда мы сталкиваемся с резким несоответствием между фактическим зрительным
    восприятием и ожидаемыми свойствами предмета, например, когда видим то, чего в действительности не может быть. Это и называется оптической иллюзией.
    В этой книге представлены разнообразные классические и новые зрительные иллюзии
    всех типов: двусмысленные изображения, невозможные фигуры, скрытые предметы,
    цветовые иллюзии, геометрические иллюзии, а также иллюзии движения.
    Все они были отобраны или созданы авторами с целью помочь читателю:
    Понять причины возникновения каждого типа иллюзий
    Открыть для себя особенности собственного восприятия
    Улучшить наблюдательность
    Усовершенствовать визуальное мышление

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  • Рисуем оптические иллюзии


    Оптические иллюзии — популярные во всём мире графические изображения, в которых прячется несколько картинок. Под хитросплетёнными линиями, углами, кругами, квадратами и треугольниками может скрываться любой реальный образ — герои известных кинолент, животные, машины, предметы быта и лица популярных музыкантов, актёров и спортсменов.

    Эта книга станет для вас источником вдохновения. В ней собраны лучшие оптические иллюзии, когда-либо созданные. Она подскажет вам, как их воссоздавать шаг за…

    Оптические иллюзии — популярные во всём мире графические изображения, в которых прячется несколько картинок. Под хитросплетёнными линиями, углами, кругами, квадратами и треугольниками может скрываться любой реальный образ — герои известных кинолент, животные, машины, предметы быта и лица популярных музыкантов, актёров и спортсменов.

    Эта книга станет для вас источником вдохновения. В ней собраны лучшие оптические иллюзии, когда-либо созданные. Она подскажет вам, как их воссоздавать шаг за шагом. Здесь представлен целый ряд визуальных головоломок — парадоксальные, сюрреалистические, двойственные, хроматические и другие иллюзии в разных формах.

    В книге «Рисуем оптические иллюзии» вы найдёте весь диапазон техник рисования — используете ли вы обычные карандаши или же работаете в графических редакторах. Для достижения прекрасных результатов вам подойдёт что угодно.

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  • Optische Illusionen


    Können Sie Ihren Augen trauen?
    Nicht alles ist immer so, wie es scheint! Dieses Buch überrascht und unterhält mit einer Vielfalt an optischen Effekten: Was ist gerade und was ist schief? Wo ist oben und wo unten? Was ist größer oder kleiner? Flackern die Bilder? Pulsieren die Muster? Finden Sie es heraus! Spektakuläre Illusionsbilder und –rätsel stellen in diesem Buch Ihre Welt auf den Kopf. Entdecken Sie Dinge, die Sie nicht für möglich gehalten hätten - in der Welt der Illusion kann man…

    Können Sie Ihren Augen trauen?
    Nicht alles ist immer so, wie es scheint! Dieses Buch überrascht und unterhält mit einer Vielfalt an optischen Effekten: Was ist gerade und was ist schief? Wo ist oben und wo unten? Was ist größer oder kleiner? Flackern die Bilder? Pulsieren die Muster? Finden Sie es heraus! Spektakuläre Illusionsbilder und –rätsel stellen in diesem Buch Ihre Welt auf den Kopf. Entdecken Sie Dinge, die Sie nicht für möglich gehalten hätten - in der Welt der Illusion kann man seinen Augen nicht mehr trauen! Ein fantastischer Spaß für die ganze Familie.

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  • Cabinet des illusions d'optique

    Edition Fleurus

    Ce cabinet fascinant renferme 100 illusions hautes en couleur qui donnent le vertige, éblouissent et font douter de tout…Un véritable voyage immobile qui donne le tournis !

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  • Go!Games Optical Illusions


    What’s real? What’s not? Reality is strange—and seeing isn’t believing. When you look at an optical illusion, your brain tries to fool your eyes and what you expect to find on the page isn’t what’s there.

    Apart from being both endlessly fascinating and awe-inspiring visually, these illusions also force viewers to go outside their comfort zones, challenge the nature of perception, and think creatively. Their minds have to work overtime to become more flexible. That’s what makes these 240…

    What’s real? What’s not? Reality is strange—and seeing isn’t believing. When you look at an optical illusion, your brain tries to fool your eyes and what you expect to find on the page isn’t what’s there.

    Apart from being both endlessly fascinating and awe-inspiring visually, these illusions also force viewers to go outside their comfort zones, challenge the nature of perception, and think creatively. Their minds have to work overtime to become more flexible. That’s what makes these 240 puzzles, ranging from simple scintillation effects to impossible staircases and concealed creatures, so absolutely addictive.

    See how Santa "measures up" to his helper; the scale doesn’t seem to be telling the truth! Compare two lines: one seems longer, but can’t that really be true? Look at a triangular sculpture and figure out if it’s "impossible." Move a picture from side to side and watch it spin. Try to "remove" a magic glass from the plate, count the number of "F"s in a line (but only read it once!), and locate the main subject in the masterpiece "Las Meninas," painted by the artist Diego Velazquez.

    This collection of illusions will enable you to experience the impossible and marvel at the miraculous.

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  • Impossible Folding Puzzles and Other Mathematical Paradoxes

    DOVER publications

    Surprising in their effects and confusing in their unexpected dead ends, the games and puzzles in this original collection focus on basic concepts of geometrical and topological transformations. The fun-filled, increasingly complex paradoxes include puzzles involving the property of shapes in the plane and examples of deformations of surfaces in Euclidean space.

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  • Kiehtovat Optiset Harhat


    Onko kuvassa jääkarhu vai hylje? Voiko noin vinksallaan oleva viiva olla
    oikeasti suora? Voiko vihreältä näyttävä neliö olla todella sininen? Miten sama
    kuva voi esittää useampaa eri asiaa?

    Tähän kirjaan on koottu hämmentävimmät, ällistyttävimmät ja hienoimmat
    optiset harhat. Mukana on lukuisia sekä klassisia visuaalisia illuusioita
    että monia täysin uusia tätä kirjaa varten suunniteltuja kuvia. Osa kuvista
    huijaa silmää, osa ymmärrystä, mutta jokaiseen…

    Onko kuvassa jääkarhu vai hylje? Voiko noin vinksallaan oleva viiva olla
    oikeasti suora? Voiko vihreältä näyttävä neliö olla todella sininen? Miten sama
    kuva voi esittää useampaa eri asiaa?

    Tähän kirjaan on koottu hämmentävimmät, ällistyttävimmät ja hienoimmat
    optiset harhat. Mukana on lukuisia sekä klassisia visuaalisia illuusioita
    että monia täysin uusia tätä kirjaa varten suunniteltuja kuvia. Osa kuvista
    huijaa silmää, osa ymmärrystä, mutta jokaiseen mahdottomalta
    vaikuttavaan kuvaan löytyy kirjasta järkeenkäypä selitys.

    Kiehtovat optiset harhat tarjoaa hauskaa ajanvietettä koko
    perheelle. Lisäksi kirjassa on paljon tietoa siitä, kuinka
    näköaisti toimii ja miten tietynlaiset kuvat onnistuvat
    hämäämään aivojamme.

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  • Optical Illusions: An Eye-Popping Extravaganza of Visual Tricks

    DOVER publications

    This pictorial feast of rotations, geometric illusions, delusions, and other impossible images introduces children and adults to the fascinating intersection of art, science, and magic. Designed and drawn by G. Sarcone, a famous puzzle maker, the book includes many original illusions as well as new adaptations of lesser-known visual tricks. Simple commentary explains how the illusions work.

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  • The Impossible Coloring Book


    Can You Colour These Amazing Visual Illusions?

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  • 图中奥秘:挑战脑力的错视图 (Amazing Visual Illusions)

    青岛出版社 (Qingdao publishing)



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  • 图有玄机:挑战眼力的错视图 (The World of Visual Illusions)

    青岛出版社 (Qingdao publishing)


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  • Pliages, découpages et magie : Manuel de prestidi-géométrie

    Pole éditions

    Mathématiques et magie ont beaucoup en commun. Elles font de l’inexplicable leur matière première. Souvent, ce qui captive l’observateur attentif, c'est la simplicité et l’élégance qui sous-tendent la performance du prestidigitateur ou la démonstration du mathématicien.
    Ce livre naît d'une exigence concrète : proposer aux esprits curieux, aux enseignants et aux élèves de tous niveaux, du collège au lycée, un point de vue ludique sur les mathématiques en réunissant en un unique volume des…

    Mathématiques et magie ont beaucoup en commun. Elles font de l’inexplicable leur matière première. Souvent, ce qui captive l’observateur attentif, c'est la simplicité et l’élégance qui sous-tendent la performance du prestidigitateur ou la démonstration du mathématicien.
    Ce livre naît d'une exigence concrète : proposer aux esprits curieux, aux enseignants et aux élèves de tous niveaux, du collège au lycée, un point de vue ludique sur les mathématiques en réunissant en un unique volume des idées originales pour des activités ou des ateliers de mathématiques basés sur la magie et l’illusion. Toucher, plier, découper, ajuster, coller, font partie du processus créatif. Les auteurs affirment même que le fait de pouvoir interagir directement sur les formes est un des plaisirs les plus simples et les plus indispensables à
    l’homme !

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  • L'étrange univers des illusions d'optique

    Edtion Fleurus

    Ce documentaire se découpe en quatre parties intitulées Vertiges, Trouble, Éblouissement et enfin Hallucination et nous présente plus de quatre-vingt illusions d'optique. Alors attachez vos ceintures et soyez près pour un voyage dans un monde étrange et fascinant...

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  • Eye Bogglers

    Carlton Books

    'Eye Bogglers' is a visual feast for young fans of impossible images! The book contains many new adaptations of lesser-known optical illusions and plenty of favorite classics. A simple commentary introduces curious minds to this fascinating world where art and science collide, and explains why the illusions work as they do. Kids will love testing each other as page by page they encounter a diverse range of compelling visual challenges.

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  • FantaLogica

    La Meridiana

    Un cocktail esplosivo di 53 giochi di logica, parole, numeri, intuito e immaginazione. Per cultori seri o amanti di enigmi? Non solo! Con questo manuale l'animatore, l'educatore, il formatore o il docente possono elaborare divertentissimi laboratori di logica e matematica ricreativa per imparare e, quindi, insegnare a ragionare bene divertendosi.
    Giochi da fare o mettere in scena non per ottenere un quoziente di intelligenza o raggiungere un punteggio, ma per il gusto di comunicare e…

    Un cocktail esplosivo di 53 giochi di logica, parole, numeri, intuito e immaginazione. Per cultori seri o amanti di enigmi? Non solo! Con questo manuale l'animatore, l'educatore, il formatore o il docente possono elaborare divertentissimi laboratori di logica e matematica ricreativa per imparare e, quindi, insegnare a ragionare bene divertendosi.
    Giochi da fare o mettere in scena non per ottenere un quoziente di intelligenza o raggiungere un punteggio, ma per il gusto di comunicare e giocare, per il piacere di stare insieme cercando di allenare lo strumento più prezioso che abbiamo: la mente. Eh si, l'unione fa la forza, ma anche nell'ambito della matematica!

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Riconoscimenti e premi

  • Best Illuson of the Year 2019

    Top Ten

    The Best illusion of the Year Contest is a celebration of the ingenuity and creativity of the world’s premier illusion research community.

  • Won the Royal Society’s Young People’s Book Prize 2018

    Royal Society

    More information:

  • Best Illusion of the Year 2017


    The Best illusion of the Year Contest is a celebration of the ingenuity and creativity of the world’s premier illusion research community.

  • Best Illusion of the Year 2014

    Top 10 finalist

    The Best illusion of the Year Contest is a celebration of the ingenuity and creativity of the world’s premier illusion research community.

  • Best Illusion of the Year 2011

    Top ten finalist

    The Best illusion of the Year Contest is a celebration of the ingenuity and creativity of the world’s premier illusion research community.


  • English

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • French

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • Italian

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • German

    Conoscenza professionale

  • Spanish

    Conoscenza lavorativa limitata


  • Filo d'Oro


    The Lega del Filo d'Oro has a strong commitment to research and development. The Association has, in fact, set up a Research Centre in Osimo for the psychopedagogic and technical-rehabilitation sectors. On request from the rehabilitation services and according to the needs of the users, the Centre plans, designs and does trials on methods and tools offering support for the deafblind and multisensory impaired which can help them integrate into their context and, if possible, attain their own…

    The Lega del Filo d'Oro has a strong commitment to research and development. The Association has, in fact, set up a Research Centre in Osimo for the psychopedagogic and technical-rehabilitation sectors. On request from the rehabilitation services and according to the needs of the users, the Centre plans, designs and does trials on methods and tools offering support for the deafblind and multisensory impaired which can help them integrate into their context and, if possible, attain their own level of autonomy. There is also an intense, constant communication and interaction with the scientific and university worlds. The Technical-Scientific Committee has worked with them for over 20 years to identify research topics in the biomedical, psychopedagogic and technical-rehabilitation fields and to encourage a scientific approach which leads to uniform and coherent ways of working. Among the projects currently being carried out by the Research Centre is an examination of solutions for those with severe motor problems. This has led to the development of technology like microswitches which have been designed to aid ambulation, improve the range of responses, enable vocal expression and encourage self-determined behaviours. More information:

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