Mariangela Pira

Mariangela Pira Mariangela Pira è un influencer

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I work as a journalist at Sky TG24. I anchor a daily business programme.
My experience is in financial and economic journalism. I've been a foreign policy journalist.

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Articoli di Mariangela


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  • Grafico


    Attività e associazioni:30 July - 6 August 2022 : What Makes Life Meaningful? Perspectives From Anthropology

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    Attività e associazioni:POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY The thought of various classical and contemporary thinkers in both primary and secondary readings, students have been encouraged to think for themselves about the problems addressed. By the end of the course students have felt confident of their own position on some of the debates studied.

    The disciplines devoted to the study of politics
    Some philosophical approaches to politics
    2. The state of nature
    3. Justifying the state - the social contract
    Locke and consent
    Tacit consent and Hume's criticisms
    Hypothetical consent
    4. Justifying the state -
    The utilitarian theory of political obligation
    The principle of fairness
    5. Plato against democracy

    Democracy: General conceptual issues

    The disciplines devoted to the study of politics
    Some philosophical approaches to politics
    2. The state of nature
    3. Justifying the state - the social contract
    Locke and consent
    Tacit consent and Hume's criticisms
    Hypothetical consent
    4. Justifying the state -
    The utilitarian theory of political obligation
    The principle of fairness
    5. Plato against democracy

    Democracy: General conceptual issues
    Plato against democracy
    Analysing Plato's argument
    Responding to Plato
    6. Defending democracy

    Rousseau and democracy
    Mill and democracy
    7. Liberty

    Mill on liberty
    Stephen, Devlin and Hart
    The Rushdie affair
    8. Private property and the market

    Abolishing property?
    Locke on property
    Private property and the free market
    9. Rawls's theory of justice

    The restaurant
    Rawls discussion
    10. Feminist criticisms of liberalism

    Gender difference
    Liberal rights and feminism

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    Attività e associazioni:A thorough introduction to the History of Economic Thought encompassing Greek, Indian, Chinese and European Economic Thought. However, the course will also look at 20th Century Economic Thought and the work of John Maynard Keynes and Karl Marx. Furthermore, the course concludes with a look at currently evolving economic thought which may help students to understand the direction of current research in Economics

    Economic thought in Ancient Greece
    Indian economic thought from Kautilya to Ghandi
    Ancient Chinese economic thought
    Adam Smith, David Ricardo and classical European economic thought
    The economic thought of Karl Marx
    Rise of neoclassical economics
    Keynes and the Keynesian Revolution
    Milton Friedman and monetarism
    Alternative approaches within economic thought

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    Attività e associazioni:The Italian Renaissance gave us some of the most popular and powerful art ever created. Through the material culture of Italy, including painting, sculpture, textiles, and both church and domestic furnishings, this course explores the way in which Italian Renaissance art reflects the intellectual, theological and social interests and developments of the period.

    From Masaccio to Mantegna
    The production of art
    Materials and processes
    Art in the public eye
    Religious art and iconography
    The material culture of worship
    Art and the home
    Appearances and identities
    Contrasts and comparisons

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    Attività e associazioni:Programme details 1. What is archaeology? 2. Reading the landscape 3. Excavation techniques 4. Types of sites and features 5. Artefacts: ambassadors from the past 6. How old is it?: archaeological dating 7. Archaeological science 8. Burial archaeology 9. Making sense of it all: interpretation 10. Whose archaeology? Museums, the past and the public

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    Attività e associazioni:Public Policy Economics Oxford University Department for Continuing Education Programme details 1. The aims of public policy 2. Social welfare and growth 3. Market Failures 4. State ownership, privatisation and regulation 5. Industrial policy 6. Social choice and individual choice 7. Social security 8. Behavioural public policy 9. Government Failure 10. Evaluating public policies

    Few people have the knowledge to be able to evaluate claims and counter-claims. This course covers some of the most important questions about the aims and tools of economic policy, ranging from competition policy and regulation to industrial policy, from public spending choices to incorporating behavioural psychology 'nudges' in policy decisions. It covers the role of the state versus the market, and the government's responsibility for sustainability.

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    Attività e associazioni:1. Global trends and determinants 2. Objectives and limitations of the immigration state 3. The impacts of migrant workers in receiving countries 4. Labour immigration policies in high-income countries 5.The perspectives of migrants and their countries of origin 6. Temporary labour migration programmes 7.The economics,politics of free movement agreements 8. Functions and impacts of illegality in labour migration 9. Ethics of labour immigration policy 10.Toward a World Migration Organisation?

    This global course analyses one of the most controversial public policy issues of the 21st century: how to regulate international labour migration and the rights of migrant workers. Integrating economics, politics and ethics, the course comprehensively discusses the determinants, impacts and regulation of labour immigration and emigration around the world.

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    Attività e associazioni: Professor Graham Virgo: The English law of murder: myth and meaning Dr Seán Lang: 1918 - The year the cannons stopped Dr Hugh Hunt: The science behind the 1943 Dambusters bouncing bomb

    In addition to the courses I've attended some plenaries and evening joint talks:
    Dr James Grime: The Enigma code-breaking machine
    Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill: Can we save the past? The cases of Pompeii and Herculaneum
    Carina O’Reilly: Where are we on the road to Brexit?
    Dr Fred Parker: An introduction to Macbeth
    Professor Graham Virgo: The English law of murder: myth and meaning
    Dr Seán Lang: 1918 - The year the cannons stopped
    Dr Hugh Hunt: The science behind the 1943…

    In addition to the courses I've attended some plenaries and evening joint talks:
    Dr James Grime: The Enigma code-breaking machine
    Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill: Can we save the past? The cases of Pompeii and Herculaneum
    Carina O’Reilly: Where are we on the road to Brexit?
    Dr Fred Parker: An introduction to Macbeth
    Professor Graham Virgo: The English law of murder: myth and meaning
    Dr Seán Lang: 1918 - The year the cannons stopped
    Dr Hugh Hunt: The science behind the 1943 Dambusters bouncing bomb
    Dr Matthew Symonds: Rome’s frontiers: the end of an empire without end
    Professor Paul Cartledge: Spartan mirages
    Dr Beatriz Marin-Aguilera: Masters of the sea: history and influence of the Phoenicians
    Dr Nigel Strudwick: The influence of Thebes on the culture of Egypt over the millennia
    Dr John MacGinnis: The Assyrian Empire

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    Attività e associazioni:Social anthropology is the study of how humans give meaning to the world through different social norms, values, practices and means of organisation. As such, the role of the social anthropologist is to explore and understand other cultures and societies, and in so doing, to better understand his or her own worldview as well. Through critical, sensitive debate and analysis, students will develop the analytical skills necessary to see the world in an anthropological way

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    A Special Intensive Course by UNDP and ISPI (International Political Studies Institute), Milano. Mass media and information in the context of crisis; The work of MAE, UNDP, ECHO, ONG; Emergency in situations of war, in conflicts, in natural disasters; Gender and Humanitarian Assistance; Security of humanitarian operators; Coordinating humanitarian actions; Protection of victims, refugees, migrations. Communication in difficult situations. Developing gender empowering strategies.
    And again:…

    A Special Intensive Course by UNDP and ISPI (International Political Studies Institute), Milano. Mass media and information in the context of crisis; The work of MAE, UNDP, ECHO, ONG; Emergency in situations of war, in conflicts, in natural disasters; Gender and Humanitarian Assistance; Security of humanitarian operators; Coordinating humanitarian actions; Protection of victims, refugees, migrations. Communication in difficult situations. Developing gender empowering strategies.
    And again: Governing Globalization, Africa and Development, Gender and Development, ONG and development, UN and Peacebuilding, Development’s Projects.

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Esperienze di volontariato

  • Grafico Terre des Hommes Italia

    Media Expert - Present

    Terre des Hommes Italia


    Zimbabwe - Mozambique - Namibia

    o Research, write and broadcast impact and most significant change stories for TDH programmes to the required standard and within agreed deadlines
    o Write, film and edit material as part of delivering creative content for different audience to raise awareness, fundraise and communicate impact of development support.
    o Carry out interviewing, reporting and presenting duties
    o Prepare and present news bulletins for special magazines…

    Zimbabwe - Mozambique - Namibia

    o Research, write and broadcast impact and most significant change stories for TDH programmes to the required standard and within agreed deadlines
    o Write, film and edit material as part of delivering creative content for different audience to raise awareness, fundraise and communicate impact of development support.
    o Carry out interviewing, reporting and presenting duties
    o Prepare and present news bulletins for special magazines
    o Originate and develop news related programme ideas and assist in planning material for future programmes.
    o Report preparation and identify appropriate potential grant sources for development projects


  • Effetto Domino


    Come quello che accade in Paesi lontanissimi da noi ha effetto anche sulle nostre tasche.

  • Il Mondo Nuovo

    ed. Chiarelettere

  • Anno Zero d. C.

    ed. Chiarelettere

    Amo il mio libro. L'ho scritto con amore, ricerca, passione.
    Come siamo cambiati dopo che il Covid-19 ha travolto le nostre vite? In passato come ci siamo salvati dalle crisi? Stavolta ne usciremo davvero migliori? L'economia non è solo sigle, numeri, sterili statistiche, nomi altisonanti di provvedimenti finanziari e misure correttive. Servono la curiosità, la competenza e l'abilità divulgativa di una giornalista come Mariangela Pira per entrare davvero nel vivo del nostro tempo, l'Anno…

    Amo il mio libro. L'ho scritto con amore, ricerca, passione.
    Come siamo cambiati dopo che il Covid-19 ha travolto le nostre vite? In passato come ci siamo salvati dalle crisi? Stavolta ne usciremo davvero migliori? L'economia non è solo sigle, numeri, sterili statistiche, nomi altisonanti di provvedimenti finanziari e misure correttive. Servono la curiosità, la competenza e l'abilità divulgativa di una giornalista come Mariangela Pira per entrare davvero nel vivo del nostro tempo, l'Anno Zero dopo Covid, così straordinariamente nuovo e ricco di sfide. Con il supporto di numerosi esperti del settore e la formazione della classicista che le consente rapide incursioni tra i filosofi e i pensatori del passato, l'autrice racconta come sta mutando e muterà la nostra vita, il nostro modo di relazionarci con gli altri, lavorare, viaggiare, fare acquisti. I dati sulle crisi economiche del passato mostrano quante altre volte siamo caduti e ci siamo rialzati maturando nuove prospettive sul futuro, ma anche come nel 2020 siamo finiti nella morsa assurda della pandemia, pur essendo lontani dalle condizioni economiche e igienico-sanitarie che favorirono la diffusione di epidemie come la peste o la Spagnola. Oggi abbiamo gli strumenti per imprimere un cambiamento e una nuova direzione alla corsa sfrenata verso la crescita in cui ci accaniamo da decenni. Tutto sta nel saper leggere i fatti e tradurre in vita pratica teorie, cifre e statistiche, portando finalmente l'economia e la finanza ad altezza d'uomo. Con la Prefazione di Massimo Galli, direttore del Dipartimento di Scienze biomediche e cliniche "Luigi Sacco" dell'Università di Milano.

    Vedi pubblicazione
  • Cronaca di un disastro non annunciato. Il virus tra noi: marzo e aprile 2020

    ed. Chiarelettere

    La cronaca ragionata, partendo da numeri e dati, di quanto giorno dopo giorno è accaduto a marzo e aprile 2020. Dalle borse all'economia. Scritto in un linguaggio semplice e adatto a tutti!

    Vedi pubblicazione
  • Fozza Cina

    ed. Baldini & Castoldi

    Il libro affronta il tema di come noi italiani dovremmo reagire alla presenza cinese. Partiamo con l'elenco delle varie acquisizioni fatte negli anni ed entriamo nella loro cultura: cerchiamo di capire come si muovono nel mondo del business. Un manuale scritto in modo semplice, per tutti.

    Vedi pubblicazione
  • La Nuova Rivoluzione Cinese

    ed. Hoepli

    Il rapido cambiamento dell'economia cinese e gli effetti sulle nostre aziende

    Vedi pubblicazione

Riconoscimenti e premi

  • Premiolino 2023

    Giuria del Premiolino

    Premiolino 2023 per il giornalismo televisivo e la divulgazione

  • Globo per il Giornalismo

    Festival Internazionale della Letteratura di Viaggio

  • Premio Amerigo 2019

    Associazione Amerigo presso Consolato Usa a Firenze

  • Premio Navicella 2019


    Per la divulgazione dei concetti finanziari e di geopolitica economica. Per essere ambasciatrice della Sardegna in Italia e nel Mondo.


  • English, Spanish, German

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • Chinese

    Conoscenza lavorativa limitata

  • French

    Conoscenza lavorativa limitata

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