Paolo Cari

Paolo Cari

Piacenza, Emilia Romagna, Italia
1322 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


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  • Grafico Saipem


    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Shah Gas Site (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia

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    Milano, Lombardia, Italia


  • Grafico


    First semester of the fifth year, before graduation.

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    Energy and Hydrocarbons Specialization (in cooperation with ENI S.p.A.).
    Graduated with 110/110 cum laude.

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    Graduated with 110/110 cum laude.

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  • Gas compressor shutdown: simulation vs. operational feedback

    Automazione e strumentazione, ANIPLA

    The role of dynamic simulation studies in Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) projects execution has become increasingly important over the years. Often starting as contractual requirement, the dynamic simulation is now one of the main activities during engineering phases, being a useful tool for plant performance verification and optimization.
    The first step for a dynamic analysis of any system is the implementation of the process model, based on consolidated equipment and…

    The role of dynamic simulation studies in Engineering, Procurement & Construction (EPC) projects execution has become increasingly important over the years. Often starting as contractual requirement, the dynamic simulation is now one of the main activities during engineering phases, being a useful tool for plant performance verification and optimization.
    The first step for a dynamic analysis of any system is the implementation of the process model, based on consolidated equipment and instrumentation data sheets. However, regardless of how detailed the simulation is, simplifications are always assumed in the model. Therefore, improving the model reliability and accuracy is the main issue to be addressed. Saipem B.U. Onshore is currently taking growing interest in these aspects, gaining experience on recent and current EPC projects.
    The aim of this study is to present the application of an “untested” dynamic model, developed with a commercial process simulator, to a real sales gas compression system, particularly focusing on compressor shutdown transient. The starting point is the experience gained with a recent project, successfully completed by Saipem B.U. Onshore at the end of 2008; nevertheless, due to subsequent operational problems, a detailed dynamic analysis has been required, allowing to retune the original model and to increase the simulation accuracy by means of operational feedback.
    The study shows that, upon on-site data availability, the predictive capabilities of the model can be significantly improved, thus satisfactorily reproducing the real plant behaviour and predicting possible surge line crossing. However, due to software limitations in modelling the left-side region of compressor surge line, uncertainties and numerical discrepancies still remain; understanding these issues is a possible development area for further future improvements.


  • Italian

    Conoscenza madrelingua o bilingue

  • English

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • German

    Conoscenza lavorativa limitata

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