Rodolfo Giulivo

Rodolfo Giulivo

Avellino, Campania, Italia
202 follower 200 collegamenti


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  • Dissertation work: Financing and Stakeholders Engagement in Infrastructure Projects through Blockchain Tokens: Facts or Fantasy?


    Infrastructures play an important role in the well-being of our society, as they provide essential services such as transport and energy. They also have a significant impact on public finances and are often characterised by poor performances in terms of cost and delivery. Among the many causes of these poor performances, there is their financing, which is centralised and open to few investors, and the management and engagement of their stakeholders. Tokens, one of the main applications of…

    Infrastructures play an important role in the well-being of our society, as they provide essential services such as transport and energy. They also have a significant impact on public finances and are often characterised by poor performances in terms of cost and delivery. Among the many causes of these poor performances, there is their financing, which is centralised and open to few investors, and the management and engagement of their stakeholders. Tokens, one of the main applications of Blockchain technology, could potentially be useful to address these problems, but the literature covers them in a too general and theoretical way, without providing concrete applications for infrastructure projects. This thesis aims to address this gap by analysing the literature and the opinions gathered by interviewing experts in the infrastructure industry. As a result, this thesis provides two original contributions. Firstly, it applies STOs (Security Token Offerings), Lending Platforms and Airdrops to the financing and engagement of stakeholders in infrastructure projects, proposing their functioning as individual applications and also a possible way of integrating them with traditional project management practices. This expands the literature about tokens in the infrastructure domain, providing concrete applications and practical frameworks. Secondly, it analyzes the opinions of the interviewed experts in order to highlight the barriers, obstacles, and advantages of the four proposed applications. This contributes to expanding the literature about tokens in infrastructure, specifying the advantages and disadvantages of STOs, Lending Platforms and Airdrops and providing an analysis of potential causes and solutions.

  • Review of Supply Chain Risk Management Practices in Dairy Industry


    The market for dairy products is characterized by high complexity, due both to the characteristics
    of the products and to the players involved in the supply chain. In fact, the major producers are located
    in growing markets, where infrastructures are not yet particularly developed and risks are numerous
    and significant. This article aims to be a starting point in collecting, summarizing, and categorizing
    the different risk management techniques in this field. In the following…

    The market for dairy products is characterized by high complexity, due both to the characteristics
    of the products and to the players involved in the supply chain. In fact, the major producers are located
    in growing markets, where infrastructures are not yet particularly developed and risks are numerous
    and significant. This article aims to be a starting point in collecting, summarizing, and categorizing
    the different risk management techniques in this field. In the following sections, the main
    contributions found in literatures will be summarized, contextualized with several examples and case
    studies, and analyzed with the application of some theoretical models studied in the literature.
    Moreover, suggestions for possible future developments will be proposed, taking into
    consideration techniques used in more stable sectors and markets.

  • Python Implementation of Regression Algorithms to predict the number of likes that a review will obtain based on a set of textual features


  • Python Implementation of Classification Algorithms to predict after-purchase satisfaction


  • Innovation project promoted by MuniDigital


    Nowadays, being citizens of the world is no more a privilege of the richest but a fundamental prerequisite to live properly in society. Everything is becoming digital, timeless, and comprehensive, but the public administrations are still at the beginning of the digital transformation path, thus opening many opportunities in this area.
    Munidigital is a start-up whose mission is to empower public workers and citizens with technologies to build cities where people want to live in. The company…

    Nowadays, being citizens of the world is no more a privilege of the richest but a fundamental prerequisite to live properly in society. Everything is becoming digital, timeless, and comprehensive, but the public administrations are still at the beginning of the digital transformation path, thus opening many opportunities in this area.
    Munidigital is a start-up whose mission is to empower public workers and citizens with technologies to build cities where people want to live in. The company is already operating in South America and Spain, but it is starting to expand more on the European market. For this reason, studying what are the needs of European municipalities and citizens, is necessary to define a clear strategy to enter new markets. In particular, the focus will be on Italy, a market very close to those already covered by the company in terms of culture.
    To better understand the peculiarities of the Italian market, PEST, SWOT and competitor’s analysis were carried out, the challenges of the smart cities were addressed, and two surveys were administered to a sample of Italian people. A deep gap between investments in public safety and the perception of the citizens were clearly identified.
    To cover this gap, an incremental approach to innovation was pursued, and complementary solutions were designed, adapting Munidigital’s offer to the new context. The crucial points are the lighting and cameras management and maintenance, emergency management, tourists’ safety maps, public transportation safety and accessibility guarantee. If successful in leveraging the network of Italian municipalities on security issues, the start-up could get better insights on further needs, directly from inside, to expand its offer in Italy.

  • Vaccine Operations Management for Covid-19


  • Designing the repositioning strategy of Chateau d'Ax in the medium-high-end market focusing on the product showroom and the advertising plan


  • Driver Based Budget and Scenario Analysis of a company in the Food Industry - Promoted by Accenture


  • Financial performance analysis of Intercos Group - Promoted by EY


  • Business Game - Bachelor Thesis



  • Inglese

    Conoscenza professionale completa

  • Tedesco

    Conoscenza base

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