Stefania Migliavacca

Stefania Migliavacca

San Donato Milanese, Lombardia, Italia
3949 follower Oltre 500 collegamenti


I hold a degree in Economics and a Master in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics. I am faculty member at Scuola Mattei, a post-graduate school within the Corporate University of Eni, managing the MBA program promoted by the Italian Energy Company. I am also part of Eni Faculty, the community of in-house trainers.
I believe that offering scholarship opportunities to young students coming from different countries is one of the best way to promote sustainable development and social inclusion.
I am a passionate teacher of "System Dynamics" and “Energy Economics” within the School. I have been contract professor of Energy Economics at the University of Pavia. My research interests include system dynamic modelling, energy and environmental modelling, economic impact of environmental policies, utility regulation and environmental taxation. I am author and co-author of several publications on these issues.


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    The School was founded in 1957 by Enrico Mattei and marked the beginning of post-graduate training in technical subjects and economics in Italy.
    Since its foundation, the School has trained over 2500 young people, 55% of whom from 110 different foreign countries.
    Aside from the academic content, one of the principal drivers of the professional and human development of the students is the school’s markedly international dimension. A significant proportion of the students come from…

    The School was founded in 1957 by Enrico Mattei and marked the beginning of post-graduate training in technical subjects and economics in Italy.
    Since its foundation, the School has trained over 2500 young people, 55% of whom from 110 different foreign countries.
    Aside from the academic content, one of the principal drivers of the professional and human development of the students is the school’s markedly international dimension. A significant proportion of the students come from developing areas, such as (9%) and South America (11%). In fact, the Scuola Mattei is a rare example of cultural diversity with a level of internationality that is very high, with around 17 different nationalities in an average class of 50 students.

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Licenze e certificazioni

Esperienze di volontariato

  • Secretary General

    International Alumni Association of Scuola Mattei

    - 8 anni e 4 mesi


    As a former student of Scuola Mattei I feel in charge of giving back a part of my experience collaborating for free with the Alumni Association.
    The main objective of IAASM is to organize seminars and conferences in order to enhance the Alumni network and to offer life long learning opportunities.
    It is a no profit organization based on voluntarism.

  • Grafico SYDIC (SYstem Dynamics Italian Chapter)

    VP Public Relations

    SYDIC (SYstem Dynamics Italian Chapter)

    - Presente 4 mesi

    SYDIC aims at spreading system thinking and system dynamics in different fields. I have been a member for a long time, recently appointed as PR vice-president. My main tasks are: to liaise with the System Dynamics Society, with other chapters, and with scientific groups or communities; to supervise the SYDIC communication strategy; to monitor data from social media and website.
    Beside that I am actively involved in several SYDIC projects, mainly related to teaching and training people on…

    SYDIC aims at spreading system thinking and system dynamics in different fields. I have been a member for a long time, recently appointed as PR vice-president. My main tasks are: to liaise with the System Dynamics Society, with other chapters, and with scientific groups or communities; to supervise the SYDIC communication strategy; to monitor data from social media and website.
    Beside that I am actively involved in several SYDIC projects, mainly related to teaching and training people on ST/SD applied to energy transition and climate change


  • “La storia (delle emissioni di CO2) non si scrive con i se”

    Energia, RIE

  • “Impresa e ambiente: un’intesa sostenibile”

    Collana IAASM, Ed. Scheiwiller

  • “L’energia rinnovabile salverà l’Italia?”

    Energia, RIE

  • “L’Italia, Kyoto e l’ETS”

    Energia, RIE

  • “Le strategie di Management delle Oil Companies”

    Economia & Management, SDA Bocconi

  • “Environmental taxation and the double dividend hypothesis”

    in Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation, Richmond

  • “Operationalising Senian capability approach by modelling human development”

    Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Quaderno CRASL

  • “Investimenti diretti esteri ed efficienza energetica”


  • “Third National Communication under the UN Framework Convention on Climate change. Italy” Chapters 4&5

    Ministry of Environment

    Under the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change, all Parties should report on the steps they are taking to implement the Convention (Articles 4.1 and 12)

  • “Perché la Cina non riduce le emissioni”

    Energia 2/2015

  • “Verso la COP21: l’insostenibile audacia di Stati Uniti ed Europa”

    Energia 3/2015

  • Lo scenario energetico mondiale dopo Parigi

    Energia 1/2016

Riconoscimenti e premi

  • EN-roads climate ambassador

    Climate Interactive - MIT

    I am a recognized facilitator for EN-roads. The En-ROADS Climate Workshop helps build support for strategies to address climate change via interactive testing of the cutting-edge simulation model En-ROADS. The resulting experience is hopeful, scientifically-grounded, action-oriented, and eye-opening.

    The workshop has been run for the U.S. Congress, Stattnet in Norway, a community group in Atlanta, the Energy Transition Forum in London, HSBC bank, the U.S. Climate Action Network, the UN…

    I am a recognized facilitator for EN-roads. The En-ROADS Climate Workshop helps build support for strategies to address climate change via interactive testing of the cutting-edge simulation model En-ROADS. The resulting experience is hopeful, scientifically-grounded, action-oriented, and eye-opening.

    The workshop has been run for the U.S. Congress, Stattnet in Norway, a community group in Atlanta, the Energy Transition Forum in London, HSBC bank, the U.S. Climate Action Network, the UN Secretary-General’s Office, and many others.


  • English



  • IAASM - International Alumni Association of Scuola Mattei


    - Presente
  • System Dynamics Society - Italian Chapter


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