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Shopping Solutions and Smart Staff
Care Delivery Shelf Design Based on the
Background of Hi-tech Parks


Corso di Laurea Magistrale in

Design del Prodotto per l’innovazione

A.A 2014/2015
Relatore: Venanzio Arquilla
Su Xizi
Matricola: 840445
Abstract Italiano 005


Con lo sviluppo dell’economia in Cina, lo stile di

vita delle persone sta migliorando giorno dopo
giorno. Lo shopping, attività quotidiana che
appartiene a tutti, sta gradualmente acquisendo
sempre più attenzione; e per avere più clienti, i
commercianti fanno un grande sforzo nel design
della shopping experience.
La mia tesi ha come obiettivo quello di
migliorare la shopping experience nell’acquisto
di snack nel parco Hi-tech, indagando le
diverse fasi della user experience. Cercando
di comprendere i bisogni delle persone nella
maniera più concreta, ho scelto Netease
Hangzhou Park come oggetto di studio. I risultati
ottenuti dalla ricerca comprendono il design di
una soluzione “DS” per un parco High-tech, di un
sistema “DS” per una App (sia per lo staff, sia per
il crew support) e di uno Smart Delivery Shelf.
Questa soluzione complessa sarà probabilmente
utilizzata in migliaia di parchi Hi-tech, grandi
e piccoli, in Cina, per migliorare la shopping
experience nelle aree di lavoro.
Abstract English 007


With the development of China’s economy,

people’s living standard is improving day
after day. Shopping, this life-related behavior,
is also gradually getting everyone’s attention.
In order to get more customers, merchants
make a great effort to the shopping
experience design. In this paper, I try to
improve the experience of purchasing snacks
in the Hi-tech park by using user experience
design method. As I want to find the accurate
needs as many as I can, I picked Netease
HangZhou Park as my study subject.
The results obtained in this research include High-
tech park "DS" solution, "DS" system App design (
for both staffs & support crews ) & Smart Delivery
Shelf design. This solution is gonna likely to be
used in thousands of Hi-tech parks in China, the
large ones and the small ones, to enhance the
buying experience in working areas.
Introduction 009


Whether it is the "Industry 4.0" proposed by

Germany, the "Industrial Internet" by the United
States or the "Made in China 2025" by China,
new technologies such as the Internet, big data,
cloud computing, artificial intelligence, unmanned
supermarket, AI all have been growing steadily
hotter and hotter. First the Amazon Go, later the
unmanned store by Jack Ma. And now in China,
the unmanned shelves in the office area has
attracted numerous giants into the game, from
February this year, just in 2 months, unmanned
shelf has been publicly financing over 2.5 billion
yuan. Its market value is evident.evident.
But there are still many pain points existing in
unmanned retail solutions. Based on the analysis
of existing market retail models and the interviews’
results with staff in the science park, this thesis
attempts to refine some pain points by user study
methods. Such as Hi-tech park staffs, in the whole
process of work, the specific snack needs and the
problems encountered for each meal. In response
to these needs, I started to do some attempts,
in the end I find “DS” solution - smart delivery
shelves combined with face ID, AI, big data and
some other technologies.

The Internet will not change the nature of retail.

The ultimate assessment of whether a retail
model is good or not can not be achieved without
two criterion: one is cost-effectiveness, another
is shopping experience, and one good retail
model is the model can meet both requirements.
The delivery shelf in this thesis are based on the
user experience design, which with the help of
Internet technology, it maximizes the transaction
efficiency and production efficiency. If the model is
successful, the snack market in the office will be a
very good scenario for it.





018 The world's factory - China

Transition from world's

factory to innovation hub

Government support on
026 science and technology
O2O - A trillion-dollar
012 opportunity


Online Shopping - Ebay,

036 Amazon, Taobao,,
Foodora ect.

New mode - Future

supermarket e-coop VR tour


050 New retail - Jack Ma

Cashier-free convenience
store - GuoXiaoMei

A huge and growing

economy in office retail


Design background

064 Company Netease

068 Design Aim

Case study

070 Amazon Go

072 Walmart - Scan & Go

074 Supermarket self checkouts

076 Honesty Store

RFID radio frequency


The newest receptionist

social robot - Pepper

User Experience design

084 Personas

090 User Journey

Needs conclusion - Staff,
014 092 Support Crew, High - tech


High-tech park "DS"

Unmanned Store solution

096 "DS" solution

097 Storyboard

"DS" system App design

108 Mindmap

Unmanned Store - DS
11 2
Management System Solution

11 6 Information structure

11 8 App prototype

Smart delivery shelf desgin

122 Sketches

126 Rendering

128 Explosive Assembly

130 Usage visuals






The world's factory - China

Transition from world's

factory to innovation hub

Government support on
science and technology

O2O - A trillion-dollar


Question: What do Lightening McQueen, a Nike sneaker and an iPad have in common? Answer:
China. Chinese products seem to be everywhere: the majority of tags, labels and stickers display
the legend “Made in China.” The Western consumer may ask, “why is everything made in China?”
Some may think the ubiquity of Chinese products is due to the abundance of cheap Chinese labor
that brings down the production costs, but there is much more to it. Here are five reasons China is
"the world's factory.”

Lower Wages

China is home to approximately 1.35 billion people, which makes it the most populous country in
the world. The law of supply and demand tells us that since the supply of workers is greater than
the demand for low-wage workers, wages stay low. Moreover, the majority of Chinese were rural
and lower-middle-class or poor and until the late 20th century when internal migration turned the
country's rural-urban distribution upside-down. Immigrants to industrial cities are willing to work
many shifts for low wages.
China doesn’t follow (not strictly at least) laws related to child labor or minimum wages, which are

more widely observed in the West. However, this situation may change. According to the China
Labour Bulletin, from 2009 to 2014 minimum wages have almost doubled in mainland China.
Shanghai’s minimum hourly rate is now up to 17 yuan ($2.78) per hour or 1,820 yuan ($297.15) a
month. In Shenzhen the rate is 1,808 yuan per month ($295.19) and 16.50 yuan ($2.69) per hour
based on an exchange rate of 1 yuan = $0.16. The huge labor pool in China helps to produce
in bulk, accommodate any seasonal industry requirement, and even cater to sudden rises in the
demand schedule. (For more, see: Do Cheap Imported Goods Cost Americans Jobs?)

Business Ecosystem

Industrial production does not take place in isolation, but rather relies on networks of suppliers,
component manufacturers, distributors, government agencies and customers who are all involved in
the process of production through competition and cooperation. The business ecosystem in China
has evolved quite a lot in the last thirty years. For example Shenzhen, a city bordering Hong Kong
in the south-east, has evolved as a hub for the electronics industry. It has a cultivated an ecosystem
to support the manufacturing supply chain, including component manufacturers, low cost workers, a
technical workforce, assembly suppliers and customers.

For example, American companies like Apple Inc. (AAPL AAPL Apple Inc 172.98 -0.64%) take
advantages of supply chain efficiencies in the Mainland to keep costs low and margins high.
Foxconn (the main company which manufactures Apple products) has multiple suppliers and
manufactures of components that are at nearby locations, and it would be economically unfeasible
to take the components to U.S. to assemble the final product. (For more, see: China’s Economic

Lesser Compliance

Manufacturers in the West are expected to comply with certain basic guidelines with regards to
child labor, involuntary labor, health and safety norms, wage and hour laws, and protection of the
environment. Chinese factories are known for not following most of these laws and guidelines, even
in a permissive regulatory environment. Chinese factories employ child labor, have long shift hours
and the workers are not provided with compensation insurance. Some factories even have policies
where the workers are paid once a year, a strategy to keep them from quitting before the year is out.
Environmental protection laws are routinely ignored, thus Chinese factories cut down on waste
The World's Factory - China 021

management costs. According to a World Bank report in 2013, sixteen of the world’s top twentymost
polluted cities are in China. (For more, see: Boom or Bust? The End of China's One-Child Policy.)

Taxes and Duties

The export tax rebate policy was initiated in 1985 by China as a way to boost the competitiveness
of its exports by abolishing double taxation on exported goods. Exported goods are subject to
zero percent value added tax (VAT), meaning they enjoy a VAT exemption or rebate policy. On
the other hand, the U.S. doesn’t have a VAT and import taxes are only applicable to certain goods
like tobacco and alcohol. Consumer products from China are exempted from any import taxes.
Lower tax rates help to keep the cost of production low. (For more, see: Top 6 Factors That Drive
Investment In China.)


China has been accused of artificially depressing the value of the yuan to provide an edge for
its exports against similar goods produced by a U.S. competitor. The yuan was estimated to be
undervalued by 30% against the dollar in late 2005. The Chinese yuan has, however, been steadily
increasing in value against the dollar over the past few years. According to the Bank for International
Settlements, the real appreciation of the yuan between the end of 2011 and March 2014 was about
7%. China keeps a check on the appreciation of yuan by buying dollars and selling yuan, a practice
that has swelled Chinese foreign exchange reserves to approximately $4 trillion. (See: Why China's
Currency Tangos With The USD.)

The Bottom Line

In the recent times, pundits have wondered if China will lose its spot as "the world's factory” as
emerging economies offering cheap labor and rising wages dull China's competitive edge. The
availability of cheap labor is just one of the many factors that have made China a manufacturing
hub, however, and it will take more than cutthroat desire for emerging economies to set up a
1. Prableen Bajpai, business ecosystem that can compete with China's. For some time to come, China will be "the world
China Is The World's
factory” with its low production costs, huge labor pool, vast talent base and business ecosystem.[1]
Transition from World's Factory to Innovation Hub 023


The Chinese like to remind people that they are to thank for a great many inventions, including
gunpowder, the compass, printing and paper making. Today, we'd probably refer to them as
'disruptive technologies' as they fundamentally transformed the way things were done. The reason
that China is so keen to remind the world of its incredible creativity of the past is its lack lustre
present-day performance.

These days, it is common for China-watchers to ask if the country can innovate as it transforms from
the world's factory to a nation based on developing cutting edge science and technology? Some
leading Western business people don't think the Chinese can do it.

So can the Chinese innovate? Dr Hsiao-Wuen Hon, chairman of Microsoft's Asia-Pacific R&D group
certainly thinks so. "People still question this today? With the success of BAT?" (BAT refers to the
three Chinese internet giants Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent).

Wuen Hon says the fact that so many multinationals, including Microsoft, set up their R&D centres
in China is clear evidence that Chinese scientists and engineers can innovate.

"We invest in 3,000 people here. We contribute a lot to the development of Microsoft's global
products. If we don't contribute anything in terms of innovation, why should the company invest
in China? It would be totally unthinkable," he told Business Spectator. "I can say that for all the
multinational companies based here in China."

Hon, an internationally recognised expert in speech technology, says the idea that Chinese
companies simply copy Western technology and business models is out of date."Now, it is no longer
true. I see some of the innovations for the first time in China. China absolutely has first-rate stuff to
show the world, I would even say, in some areas, it leads the world," he says.

The veteran computer scientist says that Chinese companies are particularly good at combining,
integrating and improving business models, processes and technology. A recent report by McKinsey
Global Institute, titled The China Effect on Global Innovation, supports Hon's take.

The report finds China is now taking the global lead in two areas of innovation, namely in improving
consumer products and in improving manufacturing processes. To take Tencent as an example, its
average revenue per user was $US16 in 2014, $US10 more than Facebook.

The Chinese computing giant generates most of its revenue from online gaming.Hon also identifies
two areas where the Chinese are overtaking the US: mobile internet and mobile payment. He
noted: "In terms of mobile payment, more innovation will come from China."According to Hon, Mark
Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, is taking hints from Chinese internet giants in terms of mobile
payment. There you go, a Silicon Valley giant learning from a Chinese upstart, something no one
could imagine just a few years ago.

China's sheer number of consumers also help their companies to thrive. Chinese consumers
are ready adopters of smart phones, social media and e-commerce. "That part I have so much
confidence in, because if you look at China in terms of mobile internet usage, it is far more than
anywhere else in the world. So they have an environment that is better than anyone else," he says.

"If you look at the companies that generate the most wealth, it is the ones that combine technology
with better business process and models," he said. "Uber is that type of innovation."
If you are looking for signs of positive development in the world's second largest economy, the
ability and enthusiasm to innovate is a good place to start.[2] 2. Chinlingo - "China
undergoing transition
from world’s factory to
innovation hub".


The State Council issued a national scientific and technological innovation plan in a bid to build
China into an innovative country and a scientific and technological power.As the world’s second-
largest economy undergoes economic transition for further development, technology innovation
has never been more significant, the plan said. Based on the idea that innovation is the prime
development driving force, the plan is a blueprint designed for technological innovation development
during the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020).

The plan aims to substantially improve China’s technology and innovation capabilities, and lift
the country’s comprehensive innovation capabilities into the world’s top 15.China has witnessed
major developments in technology improvements, such as manned space flights and lunar
probes, manned deep-sea submersible, deep earth exploration, super computers and quantum

Some figures provide evidence of the nation’s efforts and development in technological innovation.
In 2015, nationwide expenditure on scientific research and experiments totaled 1.42 trillion yuan
($213.4 billion); it accounted for the world’s second largest number of published international
science and technology papers; and the national comprehensive innovation capabilities ranked 18th

in the world.

In addition, the contribution rate of technology to economic growth increased from 20.9 percent in
2010 to 55.3 percent in 2015.

The plan urged to play the key leading role of scientific and technological innovation in uplifting
the industries to the medium- and high-end, developing new growth drivers, expanding new
development space, improving development quality and efficiency.
The plan called efforts to accelerate the implementation of major national scientific and technological
projects and launch the scientific and technological innovation 2030 project.

China should construct an internationally-competitive industrial technology system, make an

integrated arrangement of modern agriculture, new generation of information technology, intelligent
manufacturing and energy, promote the disruptive technological innovation and lead the industrial
revolution, the plan said.
It also called for the building of a technology system which support the improvement of people’s
livelihood and sustainable development, which can safeguard national security and strategic forces,
said the plan.

The plan also said China should take the lead in organizing international big science plans and
programs and strive to lead the world science direction in more advanced basic fields and make
breakthroughs in more strategic fields.

The plan also called for the building of the innovation bases led by national laboratories and
cultivation of world class scientists and technological talents.

The country should support Beijing and Shanghai to build scientific and technological innovation
centers with international clout, set up a batch of innovative provinces and cities and regional
innovation centers, promote the innovative development of national innovation demonstration zones
as well as new and hi-tech development zones, according to the plan.

The plan also urged the building of a Belt and Road innovation community aiming to improve
the country’s ability in allocation of global innovation resources and fully participate in the global
innovation governance.
Furthermore, efforts will be made to further promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, reform
science and technology systems, improve social scientific literacy, and strengthen science
Government Support 029

popularization infrastructure, according to the plan.

The plan also urged to clear systematic barriers hampering innovation and the transformation of
scientific and technological achievements.
To ensure effective implementation of the plan, efforts will be made to strengthen legal protection on
innovation, improve inclusive and supporting policy system, implement intellectual property rights
strategies, advance technology standard strategies, and enhance policy coordination, according to
the State Council.[3]

cn - "China to
boost scientific
and technological
innovation". Aug 8,2016


Online to offline ("O2O") commerce is all the buzz right now. Last year, when Alibaba invested over $3
billion in the technology, the media took note and journalists around the world began discussing the
future of the O2O industry in Asia and abroad.

Equipped with O2O tools and services, business owners would have an unprecedented level of
accuracy in their online marketing and, for the first time ever, would be able to reliably determine
ROI from online advertising. Until recently, that technological ability simply did not exist.

Online advertising has innovated remarkably little in the past decade, causing many business
owners who want higher conversion rates, better analytics, and better customer targeting to grow
frustrated. O2O tracking platforms are the next step forward in an industry that has been lagging
behind for years.

According to Jon Carder, CEO of O2O network Empyr, whose mission is to bridge the gap between
online and offline commerce, thinks the opportunity is a big one. A trillion dollars to be exact. Later,
Carder wrote a blog post titled "The Formula to Create a Trillion Dollar Industry" that detailed the
specifics of how the industry could be built up in a very short amount of time.

Enormous volume of offline spending.

According to the Chamber of Commerce, over 93 percent of purchases still take place offline, which
accounts for over $4 trillion each year. Most people are blown away by this number. People think
that, given how integrated our lives are with the internet, online spending would be much higher. But
the data shows that a massive amount of spending happens offline and that's likely to continue for
years. The challenge business owners face is bringing that online audience directly into their stores
and knowing how they attracted them and how much it cost to do so.

Trillion-dollar opportunity?
An article in TechCrunch called O2O commerce a "trillion dollar opportunity." They calculated that
the average American earns around $40,000 annually and the average e-commerce shopper
spends $1,000 per year online. Apart from taxes, where does the rest of the $39,000 go? It goes
to the offline economy: grocery stores, real estate, car dealerships, restaurants, etc. Bridging the
gap allows businesses to actively compete for that commerce using online advertising. In a recent
blog post, Carder outlines the additional steps needed to capitalize on this potentially trillion-dollar

Small-business disappointment.
When the Chamber of Commerce ran a survey of small-business owners to better understand
their marketing strategies, the data showed that when asked which marketing channels were most
effective, "only 3 percent found PayPerClick (PPC)" to be an effective lead generation tool. This
is likely because PPC platforms are difficult to set up and often do not offer reliable or easy to
understand analytics.

Solutions out there offer advertisers guaranteed ROI on ad spending and small-business-friendly
platforms will continue to grow in popularity as online marketing becomes a must for local business

Consumer research trends.

According to studies by the Consumer Barometer, over 60 percent of consumers research a product
online before going to a store to make a purchase. Bridging the gap between when someone who
is viewing a product online and when they enter a store to complete a purchase could create an
entirely trackable revenue stream for business owners. If someone is searching for your product
and finds it online, that's a hot lead! You want to capture that. Technology has finally caught up and
O2O - A Trillion-Dollar Opportunity 033

making that capture possible, which is an enormous win for advertisers.While buzzwords come
and go, the idea behind O2O commerce is here to stay. Despite recent advancements made by
companies, the technology has yet to perfectly align with consumer shopping trends and the needs
of business owners. The trillion-dollar problem still lacks a perfect solution, but entrepreneurs are
rapidly solving that mystery.

As the loop between online and offline commerce closes, business owners, advertisers, and, most
importantly, consumers are well positioned for a win-win-win.[4]

4. John Rampton,
"Why O2O Commerce
Is a Trillion-Dollar


Online Shopping - Ebay,

Amazon, Taobao,,
Foodora ect.

New mode - Future

supermarket e-coop VR tour


Online shopping is a form

of electronic commerce
which allows consumers
to directly buy goods or
services from a seller
over the Internet using a
web browser. Consumers
find a product of interest
by visiting the website
of the retailer directly
or by searching among
alternative vendors using
a shopping search engine,
which displays the same

product's availability and pricing at different e-retailers. As of 2016, customers can shop online using
a range of different computers and devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablet computers
and smartphones.

An online shop evokes the physical analogy of buying products or services at a regular "bricks-
and-mortar" retailer or shopping center; the process is called business-to-consumer (B2C) online
shopping. When an online store is set up to enable businesses to buy from another businesses,
the process is called business-to-business (B2B) online shopping. A typical online store enables
the customer to browse the firm's range of products and services, view photos or images of the
products, along with information about the product specifications, features and prices.

Online stores typically enable shoppers to use "search" features to find specific models, brands or
items. Online customers must have access to the Internet and a valid method of payment in order to
complete a transaction, such as a credit card, an Interac-enabled debit card, or a service

such as PayPal. For physical products (e.g., paperback books or clothes), the e-tailer ships the
products to the customer; for digital products, such as digital audio files of songs or software, the
e-tailer typically sends the file to the customer over the Internet. The largest of these online retailing
corporations are Alibaba,, and eBay.


Alternative names for the activity are "e-tailing", a shortened form of "electronic retail" or
"e-shopping", a shortened form of "electronic shopping". An online store may also be called an
e-web-store, e-shop, e-store, Internet shop, web-shop, web-store, online store, online storefront
and virtual store. Mobile commerce (or m-commerce) describes purchasing from an online retailer's
mobile device-optimized website or software application ("app"). These websites or apps are
designed to enable customers to browse through a companies' products and services on tablet
computers and smartphones.

History of Online Shopping

The growth of the internet as a secure shopping channel has developed since 1994, with the first
Online Shopping 039

sales of Sting album 'Ten Summoner's Tales'. Wine, chocolates and flowers soon followed and were
among the pioneering retail categories which fueled the growth of online shopping. Researchers
found that having products that are appropriate for e-commerce was a key indicator of Internet
success. Many of these products did well as they are generic products which shoppers didn't need
to touch and feel in order to buy. But also importantly in the early days there were few shoppers
online and they were from a narrow segment: affluent, male, 30+. Online shopping has come along
way since these early days and -in the UK- accounts for significant percents (depending on product
category as percentages can vary).

Growth in Online Shoppers

As the revenues from online sales continued to grow significantly researchers identified different
types of online shoppers, Rohm & Swaninathan identified four categories and named them
"convenience shoppers, variety seekers, balanced buyers, and store-oriented shoppers". They
focused on shopping motivations and found that the variety of products available and the perceived
convenience of the buying online experience were significant motivating factors. This was different
for offline shoppers, who were more motivated by time saving and recreational motives.

Digital High Street 2020

Michael Aldrich, pioneer of online shopping in the 1980s.

English entrepreneur Michael Aldrich was a pioneer of online shopping in 1979. His system
connected a modified domestic TV to a real-time transaction processing computer via a domestic
telephone line. He believed that videotex, the modified domestic TV technology with a simple menu-
driven human–computer interface, was a 'new, universally applicable, participative communication
medium — the first since the invention of the telephone.' This enabled 'closed' corporate information
systems to be opened to 'outside' correspondents not just for transaction processing but also
for e-messaging and information retrieval and dissemination, later known as e-business. His
definition of the new mass communications medium as 'participative' [interactive, many-to-many]
was fundamentally different from the traditional definitions of mass communication and mass
media and a precursor to the social networking on the Internet 25 years later. In March 1980 he
launched Redifon's Office Revolution, which allowed consumers, customers, agents, distributors,
suppliers and service companies to be connected on-line to the corporate systems and allow
business transactions to be completed electronically in real-time. During the 1980s he designed,
manufactured, sold, installed, maintained and supported many online shopping systems, using
Online Shopping 041

videotex technology. These systems which also provided voice response and handprint processing
pre-date the Internet and the World Wide Web, the IBM PC, and Microsoft MS-DOS, and were
installed mainly in the UK by large corporations.

International statistics

Statistics show that in 2012, Asia-Pacific increased their international sales over 30% giving them
over $433 billion in revenue. That is a $69 billion difference between the U.S. revenue of $364.66
billion. It is estimated that Asia-Pacific will increase by another 30% in the year 2013 putting them
ahead by more than one-third of all global ecommerce sales. The largest online shopping day in the
world is Singles Day, with sales just in Alibaba's sites at US$9.3 billion in 2014.


Online customers must have access to the Internet and a valid method of payment in order to

complete a transaction. Generally, higher levels of education and personal income correspond to
more favorable perceptions of shopping online. Increased exposure to technology also increases
the probability of developing favorable attitudes towards new shopping channels.

Customer buying behaviour in digital environment

The marketing around the digital environment, customer's buying behaviour may not be influenced
and controlled by the brand and firm, when they make a buying decision that might concern the
interactions with search engine, recommendations, online reviews and other information. With
the quickly separate of the digital devices environment, people are more likely to use their mobile
phones, computers, tablets and other digital devices to gather information. In other words, the digital
environment has a growing effect on consumer's mind and buying behaviour. In an online shopping
environment, interactive decision may have an influence on aid customer decision making. Each
customer is becoming more interactive, and though online reviews customers can influence other
potential buyers' behaviors.
Online Shopping 043

Subsequently, risk and trust would also are two important factors affecting people's' behavior in
digital environments. Customer consider to switch between e-channels, because they are mainly
influence by the comparison with offline shopping, involving growth of security, financial and
performance-risks In other words, a customer shopping online that they may receive more risk than
people shopping in stores. There are three factors may influence people to do the buying decision,
firstly, people cannot examine whether the product satisfy their needs and wants before they receive
it. Secondly, customer may concern at after-sale services. Finally, customer may afraid that they
cannot fully understand the language used in e-sales. Based on those factors customer perceive
risk may as a significantly reason influence the online purchasing behaviour.

Online retailers has place much emphasis on customer trust aspect, trust is another way driving
customer's behaviour in digital environment, which can depend on customer's attitude and
expectation. Indeed, the company's products design or ideas can not met customer's expectations.
Customer's purchase intension based on rational expectations, and additionally impacts on
emotional trust. Moreover, those expectations can be also establish on the product information and
revision from others.

Product selection

Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of the retailer directly or by searching
among alternative vendors using a shopping search engine. Once a particular product has been
found on the website of the seller, most online retailers use shopping cart software to allow the
consumer to accumulate multiple items and to adjust quantities, like filling a physical shopping
cart or basket in a conventional store. A "checkout" process follows (continuing the physical-store
analogy) in which payment and delivery information is collected, if necessary. Some stores allow
consumers to sign up for a permanent online account so that some or all of this information only
needs to be entered once. The consumer often receives an e-mail confirmation once the transaction
is complete. Less sophisticated stores may rely on consumers to phone or e-mail their orders
(although full credit card numbers, expiry date, and Card Security Code, or bank account and
routing number should not be accepted by e-mail, for reasons of security).

Shopping cart systems

Online Shopping 045

Simple shopping cart systems allow the off-line administration of products and categories. The shop
is then generated as HTML files and graphics that can be uploaded to a webspace. The systems
do not use an online database. A high-end solution can be bought or rented as a stand-alone
program or as an addition to an enterprise resource planning program. It is usually installed on the
company's web server and may integrate into the existing supply chain so that ordering, payment,
delivery, accounting and warehousing can be automated to a large extent. Other solutions allow the
user to register and create an online shop on a portal that hosts multiple shops simultaneously from
one back office. Examples are Big Commerce, Shopify and FlickRocket. Open source shopping
cart packages include advanced platforms such as Interchange, and off-the-shelf solutions such
as Magento, osCommerce, Shopgate, PrestaShop, and Zen Cart. Commercial systems can also
be tailored so the shop does not have to be created from scratch. By using an existing framework,
software modules for various functionalities required by a web shop can be adapted and combined.


Customers are attracted to online shopping not only because of high levels of convenience, but also
because of broader selections, competitive pricing, and greater access to information. Business
organizations seek to offer online shopping not only because it is of much lower cost compared
to bricks and mortar stores, but also because it offers access to a worldwide market, increases
customer value, and builds sustainable capabilities.


Online stores are usually available 24 hours a day, and many consumers in Western countries have
Internet access both at work and at home. Other establishments such as Internet cafes, community
centers and schools provide internet access as well. In contrast, visiting a conventional retail store
requires travel or commuting and costs such as gas, parking, or bus tickets, and must typically take
place during business hours. Delivery was always a problem which affected the convenience of
online shopping. However to overcome this many retailers including online retailers in Taiwan
Online Shopping - Advantages 047

brought in a store pick up service. This now meant that customers could purchase goods online
and pick them up at a nearby convenience store, making online shopping more advantageous to
customers. In the event of a problem with the item (e.g., the product was not what the consumer
ordered or the product was not satisfactory), consumers are concerned with the ease of returning
an item in exchange for the correct product or a refund. Consumers may need to contact the
retailer, visit the post office and pay return shipping, and then wait for a replacement or refund.
Some online companies have more generous return policies to compensate for the traditional
advantage of physical stores. For example, the online shoe retailer includes labels
for free return shipping, and does not charge a restocking fee, even for returns which are not the
result of merchant error. (Note: In the United Kingdom, online shops are prohibited from charging
a restocking fee if the consumer cancels their order in accordance with the Consumer Protection
(Distance Selling) Act 2000).

Information and reviews


Online stores must describe products for sale with text, photos, and multimedia files, whereas in
a physical retail store, the actual product and the manufacturer's packaging will be available for
direct inspection (which might involve a test drive, fitting, or other experimentation). Some online
stores provide or link to supplemental product information, such as instructions, safety procedures,
demonstrations, or manufacturer specifications. Some provide background information, advice, or
how-to guides designed to help consumers decide which product to buy. Some stores even allow
customers to comment or rate their items. There are also dedicated review sites that host user
reviews for different products. Reviews and even some blogs give customers the option of shopping
for cheaper purchases from all over the world without having to depend on local retailers. In a
conventional retail store, clerks are generally available to answer questions. Some online stores
have real-time chat features, but most rely on e-mails or phone calls to handle customer questions.
Even if an online store is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the customer service team may
only be available during regular business hours.

Price and selection

Online Shopping - Advantages 049

One advantage of shopping online is being able to quickly seek out deals for items or services
provided by many different vendors (though some local search engines do exist to help consumers
locate products for sale in nearby stores). Search engines, online price comparison services and
discovery shopping engines can be used to look up sellers of a particular product or service.
Shipping costs (if applicable) reduce the price advantage of online merchandise, though depending
on the jurisdiction, a lack of sales tax may compensate for this. Shipping a small number of items,
especially from another country, is much more expensive than making the larger shipments bricks-
and-mortar retailers order. Some retailers (especially those selling small, high-value items like
electronics) offer free shipping on sufficiently large orders. Another major advantage for retailers is
the ability to rapidly switch suppliers and vendors without disrupting users' shopping experience.[5]

5. Kishor Nivrutti
Jagtap, "“E-Commerce
– Use Of Its Common
Application– Online
Shopping". (Smt. C.
K. Goyal Arts and
Commerce College,
Dapodi, Pune, Dec 06,


Supermarket of the Future - COOP VR Tour

Coop Italia, Italy’s largest supermarket chain, has collaborated with Accenture (NYSE: ACN) to
reinvent the customer experience in grocery shopping with the opening of its Supermarket of the
Future store.

The new flagship store, located in Milan’s University area of Bicocca, provides a welcoming,
innovative and informative shopping environment. It merges the physical and digital to recreate the
atmosphere of local open-air markets, combined with innovative digital solutions that provide useful
product information, while improving store navigation.

Accenture helped Coop to completely redesign the supermarket’s information architecture. Working
with Avanade, a joint venture company between Accenture and Microsoft, Accenture helped
implement the IT infrastructure, and analyze and develop point-of-sale touch points. The result is a
modular and flexible solution, underpinned by a Microsoft Azure cloud-based platform that can be
easily scaled to a large number of stores.

“Following the great success and positive feedback we received when we showcased the
Supermarket of the Future concept at Expo Milano 2015, we got straight to work to make our vision
a reality,” said Marco Pedroni, President of Coop Italia. “Using their digital expertise, Accenture and
Avanade have helped us redesign the grocery shopping experience through a digital journey that
meets customer demand for information, engagement and functionality in a simple and intuitive

The customer experience is enabled by the implementation of interactive food display tables and
smart shelves to make shopping more relevant and personalized by providing customers with a
range of product information. The project incorporates a series of technical solutions originally
developed by Accenture for COOP at Expo Milano 2015, based on designs by MIT professor and
head of Carlo Ratti Association, Carlo Ratti, the Supermarket of the Future includes:

1. Interactive tables: Products are exhibited in the supermarket on large interactive tables where
a simple movement of the hand shows augmented information about the product on a monitor,
including its origins, nutritional facts, the presence of allergens, waste disposal instructions,
correlated products and promotions. This augmented experience is made possible by Microsoft
052 Supermarket of the future - COOP

Kinect sensors that use body detection to interpret the customer’s gestures.
2. Vertical shelving: In the new store the traditional layout of the shelving has been rethought and
associated with a touch application, which enables the customer to navigate through the product
categories, to filter and search for most suitable products, discover promotions, view detailed
product information. The result is an augmented label that gives the customer deeper insight into
the product they are purchasing.
3. Real Time Data Visualization: During the journey through the store, the customer can take a
look at a large real-time data visualization screen showing content including: Coop’s brand values,
special daily offerings and cooking suggestions, social media information including posts on Coop’s
Facebook account, top selling products and promotions for each category, facilitating an additional
interaction point with the shoppers.

“Through Coop’s Supermarket of the Future, we are bringing to life how the physical and the digital
6. Accenture News, are capable of converging to create an engaging and immersive grocery shopping experience,” said
"Milkman and Coop
Alberto Pozzi, managing director in Accenture’s Retail Practice in Italy. "Coop is shaping the future
Alleanza 3.0 Come
Together for the Future of supermarkets by combining hyper personalization, deep product information and connected
of Online Grocery
devices in-line with customer buying journeys. We are looking forward to continued collaboration
Retail" (Milan, February
27, 2017) and bringing future innovation straight into the hands of Coop’s customers."[6]


New retail - Jack Ma

Cashier-free convenience
store - GuoXiaoMei

A huge and growing

economy in office retail


October 13, 2016, in the conference in HangZhou

YunQi,[7] Alibaba Group Chairman Jack Ma
proposed that the next 30 years will be period
of time with dramatic changing. The world will
change far beyond our imagination, and the
concept of “e-commerce” will soon be eliminated.

Ma believes that the first changing is new retail:

the traditional retail industry is now suffering
a huge impact from the e-commerce, which is
because they did not grasp the technology of the
future, only have the imagination of yesterday not
the future.Traditional retail should co-operate with
Internet companies, modern logistics and big data
to create the new retail . Otherwise, the birth of
new retail will further impact the pure offline retail.
7. The Computing
Conference organized
by Alibaba

In the next decade or two

decades, there’s no concept
of “e-commerce” but the
new retail. In other words,
online and offline retail
should combine logistics to
truly create the new retail.
The nature of the logistics
company is not only to
compete that who is faster,
but to eliminate the inventory,
to manage storage better.
Only when the logistic
company dropped the
inventory to zero, we can say
that it achieve the real nature
of logistics.


Chinese venture capital firm IDG Capital has led a series A round in
Guoxiaomei, a cashier-free convenience store operator that places
snack bars in corporate offices. Financing details were not disclosed, but
IDG has likely invested tens of millions of RMB in the start-up, including
in an earlier pre-A round completed last month.

“The theme of New Retail is one of the most important focuses of IDG,”
said Lou Jun, chairman of IDG Capital, in a company announcement.
“What Guoxiaomei offers is like placing a convenience shop right in an
office, so goods are much closer to consumers.”

Cashier-free convenience stores have attracted a number of investors

recently. Players including Bianlifeng, Bingobox, F5 Store and Xiaomai
raised nearly US$38.5 million in total last month. Internet giant Alibaba
Group Holding Ltd. launched its own self-service store Tao Cafe in the
same month.

Unlike the above start-ups that place automated convenience

stores in residential areas, Guoxiaomei puts snack shelves
powered by mobile payment inside corporate offices. The
machines offer items like chips, milk, eggs, dried fruits, cookies
and instant noodles.

The Chengdu-based start-up has already placed hundreds of

these snack shelves in the Chengdu offices of Tencent, Alibaba,
China Telecom and Focus Media. The company plans to place
more in Hangzhou, Beijing and Chongqing in the second half of
this year.

Guoxiaomei was founded in June and in that month raised an

8. Pan Yue, "IDG Leads undisclosed angel round from IDG, FreesFund, Meng Xing,
Series A Round In
Chinese Cashier-Free
founder of Chinese restaurant Diaoyeniunan, and Luo Xi, founder
Convenience Store of smart hardware incubator Redianchang. In July, it received an
Operator Guoxiaomei",
China Money Network
undisclosed pre-A round from IDG.[8]
(Aug 21, 2017)


With the development of the Internet and the increasing demand of consumers for shopping
convenience, the retail pattern in China is undergoing profound changes. Unattended retail is
changing the retail pattern and retail landscape of the entire market, connecting smart devices
to e-commerce on the one hand and saving space and labor costs on the other, taking the lead
in the current retail industry. In 2017, the transaction volume of unmanned retail stores in China
is estimated to reach 10 billion yuan. In the next five years, unmanned retail stores will usher in
eruptions. By 2022, the market turnover will be close to 1 trillion yuan, and the user size will reach
2022 , Unmanned retail store users up to 240 million people.[9]

Unmanned shelves are unmanned retail derived from the new format. Unmanned shelves are
mainly set in the office space, consumers pick up the goods and scan the two-dimensional code to
pay on the shelves, the typical representative, including aphrodisiac, snacks e home, with snacks
and so on. Compared to vending machines, unmanned shelves low cost, generally no resident rent,
the disadvantage is the loss rate is difficult to control. As of the end of September 2017, at least 16
unmanned shelves have been invested, the highest reached 330 million yuan, the total financing of
9. China Industry
Business Institute, more than 2.5 billion yuan. Although many inbound suspects that "this is a loss-making business"
"2017 China Unmanned
during the period, the amount of financing that has been repeatedly refreshed makes it a dark horse
Shelves Market
Research Report". under the new retail market and becomes a new outlet after charging the treasure and sharing the


China Industrial Research Institute released the 2017 edition of China's unmanned shelves market
research and investment prospects research report by veteran experts and researchers through
thorough market research, the National Bureau of Statistics, government departments and agencies
released the latest authoritative data, and a number of Based on in-depth interviews with senior
industry experts, they are written through tools, theories and models of relevant market research.
This report provides a detailed exposition and in-depth analysis of the current status of the retail
industry, the development environment of the unmanned shelves industry, the current market
conditions, business models, and operating enterprises. Based on the development of the industry,
the report provides future development trends and investment opportunities Cautious judgments
for unmanned shelf project investors looking for new investment opportunities for enterprises to
understand unmanned shelves, invest in the field to provide decision-making reference.



Company Netease

Design Aim


NetEase, Inc. (Pinyin: Wǎng Yì) is a Chinese

Internet technology company providing online
services centered on content, community,
communications and commerce. Founded in
1997, the company was a key pioneer in the
development of Internet services for China.
Today, NetEase develops and operates some
of China's online PC and mobile games,
advertising services, e-mail services and
e-commerce platforms.
NetEase Introduction 065

The results obtained in this research include

High-tech park "Snack Time" - Unmanned Store
solution, Unmanned store system App design (
for both staffs & support crews ) & Future delivery
shelf design. This solution is gonna likely to be
used in thousands of Hi-tech parks in China, the
large ones and the small ones, to enhance the
buying experience in working areas.The results
obtained in this research include High-tech
park "Snack Time" - Unmanned Store solution,
Unmanned store system App design ( for both
staffs & support crews ) & Future delivery shelf
design. This solution is gonna likely to be used
in thousands of Hi-tech parks in China, the large
ones and the small ones, to enhance the buying
experience in working areas.The results obtained
in this research include High-tech park "Snack
Time" - Unmanned Store solution, Unmanned
store system App design ( for both staffs & support
crews ) & Future delivery shelf design. This
solution is gonna likely to be used in thousands
of Hi-tech parks in China, the large ones and the
small ones, to enhance the buying experience in
working areas.[10]

10. Wikipedia, Netease

Inc. (November 17,
YanXuan Netease

KaoLa Netease

Canteen Netease
Map NetEase Hi-tech Park 067

Netease Hangzhou Center covers

an area of 52000 square meters with
a total construction area of 135,000
square meters and a total green area
of 30,000 square meters. 70% of the
staff have master degree, each of them
owns a 4.5-meter-tall office, 10 square
meters of office space, 1: 0.7 parking
space, 5 meals a day for free and a
full range of fitness and recreational

Design Aim

• Improve the experience of buying foods in

the Hi-tech park

• Unmanned store "DS" solution

• "DS" system APP design

• Smart delivery shelves design




Amazon Go

Walmart - Scan & Go

Supermarket self checkouts

Honesty Store

RFID radio frequency


Pepper - Robot receptionist

Yape - Self-driving home

delivery system
Amazon go. Unmanned supermarket.

Hands-free help from

the Google Assistant.

Amazon Go is a prototype grocery store operated by online

retailer, with one location in Seattle, Washington.
The first store, opened on December 5, 2016, in the company's
new headquarters, is partially-automated, with customers able to
purchase products without using a cashier or checkout station.

In its report on the opening the Wall Street Journal reported that
this first location was one of at least three Amazon planned to
open, each of which was in a different format. In October 2016
the Business Insider reported they had seen internal Amazon
documents that described Amazon opening up as many as 2000
stores, over the next ten years. Amazon spokesmen refuted
the reports of 2000 stores, insisting they were still learning. The
Business Insider predicted that Amazon was likely to open only
twenty or so stores, during the next two years.

The Verge reported this first store was scheduled to open to the
public in early January 2017; its December 2016 opening was
a Beta version for Amazon employees only. The first store was
only 1800 square feet, the size of a corner convenience store.
The other test stores will be larger. As of October 2017, the store
has yet to open due to issues with the technology tracking over
twenty people at one time.

U nknown technology realization level,

PAINPOINT technical costs, certain rate of
stealing loss.
Walmart. Unmanned supermarket.

Skip the checkout line

by Scan & Go App.

The concept of Scan & Go is pretty simple. Using the provided

scanners or the Walmart Scan & Go app on your smartphone,
just scan everything as you put it in the cart. The app maintains
a running total of the items in your cart. You can simply click a
button to pay for your goods right from the app, and you’re done.
Well, almost. You do still have to have a Walmart employee verify
the receipt on your smartphone and clear you before you can

PAINPOINT Profit can not cover the stealing loss .

Supermarket Self Checkouts.

Scan & pay your goods

by yourself quickly.

Self-checkout (also known as self-service checkout and as semi-

attended customer-activated terminal, SACAT) machines provide
a mechanism for customers to process their own purchases
from a retailer. They are an alternative to the traditional cashier-
staffed checkout. The customer performs the job of the cashier
themselves, by scanning and applying payment[clarification
needed] for the items.

In self-checkout systems, the customer is required to:

1. scan the barcodes;

2. input the types of items such as fruit and vegetable (usually
with a touchscreen display);
3. weigh them, if applicable;
4. and place all scanned items into a "bagging area". The weight
observed in the bagging area is verified against previously stored
information to ensure that the correct item is bagged, allowing the
customer to proceed only if the observed and expected weights
5. payment by various methods may be accepted by the
machines: card via EFTPOS, debit/credit cards, electronic food
assistance cards, cash via coin slot and bank note scanner, and
in-store gift cards where applicable. Most coupons also have
barcodes and can be scanned the same way that items are
scanned, although some require entry by a member of staff.

Customer could get the more

PAINPOINT expensive product by scanning the
cheap one ( same weight ) .
Honesty Store

Self-service shopping
consciously pay, no
regulatory measures.

Honesty store just like the normal ones. But the honesty store
has no one to supervise. To pay or not to pay, is all by self-
conscious. Customer choose their items, and pay the items by
themselves. During the buying process, there’s no any regulatory
equipments or supervisors.

PAINPOINT Stealing loss .

Supermarket Self Checkouts.

Scan & pay your goods

by yourself quickly.

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) uses electromagnetic fields

to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. The
tags contain electronically stored information. Passive tags collect
energy from a nearby RFID reader's interrogating radio waves.
Active tags have a local power source (such as a battery) and
may operate hundreds of meters from the RFID reader. Unlike a
barcode, the tag need not be within the line of sight of the reader,
so it may be embedded in the tracked object. RFID is one method
for Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC).

RFID tags are used in many industries, for example, an RFID

tag attached to an automobile during production can be used
to track its progress through the assembly line; RFID-tagged
pharmaceuticals can be tracked through warehouses; and
implanting RFID microchips in livestock and pets allows for
positive identification of animals.

Cheap products can not afford the

PAINPOINT costs of RFID-tag. And this solution
produces RFID trash.

Pepper Robot.

The newest receptionist

social care robot.

Pepper, the newest recruit to the people team at Southend-on-

Sea borough council, has many of the skills and characteristics
of a model social care employee. He perceives emotions
and adapts his behaviour accordingly, and he can memorise
personality traits. He can also speak 12 different languages,
dance to Gangnam Style and does a mean impression of R2D2.
But Pepper’s not like any other member of staff – he’s a 120cm,
28kg humanoid robot.

Developed by Japanese company Softbanks, Pepper was first

envisaged as a companion robot but is already being used in
a variety of settings worldwide. He guides patients to different
hospital departments in Belgium, welcomes bank customers
in Canada, and sells coffee machines in Japan. But in the UK,
Southend-on-Sea is the first local authority to buy a Pepper to
work in its services.

Initially, the council hopes that Pepper will be used for community
engagement, awareness raising, and to facilitate reminiscence
activities. During his own demonstration, Pepper displays video
clips of the 1966 World Cup final and the Moon landings on his
built-in Android screen.

Phil Webster, the council’s equipment manager, is developing a

memory game for older people and Pepper could also be used
in Southend’s intergenerational projects. In one group, where
older people teach children how to knit, he could display knitting 11. The Guardian,"Meet
techniques and video tutorials.[11] Pepper the robot –
Southend's newest
social care recruit"
(October 16, 2017)

Yepa robot.

Self-driving home
delivery system.

Home delivery in city areas thanks to the help of a robot on two

wheels: nimble, intelligent, lightweight, able to cross the street
and to move on sidewalks, this vehicle is able to deliver goods at
record time while avoiding traffic and producing zero emissions.
This is the future of urban delivery services and e-Novia’s answer
to the exponential growth in the demand for home delivery. YAPE,
Your Autonomous Pony Express, is the e-Novia project that has
given birth to the first self-driving home delivery vehicle entirely
designed and built in Italy.

Thanks to a number of unique features, YAPE is able to move

with ease in the narrow streets and alleys typical of many
European, and especially Italian cities, either on sidewalks (with
a maximum speed of 6 kilometres per hour) or on bicycle lanes
(up to 20 km/h) with a range of about 80 km. YAPE moves on
two wheels driven by autonomous electric engines which help to
minimise energy consumption and, at the same time, to maximise
the vehicle’s agility of movement. What is more, the robot is able
to rotate on the spot and to overcome obstacles such as tram
tracks and sidewalk edges.

YAPE produces a digital map of the city with the help of sensors
in the form of video cameras and lasers. These are able to
interact with sensors that are already installed throughout the city
such as those placed near traffic lights for monitoring purposes.
This constantly updated digital representation of the city allows

for real-time detection of holes in the pavement, of accidents,

construction sites and other obstacles and potential dangers
on the way from the sender to the recipient. YAPE creates
an extremely detailed and updated map of the city, providing
useful data for the urban services sector, such as, for instance,
information regarding traffic on bicycle lanes and on lanes
reserved for disabled persons. In this way YAPE is able to cope
with the dynamic and unpredictable traffic flows typical of modern

The YAPE «ecosystem» is based on a control platform which

allows users to call the robot to their homes by using the
designated app. The sender places the parcel inside the vehicle’s
empty luggage compartment (which has a load capacity of up
to 70 kilograms) and then, again by using the app, indicates the
recipient: with the help of the recipient’s Gps position – also the
recipient must be registered at the YAPE platform – the robot is
able to automatically determine the delivery address. Posting
and delivery of the parcel are both certified and secured by the
sender’s and the recipient’s credentials when using the app
and by an advanced face recognition system integrated into the
12. E-novia, "YAPE, robot. With the help of the latter access to the vehicle’s luggage
the self-driving home compartment is granted only to authorised users.[12]
delivery system".




User Journey

Needs conclusion - Staff,

Support Crew, High - tech
" If Hi-tech park has a
unmanned store, will its tech
reliable? How much risk will I
take for using it? Will it charge · I really want to drink milk tea when I
at Company, But in the Hi-tech park,
my account accurately? What
there's even no snack store.
should I do when I got a wrong
· After lunch, I usually eat the fruit which
bill?" I prepared at home. But if Hi- tech's
canteen offers fruit also, it will be so
great for me.
· It would be good to have some snacks
when I become greedy during my work.

1. Please offer lots kinds of Common used social Apps
snacks in the unmanned store,
and if possible I would like to
have someone buy snacks for
me when I do not want to leave
my seat.

2. I want have the fasion drinks. Favorite snack & drink brands
Like Starbucks, Heytea &
Yidiandian in recent times.

3. After lunch I want more kinds

of fruits for choosing.

· There's no stores in the Hi-tech park,

if I got greedy, I should bring snacks
from home. Cause the snack store &
supermarket are far from the Hi-tech
· Hi-tech park offers buffet drinks, but all
of them are hot drinks and the kinds of
drinks are very limited.

" I am new here in Netease Hi-tech
park, as a programmer girl, I'm not
only good at codes but also like fasion
· Huawei mate 9 pro
· Ipad mini 4.

Abby Xu
26, Programmer Netease
HangZhou, ZheJiang
" Will this system be simple
to use? Do I need some extra
training? Should I think a
lot when I use it? Is it smart · Unmanned store can lighten my work
enough to run this unmanned
store well?" · Offers more informations about
customers' preference.
· Smart system to communicate with
· More profits.


1. Hope the system be simple
to use.
Common used social Apps
2.The system should be smart
enough to guide my work, so
that there will not be so many
decisions I should make.

3. I'm familiar to my cell Favorite snack & drink brands

phone and I want to use this
unmanned store too, so it will
be great to work with a system
which just on my phone, no
needs of other devices.

· My daily work is offering a better

working enviroment for Hi-tech Park's
staffs, such as replenish the buffet
drinks, set unmanned selling points near
canteen to offer fruits. But my work is
heavy and with less profits.
· Sometimes I prepared one kind of fruit,
but less people like it. In the end, they
all have been thrown away.

" Hello there, I'm a staff of Hi-tech Park
support department. I'd like to create
better enviroment for Hi-tech Park with
effcient working methods.
Vincent Yang
28, Support Crew Netease
HangZhou, ZheJiang

Expects of

1. Please offer lots kinds of

snacks in the unmanned store,
and if possible I would like to
have someone buy snacks for
me when I do not want to leave
my seat.

2. I want have the fasion drinks.

Like Starbucks, Heytea &
Yidiandian in recent times.

3. After lunch I want more kinds

of fruits for choosing.
Expects 095

Expects of
Support Crew

1. Hope the system be simple

to use.

2.The system should be smart

enough to guide my work, so
that there will not be so many
decisions I should make.

3. I'm familiar to my cell

phone and I want to use this
unmanned store too, so it will
be great to work with a system
which just on my phone, no
needs of other devices.

USER GOALS Buy breakfast in other place quickly. Want fruit after meal.

PROCESS Get up late Rush out of the office building

See long queue in canteen Head to the canteen
Take a tea from buffet drinks Pick a menu in which offers fried shrimps
Go to work Feel a little oil after the meal
Go supermarket near Hi-tech park to buy fruits
with colleagues


What a good meal! It's so lucky to

have shrimps still when I arrive at
Why there's no convenience store canteen. Usually at this time,
in High-tech Park? The nearest shrimps run out often! But it is a
supermarket is 2 miles away! What little pity that after meal there's no
a unbearable place! fruit to eat.

Sometimes you have no time to get breakfast in Everyday an apple keeps doctors away.
canteen, and you got no where to buy other foods No where in Hi-tech park can buy fruits.
PROBLEMS or snacks too. Hi-tech park is too far from center
city so there's few supermarket or stores nearby.

Find a way to offer substitute foods/snacks/break- Hi-tech park can set a fruit selling point near
IDEAS fasts to the staffs. canteen.

Change working mood and find some snacks for Buy something to eat when I didn't have a good
my poor greedy tummy meal.

Run to the canteen after I finished my work.

When I arrived my preferred dishes were gone
Select the rest ones but didn't eat so much.
Discussed a problem about 3 hours with colleague, but it doesn't go well.
After meal I still feel a little hungry.
Interrupt the working process
Wanted to buy something to eat but supermarket
Decide to have a drink and change the mood.
is too far, I still have work to finish.
Find that the buffet drinks has nothing new.
Remembered that I still got some cookies in the
Go to the coins machine, but find that the machine at this floor is broken.
office which prepared 2 days ago.
Someone is trying to take back their coins.
Turn back office and eat up all rest cookies.
Go to the downstairs, find a coin machine and selected some snacks from
the few kinds.

Why canteen can not offer more

XXX dishes? I really like that!
Why supermarket is so far from
Why can't they repair the coin
Hi-tech park?
machine in time just once?
Why there's no food store in Hi-tech
Why can't they add some snacks
we like?

Buffet drinks has limited drinking kinds. No where else in Hi-tech park can offer some extra
Coin machine can not offer the snacks we like and it gets breakdown sometimes. food.

Somewhere to go and have a drink. Somewhere to buy extra food.



Find a way to offer substitute Hi-tech park can set a fruit Somewhere to go and have
foods/snacks/breakfasts to the selling point near canteen. a drink.

Expects of
Support Crew

1. Hope the system be simple

to use.

2.The system should be smart

enough to guide my work, so
that there will not be so many
Somewhere to buy extra decisions I should make.
3. I'm familiar to my cell
phone and I want to use this
unmanned store too, so it will
be great to work with a system
which just on my phone, no
needs of other devices.



H I G H - T E C H PA R K " D S "

"DS" solution


System map


Target users: Staff of Hi-tech park, support


Staff needs: Free to buy snacks in the park.

Hi-tech park needs: Customers can freely

buy snacks in Unmanned Store and the
storage can be managed smartly.

Pain points: The stealing loss rate of

Unmanned Store.

Solution: Artificial intelligence "DS" dilivery

shelf offers a service never happend before.
It is not a fixed shelf any more, it can go

Usually "DS" goes everywhere in

the Hi-tech park. They are artificial
intelligence, know where to go and
where to hide the rain. So you also
can see them in your office. When
you wanna have a rest, maybe you
also can have a chat with them.
And in this way, they can learn
who you are, where you work, and
what you like etc.



Each "DS" is a movable shelf, but the difference between "DS" and traditional
shelf is that they do not need a store to be accommodated. Each of them carries
a different snack in their "stomach". When they are "hungry", they just go to the
big storage to "eat". And then keep strolling in the Hi-tech park.

(Look on
"DS" face) says:
"No, Not at all."
Hi, could you help
me have a look, is my
face a little dirty?

Thank you! You
are such a lovely

Each "DS" has "face ID" sensor, in just one look on its face, it will recognize who
you are, what you like, what's your behaviour! And it will act in different ways to
fit different people's personalities.

Hi, "DS"! Hi, Susi! You are

Yes! Sure! late today! Now the
Thank you very canteen is so full, I
much! don't think you will have
time to wait a breakfast.
Do you need me deliver
the "BaoZi" you eat last
time to your office

"DS" records all the information it got when it talks with the staff, so when it sees
the staff again, it will recognize who this is, knows what she likes, and according
to this information, it will act differently.

Hey, man!
You got "BaoZi"
right? Could you send
a "BaoZi" to Susi?
The lovely one.

Yeah, sure!
Got that!

"DS" can not only communicate

with people, but between "DS"s,
they also can send messages to
each other.

When "DS" take a lift, it will communicate directly with the back system. to call
the lift.

I'm here!

When staff is tired of

works, they can open the
application to search the
gift "DS", which will offer
you a drink. In this way,
staff can walk for a while,
search "DS", change his
or her working mind. And
"DS" will be shinning
when the one who wants
to search it is nearby.

If "DS" meet lovers in the Hi-tech parks when they strolling, it will play love
songs for them. Which will offer a romantic environment to this lovers.


I got pears!

oranges here!

Here are
I got apples!

"DS" will according different occasions to choose a place to go, not just
strolling. For example, the fruits ones will go near to canteen at the end of
the luch time, cause usually staffs want eat fruits after lunch. So it will be
pleased that soon after lunch, they can get a fruit to eat.
System map - before & after 113


The system map visualize the food purchase

organization of the Netease Hi-tech park
before and after with DS: the different
stakeholders involved, their mutual links and
the flows of food, information and money
through the system.

The main role of the subject which this

system map emphasizes involved: the staffs,
Netease Hi-tech park, DS, the warehouse,
the supplier.
114 System map - before

Informational flow
Food flow
Financial flow
System map - DS 115

Informational flow
Food flow
Financial flow



Mind Maps

Unmanned Store - DS
Management System Solution

Information structure

App prototype
Mind Map - Unmanned Store - DS 119
Mind Map - Management System 121


Key words: Smart, Low Cost

In the process of running the Unmanned

Store, Support Crew doesn’t need to think
too much, as long as follow the system
instructions step by step. And usually there’s
no need to have special crew to run the
store, support crew can use the fragmented
time to deal with the store.
Management System - Solution 123


1. Product information input

The support crew finds the “ Add Goods”

button, click to add snacks. And the system
will guide him/her to finish all the information
inputs. And the system will organize the
snacks well in the shelves according to these

2. Replenishment

When one snack runs out of the storage,

the subscription will send notifications to
support crew, and the crew should just
follow the steps which the system tells him/
her to do. When crew goes to store with
replenished snacks, clicking the button
“Replenish to shelf ”, the shelf which should
be replenished will lighten its lights to guide
the replenishment. And if there’s not enough
inventory, the system will generate

the replenishment order automatically, and send

the message to the principal to confirm the order
for suppliers.

3. Suppliers Management

In the interface of Suppliers Management, the

principals can edit the information of suppliers and
check the orders status.

4. View the sales statistics & Deal user


In the page of Sales Statistics, you can view the

daily, weekly, monthly, annual sales statistics
reports. Based on these data, you can make
better decisions of restocking. In the page of User
Feedback, you can receive feedbacks from Hi-
tech park staffs.
Management System - Solution 125

App Prototype 129
App Prototype 131
App Prototype 133
App Prototype 135
App Prototype 137





Usage visuals

Technical reference

Rendering 143
Appendix 145
Bibliography 147


1. Prableen Bajpai, CFA (ICFAI), "Why China Is The

World's Factory"
2. Chinlingo - "China undergoing transition from
world’s factory to innovation hub".
3. - "China to boost scientific and
technological innovation". Aug 8,2016
4. John Rampton, "Why O2O Commerce Is a Trillion-
Dollar Opportunity”.
5. Kishor Nivrutti Jagtap, "“E-Commerce – Use Of Its
Application– Online Shopping". (Smt. C. K. Goyal
Arts and Commerce College, Dapodi, Pune, Dec 06,
6. Accenture News, "Milkman and Coop Alleanza
3.0 Come Together for the Future of Online Grocery
Retail" (Milan, February 27, 2017)
7. The Computing Conference organized by Alibaba
8. Pan Yue, "IDG Leads Series A Round In
Chinese Cashier-Free Convenience Store Operator
Guoxiaomei", China Money Network (Aug 21, 2017)
9. China Industry Business Institute, "2017 China
Unmanned Shelves Market Research Report”.
10. Wikipedia, Netease Inc. (November 17, 2017)
11. The Guardian,"Meet Pepper the robot –
Southend's newest social care recruit" (October 16,
12. E-novia, "YAPE, the self-driving home delivery

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