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Alison Greenwood Anna Zanella Luisa Tracogna

Nicola Mabbott Stuart Cochrane Kenneth Brodey

CULT smart

th MP3

• 42 Videos
• Cult Magazines
• Focus on Vocabulary
• Vocabulary App
• Preliminary

CULT [smart]

Ambiente Educativo Digitale Un approccio personalizzato

alla didattica

Libro in versione cartacea

Contenuti Digitali Integrativi

Off lineOffline Cloud Online Extended


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video, animazioni, audio, test ed esercizi interattivi, mappe modo efficace, flessibile e sul computer, il tablet e lo semplice, anche connesso
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Biblioteca digitale creare percorsi didattici
VeriTest Una collezione di eBook e diversificati. Perfettamente
Archivio digitale di esercizi di risorse digitali per area integrato in “Classe
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CULT[smart] ESSENTIAL Com’è fatto il libro

STUDENT’S BOOK Grammar: Schemi di presentazione della grammatica

in italiano con rimandi al Workbook.

Vocabulary: Attività di WORDSTORM

per richiamare le conoscenze pregresse, seguite
Presentation: da introduzione e riutilizzo del lessico tematico.
Un testo originale
con la SPEAK : In tutta l’unità, numerose ed efficaci
presentazione della attività di pairwork.
lingua dell’unità.
Heads up!:
Natural English: Confronto contrastivo
Presentazione di tra inglese e italiano.
idiomatiche in Skills&Culture: Approfondimenti di cultura
contesto. organizzati sulle quattro abilità.

Functions: Pagina Preliminary:

dedicata alla Una delle quattro
comunicazione, abilità è sempre
attivata da un video. presentata in
veste di attività
Attività per
con descrizione
di tutte le prove,
ed esercitare la strategie e
corretta pronuncia. Competences: Attività per integrare da subito
nuove conoscenze e competenze personali.

Vocabulary: lessico illustrato

WORKBOOK integrato allo Student’s Book per aiutare la memorizzazione

Grammar: Schede grammaticali organizzate in Word list:

percorsi schematici: Use and form e Common tutto il lessico
mistakes (per evitare gli errori più frequenti). dell’unità

Practice: attività su tutti gli

argomenti dell’unità organizzate per
Numerosi video di
livelli di difficoltà.
grammatica in contesto.

La sezione si chiude con Revision,

Translation e Dictation.
CULTURE VIDEO: Appassionanti viaggi nel mondo
CULT MAGAZINE Ogni due unità: anglofono europeo ed extraeuropeo, con video originali
e attività Before you watch, While you watch e After you
watch e spunti di confronto fra culture.

SKILLS: Lavoro approfondito

sulle quattro abilità,
che parte da testi di taglio
moderno e accattivante.


Vocabulary con numerose
attività e giochi.

Easy eBook offline
• video di Functions, di Culture, di Grammar
e della prova di certificazione Preliminary;
• audio integrale del corso e audio degli
esercizi di ascolto;
• attività interattive;
• glossario, test e dizionario bilingue;
• eReader scaricabile.

Uno strumento per monitorare la
preparazione di ogni studente e della classe,
con verifiche interattive e perfettamente
integrato con “Classe virtuale”.
Contenuti digitali integrativi
Language Plus: migliaia di attività
e autocorrettive, organizzate in base ai livelli
Extra Units: tre percorsi brevi di dall’A1 al B1 del Common European
approfondimento grammaticale. Framework of Reference e suddivise in
Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation,
Reading e Listening.

Round UP: Per ogni unità, check

e revisione di lessico e grammatica.
0 That’s my stuff! 12 Articles 13 Everyday objects 13
Present simple – be – Positive 14 Classroom objects 15
Plural nouns 14 Days of the week 16
This, that, these, those 16 Seasons, months and dates 17
The alphabet 14
WORKBOOK 18 Grammar 18 Vocabulary 20
1 Back to reality 26 Present simple – be – Negative, questions Countries and nationalities 28
and short answers 27 School subjects and school places 30
Question words 28
Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives 29
Possessive ’s 30

WORKBOOK 34 Grammar 34 Vocabulary 36

2 My people 44 Have got (possession) 47 Jobs 45
How many… ? 48 Family 46
Possessive pronouns 48
Whose… ? 48
/ɦ/ 47
WORKBOOK 52 Grammar 52 Vocabulary 54
3 I like getting up late 68 Prepositions of time; in, on, at 70 Routines 69
Present simple – Positive and negative 70 Free-time activities 71
Present simple – Questions and short answers 71
Love, like, don’t mind, hate, + -ing 72
Object pronouns 72
3rd person -s 70
Word stress 73
WORKBOOK 76 Grammar 76 Vocabulary 78
4 Getting around 86 There is/There are; some and any 88 Places in town 87
Prepositions of place 88 Transport 90
Prepositions of movement 89
Adverbs and expressions of frequency 90
Imperative 90
Silent /r/ 88
WORKBOOK 94 Grammar 94 Vocabulary 96
5 Yum, yum 110 Countable and uncountable nouns; Food and drink 111
some and any 112 Portions and containers 113
A few, a little, a lot/lots of, many/much 113 Currencies and prices 114
Too much, too many, not enough 114
How much? 114
/i:/ or /ɪ/ 112
Linking /ʤ/ 115
WORKBOOK 118 Grammar 118 Vocabulary 120
6 Move it! 128 Time sequencers 130 Sports 129
Can for ability 130 Make and do 131
Degrees of ability: modifiers 131
Can for permission and requests 132
can/can’t 130
WORKBOOK 136 Grammar 136 Vocabulary 138
Telling the time 15 1-2
Skills 62
We love the UK! 62

Culture video 64
My London 64
Did you know? London fun facts 65
Practice 22
Asking for and giving personal information 31 English around the world 32 Words in action 66
Functions video • Reading 32 Top secrets: So, what's really in your
Preliminary - Reading Part 3 32 schoolbag? 66
• Listening 33
• Speaking 33
• Writing 33
Practice 38 Revision 43
Meeting people 49 British families 50
Functions video • Reading 50
• Speaking 51
• Listening 51
• Writing 51
Preliminary - Writing Part 2 51
Practice 56 Revision 61
Likes and dislikes – British life 74 3-4
Agreeing and disagreeing 73 • Reading 74 Skills 104
Functions video • Writing 74 Lessons from Shailene Woodley! 104
• Listening 75
Preliminary - Listening Part 2 75 Culture video 106
• Speaking 75 Discover Dublin! 106
Did you know? Dublin fun facts 107

Practice 80 Revision 85 Words in action 108

To TUBE or not to TUBE? 108
Asking for and giving directions 91 Move it! 92
Functions video • Reading 92
• Writing 92
• Listening 93
• Speaking 93
Preliminary - Speaking Part 1 93

Practice 98 Revision 103

Offers and requests Food glorious food 116 5-6
ordering food 115 • Reading 116 Skills 146
Functions video Preliminary - Reading Part 1 116 Britain’s famous Fish and Chips! 146
• Listening 117
• Writing 117 Culture video 148
• Speaking 117 Science and sport in Manchester 148
Did you know? Manchester National
Football Museum 149
Practice 122 Revision 127
Words in action 150
Making and rejecting Football crazy 134 Masterchef athlete 150
suggestions 133 • Reading 134
Functions video • Writing 134
Preliminary - Writing Part 1 134
• Listening 135
• Speaking 135
Practice 140 Revision 145
7 What’s he like? 152 Be/Have got + physical characteristics 154 Appearance 153
Present continuous 155 Personality adjectives 154
Present simple vs present continuous 156
Active and stative verbs 156
Sentence stress 157

WORKBOOK 160 Grammar 160 Vocabulary 162

8 There’s no place Comparative adjectives 172 Houses 171

Superlative adjectives 173 Things in a house 173
like home 170 Too, not enough 174
/ə/ schwa 172

WORKBOOK 178 Grammar 178 Vocabulary 180

9 Star gazing 194 Past simple – be 196 Entertainment 195

There was, there were 196 TV programmes 196
Past simple – can 197 Years 197
Past simple – regular verbs – Positive 198
Relative pronouns 198
-ed 198

WORKBOOK 202 Grammar 202 Vocabulary 204

10 Shop till you drop 212 Past simple – irregular verbs – Positive 214 Clothes and accessories 213
Past time expressions 215 Materials and colours 214
Past simple – regular and irregular verbs –
Negative, questions and short answers 216
Some, any, every, no compounds 216
/dɪʤuː/ 216

WORKBOOK 220 Grammar 220 Vocabulary 222

11 What a summer! 236 Present simple vs present continuous (revision) 238 Holiday activities and places 237
Past simple (revision) 239 Weather 238
Question tags 240
-ing 238
Intonation 241

WORKBOOK 244 Grammar 244 Vocabulary 246

12 Money, money, Future with the present continuous 255 Money (1) 255
Future with the present simple 256 Money (2) 257
money! 254
Be going to for intentions 257 Future time expressions 257
to 258

WORKBOOK 262 Grammar 262 Vocabulary 264

Describing people 157 He’s the best! 158 7-8
Functions video • Reading 158 Skills 188
• Speaking 158 Where do the rich and famous live? 188
• Writing 158
• Listening 159 Culture video 190
Preliminary - Listening Part 1 159 New York, New York! 190
Did you know? New York boroughs 191
Practice 164 Revision 169 Words in action 192
Describing places – The best of Grand Designs 176 What does your room say about your
Talking about distance 175 • Reading 176 personality? 193
Functions video • Listening 176
• Writing 177
• Speaking 177
Preliminary - Speaking Part 3 177

Practice 182 Revision 187

Giving opinions 199 All of the stars 200 9-10
Functions video • Reading 200 Skills 230
Preliminary - Reading Part 5 200 The history of jeans 230
• Listening 201
• Writing 201 Culture video 232
• Speaking 201 Taste of Toronto 232
Did you know? Toronto squares 233
Practice 206 Revision 211 Words in action 234
Buying clothes 217 Shopping? No, thanks! 218 Male model moment 234
Functions video • Reading 218
• Speaking 218
• Listening 219
• Writing 219
Preliminary - Writing Part 2 219

Practice 224 Revision 229

Showing interest 241 Wild wild weather 242 11-12
Functions video • Reading 242 Skills 272
Preliminary - Reading Part 3 242 The perfect photo 272
• Writing 242
• Listening 243 Culture video 274
• Speaking 243 Incredinburgh Edinburgh! 274
Did you know? The kilt 275

Practice 248 Revision 253 Words in action 276

Planning an event 259 Small solutions... big impact 260 Travel on the cheap 276
Functions video • Reading 260
Preliminary - Reading Part 4 260
• Speaking 261
• Listening 261
• Writing 261

Practice 266 Revision 271

13 Will our planet Be going to for predictions 280 The natural world 279
Will for predictions and future facts 280 Animals 279
make it? 278
May or might for possibility in the future 282 Ecology 281
Will for immediate or instant reactions 282
won’t vs want to 281
WORKBOOK 286 Grammar 286 Vocabulary 288
14 Crime doesn’t pay 296 Zero and irst conditional 298 Crime (1) 297
Unless 299 Crime (2) 299
Second conditional 300
/ʌ/ and /ɜ:/ 300

WORKBOOK 304 Grammar 304 Vocabulary 306

15 Body matters 320 Should and shouldn’t, must and mustn’t 321 Parts of the body 321
Have to and don't have to 323 Illnesses 322
Adverbs and comparative adverbs 323
Mustn’t and don’t have to 324
Silent letters 322
WORKBOOK 328 Grammar 328 Vocabulary 330
16 Have you ever…? 338 Present perfect 340 Travel (1) 339
Present perfect with ever and never 341 Travel (2) 341
Been and gone 341
Present perfect with already, just and yet 342
Have 341
WORKBOOK 346 Grammar 346 Vocabulary 348

17 Mates and dates 356 -ed and -ing adjectives 357 Emotions 357
Present perfect with for and since 358 Relationships 359
Present perfect vs past simple 360
/ai/ vs /ei/ 358

WORKBOOK 364 Grammar 364 Vocabulary 366

EXTRA UNIT Used to 381
Past continuous 382
A Digital World 380 Past simple vs past continuous 383
EXTRA UNIT Want to..., ’d like to..., ’d love to 387
Ininitive of purpose 388
B Forward thinking 386 Verb patterns 388
EXTRA UNIT Present simple passive 393
Past simple passive 394
C How it’s made 392 Present perfect passive 394

Round UP 398 Verb tables 426

Glossary 418 Irregular verbs 429
Phrasal verbs 424 Phonetic symbols 430
Natural English 425 Word formation 431
Making a presentation 283 Born to be wild 284 13-14
Functions video • Reading 284 Skills 314
• Writing 284 The Frank Abagnale legend 314
• Listening 285
• Speaking 285 Culture video 316
Preliminary - Speaking Part 3 285 Cool Cardiff! 316
Did you know? Yummy! 317
Practice 290 Revision 295
Describing what happened 301 Hate and other crimes 302 Words in action 318
Functions video • Reading 302 Wildlife crime 318
• Listening 302
• Speaking 303
• Writing 303
Preliminary - Writing Part 3 303

Practice 308 Revision 313

Talking about illnesses 323 Body bizarre! 326 15-17
Giving, accepting, rejecting advice 325 • Reading 326 Skills 374
Functions video • Writing 326 Friends – clever or stupid? 374
• Listening 327
Preliminary - Listening Part 3 327 Culture video 376
• Speaking 327 San Francisco 376
Did you know? Alcatraz 377
Practice 332 Revision 337
Talking on the phone 343 Postcards from Japan 344 Words in action 378
Functions video • Reading 344 Travel sickness 378
Preliminary - Reading Part 5 345
• Listening 345
• Writing 345
• Speaking 345
Practice 350 Revision 355
Expressing sympathy 361 Just the two of us 362
Functions video • Reading 362
• Speaking 362
• Listening 363
Preliminary - Listening Part 4 363
• Writing 363
Practice 368 Revision 373

Grammar Videos Culture Videos

• My London (1-2)
• Present simple – The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time – Mark
• Discover Dublin! (3-4)
• Science and sport in Manchester (5-6)
• Countable and uncountable nouns – Julie&Julia – Julie Powell
• New York, New York! (7-8)
• Present continuous – A Christmas Carol – Charles Dickens
• Taste of Toronto (9-10)
• Past simple – The Chronicles of Narnia – C. S. Lewis
• Comparatives and superlatives – Pride and Prejudice – Jane Austen
• Future – The Perks of Being a Wallflower – Stephen Chbosky
• Relative clauses – The Murder of Roger Ackroyd – Agatha Christie
• Present perfect – Sherlock Holmes: A Scandal in Bohemia – Arthur Conan
Doyle Preliminary Videos
• Past continuous – Snobs – Julian Fellowes • Speaking Paper
• Conditionals – Dracula – Bram Stoker • Speaking Paper Part by Part

0 That’s
my stuff!
You’re late!
Chats Connor Miller
1-02 online

26 August

Hey, Connor. I’m at the park. You’re late!

10,20 ✓✓

Hey, Isaac! Sorry. This bus is so slow ★.


Yeah, right. YOU’RE so slow. We’re all here except you…

10,23 ✓✓

I’m with Amy. She’s late too!


Hi, Amy!
10,26 ✓✓

Wow, those glasses are really cool, Connor.

10,26 ✓✓

They’re new! And these are my new headphones…


They’re cool too but it’s 10.30. HURRY UP!

10,30 ✓✓
Yeah, right. = Si, certo.
OK. Chill! We’re at the bus stop now. See you in a minute Hurry up! = Sbrigati!
10,31 Chill! = Stai tranquillo!

Message Send
1 Read and listen to the chat. Choose the correct option. Articles
1 Connor / Isaac is slow. The è l’articolo determinativo (invariabile).
2 Isaac’s at the bus stop / at the park.
the bus = l’autobus
3 Amy’s on the bus / at the park. the glasses = gli occhiali
4 Connor’s / Amy’s headphones are new. A/an sono gli articoli indeterminativi.
2 Decide if the statements are true (T) or false (F). a mobile = un cellulare
an orange = un’arancia
1 Isaac’s the only person at the park.
a + consonante o h aspirata = a wallet, a house
2 Amy and Isaac are friends.
3 Connor’s glasses are new. an + vocale o h muta = an umbrella, an hour
4 Isaac’s headphones are cool. Attenzione al suono /ju/: a unit, a euro.
5 It’s eight o’clock. 2 Vedi Workbook p. 18
6 The bus stop is near the park.

Heads UP!
VOCABULARY › Everyday objects In inglese non si usa the per parlare di cose in generale.
3 WORDSTORM In pairs. Name five things in Friends are important. Gli amici sono importanti.
your bedroom.

4 Match the words below with the pictures (1-8). 5 Write a or an.
There are three words you don’t need. 1 computer 5 idea
apple • computer games • • glasses • keys • 2 European city 6 phone number
mobile phone • MP3 player • trainers • 3 address 7 house
USB stick • wallet • watch
4 hotel 8 easy exercise

6 Write the objects (1-9) in the picture. Add the
articles too (a or an).

lipstick .......................
2 3
1 5
3 4 6


.................................... .................................... 8

7 A book
1 6 ..................................
2 .................................. 7 ..................................
8 3 .................................. 8 ..................................
4 .................................. 9 ..................................
.................................... ....................................
5 ..................................

That’s my stuff!


7 Listen and repeat Present simple – be – Positive
1-03 the alphabet.
I am/’m at school.
He/She/It is/’s at school.
We/You/They are/’re at school.
2 Vedi Workbook p. 18

10 Complete with the correct form of be.

1 This school bag new.
2 I a student.
3 The computer games on the table.
4 You late.
5 They all at school.
6 The bus so slow!

Heads UP!
In inglese ci vuole sempre un pronome prima della
forma verbale.
We’re late. Siamo in ritardo.
It’s nice. È bello.

8 Complete the sound groups with the letters below. GRAMMAR

Plural nouns
/eɪ/ /iː/ /e/
A B F General rule: noun + -s:
...... C L a trainer * trainers
J D M a key * keys
2 3
...... ...... N consonant + y * change to ies
G ......
6 a dictionary * dictionaries
P ......
T Z After -s, -ch, -sh, -z: + -es:
...... an address * addresses
/aɪ/ /əʊ/ /ɑː/ /uː/ Irregular plurals:
I O R Q a man * men a child * children
7 8
...... ...... a woman * women a person * people
2 Vedi Workbook p. 19

9 Listen and write.

1 11 Write the plurals.
2 1 bag ......................... 4 glass .......................
3 2 pen ......................... 5 man ........................
4 3 library ...................... 6 watch ......................
5 12 Listen and write the plurals.
6 1-05
1 ................................ 5 ................................
2 ................................ 6 ................................
3 ................................ 7 ................................
4 ................................ 8 ................................
FUNCTIONS › Telling the time VOCABULARY › Classroom objects
o’clock 15 WORDSTORM Name at least five
classroom objects.
five to five past
ten to ten past 16 Match the words given with the pictures.
bin • board • book • chair • desk • dictionary •
quarter to quarter past
pen • notebook • pencil case • school bag
twenty to twenty past
twenty-five to twenty-five past

half past

Heads UP! 1 .......................

In genere si usano le ore da 1 a 12 e quindi, per 2 .......................
specificare se si parla di mattino o pomeriggio/sera,
dopo le ore si aggiunge a.m. o p.m.
It’s 6 a.m.
It’s 2 p.m.

13 Listen and write the times you hear.

1 .............................................................................
2 .............................................................................
3 .......................
3 .............................................................................
4 ............................................................................. 4 .......................
5 .............................................................................
6 .............................................................................

14 SPEAK In pairs. Look at the clocks, then ask

and answer. 5 .......................

6 ....................... 7 .......................

1 2

8 .......................

3 4

9 .......................
10 .......................

5 6 17 SPEAK In pairs. Ask and answer questions

about the classroom objects.
– What’s the time? / What time is it? A: What is this?
– It’s quarter past three. B: It’s my pencil case. What is this?

That’s my stuff!

GRAMMAR 19 COMPETENCES In groups. Put some of

your things on the desk. Talk about them.
This, that, these, those This is my pen, these are my keys…
Si usano per indicare persone, animali, oggetti
vicini o lontani da chi parla.
Singular This That
vicino lontano
a chi parla da chi parla
Plural These Those

2 Vedi Workbook p. 19

18 Complete with this, that, these, those.

VOCABULARY › Days of the week

20 WORDSTORM Which days of the week are
1 Hey, 2 Are school days? Which days are weekend?
is my wallet! your glasses?
21 Complete the sentences. Choose from the words
Monday • Tuesday • Wednesday • Thursday •
Friday • Saturday • Sunday

1 Today is .

2 Tomorrow is .
3 is 4 Are
my new mobile. the children’s books? 3 The day after tomorrow is .

4 This year my birthday is on


5 This year Christmas is on .

6 This year holidays start on .

5 How much are 6
T-shirts? isn’t my scooter.

VOCABULARY › Seasons, months and 1-09
24 Listen. Choose the correct option.
dates 1 8 November / 10 November
2 5 August / 15 August
22 WORDSTORM Complete the seasons and 3 23 July / 21 July
1-07 months. Then listen and check.
4 12 June / 22 June
5 3 January / 13 January
6 17 April / 7 April
25 SPEAK In pairs. Read the dates.
........................ 1 15 July
2 24 June
3 1 January
........................ 4 16 August
5 3 April
6 20 December
........................ 26 COMPETENCES Ask your classmates
when their birthday is. Is there a classmate with
the same birthdate as you?
Summer A: When’s your birthday?
........................ B: 27thJune. What about you?
........................ 27 Read the text and match a picture with a sentence.
Good Times

23 Listen and complete the term dates at Abbey’s a b

1-08 school.

begins ends
Wednesday Friday
autumn term
1st September 19th 1..................
c d
2 Monday Thursday
.................. term
5th 3.................. 22nd March
1 My favourite season is summer because I’m on
Monday Friday holiday with my friends.
.................. term 2 My favourite month is August because I’m at the
13th 5.................. 20th 6..................
3 My favourite day is Sunday because I’m at the
football match.
Heads UP!
4 My favourite dates are 8 July, because it’s my
Si scrive 1st September, ma si dice the first of birthday, and 25 December because I love
September. Christmas!
2nd September – the second of September
3rd September – the third of September 28 COMPETENCES Write similar sentences
that are true for you.


Articles Present simple – be –
L’articolo determinativo inglese è the. USE
The keys are on the table. Si usa il present simple di be:
Le chiavi sono sul tavolo.
• con aggettivi:
L’articolo indeterminativo è a/an. You’re late. Sei in ritardo.
This is a good idea. È una buona idea. • per indicare l’ora:
It is an English book. È un libro inglese. It’s 9 o’clock. Sono le nove.
• per indicare occupazioni e professioni:
FORM I’m a student. Sono uno studente.
• per indicare l’età:
The è invariabile sia nel genere sia nel numero. Emma is 16. Emma ha 16 anni.
The boy and the girl. Il ragazzo e la ragazza. • con gli aggettivi di nazionalità:
The keys. Le chiavi. Penny’s English. Penny è inglese.
A/an è solo singolare ed è invariabile nel genere. • per indicare dove si trovano cose e persone:
A class. Una classe. The teacher is in the classroom.
L’insegnante è in aula.
a + consonante o h a mobile, a hotel • per presentarsi:
I’m Kate! Sono Kate!
a + e o u quando si a university, a euro
pronunciano /ju/
an + vocale o h muta an apple, an hour FORM
Forma affermativa soggetto + verbo

COMMON MISTAKES Positive: subject + verb

Non si usa l’articolo determinativo per la
maggior parte delle nazioni. subject verb

Spain. La Spagna. England. L’Inghilterra. I am (’m) from Germany.

You are (’re) in my school.
Si usa invece per alcune nazioni, gruppi di isole,
He/She/It is (’s) on the first floor.
mari e catene montuose.
We/You/They are (’re) in London.
The United States. Gli Stati Uniti.
The Caribbean. I Caraibi. 2 See Grammar video
Si usa davanti ai numeri 100 e 1000.
A hundred apples. Cento mele.

A differenza dell’italiano, non si usa mai davanti

agli aggettivi possessivi.
This is my book. Questo è il mio libro.

Plural nouns This, that, these, those
Regola generale: nome + s I dimostrativi this, that, these, those sono
computer 2 computers invariabili nel genere ma non nel numero.
house 2 houses This e these indicano oggetti vicini alla persona
key 2 keys che parla. That e those indicano oggetti lontani
lipstick 2 lipsticks dalla persona che parla.
USB stick 2 USB sticks This, that, these, those sono aggettivi quando
sono seguiti da un nome.
-y preceduto da consonante = -ies
This book is interesting.
party 2 parties Questo libro è interessante.
Nome che termina in -s, -ss, -ch, -sh, This, that, these, those sono pronomi quando
-z, -x sono seguiti da un verbo.
= -es That is my new car.
box 2 boxes Quella è la mia nuova macchina.
bus 2 buses
dress 2 dresses
match 2 matches
watch 2 watches this that
Nome che termina in -o (di origine
straniera) = -s Singular
video 2 videos
euro 2 euros
piano 2 pianos
these those
Nome che termina in -f/-fe = elimina f/fe
+ -ves
leaf 2 leaves
knife 2 knives Plural
Ci sono nomi con plurali irregolari, che occorre
imparare a memoria.
child (bambino) 2 children
foot (piede) 2 feet
man (uomo) 2 men
person (persona) 2 people COMMON MISTAKES
tooth (dente) 2 teeth Si usa this per presentare le persone e per
woman (donna) 2 women presentarsi.
This is my sister, Emma.
Ti presento mia sorella, Emma.
Hello, this is Cindy, is Peter there?
Ciao, sono Cindy, c’è Peter?

That’s my stuff!

Everyday objects

e computer games e glasses e ID card

e keys e lipstick e mobile phone

e MP3 player e tablet e trainers

e USB stick e wallet e watch

Classroom objects

e bin e board e book e chair

d pen

e dictionary e notebook e pencil e pencil case e school bag

Word list
Everyday Oggetti Days Giorni Dates (ordinal Date (numeri
objects quotidiani of the week della settimana numbers) ordinali)
computer games giochi al computer Monday lunedì first primo
ID card documento d’identità Tuesday martedì second secondo
lipstick rossetto Wednesday mercoledì third terzo
glasses occhiali Thursday giovedì fourth quarto
keys chiavi Friday venerdì fifth quinto
mobile phone cellulare Saturday sabato sixth sesto
MP3 player lettore MP3 Sunday domenica seventh settimo
tablet tablet eighth ottavo
trainers scarpe da ninth nono
Seasons Stagioni
ginnastica tenth decimo
chiavetta USB spring primavera
USB stick eleventh undicesimo
portafoglio (da summer estate
wallet twelfth dodicesimo
uomo) autumn autunno
thirteenth tredicesimo
watch orologio (da polso) winter inverno
fourteenth quattordicesimo
fifteenth quindicesimo
Classroom Oggetti Months Mesi sixteenth sedicesimo
objects della classe January gennaio seventeenth diciassettesimo
bin cestino February febbraio eighteenth diciottesimo
board lavagna March marzo nineteenth diciannovesimo
book libro April aprile twentieth ventesimo
chair sedia May maggio twenty-first ventunesimo
desk banco June giugno twenty-second ventiduesimo
dictionary dizionario July luglio
notebook quaderno August agosto
Natural Espressioni
pen penna September settembre English idiomatiche
pencil case astuccio October ottobre
Chill! Stai tranquillo!
school bag cartella November novembre
Hurry up! Sbrigati!
December dicembre
Yeah, right. Sì, certo.

That’s my stuff!

PRACTICE Classroom objects

3 BBA Osserva l’immagine. Poi scrivi gli oggetti
(0-9) della classe.
Everyday objects
1 BAA Completa il cruciverba.


8 6

7 8

Across Down


0 board
3 2
7 5
4 6
6 8

Days of the week

4 BAA Riordina i giorni della settimana.

9 Friday
2 BBA Anagramma le lettere nelle caselle in Wednesday
azzurro. Troverai un’altra parola. Monday
....................................................................................... Sunday

5 BBA Ascolta il dialogo. Completalo con i giorni 7 BBA Completa con i mesi e le stagioni.
5-02 della settimana. 0 December

3 4
............... ...............
............... autumn April
September ...............


Liz: Hey Peter, my birthday party is on 0 Saturday .
Peter: Oh no, I’m not free. I am free on 8 BBA Completa con le date corrette.
........................ 14th. twenty-sixth • tenth • thirteenth • • fifteenth •
Liz: No, Friday’s the 15th. 2........................ is the twentieth • twenty-third • fourth • eighth
Peter: It’s a busy week because on 3....................... February
it’s Sharon’s birthday! 1 8 15 20
Liz: Really? There’s football practice that day. Sunday 0 first
............... 2............... 5............... 6...............
Peter: No, football practice is on 4........................ .
2 9 16 23
Liz: Are you sure? Monday 7
Peter: Yes, because it’s after the match on
5 3 10 17 24
........................ . Tuesday 3
4 11 18 25
Wednesday 1
5 12 19 26
Seasons, months and dates Thursday 8
6 BBA Scrivi le stagioni. 6 13 20 27
Friday 4
7 14 21 28

0 summer 1 ........................ 9 BBB Scrivi le date in lettere.

0 24/06: the twenty-fourth of June
1 15/02: ............................................................
2 09/07: ............................................................
3 31/01: .............................................................
4 22/09: ............................................................
5 03/12: ............................................................
2 ........................ 3 ........................ 6 10/10: ............................................................

That’s my stuff!

Articles 14 BBB Leggi le schede e completa le frasi.

5-03 Poi ascolta e controlla.
10 BAA Scegli l’opzione corretta.
0 It’s a / an American flag. Name: Joshua
1 She’s a / an student. Age: 15
2 It’s a / an Italian car.
3 The / An Maths lesson is at 9.00.
0 I’m Joshua. I’m 15.
4 It’s a / an French name.
5 He’s a / an Science teacher.
6 A / The school is big. Name: Boris
7 That isn’t a / an orange, it’s a / an lemon! Age: 16
8 - / The sport cars are expensive.
1 He’s ..................................................................
11 BBA Inserisci a oppure an.
0 an apple
1 ............ egg Name: Ameena
2 ............ USB stick Age: 14
3 ............ hotel
4 ............ ID card 2 She’s .................................................................
5 ............ wallet
6 ............ hour
7 ............ tablet Name: Selena
8 ............ dictionary Age: 16

12 BBB Inserisci a, an, the o nessun articolo.

3 She’s .................................................................
0 The Starview is a hotel near the sea.
1 ............ China is an interesting country.
2 Paris is ............ European city. Name: Nafir and Khaled
3 Oxford is ............ university in England. Age: 17
4 This is ............ old house.
5 This class is ............ hour. 4 They are ............................................................
6 I’m from ............ Italy.
7 Look! There’s ............ helicopter.
8 ............ pens are on ............ desk. Plural nouns
15 BBA Scrivi il plurale dei nomi.

Present simple – be – 0 cat

4 beach 9 dress
5 shoe 10 person
Positive 1 phone 6 key 11 tomato
13 BAA Completa con la forma corretta di be. Usa la
2 country 7 library 12 day
forma contratta. 3 child 8 watch
0 I ’m from Germany. 16 BBA Completa la tabella con le parole
1 Sheila ......................... from France. dell’esercizio 15.
2 Carlos ......................... Peruvian.
+ -s + -es -ies irregular
3 Sorry, we ......................... late!
4 I ......................... 15 years old. cats
5 It ......................... 6.00 p.m.
6 Alexis and Thomas ......................... in year 8, they
......................... in year 9.

17 BBB Riscrivi le frasi alla forma plurale. 20 BBB Completa con this, that, these o those.
0 My sister is at school. John: Emma, are 0 these your books on the
My sisters are at school. floor?
1 Who is he? Emma: No, they’re Helen’s books. 1........................ are
my books on the table.
2 The baby is happy. John: Is 2........................ your pencil case on the table
3 My teacher is a woman. Emma: Yes, it is! And 3....................... is my MP3 player
4 My pencil case is yellow. John: No, Emma, that’s my MP3 player! Yours is here,
under 4........................ CDs.
5 This book is interesting.

6 Where is my trainer? Functions – Telling the time

21 BBA Ascolta e scrivi le lettere (a-f) accanto
5-04 all’orologio (0-5) che mostra l’ora che senti.
This, that, these, those
18 BAA Scegli l’opzione corretta.
0 Who are those / these boys over there?
1 – Is that my bag? – No, that / this isn’t your bag.
2 Hello, this / those is Amanda.
3 – What are these / this? – They’re pens.
4 Those / These tomatoes aren’t good, these are.
5 This / That chocolate is nice. Here, try it! 0 d 1
6 Is those / that girl our new classmate?

19 BBA Completa con this, that, these o those.

2 3

0 Yum! This pizza is 1 .............. are my keys!


4 5

2 Look Ernie, .............. is 3 Who are .............. girls? 22 BBB Scrivi in lettere le ore dell’esercizio 21.
my new smartphone!
What’s the time?
0 five to twelve
1 ...........................................................................
2 ...........................................................................
3 ...........................................................................
4 ...........................................................................
5 ...........................................................................
4 .............. woman is famous!


1 Back to reality

First day back

Jake: Hi!
Kaja: Hello.
Jake: Are you new here?
Kaja: Yes, I am. It’s my first day.
Jake: I’m Jake. What’s your name?
Kaja: I’m Kaja.
Jake: Sorry?
Kaja: Kaja. K.A.J.A.
Jake: Cool name! Where are you from, Kaja?
Kaja: I’m from Poland.
Jake: Are you from Warsaw?
Kaja: No. I’m not. I’m from a small town called Lubin.
Jake: Is it nice?
Kaja: It’s OK. But it’s a bit boring.
Jake: What about Manchester? Do you like living here?
Kaja: Yes. It’s good. And English people are really
Jake: Yeah, we’re awesome! Anyway, are you in year
Kaja: Yes, I am. I’m in 10 M.
Jake: Great! Me too.
Kaja: The first lesson’s ICT, right?
Jake: Yes, it is.
Kaja: Who’s our teacher?
Jake: His name’s Mr O’Hara.
Kaja: Is he nice?
Jake: Yes, he is. And his lessons aren’t boring! Natural ENGLISH
Kaja: Where’s the ICT lab? Really? = Davvero?
Jake: On the second floor. But it’s registration now. What about Manchester? = Che ne dici di Manchester?
Kaja: What’s registration? Right? = Vero?
Jake: It’s when the teacher says your name and you say Come on! = Dai!/Forza!
‘present’. Come on! We’re late.

PRESENTATION 4 Read the dialogue. Choose the correct option.
1-11 Then listen and check.
1 Before you read. Look at the picture and read the
title. Where are Jake and Kaja? Liam: Hi I 1’m / ’re Liam.
Xavier: Hello.
2 Read and listen to the dialogue. Answer the
1-10 questions. Liam: What 2’s / are your name?
1 Is it Kaja’s first day at school? Xavier: 3It’s / He’s Xavier.
2 Where is Kaja from? Liam: 4You are / Are you from Spain?
3 Are Jake and Kaja in the same year? Xavier: No, 5I’m not / I not. I’m from
4 What’s their first lesson? Ecuador.
5 Who is Mr O’Hara? Liam: Right. Welcome to 10 M. This 6is /
6 Are Mr O’Hara’s lessons boring? are your desk.
7 Where’s the ICT lab? Xavier: Thanks!
8 When’s registration?

Present simple – be –
Negative, questions and short answers
Nella forma negativa l’ordine è:
soggetto + verbo.
Nella domanda l’ordine è: verbo + soggetto.
I am not (’m not) from Poland.
You are not (aren’t) in year 10.
Heads UP!
Non si usa mai la forma contratta nella risposta breve
He/She/It is not (isn’t) in the
alla forma affermativa.
– Am I late?
We/You/They are not (aren’t) friends.
– Yes, you are.
Questions and short answers
Am I late? Yes, you are. 5 Complete the short answers.
Are you Polish? No, I’m not. 1 – Are you Italian?
– No, .
Is he/she/it nice? Yes, he/she/it is.
2 – Are you 15?
Are we/you/they in No, we/you/they
– Yes, .
the science lab? aren’t.
3 – Is your school big?
2 Vedi Workbook p. 34 – No, .
4 – Are your friends in your class?
– Yes, .
3 Complete the sentences with the verb be. Use
contracted forms where appropriate. 5 – Is break at 11 o’clock?
– Yes, .
1 I in year 10. I’m in year 9.
6 – Is English your favourite subject?
2 We in the ICT lab. We are in the library. – No, .
3 – all your friends in year 10?
– No, they . 6 SPEAK In pairs. Ask and answer the questions
4 The first lesson English. It’s Maths. in exercise 5.
5 you in my class? – Are you 15?
6 Mr Hill your teacher? – No, I’m not. I’m 17.
– Is English your favourite subject?
– Yes, it is.
Back to reality

VOCABULARY › Countries and Heads UP!

nationalities Gli aggettivi di nazionalità si scrivono sempre con
7 WORDSTORM What are the nationalities l’iniziale maiuscola.
for these countries? Vincent’s French. Vincent è francese.
1 Italy I like Chinese food. Mi piace il cibo cinese.
2 England
3 North America 9 Read the text and choose
4 France 1-12 the correct option.
Then listen and check.
8 Complete the sentences with the words below.
Chinese • Germany • Irish • Morocco • Peruvian •
Pakistani • Poland • Romania • Senegalese • Spanish

1 Miguel’s from Spain. 2 Wei’s from China. My favourite things

He’s . He’s . I like 1America / American music, especially rap.
I like 2England / English football – Manchester
United is my favourite team. Angela is my
girlfriend. Is she Italian? No, she isn’t! She’s
Germany / German. My favourite actor is Colin
Farrell and he’s from 4Ireland / Irish. My best
friend’s from 5Morocco / Moroccan. What’s my
3 Alfred’s from 4 Khadija’s from
favourite food? 6Italy / Italian, of course!
. .
He’s German. She’s Moroccan.
10 COMPETENCES Write 50 words about your
favourite things. Write about sport, music, food,
your friends and your own ideas.

5 Ana’s from 6 Youssef’s from
. Senegal. He’s Question words
She’s Romanian. .
Le question words si usano per chiedere
informazioni su persone, cose, luoghi e
– Who’s your Math’s teacher? – Mr Hill.
– What’s the first lesson? – Science.
– When’s break? – It’s at 11 o’clock.
7 Luz’s from Peru. She’s 8 Ain’s from Pakistan. – Where’s the ICT lab? – On the second floor.
. He’s .
– How old are you? – I’m 15.
2 Vedi Workbook p. 34

Heads UP!
In inglese, si usa il verbo be per chiedere l’età.
9 Iwo’s from 10 Orla’s from Ireland.
– How old is he? – He’s 15.
. She’s .
– Quanti anni ha? – 15.
He’s Polish.

11 Complete with the words below. 15 Choose the correct option.
Mr Harris • Geography • Rick • at 10.30 • in London • 1 He’s / His name’s Jake.
at school • on Thursday • my best friend • Italy • 2 Where’s you / your book?
football • music 3 They’re / Their in year 10.
What? Who? Where? When? 4 What are their / they names?
5 Mr Hill is we / our teacher.
6 You’re / Your in my class.
7 She’s from Spain. Her / His name’s Maria.
8 Where’s our / you classroom?
12 Complete the sentences with a question word or
16 Complete with the correct possessive adjectives.
my • their (x2) • our • your • her
1 – ’s lunch? – At 1 o’clock.
2 – is your best friend? – She’s 16. 1 Here’s Jenny. mum is a teacher at
3 – ’s your surname? – Matthews. school.
4 – ’s your favourite teacher? 2 We’re French. names are Lola and
– Mrs Moore. Thomas.
5 – ’s the bus stop? – In Park Road. 3 What’s next lesson? They’re not sure.
6 – ’s the first lesson? – At 8.30 a.m. 4 What’s your name? name is John.
5 Jake and Lesley are in class with
13 Listen to the questions (1-6). Match them to the teacher.
1-13 correct answers (a-f). 6 Hi Alice! Is that school bag?
a He’s 17.
b On Mondays and Thursdays. 17 Complete with the words below. Then listen and
1-14 check.
c Science.
d Mrs Harris. her • His • I’m • My • Our • She’s • They’re • We’re
e It’s on the first floor.
f My name is Tahar.

14 SPEAK In pairs. Ask and answer the Hi, my name’s Jamie. 1........................
questions in exercise 11. in year 10 at Woodside School. My
friends Paige and Isaac are in my
GRAMMAR class. 2........................ 15, like me.
Paige is from London. She isn’t my
girlfriend, she’s just a good friend.
Subject pronouns
and possessive adjectives Isaac’s Nigerian. 3........................
family is from Lagos.
Si usa un pronome soggetto prima di un verbo. 4
........................ sister Ella is at
Si usa un aggettivo possessivo prima di un nome. Woodside too. 5........................ 17 and this year she’s
Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives in year 13. It’s 6........................ last year at school.
I’m Italian. My name’s Mia. ........................ surname is Murphy. That’s an Irish
name. 8........................ originally from Galway.
You’re in year 10. Your teacher’s nice.
Galway’s a small town in Ireland.
He’s 16. His name’s Jake.
She’s Moroccan. Her name’s Kadija.
It’s a small town. Its name’s Lubin.
We’re at school. Our classroom’s on the 18 COMPETENCES Complete the table. Then,
second floor.
in pairs, write a text as in exercise 17.
You’re late. Your lesson’s at 9 o’clock.
They’re Chinese. Their names are Wei and
Li. year
2 Vedi Workbook p. 35 surname

Back to reality

GRAMMAR VOCABULARY › School subjects and

school places
Possessive ’s
Si usa ’s (genitivo sassone) per esprimere il
21 WORDSTORM Match the subjects below
possesso. with the pictures (1-9).
It’s Luke’s dictionary Art and Design • Drama • French • Geography •
What’s your sister’s name? History • ICT • Maths • PE • Science
Si aggiunge semplicemente l’apostrofo ai sostantivi
plurali regolari o alle parole che terminano in -s.
It’s my friends’ party.
That’s Mr Jones’ car
2 Vedi Workbook p. 35

1 ....................... 2 ....................... 3 ........................

Heads UP!
’s può indicare sia possesso sia la forma contratta del
verbo be.
Kate’s family is big. (possesso)
She’s in my class. (verbo be)

4 ....................... 5 ....................... 6 .......................

19 Put the words in order to make full sentences.
1 teacher / your / name? / What’s /’s

2 my / sister / mobile. / ’s / This / is

3 ’s / Connor / cool. / are / glasses

7 ....................... 8 ....................... 9 ........................

4 Senegal. / Isaac / from / are / ’s / friends
22 Match the school place in A (1-8) with a word in B
5 Is / school bag? / ’s / Liam / that (a-h).

6 headphones. / These / Amy / are / ’s / new A 1 canteen

2 playing field
20 Is ’s the verb be or the genitive? Write B (be) or G 3 ICT lab
(genitive). 4 staffroom a books
1 Is this Hannah’s bag? 5 gym b computers
2 Liam’s mum is Irish. 6 library c teachers
3 My computer’s new. 7 corridor d football
4 My friend’s boyfriend is French. 8 theatre e lunch
5 His surname’s Arbuthnot. f break
6 Zac and Jude are Pam’s cats. g Drama
7 Is that your dad’s car? h PE
8 The umbrella’s in the classroom.

23 COMPETENCES In pairs. Ask and answer

the questions.
• What’s your favourite subject?
• What subjects are difficult for you?
• What subjects are on your timetable?
• Where do you have lunch?


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