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Jamie Dubs Internet Collection
I'm cofounder of VHX and a member of the F.A.T. Lab

Previously: Know Your Meme, Internet Famous Class, Star Wars Uncut and more

Also: Twitter, GitHub,


    Sweet computer in GitHub’s launch video for Atom 1.0

    Sweet computer in GitHub’s launch video for Atom 1.0

    I was photographed by Justin Bridges for this “cool dads” article ¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯

    I was photographed by Justin Bridges for this “cool dads” article ¯¯\_(ツ)_/¯¯

“ 2015 is off to a big start!  We’re excited to announce that we’ve closed a $5M Series B fundraising round led by Comcast Ventures, with participation from many of our existing investors: Union Square Ventures, Keith Calder, Lerer-Hippeau...


    2015 is off to a big start!

    We’re excited to announce that we’ve closed a $5M Series B fundraising round led by Comcast Ventures, with participation from many of our existing investors: Union Square Ventures, Keith Calder, Lerer-Hippeau Ventures, Lowercase Capital, Alexis Ohanian, John Johnson and others. Comcast shares our vision for building the best way to distribute video online, and we’re excited to be working with them and welcoming Comcast Ventures’ Sam Landman to our board.

    Two years ago, VHX started out as two people and a comedy special. Now, we’re a team of 20. Our platform is feature-rich and constantly growing, with over 3,500 titles and $4.7M in total sales. Big 2014 launches like Dave Grohl’s Sonic Highways series, Kevin Spacey’s Now, Harmontown, This American Life’s second release, and some wildly inspiring Internet-native success stories like Expelled, Camp Takota, and Black & Sexy TV helped make last year an awesome one, full of promise for all types of video publishers who want to distribute their work directly to fans.

    This round of funding will pave the way for a few major goals. First, apps! Just last month we launched our new iOS app with another app announcement soon on the way — two big steps in our push for the best watchability across all devices. And, community! With thousands of titles and over a million customers on the platform, we have the opportunity to better connect our buyers and sellers, and build the vibrant, creator-friendly network we’ve always wanted.

    Write to us here or tweet @vhxtv.

    New Year’s at Beaver Brook

    New Year’s at Beaver Brook



“jamiew, ellie and I at the tumblr party in 2008 + the three of us again in 2014.


    jamiew, ellie and I at the tumblr party in 2008 + the three of us again in 2014.




    We have reached Peak Doge

    We have reached Peak Doge

“Come and see our newest instrument at XOXO in Portland this week!
Super fun app; not to be missed


    Come and see our newest instrument at XOXO in Portland this week!

    Super fun app; not to be missed

    gifselfie compliments of Help Scout & chadsnuts

    gifselfie compliments of Help Scout & chadsnuts

    My teachers always said “show your work,” so here you go:
“ Introducing: VHX Stats  We’re big believers in transparency and knowledge-sharing, and it’s time to put our money revenue stats where our mouth is. Today we’re launching...

    My teachers always said “show your work,” so here you go:


    We’re big believers in transparency and knowledge-sharing, and it’s time to put our money revenue stats where our mouth is. Today we’re launching VHX Stats, which will update daily, so you can watch the market grow as more people sell films and video content directly to fans.

    The numbers that we’re putting out into the world so far are:

    • Number of titles for sale
    • VHX total gross revenue
    • Number of total transactions
    • Number of customers who’ve bought more than one title from VHX (something we want to improve)
    • Sales by geographic region

    …with more to come. Creators want to have a conversation about the economics of selling their work, and this is our small contribution. Take a look, ask questions, and help us make it better.