Sponsorship & Advertising

Photo by Member Mark Krancer, Kram Kran Photo

Reach Our Members

Add the Chamber to your sponsorship and advertising plans to increase regional visibility and target business influencers by reaching our 3,000 members at events and in Chamber communications.

Event Sponsorship Opportunities

Through signature events and programs, we gather the region’s business leaders to share information, discuss important issues that impact our business community, and provide a platform for collaboration and partnerships. Your support of these programs and events shows your commitment to the business community, promotes your company’s products and services, and allows your employees to stay on top of business issues.

Sponsorship opportunities are customizable and available for most events and programs. Please contact our events team at [email protected] for more information.

Advertising Opportunities

Let us help tell your story to local business leaders. We can help produce the right messaging for your business — and get it to the right audience.

Newsletter Advertising

Chamber Connection, the JAX Chamber’s weekly e-newsletter, is distributed on Wednesday to approximately 7,000 members with competitive open and click rates.

Banner Ads (one available per week): Ads are 600 pixels wide by 100 pixels high at 72 dpi and appear in Chamber Connection, distributed once per week. Cost: top and bottom together (when available) $600 per week.

Website Advertising

Homepage Banner Ad: Homepage ads are 970 x 90px. Cost: $400 for one week.

Homepage Business Card Ad (Company Logo only) 300px by 250px. Cost: $200 for one week.

#BuyChamber page Ads are 300px by 250px. Cost: $300 for one week. 

Please contact our communications team at [email protected] for more information.