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The Blueprint To Financial Freedom

By Jerry Fetta

a step-by-step guide toward achieving passive income that exceeds savings, expenses, & taxes

Personal Finance. One of the simplest topics in existence but for the average person, for some reason, also one of the most elusive in application....

It is clear to see that regardless of how simple money is or isn't, something is not working. It's kind of like a house. Looking at a house all of us can describe how it was built. But the question is, "can I build one"?

Well, for the first time ever we have a blueprint to be able to achieve any level of financial success that is desired.

And with this book, you're about to have everything you need to break ground on a new and better financial life.


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Take The Confusion Out of Money

All personal finances are just basic math.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division. The only time money feels complex is when we add overly complicated vocabulary. This book takes the time tested financial strategies of the Top 1% of Wealth historically and simplifies it so that anyone can understand it, apply it, and follow each strategy in order.

The author, Jerry Fetta, has been featured by:

What will you learn?


We're taught that instead of wealth we should strive for "retirement". Retirement involves selling off assets to generate income which does not account for increases in taxes or inflation. Chapter 1 will teach you how the wealthy generate monthly passive income with no risk of ever running out.


The wealthy don't invest the way most of us do. In fact, there are certain types of investments that are only made available to the Top 10% of wealth in the United States that even financial advisors aren't allowed to know about. In Chapter 2, you will learn how to get access to these investments to accelerate your wealth.


The average savings rate for the Top 1% of Wealth is 40%. This means they save 40% of their pre-tax income on average. Believe it or not, it is possible for almost anyone to achieve this and you will learn how in Chapter 7 of this book!


Did you know there are certain financial traps that are designed to keep you from building wealth? Chapter 5 exposes every single one of these and gives you the exact solutions to avoid the traps.

What's inside?

  • The exact equation to determine your passive income financial freedom requirement

  • A step by step blueprint to build wealth from any starting point

  • Insider Information from a former Financial Advisor to build wealth faster & easier

  • True and simple solutions that just work!

Problems this book will solve:

  • Why Savers aren't "losers" and where the wealthy really keep their money

  • How to never lose money in the stock market again

  • Make money on financing things like cars and homes instead of paying interest to the bank

  • How to get to the next level when you're already doing well financially

Who should read this book?

Young people in their twenties who want to get a hard start and use their money to build wealthy early

  • Start with the end in mind

  • Operate with the right information from the start

  • Leverage your time horizon to your advantage and break out of the "rat-race"

Families and couples who want to achieve freedom and build a life of freedom and prosperity

  • Simplify your family's finances

  • Keep more of your hard earned money

  • Use your money and assets to build wealth and enjoy life NOW!

Entrepreneurs and business owners who want to turn their profits into passive income

  • Turning your business into a passive income funding source

  • Begin operating financially like a Fortune 100 Corporation

  • Become your own banking institution so you can go to the next level of wealth


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How much time will it take to read this book?

It depends on you! The average reader could finish this entire book in 3-6 hours total. The more time you dedicate to study, the faster you'll get through! However, we recommend really taking the time to understand and apply each chapter even if it means it takes a little longer to finish the book!

Do you have a money back guarantee policy?

Unless there is physical damage to the book upon receipt in the mail, all sales are final. No refunds are permitted on digital downloads of the ebook either.

What is the author's background?

Jerry Fetta, the author, has been in the financial industry for almost a decade. He became a financial advisor at the age of 18 and now at the age of 28 runs a multi-million dollar firm that services clients across the country and helps thousands of people improve their personal finances. Jerry is also an accredited investor, which means he has achieved a net-worth of over $1 million by the age of 28, which puts him in the Top 1% of wealth for his age category.

I've read plenty of books on money. How is this different than any other personal finance book out there?

The Blueprint To Financial Freedom is based upon what the Top 1% of Wealth have factually and historically done to build their wealth. This isn't based on theories and most importantly, this book is not backed by Wall Street which means there is no conflict of interest in attempting you to invest more money in their funds. This book is true, simple, and applicable and will work for anyone who applies the information in order of the way it's instructed within the book.