

COACH A is an executive coaching firm dedicated to supporting companies in their organizational transformations.


COACH A is an executive coaching firm dedicated to supporting companies in their organizational transformations. Our unique Systemic Coaching™ approach centers on the interrelationships between people, using dialogue as a foundation to drive organizational development. This approach supports the entire organization in its continuous evolution and transformation. Founded in Japan 1997 (formerly known as Coach 21), COACH A has been a pioneer, contributing to the widespread adoption of coaching. Approximately 80% of our clients are large corporations listed in the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. We are also committed to developing coaching professionals and have trained over 10,000 coaches to date. In 2008, COACH A established a research-focused division called the Coaching Research Institute, offering cutting-edge evidence-based coaching services globally. Leveraging extensive data from our coaching experiences, we are actively involved in academic research and initiatives to visualize the outcomes of coaching. With offices in Tokyo, New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, and Bangkok, we offer coaching to various organizations in both private and public sector. We continue to bring new coaching innovation to support leaders in various organization to co-create changes inside-out. Including our acquisition of Coach U, a leading coach training institution, in 2019, we are committed to expanding our global network.

社員 51 - 200名
Providing coaching programs for corporate clients、Organization and People Empowerment、Organizational Transformation、Executive Coaching、Coaching、Collaborative Working Culture、Leadership Development、Successor Development


  • プライマリ

    Kudan-Minami 2-1-30

    Istituto Italiano di Cultura 10F


  • 245 Park Avenue, Suite 2420

    39th Floor

    New York, NY 10167、New York、10167、US

  • 1515 Nanjing Road West

    Unit710, 7F, Tower1, Jing An KerryCentre

    Jing An District、Shanghai、200040、CN

  • 132 Nathan Road

    Unit 1001, 10/F, Miramar Tower

    Tsim Sha Tsui、Kowloon、HK

  • 388 Sukhumvit Road

    Room 2942, 29th Floor, Exchange Tower





  • COACH Aの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Exciting News! Yoshiyuki SUZUKI, the CEO of COACH A, presented at the prestigious Nikkei "World Management Forum" on November 7 and 8, 2023. In an exclusive interview during Nikkei's Global Management Dialogue in Tokyo, he revealed the secret to transforming organizations: "Promoting dialogue through coaching energizes an organization and leads to transformation." Yoshiyuki also delved into the future of coaching with AI. He shared, "We've introduced AI-based coaching services. Our system utilizes cutting-edge generative AI, learning language patterns from top coaches worldwide and asking thought-provoking questions to our clients." Curious to learn more? Please click the link below for more details. #nikkeiasia #aicoaching #dialogue

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  • COACH Aの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    (Japanese Follows) Join us for an upcoming Japanese online webinar hosted by COACH A, to broaden your view on “What is CEO Leadership?” We have the pleasure of welcoming Mr. Takahiro Yamada, President and CEO of ABeam Consulting Ltd., for a discussion on CEO leadership with Yoshiyuki SUZUKI, CEO of COACH A.  Click to reserve your seats and share this webinar information with others. あなたにとってリーダーシップとは何でしょうか? 近年では、組織上の役職にかかわらず、誰もがリーダーシップを身につけ、発揮することが求められています。しかし、自分のリーダーシップについて言葉にしたり、改めて捉え直す機会はあまり多くないのではないでしょうか? 今回は、アビームコンサルティング株式会社 代表取締役社長の山田貴博氏をお招きし、コーチ・エィ代表取締役 社長執行役員 鈴木義幸との対談形式で、CEOのリーダーシップについてお話をうかがいます。 そもそもリーダーシップとは何なのか CEOのリーダーシップは、他の役職のリーダーシップと何が違うのか 日本企業トップのリーダーシップの傾向、強み、課題は何か 自分や周囲の人のリーダーシップはいかにして高められるのか 普段はなかなか聞くことのできない会社トップの方の実体験をうかがいながら、リーダーシップについてみなさんと一緒に考えていきます。 なお、本ウェビナーは以下の3日程で開催いたします。 すべて同じ内容のため、いずれか1日程をお選びいただき、お申込みください。 ・9月 11日 (水曜日)⋅12:00~13:00 ・9月 12日 (木曜日)⋅19:00~20:00 ・9月 13日 (金曜日)⋅08:00~09:00  ご登録はこちらから / Learn more and register #coaching #leadership #

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  • COACH Aの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    According to the 2023 Defining New Coaching Cultures survey conducted by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), coaching places a significant emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) at 54%, signifying its value for fairness and diversity in the workplace. It also prioritizes upskilling at 53%, aimed at helping employees learn new things to enhance their skills. Well-being is another major focus at 49%, demonstrating coaching's concern for employees' emotional welfare. These statistics underscore the proactive approach organizations are taking to cultivate environments that prioritize fairness, continuous growth, and employee welfare. This data illuminates the evolving landscape of coaching, highlighting a commitment to fostering workplaces where employees can flourish and achieve success. #Leadershipdevelopment #OrganizationalDevelopment #ICF

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  • COACH Aの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    What can businesses learn from sports science? Ending the Olympic season and preparing for the Paralympic season, we were fortunate to welcome Tsz Lun (Alan) Chu, Associate Professor of Applied Sport Psychology at the University of North Carolina, to share insights on self-compassion practiced among athletes at our Groovy seminar last July. In sports science, athletes who practice self-compassion recover from setbacks more quickly, maintain motivation, and achieve better results. Drawing a parallel to the business world, self-compassion is more important than ever. In today's fast-paced environment, it helps leaders prevent burnout and navigate consecutive challenges effectively. The seminar also demonstrated that focusing on mental well-being not only enhances individual performance but also cultivates a supportive and productive workplace culture.

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  • COACH Aの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    This month, we're excited to introduce Mutsumi Igarashi, a professional coach from Japan. With a background in organizational development since 2018, she has collaborated with companies internationally, showcasing expertise in cross-cultural communication and global business practices. Mutsumi specializes in organizational and leadership development, offering evidence-based coaching tailored for executives and managers. Her dedication to empowering individuals and fostering growth sets her apart in the coaching industry. #coach #executivecoach #professionalcoach #ICF #coacha

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  • COACH Aの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    Curious about how the concept of parallel process applies to both business and coaching? In this post, an experienced executive coach shares practical insights on tackling this phenomenon in organizations. Take a moment to explore his perspective! #coaching #leadership 

    Discovering Truth: Navigating the Shift from Drama to Reality

    Discovering Truth: Navigating the Shift from Drama to Reality

  • COACH Aの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    (Japanese Follows) Join us for an upcoming Japanese online webinar hosted by COACH A, to broaden your view on “Why is Cultivating 'Autonomy' Alone Not Enough?” Click to reserve your seats and share this webinar information with others. あなたは、部下の「自主性」を育んでいますか、それとも「主体性」に働きかけていますか? 正解がない時代と言われて久しい現代、多くの企業では、自ら考え、動き、成長し続ける「主体性」のある人材が求められています。しかし、実際のマネジメントの現場では、上司から言われたことに対して忠実に、率先して取り組む「自主性」のある人材が重用されているようにも感じます。 では、「主体性」のある人材はいかにして開発されるのでしょうか。 またそのために、リーダーはどのようなマインドセットを持てばいいのでしょうか。 本セミナーでは、25年以上にわたり、様々な組織変革のプロジェクトに携わってきた コーチ・エィの代表取締役 社長執行役員 鈴木義幸が登壇します。 「主体性」と「自主性」に焦点を当て、持続的な組織の成長のために必要な人材、 そしてリーダーのあり方について、みなさんと深めていきます。 ご登録はこちらから / Learn more and register #coacha #organizationalcoaching #autonomy

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  • COACH Aの組織ページを表示、グラフィック


    In today’s fast-paced world, innovation is driving rapid changes and increasing complexity in the business landscape. To stay competitive, organizations must adapt quickly and transform their routines. Effective leaders play a crucial role in fostering this adaptability, especially by creating an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and collaborating. One idea is to consider these questions in your organizational context and employ leadership that enhance your organization. 🔵 How can understanding the accountability levels within your team inform your approach to facilitating organizational change? ⚫ What impact does your team’s level of accountability have on your strategy for guiding them through change? 🔴 In what ways can you adjust your leadership style to align with varying levels of team accountability to drive successful transformation? Further Reading on Research from Past Coaching Records: "Creating a Transformative Organization through Flexible Leadership"

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