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International Monetary Fund(IMF)

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IMF nĩ mũbango mũnene wa kĩmabũrũri wa ũragami kana becũrio wa gatagatĩ-inĩ ka mabũrũri 190 na mũcogi wakĩo nĩ Washington, D.C. Nĩ gĩthondeketwo ta mũhothi wa thĩ yothe wa kũhonokia thirikari cia mabũrũri, na nĩ gĩthondeka kĩnene gĩa kũrũgamĩrĩra ũthii wa na mbere wa mbeca cia kũgarũra mbeca. Mworoto wayo [1] "gũthiĩ na mbere kũheana ũteithio wa kũrutithania wĩra na mbeca, kũgitĩra ũcobe wa mbeca, gũteithĩrĩria wonjoria wa kĩmabũrũri, kũheana wĩra na kũhũrania na ũgwati wa ũteti na kũniina Ũthĩni thĩ yothe". Wambĩrĩirie kũhingia wĩra ũcio mũthenya wa 27 mweri wa ikũmi na ũmwe mwaka wa 1945[2] hĩndĩ ya mũcemanio wa Bretton Woods, na mũno mũno kũringana na mawoni ma Harry Dexter White na John Maynard Keynes,

Bũrũri wa Kenya wanyitire mbaru IMF Feb 3 1964.

Arĩa marutaga wĩra wa IMF Data Dissemination Systems: Mũrungu ũmwe wa IMF ũrĩa ũtũmĩĩte GDDS Mũrũungu ũmwe wa FMI, ndũtũmĩtie kĩhũngĩro o na kĩmwe kĩa DDSystems gĩtarĩ kĩa IMF kĩrĩa gĩhũthĩrĩte GDDS Kĩhũngĩro gĩtarĩ kĩa FMI gĩtarĩ kĩa GDDS ██ IMF member using SDDS██ IMF member using GDDS██ IMF member, not using any of the DDSystems██ non-IMF entity using SDDS██ non-IMF entity using GDDS██ no interaction with the IMF
Mũciĩ mũnene wa IMF "Handquarters 1" Washington, D.C., wahingirũo nĩ Moshe Safdie
  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named IMF-at-a-Glance