
Starting with kind 0.11.0, Rootless Docker, Rootless Podman and Rootless nerdctl can be used as the node provider of kind.

Provider requirements 🔗︎

Host requirements 🔗︎

The host needs to be running with cgroup v2. Make sure that the result of the docker info command contains Cgroup Version: 2. If it prints Cgroup Version: 1, try adding GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="systemd.unified_cgroup_hierarchy=1" to /etc/default/grub and running sudo update-grub to enable cgroup v2.

Also, depending on the host configuration, the following steps might be needed:

Restrictions 🔗︎

The restrictions of Rootless Docker apply to kind clusters as well.


Creating a kind cluster with Rootless Docker 🔗︎

To create a kind cluster with Rootless Docker, just run:

$ export DOCKER_HOST=unix://${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/docker.sock
$ kind create cluster

Creating a kind cluster with Rootless Podman 🔗︎

To create a kind cluster with Rootless Podman, just run:

$ KIND_EXPERIMENTAL_PROVIDER=podman kind create cluster

On some distributions, you might need to use systemd-run to start kind into its own cgroup scope:

$ systemd-run --scope --user kind create cluster


$ systemd-run --scope --user -p "Delegate=yes" kind create cluster

If you still get the error running kind with rootless provider requires setting systemd property "Delegate=yes" even with host requirements configured.

Creating a kind cluster with Rootless nerdctl 🔗︎

Note: containerd v1.7+ is required

To create a kind cluster with nerdctl, just run:

$ KIND_EXPERIMENTAL_PROVIDER=nerdctl kind create cluster

Tips 🔗︎