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Ame-Ame Oh Ray

Added • Updated 5 months ago

Added by GeorgeKimi • Updated 5 months ago by GeorgeKimi
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Ame-Ame Oh Ray
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2023 Origin: Youtube Region:
Type: Emoticon, Fan Art, Lip Dub, Parody, Participatory Media, Pop Culture Reference, Remix, Song, Viral Video, Visual Effect,
Ame-Ame Oh Ray

"Ame Ame Oh" started as a meme in Indonesia, thanks to a streamer named Ray Restu Fauzi. It quickly caught on and became widely known. The meme kept evolving until it actually replaced "Rick Roll" with "Ame Roll," Like kobo song 'Mantra Hujan' but with the 'Ame Ame Oh'

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