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/r/technicallythetruth / Technically The Truth

Added • Updated 3 days ago

Added by Zach • Updated 3 days ago by
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r/technicallythetruth or TTT subreddit header image.
Category: Site Status: Submission Year: 2017 Origin: Reddit Region:
Type: Forum, Social Media Page,
Tags: reddit, r/technicallythetruth, ttt, technically the truth,
r/technicallythetruth or TTT subreddit header image.


/r/technicallythetruth or Technically The Truth is a subreddit and community on Reddit that's based around humorous posts where information is true but unexpected. Created in late 2017, the subreddit accumulated nearly 4 million members in six years and reached the top 1 percent of all communities on the platform.


The /r/technicallythetruth subreddit was originally created by Redditor u/bokurai on November 15th, 2017, with the description for the community reading, "For information that is technically true, but far from the expected answer."[1]



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Tags: reddit, r/technicallythetruth, ttt, technically the truth,

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