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Added • Updated 8 months ago

Added by LNH • Updated 8 months ago by Don
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Category: Site Status: Submission Year: 2006 Origin: Ashkan Karbasfrooshan Region:
Tags: youtube, movies, tv, top 10 anime betrayals, top 10 anime,

Additional References: Encyclopedia Dramatica, Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia,


WatchMojo[3] is a video producer that mainly makes top 10 videos about movies, television, video games, and other miscellaneous topics. The sites YouTube has over 10 million subscribers and as of May 2016, is #36 on the YouTube Top Subscribed chart[1].


According to Wikipedia, the company was founded in 2005 by Ashkan Karbasfrooshan, Raphael Daigneault, and Christine Voulieris. The website was launched on January 23, 2006 and its YouTube channel was launched on January 25, 2007. The channel was mainly made for making top 10 videos, using clickbait titles to generate views. The site creates many of its list from fans who submit their ideas from their site.[2]


Their most popular video is "Top 10 Craziest Events Caught on Live TV", which currently has over 36,000,000 views, 65,000 likes, and 18,000 comments. Along with that video, the site has 4 videos with over 30 million views, 5 with over 20 million views, and 14 with over 10 million views.


As the channel continued to grow, WatchMojo has gained flak for it's unoriginal Top 10 videos with critics declaring that their videos are vapid and unoriginal. I Hate Everything is one of the more vocal critics thanks to his video regarding the YouTube channel.

In addition, WatchMojo has gained negative press for making Top 10 lists of real life tragedies such as Top 10 Infamous Mass Shootings in the US. Critics feel that the channel is tasteless for profiting off catastrophes with YouTube's ad revenue.

Search Interest

External References

[1] Vidstatsx – Youtube Top 100

[2] - WatchMojo – Suggestions

[3] - WatchMojo – Main Page

Tags: youtube, movies, tv, top 10 anime betrayals, top 10 anime,

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