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Tobias Fünke's Blanket

Added • Updated about a year ago

Added by Surprise Bit • Updated about a year ago by Brad
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Tobias Fünke's Blanket
Category: Meme Status: Submission Year: 2012 Origin: Buzzfeed Region:
Tags: arrested development, photo manipulation, sitcom, photoshop, exploitable,
Tobias Fünke's Blanket

((WIP, help appreciated))


"Tobias Funke's Blanket" is an exploitable photo manipulation meme using a picture of actor David Cross from the set of "Arrested Development


On August 9, 2012, Buzzfeed posted several behind-the-scenes photos from the recording of the new season of "Arrested Development". [1] One of these photos was of actor David Cross in a peculiar outfit.


The image quickly spread to other sites such as 4chan and tumblr, where users photoshopped the image into other situations.

Buzzfeed later posted an article reading "What is Tobias Fünke Wearing?" [2] which included several photo manipulations of David Cross' head.


External References

[1] Buzzfeed – First Pictures From The New Set Of Arrested Development

[2] Buzzfeed – What Is Tobias Fünke Wearing?

Tags: arrested development, photo manipulation, sitcom, photoshop, exploitable,

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