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12027 Views Created 12 years ago By amanda b. • Updated 6 years ago

Created By amanda b. • Updated 6 years ago

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File :1270003591902.ipg-(1.05 MB, 2816x2112, 003.jpg) O Anonymous 03/30/10(Tue)22:46 No.8515102 Concert stories, /mu/. Good and bad. Gogogo. Here's mine. >On spring break, come home to see family >Little sister loves NeverShoutNever (dude in picture, generally annoying wannabe hipster f-----, link for those who dont know him: >Mom asks me to take sister to NSN concert for her birthday >Being a p---- I do >Go, no one but me is over 14 years old, sister runs off Look around more >see ex girlfriend Im on amiable terms with >Ask why she is there, expecting a sarcastic answer >He's so cute! I love him. >Ex girlfriend is 20 years old >All ex's friends see me, start to laugh at seemingly alone 21 year old dude at NSN concert >feelsbadman.jpg Pic related, it's my stupid younger sister.
Origin Entry:

Feels Bad Man / Sad Frog


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