

Location: Nevada

Joined Feb 08, 2013 at 08:57AM EST


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-3 +17 (45%) -20 (55%)
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I am Mzark of Mzuflt the Hero Killer. Or Mzuark for short.

I'm a black guy, a meme lord, a furry, an avatard and apparently a Whovian. Some of my favorite things are extremely controversial in terms of quality, which irritates me to no end. My waifu is Avatar Korra, and I love to rant.

Sauron is my absolute favorite villain, I actually enjoyed the StarWars/Thing/LordofTheRings Prequels.

My favorite games are Assassin's Creed, God of War, Skyrim and Dark Souls 2 (weren't expecting that were you)

I rather enjoy this site, even though I may not always come out on top.

Oh yeah, I also sell drugs out of a cabin in the middle of the desert.


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