Tae Hyun Yoon

Tae Hyun Yoon

Professor at Hanyang Univ. ; Chair in the Department of Chemistry, CEO of Yoon Idea Lab. Co. Ltd. ; Director of the CNGC and INGMD;

서울 인천 지역
팔로워 724명 1촌 500+명


Prof. Tae-Hyun Yoon has received his B.S./M.S. degree at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) and worked as a researcher for SK TRI (Taeduk Research Institute) and SAIT(Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology). Then, he moved to Stanford University for his Ph.D / postdoctoral studies and joined to the current position at Hanyang University (Seoul, South Korea) as a faculty member in the departments of Medical and Digital Engineering.(adjunct) as well as Chemistry.

He is currently serving as a chair of the chemistry department, director of the Institute of Next Generation Material Design (INGMD) and leading the Center for Next Generation Cytometry (CNGC) and a research community for Safe and Sustainable Nanotechnology (S2NANO). He is a founder and CEO of the entrepreneurial lab. of Hanyang University (Yoon Idea Lab. Co. Ltd.) and serving as a principal investigator of several Korean governments funded biomedical and nanosafety projects as well as several EU H2020 & Horizon Europe consortiums (e.g., ACEnano, NanoSolveIT, CompSafeNano, Gov4Nano, SABYDOMA, INSIGHT and CHIASMA). From the year of 2024, Prof. Yoon was also appointed as one of the Korea's Horizon Europe National Contact Points (NCPs) on Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (including related missions and partnerships)

Prof. Yoon has a broad area of research interests, mostly driven by his curiosity. Currently, he is mainly focused on the 1) developments and applications of novel analytical techniques for the measurements of biological cells, extracellular vesicles, and nanoparticles, and their interactions, and 2) applications of advanced data analysis techniques for the model developments of clinical diagnostics and toxicity assessment.


  • Hanyang University 그래픽


    Hanyang University

    – 현재 19년 1개월


    I have joined current position at Hanyang University in 2005 after my ph.D degree/ postdoctoral studies in environmental science at Stanford university (1999~2005) as well as B.S./M.S. degree at KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology). My current research is focused on the 1) impacts of nanoparticles on biological & environmental systems and 2) application of microfluidic devices for environmental monitoring and toxicological assays.

  • Center for Next Generation Cytometry 그래픽


    Center for Next Generation Cytometry

    – 현재 6년 11개월

    Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea

    The CNGC Intro : The Center for Next Generation Cytometry ( CNGC ) was established in Nov. 2017, based on the collaborative research activities between Hanyang University and Yonsei University Hospital. By combining cutting-edge Information Technology (IT) with Nano- and Bio- Technologies (NT and BT), it aims to innovate current Medical Technology (MT) to benefit patients, medical doctors, and healthcare industries. Particularly, in the project currently undergoing, it is developing…

    The CNGC Intro : The Center for Next Generation Cytometry ( CNGC ) was established in Nov. 2017, based on the collaborative research activities between Hanyang University and Yonsei University Hospital. By combining cutting-edge Information Technology (IT) with Nano- and Bio- Technologies (NT and BT), it aims to innovate current Medical Technology (MT) to benefit patients, medical doctors, and healthcare industries. Particularly, in the project currently undergoing, it is developing multi-level disease diagnosis models based on novel cytometry platforms and machine/deep learning approaches, which can be applied for the early diagnosis of the diseases, such as sepsis, stroke, and blood cancer, and expected to contribute in expanding clinical applications of current blood testing methods

  • Yoon Idea Lab. 그래픽


    Yoon Idea Lab.

    – 현재 7년 10개월

    Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Korea

  • Editor-in-Chief

    ToxEHS Jornal

    - 2년


  • Stanford University 그래픽

    Postdoctoral scholar

    Stanford University

    - 11개월

    Stanford CA

  • Samsung Electronics 그래픽

    Researcher (Analytical Science)

    Samsung Electronics

    - 2년 8개월

    Material Analysis, Surface Analysis (SIMS), Thermal Analysis (TGA, DSC),

  • SK 그래픽

    Researcher (Environmental Technology)


    - 2년 6개월

    Development of Environmental Technology (Reduction of Diesel Exhaust)



  • Toxicity Classification of Oxide Nanomaterials: Effects of Data Gap Filling and PChem Score-based Screening Approaches

    Scientific Reports

    Abstract : Development of nanotoxicity prediction models is becoming increasingly important in the risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials. However, it has significant obstacles caused by the wide heterogeneities of published literature in terms of data completeness and quality. Here, we performed a meta-analysis of 216 published articles on oxide nanoparticles using 14 attributes of physicochemical, toxicological and quantum-mechanical properties. Particularly, to improve completeness and…

    Abstract : Development of nanotoxicity prediction models is becoming increasingly important in the risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials. However, it has significant obstacles caused by the wide heterogeneities of published literature in terms of data completeness and quality. Here, we performed a meta-analysis of 216 published articles on oxide nanoparticles using 14 attributes of physicochemical, toxicological and quantum-mechanical properties. Particularly, to improve completeness and quality of the extracted dataset, we adapted two preprocessing approaches: data gap-filling and physicochemical property based scoring. Performances of nano-SAR classification models revealed that the dataset with the highest score value resulted in the best predictivity with compromise in its applicability domain. The combination of physicochemical and toxicological attributes was proved to be more relevant to toxicity classification than quantum-mechanical attributes. Overall, by adapting these two preprocessing methods, we demonstrated that meta-analysis of nanotoxicity literatures could provide an effective alternative for the risk assessment of engineered nanomaterials.

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  • Effects of Agglomeration on In Vitro Dosimetry and Cellular Association of Silver Nanoparticles

    Environmental Science: Nano

    Agglomeration of nanoparticles (NPs) in cell culture media can alter their physicochemical properties and colloidal behaviour, which may affect their cellular association and cytotoxicity. Herein, we investigated the impact of agglomeration of silver NPs on their effective dose and cellular association under various in vitro assay conditions. Hydrodynamic sizes, zeta potentials, and effective densities of agglomerates were characterized for two different types of positively charged…

    Agglomeration of nanoparticles (NPs) in cell culture media can alter their physicochemical properties and colloidal behaviour, which may affect their cellular association and cytotoxicity. Herein, we investigated the impact of agglomeration of silver NPs on their effective dose and cellular association under various in vitro assay conditions. Hydrodynamic sizes, zeta potentials, and effective densities of agglomerates were characterized for two different types of positively charged silver NPs with nominal core sizes of 60 nm and 100 nm. Then, three different dose metrics (administered, effective, and cellular doses) under upright and inverted exposure configurations were compared with the measured physicochemical properties and colloidal behaviours. Changes in the agglomeration characteristics, such as an increment in the hydrodynamic size and a decrement in the effective density, assisted the sedimentation and reduced the diffusion of NPs, leading to a higher effective dose and cellular association in the upright configuration than in the inverted configuration. From the comparison between the two sizes, we have observed that agglomerates of NPs with smaller core diameters could be less stably suspended in the biological media and thus, have higher effective doses and cellular association than agglomerates of NPs with larger core sizes, depending on their agglomeration process. Therefore, the agglomeration characteristics, rather than the intrinsic properties of the bare NPs, seem to have a more important role in determining the effective dose and cellular association of NPs and would be more relevant to understanding cell–nanoparticle interactions and their resultant cytotoxicity.

    다른 저자
    • My Kieu Ha
    • Yoo Jin Shim
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  • Structural colour of unary and binary colloidal crystals probed by scanning transmission X-ray microscopy and optical microscopy

    Scientific Reports

    Colloidal crystals composed of micro- or nano- colloids have been investigated in various fields such as photonics due to their unique optical properties. Binary colloidal crystals have an outstanding potential for fine-tuning material properties by changing the components, concentration, or size of colloids. Because of their tunable optical, electrical, magnetic, and mechanical properties, those materials attracted great attention. However, it has been hard to elucidate internal structures…

    Colloidal crystals composed of micro- or nano- colloids have been investigated in various fields such as photonics due to their unique optical properties. Binary colloidal crystals have an outstanding potential for fine-tuning material properties by changing the components, concentration, or size of colloids. Because of their tunable optical, electrical, magnetic, and mechanical properties, those materials attracted great attention. However, it has been hard to elucidate internal structures without fluorescent labelling or cross-sectioning. Here, we demonstrate the structural analysis of not only unary but also binary colloidal crystals using scanning transmission x-ray microscopy and compare the results with colloidal structures and optical properties observed by optical microscopy. Based on the comparison of images obtained by these two methods, the domains of colloidal crystals consisting of different structures and colours were directly identified without any additional sample preparation. Therefore, it was possible to investigate the structural colours of local domains of unary and binary colloidal crystals such as the face centred cubic (FCC) structure with different orientations, that is FCC (111) and FCC (001), and hexagonal close-packed structure, HCP (0001).

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  • Flow Cytometry-Based Quantification of Cellular Au Nanoparticles

    Analytical Chemistry

    There has been a great deal of research regarding the cellular association of nanoparticles (NPs), although there are only a few methods available yet for the quantitative measurements of cellular NPs. In this study, we propose a simple and quantitative method to estimate the cellular uptake of Au NPs into cervical cancer cells (HeLa) based on their side scattering (SSC) intensities measured by flow cytometry (FCM). We have compared SSC intensities of HeLa cells exposed to eight different types…

    There has been a great deal of research regarding the cellular association of nanoparticles (NPs), although there are only a few methods available yet for the quantitative measurements of cellular NPs. In this study, we propose a simple and quantitative method to estimate the cellular uptake of Au NPs into cervical cancer cells (HeLa) based on their side scattering (SSC) intensities measured by flow cytometry (FCM). We have compared SSC intensities of HeLa cells exposed to eight different types of Au NPs (40–100 nm size, with positive or negative surface charge) with the amount of cellular Au NPs measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS). On the basis of these comparisons, we have found linear correlations between the cellular Au NPs and the SSC intensities and used them to estimate the amount of Au NPs associated with HeLa cells. Once the correlations were found for specific cell lines and types of nanoparticles, this approach is useful for simple and quantitative estimation of the cellular Au NPs, without performing labor-intensive and complicated sample preparation procedures required for the ICPMS approach.

    다른 저자
    • Jonghoon Park
    • My Kieu Ha
    • Nuri Yang
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  • Method for the toxicity assessments of nano-materials

    발급일: US 9074980

    The present invention relates to a method for the toxicity assessment of nano-materials, and more specifically, it is relates to an objective, reproducible and accurate assessment method for the unbiased toxicity testings of nano-materials, which minimize artifacts of the conventional methods for the toxicity assessment of the nano-materials by considering the dose characteristics of the nano-material itself using Selective multi-Plane Illumination Microcopy (SPIM); and the response…

    The present invention relates to a method for the toxicity assessment of nano-materials, and more specifically, it is relates to an objective, reproducible and accurate assessment method for the unbiased toxicity testings of nano-materials, which minimize artifacts of the conventional methods for the toxicity assessment of the nano-materials by considering the dose characteristics of the nano-material itself using Selective multi-Plane Illumination Microcopy (SPIM); and the response characteristics of the nano-material using the improved or novel cellular responses assessment methods for nano-materials (e.g., modified MTT assay using image cytometric analysis, normal-inverted exposure apparatus, and modified flow cytometry), and a system and an apparatus thereof.

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